Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws? Professor Dershowitz doesn't think so!

Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.

You never learn, do ya?

How’d that work out for you last time you tried pulling that shtick?

I was less than 10 points off from you on a quickie IQ test.

Well within the margin of error.


You demonstrate your IQ is on the lower end of that IQ test as the margin of error is built into the score they present; being that it’s a range and not a specific number.

And no, you weren’t off by less than 10 points...

Marty: 114-121
Faun: 131-230

The closest you could be is 10 points. But as far off as 116 points.

You lost. And if you had even a bit more intelligence than you obviously do, you wouldn’t repeat a wager you lost.
Still higher then I was guessing he would score based on his posts.

That you have to use accusations of stupidity as a crutch to try to understand people who disagree with you shows your own intellect.
Yeah.... Nope.

Guess again kiddo.
Fine, you are now a "cock"

feel better, snowflake?
And you're still a dumbass.

I would imagine you're used to it by now.

Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy
Just another dumbass conservative.

I can add more to the conversation when it is warranted.

You don't warrant it.
Lol, you don't have it to give.
And you're still a dumbass.

I would imagine you're used to it by now.

Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy

Nah, I am not threatening bodily harm to anyone.

When you call someone stupid, be prepared to back it up.

Or not, this is a message board after all.

Now how smart if Faun really if I am able to drag this on beyond 5-6 posts?
I think that's gonna be more a function of his current bordom level.

It's still pretty damn sad.

in a funny way.
And the disgusting part is, millions of people knew he was a criminal, and they voted for him anyway. They had to have known he was going to get caught up in all this illegal activity from the past? I think what they figured, was that he wouldn't use illegal schemes to get elected. Little did they know.
Yes she did. And the timing reveals the reason she did was because Trump’s election was just 11 days out.

Of course. Smart move on Trumps part. Pay her off and get her out of the election. I'd have done the same and so would you.

Now did she and he have an affair?? Unknown. Its he said. She said. No one will ever know.
We will run out of rocks before we run out of ignorant people. Stop embarrassing yourself. Learn a little bit about what the law says instead of wrapping yourself around this apology tour for Trump;
Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process. Knowing and willful violations of certain FECA provisions can lead to imprisonment. The FEC has exclusive civil enforcement authority, and may refer criminal violations to the U.S. Department of Justice. For additional information see our page describing the complaint process. Note that sentencing guidelines for criminal violations of the law are set by the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

How bout you blow it out your ass instead??

Oh and talk it over with Dershowitz. Rabid lefty that he is he doesn't believe Trump is in the wrong.

Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process.
That’s not exactly what Dershowitz said. He did acknowledge that if it’s a campaign contribution and if it went unreported, then it is indeed a campaign violation.

And even you just agreed it was a campaign contribution.
Campaign contributions need to be documented

Under the table contributions do not foot the bill

So prove it, fine the campaign and let the president get on with the job of governing. If it wasn't illegal, drop it and get on with life. This naval gazing is ridiculous.
Of course. Smart move on Trumps part. Pay her off and get her out of the election. I'd have done the same and so would you.

Now did she and he have an affair?? Unknown. Its he said. She said. No one will ever know.
We will run out of rocks before we run out of ignorant people. Stop embarrassing yourself. Learn a little bit about what the law says instead of wrapping yourself around this apology tour for Trump;
Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process. Knowing and willful violations of certain FECA provisions can lead to imprisonment. The FEC has exclusive civil enforcement authority, and may refer criminal violations to the U.S. Department of Justice. For additional information see our page describing the complaint process. Note that sentencing guidelines for criminal violations of the law are set by the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

How bout you blow it out your ass instead??

Oh and talk it over with Dershowitz. Rabid lefty that he is he doesn't believe Trump is in the wrong.

Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process.
That’s not exactly what Dershowitz said. He did acknowledge that if it’s a campaign contribution and if it went unreported, then it is indeed a campaign violation.

And even you just agreed it was a campaign contribution.
Campaign contributions need to be documented

Under the table contributions do not foot the bill

So prove it, fine the campaign and let the president get on with the job of governing. If it wasn't illegal, drop it and get on with life. This naval gazing is ridiculous.
An illegal campaign influences an election. Millions of people were shafted out of a fair election. This guy is in office illegally. He didn't win fairly. Get it?
We will run out of rocks before we run out of ignorant people. Stop embarrassing yourself. Learn a little bit about what the law says instead of wrapping yourself around this apology tour for Trump;
Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process. Knowing and willful violations of certain FECA provisions can lead to imprisonment. The FEC has exclusive civil enforcement authority, and may refer criminal violations to the U.S. Department of Justice. For additional information see our page describing the complaint process. Note that sentencing guidelines for criminal violations of the law are set by the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

How bout you blow it out your ass instead??

Oh and talk it over with Dershowitz. Rabid lefty that he is he doesn't believe Trump is in the wrong.

Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process.
That’s not exactly what Dershowitz said. He did acknowledge that if it’s a campaign contribution and if it went unreported, then it is indeed a campaign violation.

And even you just agreed it was a campaign contribution.
Campaign contributions need to be documented

Under the table contributions do not foot the bill

So prove it, fine the campaign and let the president get on with the job of governing. If it wasn't illegal, drop it and get on with life. This naval gazing is ridiculous.
An illegal campaign influences an election. Millions of people were shafted out of a fair election. This guy is in office illegally. He didn't win fairly. Get it?
Yes. Hillary sures fu**** Bernie over....BIG TIME!
It's ironic that "maverick" John McCain is probably responsible for most of the current campaign finance laws. The poorly written law probably could get every administration on both sides for the last hundred freaking years in trouble if they really enforced the convoluted mess that McCain and Russ Feingold created and was hastily signed into law by George Bush. The campaign finance law even authorizes tax exempt status for the gigantic left wing propaganda machine, Media Matters which doesn't even pretend to be unbiased.

You never learn, do ya?

How’d that work out for you last time you tried pulling that shtick?

I was less than 10 points off from you on a quickie IQ test.

Well within the margin of error.


You demonstrate your IQ is on the lower end of that IQ test as the margin of error is built into the score they present; being that it’s a range and not a specific number.

And no, you weren’t off by less than 10 points...

Marty: 114-121
Faun: 131-230

The closest you could be is 10 points. But as far off as 116 points.

You lost. And if you had even a bit more intelligence than you obviously do, you wouldn’t repeat a wager you lost.
Still higher then I was guessing he would score based on his posts.

That you have to use accusations of stupidity as a crutch to try to understand people who disagree with you shows your own intellect.
Yeah.... Nope.

Guess again kiddo.

And you're still a dumbass.

I would imagine you're used to it by now.

Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy
Just another dumbass conservative.

I can add more to the conversation when it is warranted.

You don't warrant it.
Lol, you don't have it to give.

Try me, skippy.
Not even close, twat.

I'll put my education, IQ and credentials up against yours any day of the week.
Internet tough guy

Nah, I am not threatening bodily harm to anyone.

When you call someone stupid, be prepared to back it up.

Or not, this is a message board after all.

Now how smart if Faun really if I am able to drag this on beyond 5-6 posts?
I think that's gonna be more a function of his current bordom level.

It's still pretty damn sad.

in a funny way.
And the disgusting part is, millions of people knew he was a criminal, and they voted for him anyway. They had to have known he was going to get caught up in all this illegal activity from the past? I think what they figured, was that he wouldn't use illegal schemes to get elected. Little did they know.

Still. Haven't. Proven. Anything.
I was less than 10 points off from you on a quickie IQ test.

Well within the margin of error.


You demonstrate your IQ is on the lower end of that IQ test as the margin of error is built into the score they present; being that it’s a range and not a specific number.

And no, you weren’t off by less than 10 points...

Marty: 114-121
Faun: 131-230

The closest you could be is 10 points. But as far off as 116 points.

You lost. And if you had even a bit more intelligence than you obviously do, you wouldn’t repeat a wager you lost.
Still higher then I was guessing he would score based on his posts.

That you have to use accusations of stupidity as a crutch to try to understand people who disagree with you shows your own intellect.
Yeah.... Nope.

Guess again kiddo.

Jesus kid, how long are you gonna keep this up?

It's like the putting a dumb fella in a round room and telling him.to piss in the corner.

You demonstrate your IQ is on the lower end of that IQ test as the margin of error is built into the score they present; being that it’s a range and not a specific number.

And no, you weren’t off by less than 10 points...

Marty: 114-121
Faun: 131-230

The closest you could be is 10 points. But as far off as 116 points.

You lost. And if you had even a bit more intelligence than you obviously do, you wouldn’t repeat a wager you lost.
Still higher then I was guessing he would score based on his posts.

That you have to use accusations of stupidity as a crutch to try to understand people who disagree with you shows your own intellect.
Yeah.... Nope.

Guess again kiddo.

Jesus kid, how long are you gonna keep this up?

It's like the putting a dumb fella in a round room and telling him.to piss in the corner.

I work in Construction Management, I've been in a meeting that lasted 2 extra hours because people try to get the last word in, or need to say the same thing over and over.

This is just practice.
We will run out of rocks before we run out of ignorant people. Stop embarrassing yourself. Learn a little bit about what the law says instead of wrapping yourself around this apology tour for Trump;
Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process. Knowing and willful violations of certain FECA provisions can lead to imprisonment. The FEC has exclusive civil enforcement authority, and may refer criminal violations to the U.S. Department of Justice. For additional information see our page describing the complaint process. Note that sentencing guidelines for criminal violations of the law are set by the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

How bout you blow it out your ass instead??

Oh and talk it over with Dershowitz. Rabid lefty that he is he doesn't believe Trump is in the wrong.

Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process.
That’s not exactly what Dershowitz said. He did acknowledge that if it’s a campaign contribution and if it went unreported, then it is indeed a campaign violation.

And even you just agreed it was a campaign contribution.
Campaign contributions need to be documented

Under the table contributions do not foot the bill

So prove it, fine the campaign and let the president get on with the job of governing. If it wasn't illegal, drop it and get on with life. This naval gazing is ridiculous.
An illegal campaign influences an election. Millions of people were shafted out of a fair election. This guy is in office illegally. He didn't win fairly. Get it?

Obama's campaign broke finance laws to influence an election, help him get elected and shaft millions of people out of a fair election and they just paid a fine. Was he in office illegally?

Perhaps it's a little clearer now.
And Dershowitz is a HUGE LIBERAL!

A few things are clear. A candidate is free to contribute to his or her own campaign. It also is not criminal for a candidate to pay hush money to women whose disclosures might endanger his campaign. So if candidate Trump paid hush money to his two accusers, there would be no violation of any campaign or other laws. To be sure, if he did so for the purpose of helping his campaign — as distinguished from helping his marriage — his campaign would have to disclose any such contribution, and failure to do so might be a violation of a campaign law, but the payments themselves would be entirely lawful.

If, on the other hand, Michael Cohen made the payments by himself, without direction from the president, that would constitute an impermissible campaign contribution from a third party. But if Cohen was merely acting as Trump’s lawyer and advancing Trump’s payments, with an expectation of repayment, then it would be hard to find a campaign finance crime other than failure to report by the campaign.

Failure to report all campaign contributions is fairly common in political campaigns. Moreover, the offense is committed not by the candidate but, rather, by the campaign and is generally subject to a fine. Though it is wrong, it certainly is not the kind of high crime and misdemeanor that could serve as the basis for a constitutionally authorized impeachment and removal of a duly elected president.

Moreover, prosecutors should be reluctant to rely on the uncorroborated word of a guilty defendant who pleaded guilty to lying and defrauding. Thomas Jefferson once observed that a criminal statute, to be fairly enforceable, must be so clear that it can be understood by the average person who reads it “while running.”

(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Mueller has impaneled a grand jury so, it matters not the opinion of Mr. Dershowitz.
Grand juries decide if there is enuff evidence to charge an individual with a crime.
Mr. Dershowitz is an idiot, BTW.
How bout you blow it out your ass instead??

Oh and talk it over with Dershowitz. Rabid lefty that he is he doesn't believe Trump is in the wrong.

Most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) result in civil penalties--fines arrived at through a conciliation process.
That’s not exactly what Dershowitz said. He did acknowledge that if it’s a campaign contribution and if it went unreported, then it is indeed a campaign violation.

And even you just agreed it was a campaign contribution.
Campaign contributions need to be documented

Under the table contributions do not foot the bill

So prove it, fine the campaign and let the president get on with the job of governing. If it wasn't illegal, drop it and get on with life. This naval gazing is ridiculous.
An illegal campaign influences an election. Millions of people were shafted out of a fair election. This guy is in office illegally. He didn't win fairly. Get it?

Obama's campaign broke finance laws to influence an election, help him get elected and shaft millions of people out of a fair election and they just paid a fine. Was he in office illegally?

Perhaps it's a little clearer now.

I was not aware that the Obama campaign conspired with a foreign, adversarial government, to get dirt on an opponent.
Please, let US know about that, when you get your facts straight.
That’s not exactly what Dershowitz said. He did acknowledge that if it’s a campaign contribution and if it went unreported, then it is indeed a campaign violation.

And even you just agreed it was a campaign contribution.
Campaign contributions need to be documented

Under the table contributions do not foot the bill

So prove it, fine the campaign and let the president get on with the job of governing. If it wasn't illegal, drop it and get on with life. This naval gazing is ridiculous.
An illegal campaign influences an election. Millions of people were shafted out of a fair election. This guy is in office illegally. He didn't win fairly. Get it?

Obama's campaign broke finance laws to influence an election, help him get elected and shaft millions of people out of a fair election and they just paid a fine. Was he in office illegally?

Perhaps it's a little clearer now.

I was not aware that the Obama campaign conspired with a foreign, adversarial government, to get dirt on an opponent.
Please, let US know about that, when you get your facts straight.

That is not part of the campaign finance question. I hope that clears it up for you.
Oh bullshit. What does it matter when he paid her off. She was after money either with a book or a pay off.

Oh and who knows if the affair ever happened? Its a he said she said and frankly most people couldn't care less.

Moron, it matters because his intentions matters. And his timing reveals his intentions.

When his family was vulnerable to learn about his affair in 2011, he did not pay off Daniels to stay quite. Clearly, protecting his family from hearing about that affair was of little, if any, importance to him.

When his campaign got rocked by the Access Hollywood video and then just 11 days out from his election, he decided that was the moment Stormy needed to be silenced.

Anyone with functioning neurons can decipher his intentions for paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 to stay quiet.

LMAO She was after money and she got it.
Yes she did. And the timing reveals the reason she did was because Trump’s election was just 11 days out.

Of course. Smart move on Trumps part. Pay her off and get her out of the election. I'd have done the same and so would you.

Now did she and he have an affair?? Unknown. Its he said. She said. No one will ever know.
I am sure our President is an expert at paying off hookers and old girlfriends

But to do so with campaign funds breaks the law

Well then I suppose HItlery and the DNC did the same when they paid Steele for his fake dossier for the election so that money should be considered campaign funds.

Oh and Cohen paid and Trump paid him back. No campaign funds were used unless you consider their own personal money campaign funds. LOL

Moron, it matters because his intentions matters. And his timing reveals his intentions.

When his family was vulnerable to learn about his affair in 2011, he did not pay off Daniels to stay quite. Clearly, protecting his family from hearing about that affair was of little, if any, importance to him.

When his campaign got rocked by the Access Hollywood video and then just 11 days out from his election, he decided that was the moment Stormy needed to be silenced.

Anyone with functioning neurons can decipher his intentions for paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 to stay quiet.

LMAO She was after money and she got it.
Yes she did. And the timing reveals the reason she did was because Trump’s election was just 11 days out.

Of course. Smart move on Trumps part. Pay her off and get her out of the election. I'd have done the same and so would you.

Now did she and he have an affair?? Unknown. Its he said. She said. No one will ever know.
I am sure our President is an expert at paying off hookers and old girlfriends

But to do so with campaign funds breaks the law

Well then I suppose HItlery and the DNC did the same when they paid Steele for his fake dossier.

Oh and Cohen paid and Trump paid him back. No campaign funds were used.

You’re still trying to divert this thread to be about Hillary?


You’ve lost the debate. Thanks for agreeing that trump broke the law.
LMAO She was after money and she got it.
Yes she did. And the timing reveals the reason she did was because Trump’s election was just 11 days out.

Of course. Smart move on Trumps part. Pay her off and get her out of the election. I'd have done the same and so would you.

Now did she and he have an affair?? Unknown. Its he said. She said. No one will ever know.
I am sure our President is an expert at paying off hookers and old girlfriends

But to do so with campaign funds breaks the law

Well then I suppose HItlery and the DNC did the same when they paid Steele for his fake dossier.

Oh and Cohen paid and Trump paid him back. No campaign funds were used.

You’re still trying to divert this thread to be about Hillary?


You’ve lost the debate. Thanks for agreeing that trump broke the law.

Well if you consider him breaking the law then so did she. LOL
Yes she did. And the timing reveals the reason she did was because Trump’s election was just 11 days out.

Of course. Smart move on Trumps part. Pay her off and get her out of the election. I'd have done the same and so would you.

Now did she and he have an affair?? Unknown. Its he said. She said. No one will ever know.
I am sure our President is an expert at paying off hookers and old girlfriends

But to do so with campaign funds breaks the law

Well then I suppose HItlery and the DNC did the same when they paid Steele for his fake dossier.

Oh and Cohen paid and Trump paid him back. No campaign funds were used.

You’re still trying to divert this thread to be about Hillary?


You’ve lost the debate. Thanks for agreeing that trump broke the law.

Well if you consider him breaking the law then so did she. LOL

You poor thing, bless your heart. Cohen’s already been found guilty on related charges and trump is under investigation for it. Nothing on Hillary but you keep trying to derail this thread about Hillary.


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