Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!

What are they supposed to do, people?
Not act like ass holes. Just because we can act like ass holes.
So do you suggest ignoring law?
Give me an actual solution and save your partisan rhetoric for a dumbfuck.

The government ignores laws all the time; for example, the Feds allow states to sell pot even though there is a federal law against it. True or false fuckface?
So your "solution" to this "problem" is "ignore law"
Get the fk outta here

I knew you’d be too much of limp wristed bitch to answer the question.

Up yours fuck face. We ignore the pot laws and there is no gigantic crisis caused by doing it. If we stopped ripping families apart, we wouldn’t have this crisis either and parents not seeing their kids for 80+ days
What are they supposed to do, people?
Not act like ass holes. Just because we can act like ass holes.
So do you suggest ignoring law?
Give me an actual solution and save your partisan rhetoric for a dumbfuck.

The government ignores laws all the time; for example, the Feds allow states to sell pot even though there is a federal law against it. True or false fuckface?
So your "solution" to this "problem" is "ignore law"
Get the fk outta here

I knew you’d be too much of limp wristed bitch to answer the question.

Up yours fuck face. We ignore the pot laws and there is no gigantic crisis caused by doing it. If we stopped ripping families apart, we wouldn’t have this crisis either and parents not seeing their kids for 80+ days

Why did the parents choose to violate our laws instead of immigrate legally?
This is the fault of the parents.
What are they supposed to do, people?
Not act like ass holes. Just because we can act like ass holes.
So do you suggest ignoring law?
Give me an actual solution and save your partisan rhetoric for a dumbfuck.

The government ignores laws all the time; for example, the Feds allow states to sell pot even though there is a federal law against it. True or false fuckface?
So your "solution" to this "problem" is "ignore law"
Get the fk outta here

I knew you’d be too much of limp wristed bitch to answer the question.

Up yours fuck face. We ignore the pot laws and there is no gigantic crisis caused by doing it. If we stopped ripping families apart, we wouldn’t have this crisis either and parents not seeing their kids for 80+ days
:lol: Someone got triggered.
Look, it isnt my fault you dont have any solutions.
A dumb person talks about people
An average person talks about the news
A smart person discusses solutions.
You are barely above "talks about people" apparently
"ignore the law! Thats a solution!"
So the angle on this rationalization of the policy of brutality is that Trump is no better than Obama. You sure you want to go with that?
no, not at all. just a fact that obammy did it first. I wonder, do you cry this much for a dad that went to prison for a crime? You know, the children get separated at that time as well. Sometime in the street, just like you've seen with this subject. you leftists are just fking stoopid.
The tactic here, obviously, is to lay it ALL on Trump, even though things were already bad enough.

As usual, both parties fail us, and as usual, they just point the finger at the other guys.
Name one jail that puts children in with adults.
That's beside the point.
Democrats feel this issue has merit and could possibly reverse a trend that shows them losing support.
Virtue-Signaling is a valuable tool in Hollywood, so Democrats want in on it.

Not act like ass holes. Just because we can act like ass holes.
So do you suggest ignoring law?
Give me an actual solution and save your partisan rhetoric for a dumbfuck.

The government ignores laws all the time; for example, the Feds allow states to sell pot even though there is a federal law against it. True or false fuckface?
So your "solution" to this "problem" is "ignore law"
Get the fk outta here

I knew you’d be too much of limp wristed bitch to answer the question.

Up yours fuck face. We ignore the pot laws and there is no gigantic crisis caused by doing it. If we stopped ripping families apart, we wouldn’t have this crisis either and parents not seeing their kids for 80+ days

Why did the parents choose to violate our laws instead of immigrate legally?
This is the fault of the parents.


It’s our fault for acting like assholes just to ratchet up the deterrence though.
The Press is on a smear campaign with the "kids in cages" propaganda.
The Press, just about every church leader, the UN (and we know their track record on human rights), and most Republicans.
Your boy's screwed on this one and he'd better fix it quick if he knows what's good for him.

How can Trump fix left wing propaganda?
Why do the Democrats want to put innocent children in jail with their criminal parents?
Why are liberals so cruel?
We don't put American kids in jail with their parents.
There were several ways to avoid this. One would have been to triple the number of judges handling the asylum cases so there wasn't a two year backlog before beginning this "Zero Tolerance" policy. Or increasing the family detention facilities, knowing families with children were coming in droves. I don't mind them being prosecuted for entering the country illegally.
Its nice to see someone thinking instead of reacting. Thank you.
Too bad the Pres didn't, too.
The tactic here, obviously, is to lay it ALL on Trump, even though things were already bad enough.

As usual, both parties fail us, and as usual, they just point the finger at the other guys.
Name one jail that puts children in with adults.

Democrats don’t want kids separated, the parents are in jail so how do you do it, I guess now we can’t put the parents in jail either.

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sort of fits their agenda, they hate cops who arrest criminals, they hate separating kids from their parents I supposed for any reason, I can only conclude the leftists want crime.
It was crickets when Obama did it... And he had every right to do it. These people are illegal aliens they have no constitutional rights here. So fuck them
The Press is on a smear campaign with the "kids in cages" propaganda.
The Press, just about every church leader, the UN (and we know their track record on human rights), and most Republicans.
Your boy's screwed on this one and he'd better fix it quick if he knows what's good for him.

How can Trump fix left wing propaganda?
Why do the Democrats want to put innocent children in jail with their criminal parents?
Why are liberals so cruel?
We don't put American kids in jail with their parents.
There were several ways to avoid this. One would have been to triple the number of judges handling the asylum cases so there wasn't a two year backlog before beginning this "Zero Tolerance" policy. Or increasing the family detention facilities, knowing families with children were coming in droves. I don't mind them being prosecuted for entering the country illegally.
Its nice to see someone thinking instead of reacting. Thank you.
Too bad the Pres didn't, too.
well fund the wall and we take of the problem. The president already committed to saving children. he wants them stopped on their side.
Not act like ass holes. Just because we can act like ass holes.
So do you suggest ignoring law?
Give me an actual solution and save your partisan rhetoric for a dumbfuck.

The government ignores laws all the time; for example, the Feds allow states to sell pot even though there is a federal law against it. True or false fuckface?
So your "solution" to this "problem" is "ignore law"
Get the fk outta here

I knew you’d be too much of limp wristed bitch to answer the question.

Up yours fuck face. We ignore the pot laws and there is no gigantic crisis caused by doing it. If we stopped ripping families apart, we wouldn’t have this crisis either and parents not seeing their kids for 80+ days
:lol: Someone got triggered.
Look, it isnt my fault you don’t have any solutions.
It is your fault you’re a dumbass.
A dumb person talks about people
Like “crooked hillary” “little marco”, “Crazy ted cruz”? Someone called me a “dumbfuck” a few moments ago. It was you. Congratulations; you’re a dumb person. You go personal with me, I go personal with you.

Ignoring the law is an option. You and the other trump ass kissers pretend you can’t. I pointed out that it is routinely done. So shove that up your ass. As for solutions, Old Lady had some good ideas. I don’t know why we can’t treat the illegals like we do any other misdemeanor offender….maybe put ankle monitors on them, perhaps weekly check ins with the INS in person….etc… so they can prepare for their hearings like others prepare for their trials.
It's pointless, I know, since there is no active listening ability where conservatives are concerned.

Obama did separate kids from parents but not as a hard and fast policy. Sometimes they did, some times (most times according to reports) they did not.
Trump is doing it as a hard and fast policy. So much so, a new center in El Paso is being opened to hold, I believe 4,100 boys. For how long? Nobody knows.

Those are simply the facts of the matter.
so it's a very simple question. why didn't it bother you when obammy was president and now it does? come deary give the class an answer.
It's pointless, I know, since there is no active listening ability where conservatives are concerned.

Obama did separate kids from parents but not as a hard and fast policy. Sometimes they did, some times (most times according to reports) they did not.
Trump is doing it as a hard and fast policy. So much so, a new center in El Paso is being opened to hold, I believe 4,100 boys. For how long? Nobody knows.

Those are simply the facts of the matter.
build the wall and no one has to worry any longer. Trump already has a solution. why do you wish to keep him from implementing it?
Does anyone remember any of the boards libs starting any threads and being outraged, years ago about the issue of separating families during Obama's presidency ?

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It
May 8, 2018, 6:16pm Tina Vasquez

A program that detains male Mexican migrants near the border and repatriates them far from their area of origin ramped up under the Obama administration—and often led to family separation.

The Alien Transfer Exit Program

The United States since 2008 has had a policy called the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP), which detains male Mexican migrants near the border and, instead of repatriating them to their area of origin, leaves them hundreds—and sometimes thousands—of miles away at the opposite end of the U.S.-Mexico border. They are often released from custody at unusual times of day in completely unfamiliar areas where they have no family or other support system. The practice is supposed to deter further border crossing attempts, but instead it subjects migrants to crime and danger.

In 2011, the Alien Transfer Exit Program affected an estimated one-fifth of migrants detained by Border Patrol along the southwest border. That’s because ATEP ramped up under the Obama administration as a way to handle the spike in Mexican migrants attempting to enter the United States.

That story states the Obama administration dumped the males in an inconvenient location but does not indicate where they dumped the remainder of the family. In fact it gives no indication that the remainder of the family was detained at all or was ever with the illegal immigrants at any time during their stay in America. While I have no horse in this race in comparing Obama and Trump, it does seem to me that you've been taken in by a headline.
what the story shows is the hypocrisy of the leftists in america. plain and simple. your choice to agree with it or not. but when obammy was president the practice didn't bother anyone. so what's changed?

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