Did republican committee press conference present any proof of a crime?

Do congressional committees routinely reveal their evidence when indictments could be on the way? It would seem a little premature to be whining about it.
I didn't say they had to present anything. I said they didn't present any proof of wrong doing.
Selling government influence is most certainly a crime. Where is the credible proof that happened? Innuendo is not proof.

So you are saying that when Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy got filthy ass mega rich selling government influence to foreigners and then laundering the money through that sham foundation it wasn't treason? Like when the Russians gave the foundation millions of dollars for that Uranium deal?

Damn you are in denial! Typical for a stupid Moon Bat.
Is it cool if they continue their investigation first, or is it required that they prove it RIGHT NOW?
By all means continue with the investigation. I just said they made a big deal about a press conference that didn't present anything but childish innuendo.
You think the GOP saw nothing wrong with Santos? You have no idea what youre talking about. Santos got ZERO support from us.
He’s still in Congress. He gets support from McCarthy who needed him to be speaker.

Anything for power.

I just watched the entire repub press conference, and read the transcript. I didn't find any proof of a specific crime that was supposed to have been committed. Can somebody please indicate the specific point in the news conference where proof of a specific crime was mentioned? There is no shortage of innuendo, bur republicans have never had a problem supplying unlimited amounts of that.
cant say much about if a crime was committed since I am not a prosector that knows all the laws,,

but one things for sure,, this is corruption at the highest levels of government that should result in jail time and possible executuions,,
One would assume that they wanted to show the world some shady as fuck money transfers in an effort to turn the public against Biden. :dunno:
They have gobs and gobs of the Bidens' bank records, for god's sake!! Yet leftists are claiming there is no evidence?!? I love it when the left voluntarily destroy their own credibility for no good reason.
No need to check the transcripts. Ill tell you right now. Their evidence was the word of a woman who isnt even sure what year it took place. Thats it. There is no other evidence than that.
If you say so. What ever the evidence was, it was enough to convince a jury that trump and his lawyers approved of. They voted unanimously to convict.
Then why don't they present it?
Got any answers to these, Simp?

  • If this was just a legit business of Hunter why do they need 20 LLCs instead of just one?
  • What services did Hunter provide to these foreign entities and governments?
  • What services did Joe's young grandchildren perform to get paid what they were paid?
  • For that matter, what services did any of the 12 Biden family members perform?
  • Why were payments split up into multiple payments of the same amount to multiple companies?
  • Did all 12 Biden family members report these payments on their tax returns?

Remember, Comer just sent subpoenas to a few of their associates. Many more are coming, so this is most likely the tip of the iceberg.
That's not how it works. Just because their political opponents say something looks shady doesn't prove anything.
Why are the Bidens, for example, receiving $10 million while old man Joe is VP? And why would they create several LLCs that have no apparent legitimate business purpose and funnel these funds through them incrementally? All they have to do is provide an explanation for why they were being paid $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe is VP. But they have not done this, nor will they. And this is just a little piece of the suspicious activity found in all the bank records.

Justice Thomas is alleged to have done far less (accepting vacations from his rich FRIEND and not disclosing the monetary value of them as contributions on federal disclosure forms ... all the while his friend had no business before the court) but the left wants him impeached (i.e., another high tech lynching because, you know, Democrats are found of lynching black folks). But the all the international money seeping into Biden bank accounts is a big nothing burger? Get the fuck out of here!!! You need to learn the tactic of making strategic concessions in argument, because you are only digging yourself a deep hole with your current line of argument. Dumbass!!!
They showed a bunch of super shady money transfers and suggested that it looked like criminal activity. Their suggestion seems pretty spot on. I have yet to hear a plausible alternative explanation for these transfers and why they were funneling it through so many LLC's.. :dunno:

Anytime, one of these investment consortiums is built there is always a risk of the investment going wrong, and all money that’s invested being lost.

Happy Corporation offers family and friends of the owners investment opportunities to invest in shares of its new 250 unit condo. At this point, it’s piece of bare land. They incorporate a new LLC to buy the landing using their investor’s money.

One of the investors is the architect for the project. He creates an LLC for his investment so protect his architectural LLC and his personal assets from being attached in the event the new project fails.

Some of the investors have no skills or other businesses to protect, and no role in the operation and May simply buy shares in the LLC.

Since the new LLC doesn’t want to borrow from banks and incurred interest costs, so early in the project, some of the shareholders or investors, might lend the corporation money without increasing their share of equity in the corporation. This is a straight up shareholders loan to the company.

So when that big transfer came through and went to HB’s business associate, that $100,000 check payable to Hunter, Biden could’ve been repayment of the loan that he had made to the corporation. It could’ve been for invoices rendered for legal work that he did for them. It could have been a share buyback.

We don’t know what any of the financial arrangements on these projects involved because we haven’t seen any of the underlying documents, financial statements, list of officers, directors, and shareholders or contracts that these LLCs had entered into. They might’ve issued some of those checks to members of the Biden family to buy out their shares in the corporation.

And because there is absolutely no evidence that any crime has been committed, and these people are not required to provide the federal government with anything.
Then why don't they present it?
They did. It is not yet complete evidence of a crime, but it is getting close. I think Joe will have a hard time explaining why he and the rest of his deadbeat Klan were banking so much money from abroad while Joe was VP. If you are going to tell me that all the unusual deposits in the Biden bank records, along with the timing of the deposits, the manner of the deposits (spread out over time and through different LLS and individuals, which just coincidentally evade banking disclosure laws), and the complete lack of any justifiable reason for receiving that money (e.g., legitimate business interests) ... If you are going to tell me that all of that (which is probative evidence) does not raise very serious questions of legality in your mind, then you are indeed one stupid son of a bitch.
You cannot walk into the police station and say I think my neighbours are crooks without evidence of any crime.

The cops aren’t gonna come out, knock on their door and demand to search the premises, unless you provide them with some sort of evidence that these people are committing crimes. Probable cause.

The constitution protects people from unreasonable search and seizure. These people are not government employees, and they’re not engaged in overtly criminal acts. The Republican party has no legal right to investigate them and that’s why they’re issuing subpoenas to the banks because they can’t get a search warrant for the companies or the individuals. There simply is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

There isn’t a judge in the land that would issue a search warrant based on the so-called evidence in the memorandum
No need to check the transcripts. Ill tell you right now. Their evidence was the word of a woman who isnt even sure what year it took place. Thats it. There is no other evidence than that.

So the nine other witnesses who testified said nothing, and provided no evidence whatsoever

Donald Trump confirmed it happened he admitted it. How you gonna get around that one? He said he had the right to do it
Anytime, one of these investment consortiums is built there is always a risk of the investment going wrong, and all money that’s invested being lost.

Happy Corporation offers family and friends of the owners investment opportunities to invest in shares of its new 250 unit condo. At this point, it’s piece of bare land. They incorporate a new LLC to buy the landing using their investor’s money.

One of the investors is the architect for the project. He creates an LLC for his investment so protect his architectural LLC and his personal assets from being attached in the event the new project fails.

Some of the investors have no skills or other businesses to protect, and no role in the operation and May simply buy shares in the LLC.

Since the new LLC doesn’t want to borrow from banks and incurred interest costs, so early in the project, some of the shareholders or investors, might lend the corporation money without increasing their share of equity in the corporation. This is a straight up shareholders loan to the company.

So when that big transfer came through and went to HB’s business associate, that $100,000 check payable to Hunter, Biden could’ve been repayment of the loan that he had made to the corporation. It could’ve been for invoices rendered for legal work that he did for them. It could have been a share buyback.

We don’t know what any of the financial arrangements on these projects involved because we haven’t seen any of the underlying documents, financial statements, list of officers, directors, and shareholders or contracts that these LLCs had entered into. They might’ve issued some of those checks to members of the Biden family to buy out their shares in the corporation.

And because there is absolutely no evidence that any crime has been committed, and these people are not required to provide the federal government with anything.
You almost make a decent point, to wit: We do not know all of the particulars in possible business dealings. However, a lot of the money is going into accounts controlled by Joe, while he was VP. Why would he not disclose and divest such interests given his position? Moreover, why is it that legitimate explanations of all of the financial dealings of Joe and his scumbag family not forthcoming? Nobody in Joe's fucked up family has anything to sell anybody worth the amount of money being deposited in the Biden network of LLCs,, trusts, etc...
They did. It is not yet complete evidence of a crime, but it is getting close. I think Joe will have a hard time explaining why he and the rest of his deadbeat Klan were banking so much money from abroad while Joe was VP. If you are going to tell me that all the unusual deposits in the Biden bank records, along with the timing of the deposits, the manner of the deposits (spread out over time and through different LLS and individuals, which just coincidentally evade banking disclosure laws), and the complete lack of any justifiable reason for receiving that money (e.g., legitimate business interests) ... If you are going to tell me that all of that (which is probative evidence) does not raise very serious questions of legality in your mind, then you are indeed one stupid son of a bitch.

They did not. There was not a shred of any evidence of any criminal wrongdoing whatsoever in that memo.

They no recap of any evidence. They simply looked at the entries, and made up a story about them.
You cannot walk into the police station and say I think my neighbours are crooks without evidence of any crime.

The cops aren’t gonna come out, knock on their door and demand to search the premises, unless you provide them with some sort of evidence that these people are committing crimes. Probable cause.

The constitution protects people from unreasonable search and seizure. These people are not government employees, and they’re not engaged in overtly criminal acts. The Republican party has no legal right to investigate them and that’s why they’re issuing subpoenas to the banks because they can’t get a search warrant for the companies or the individuals. There simply is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

There isn’t a judge in the land that would issue a search warrant based on the so-called evidence in the memorandum
If you walk into a police station and allege that some guy is engaged in some crooked dealings AND provide the bank records which form a basis of reasonable suspicion, then the police are damn sure obligated to investigate.

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