Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!

It's pointless, I know, since there is no active listening ability where conservatives are concerned.

Obama did separate kids from parents but not as a hard and fast policy. Sometimes they did, some times (most times according to reports) they did not.
Trump is doing it as a hard and fast policy. So much so, a new center in El Paso is being opened to hold, I believe 4,100 boys. For how long? Nobody knows.

Those are simply the facts of the matter.

The really sad thing is that once they really ratchet up the body count….this will be remembered as the good old days. Soon there will be no room for the 1” thick mat and thermal saran wrap blanket:

View attachment 199411

Looks suspiciously like this pic from 2014.
What are they supposed to do, people? Send them back over the border with no one? Let them wander alone?
Should we appease the illegals and throw the children in foster homes, thus creating more incentive for this happen?
Why dont you partisan assholes try to come up with an actual fucking solution to this "problem?"

What they actually want is to allow the illegal parent in along with the Children so that the Cartels and Gangs can abuse the children in sex slave trafficking and the parents can work for the Cartels to smuggle drugs in or work for some employer that will pay them slave wages.

Then when that happen the Democrats can scream the system is broken so we must fix it but never do but their base will believe they will and vote for them...
You can not substantiate anything in your wacko post full of hard right wing racist bullshit. What you posted are complete made up conspiracy theory nut job lies.

Are you going to sit there and claim that Cartels and Gangs like MS-13 are not involved in Sex Trafficking of minors here in the States?

That raids in Houston that involve Police Officers ,Gangs and Cartels have never happen?

Are you also going to claim that employers do not enslave illegal immigrants with threats of deportation?

Also what part of my response was racist?

Was it racist to you because I am not agreeing with you and your kind, so you will play the race card in the hopes that you can say you won?

Why is it that you fear the truth will come out that Obama failed to do as he promised or the fact you want Trump to release these people so they can be abused by Gangs, Cartels and dirty employers?

What is your solution to the issue?

I have yet to see any of you offer one damn solution but you are free to read my actual opinion on the matter where I outlined what I would like to see done by just searching my opinion on the matter.

Also I can provide countless evidence about Sex Trafficking in the United States of America and how Cartels and Gangs like MS-13 are part of the problem in border towns like El Paso and Laredo to major Cities like Houston to Chicago but I bet you already know this and prefer it not to be known and will just scream racism like you did when someone did not vote for Obama!
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funny you didn't pull a link for a leftist paper. hahahaahahahahaa Aljazeera.
Funny how since the whole time you been babbling you haven't refuted any point I made -- let alone cited any links to support your narrative

So I will repeat it -- when your whole core belief is to be against what the black guy did -- I will continue to make you look like a fool.

Latinos to protest Obama's immigration policies - CNNPolitics
A Trump lovers reply "CNN doesn't count, fake news!!!"

Hundreds protest Obama's immigration policy in South Texas

A Trump lovers reply - That's a local newspaper from San Antonio and lots of brown people live there -- fake news!!!
what is there to refute? I don't lie. I just follow the links. thanks for the additional ones. So what you're saying is that what is being done today was done back in 2014 and so the two presidents are consistent with policy. that's good. thanks. So what is the main point again with the issue then?
Wow, you deny being a liar and as proof tell a lie.
Oh, by the way, the answer to your question "what is the main point again with the issue...." is the issue is about separating families of legal asylum seekers at the border, something no other Presidents or administrations has ever done. It is not about immigration in general or illegal border crossers. It is about the refugees who come as families and seek asylum as refugees and have their children separated from them as a deterrent to other refugees seeking asylum.
dude, I'm all for putting them all back on a truck and sending them home. Why are you against that? you'd prefer they all be detained? hmmm you're mean.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.

They are not refugees and are illegal immigrants!

Also the violence they claim to be fleeing and the gangs they fear will be in the same neighborhoods they are heading to, so stop with the spin!
Come on Republicans......time to man up and own your immigration policy

You consider Mexicans to be a menace and a class of people you do not want in this country

Capturing families and pulling children away from their parents is meant to send a message not to come.

Own it

It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!
If those filthy illegals would just get on a boat, come around the Gulf and hop off in Florida --- then say they are Cubans seeking asylum -- they wouldn't have these problems..

If you are from Central America -- then you should be denied asylum

Only brown people allowed asylum in this country are Cubans ...
Trump is always far worse than Obama.

So when Obama ICE was breaking families apart you and your kind did not care but when Trump people are doing it, well then now you have a problem, right?

It is illegal to enter this country without the proper papers, so when parents bring their children here illegally what would you like our government to do?

Let the illegals in so they can be abused by Cartels, Gangs or Employers that will pay them a slave wage?

As someone wrote it is nothing but a smear campaign by those like you and let me be really factual had the Democrats done what they promised when Obama won in 2008, well then just maybe you would no longer have this wedge issue!

Obama and those like you do not care about those Children unless they can be used as political gain!
Fake News, Bruce. Move along.
So do you suggest ignoring law?
Give me an actual solution and save your partisan rhetoric for a dumbfuck.

The government ignores laws all the time; for example, the Feds allow states to sell pot even though there is a federal law against it. True or false fuckface?
So your "solution" to this "problem" is "ignore law"
Get the fk outta here

I knew you’d be too much of limp wristed bitch to answer the question.

Up yours fuck face. We ignore the pot laws and there is no gigantic crisis caused by doing it. If we stopped ripping families apart, we wouldn’t have this crisis either and parents not seeing their kids for 80+ days

Why did the parents choose to violate our laws instead of immigrate legally?
This is the fault of the parents.


It’s our fault for acting like assholes just to ratchet up the deterrence though.
Nope, the parents are the assholes.
funny you didn't pull a link for a leftist paper. hahahaahahahahaa Aljazeera.
Funny how since the whole time you been babbling you haven't refuted any point I made -- let alone cited any links to support your narrative

So I will repeat it -- when your whole core belief is to be against what the black guy did -- I will continue to make you look like a fool.

Latinos to protest Obama's immigration policies - CNNPolitics
A Trump lovers reply "CNN doesn't count, fake news!!!"

Hundreds protest Obama's immigration policy in South Texas

A Trump lovers reply - That's a local newspaper from San Antonio and lots of brown people live there -- fake news!!!
what is there to refute? I don't lie. I just follow the links. thanks for the additional ones. So what you're saying is that what is being done today was done back in 2014 and so the two presidents are consistent with policy. that's good. thanks. So what is the main point again with the issue then?
Wow, you deny being a liar and as proof tell a lie.
Oh, by the way, the answer to your question "what is the main point again with the issue...." is the issue is about separating families of legal asylum seekers at the border, something no other Presidents or administrations has ever done. It is not about immigration in general or illegal border crossers. It is about the refugees who come as families and seek asylum as refugees and have their children separated from them as a deterrent to other refugees seeking asylum.
dude, I'm all for putting them all back on a truck and sending them home. Why are you against that? you'd prefer they all be detained? hmmm you're mean.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.
due process? what due process?
What are they supposed to do, people? Send them back over the border with no one? Let them wander alone?
Should we appease the illegals and throw the children in foster homes, thus creating more incentive for this happen?
Why dont you partisan assholes try to come up with an actual fucking solution to this "problem?"

What they actually want is to allow the illegal parent in along with the Children so that the Cartels and Gangs can abuse the children in sex slave trafficking and the parents can work for the Cartels to smuggle drugs in or work for some employer that will pay them slave wages.

Then when that happen the Democrats can scream the system is broken so we must fix it but never do but their base will believe they will and vote for them...
You can not substantiate anything in your wacko post full of hard right wing racist bullshit. What you posted are complete made up conspiracy theory nut job lies.

Are you going to sit there and claim that Cartels and Gangs like MS-13 are not involved in Sex Trafficking of minors here in the States?

That raids in Houston that involve Police Officers ,Gangs and Cartels have never happen?

Are you also going to claim that employers do not enslave illegal immigrants with threats of deportation?

Also what part of my response was racist?

Was it racist to you because I am not agreeing with you and your kind, so you will play the race card in the hopes that you can say you won?

Why is it that you fear the truth will come out that Obama failed to do as he promised or the fact you want Trump to release these people so they can be abused by Gangs, Cartels and dirty employers?

What is your solution to the issue?

I have yet to see any of you offer one damn solution but you are free to read my actual opinion on the matter where I outlined what I would like to see done by just searching my opinion on the matter.

Also I can provide countless evidence about Sex Trafficking in the United States of America and how Cartels and Gangs like MS-13 are part of the problem in border towns like El Paso and Laredo to major Cities like Houston to Chicago but I bet you already know this and prefer it not to be known and will just scream racism like you did when someone did not vote for Obama!
dude, their solution is open borders. so fk the country.
Come on Republicans......time to man up and own your immigration policy

You consider Mexicans to be a menace and a class of people you do not want in this country

Capturing families and pulling children away from their parents is meant to send a message not to come.

Own it

It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!
Obama and Bush both tried it briefly, there was an uproar and they determined:
The zero tolerance practice of immediately imprisoning, prosecuting, and deporting immigrants who illegally enter the United States has been around since 2005, but the George W. Bush and Obama administrations were morally and pragmatically opposed to separating immigrant children from their families, even if some adult immigrants were clearly taking advantage of that compassion.

“That’s not who we are,” a team of Obama officials concluded after briefly considering the separations, according to former domestic policy adviser Cecilia Muñoz. Another Obama administration veteran, former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh C. Johnson, told the Times that efforts to deter undocumented immigrants from entering the U.S. are ineffective. “Whether it’s family detention, messaging about dangers of the journey, or messaging about separating families and zero tolerance, it’s always going to have at best a short-term reaction,” he explained.

Separating Families at the Border Was Always Part of the Plan
Come on Republicans......time to man up and own your immigration policy

You consider Mexicans to be a menace and a class of people you do not want in this country

Capturing families and pulling children away from their parents is meant to send a message not to come.

Own it

It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!


They did it too is not a defense. Neither Obama nor Bush made it an official policy to separate families upon detention. While it may have happened, it was nowhere near the magnitude of Trumps policy.

Come on Trump supporters.....why don’t you just say you are proud of what Trump is doing to Hispanics
It's pointless, I know, since there is no active listening ability where conservatives are concerned.

Obama did separate kids from parents but not as a hard and fast policy. Sometimes they did, some times (most times according to reports) they did not.
Trump is doing it as a hard and fast policy. So much so, a new center in El Paso is being opened to hold, I believe 4,100 boys. For how long? Nobody knows.

Those are simply the facts of the matter.
So, you are either saying that it is okay for a President to selectively enforce any law, ignore the ones that may make him or her look bad, and enforce only those that will make him or her look good?

What laws should Trump start ignoring?

What court rulings (This policy is a direct byproduct of the 9th Circuit Court ruling) shall he simply ignore because to enforce the court ruling looks inhumane.

BTW....anyone remember Elian Gonzales? Wasn't that the Bill Clinton era?


That is at the heart of the Illegal Immigration Nightmare, huh? It's time to secure our Border, and end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Time to enforce our laws.
It's pointless, I know, since there is no active listening ability where conservatives are concerned.

Obama did separate kids from parents but not as a hard and fast policy. Sometimes they did, some times (most times according to reports) they did not.
Trump is doing it as a hard and fast policy. So much so, a new center in El Paso is being opened to hold, I believe 4,100 boys. For how long? Nobody knows.

Those are simply the facts of the matter.
So, you are either saying that it is okay for a President to selectively enforce any law, ignore the ones that may make him or her look bad, and enforce only those that will make him or her look good?

What laws should Trump start ignoring?

What court rulings (This policy is a direct byproduct of the 9th Circuit Court ruling) shall he simply ignore because to enforce the court ruling looks inhumane.

BTW....anyone remember Elian Gonzales? Wasn't that the Bill Clinton era?


That is at the heart of the Illegal Immigration Nightmare, huh? It's time to secure our Border, and end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Time to enforce our laws.
seems like they are.
Funny how since the whole time you been babbling you haven't refuted any point I made -- let alone cited any links to support your narrative

So I will repeat it -- when your whole core belief is to be against what the black guy did -- I will continue to make you look like a fool.

Latinos to protest Obama's immigration policies - CNNPolitics
A Trump lovers reply "CNN doesn't count, fake news!!!"

Hundreds protest Obama's immigration policy in South Texas

A Trump lovers reply - That's a local newspaper from San Antonio and lots of brown people live there -- fake news!!!
what is there to refute? I don't lie. I just follow the links. thanks for the additional ones. So what you're saying is that what is being done today was done back in 2014 and so the two presidents are consistent with policy. that's good. thanks. So what is the main point again with the issue then?
Wow, you deny being a liar and as proof tell a lie.
Oh, by the way, the answer to your question "what is the main point again with the issue...." is the issue is about separating families of legal asylum seekers at the border, something no other Presidents or administrations has ever done. It is not about immigration in general or illegal border crossers. It is about the refugees who come as families and seek asylum as refugees and have their children separated from them as a deterrent to other refugees seeking asylum.
dude, I'm all for putting them all back on a truck and sending them home. Why are you against that? you'd prefer they all be detained? hmmm you're mean.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.

They are not refugees and are illegal immigrants!

Also the violence they claim to be fleeing and the gangs they fear will be in the same neighborhoods they are heading to, so stop with the spin!
You don't get to make that decision based on your uneducated partisan opinion. If they approached an agent of the US Government the way they have and asked for asylum they are officially refugees as specified in international agreement which the USA has officially agreed to. That makes them legal immigrants as refugees until a court determines otherwise and they fail to follow the courts orders if they are ordered to leave. Until then they have legal status.
Come on Republicans......time to man up and own your immigration policy

You consider Mexicans to be a menace and a class of people you do not want in this country

Capturing families and pulling children away from their parents is meant to send a message not to come.

Own it

It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!


They did it too is not a defense. Neither Obama nor Bush made it an official policy to separate families upon detention. While it may have happened, it was nowhere near the magnitude of Trumps policy.

Come on Trump supporters.....why don’t you just say you are proud of what Trump is doing to Hispanics

Delusional gibberish. Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. :cuckoo:

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