Did Sessions unthinkingly perjure: IOW, did he delibrately lie or not?

Being at a soiree is not meeting the ambassador, silly one.
Pictures with him at dinners and in her office? Nice try libs......NOT BUUUUAAAAHAHAHAHAHA
Pelosi and her staff said they have no comment.....BUUUUAAAAHAHAHAHA
It's not a meeting as you suggest as was Sessions with the amabassador, tete a tete.

But there you are again, saying you want Trump to be like Hillary. :lol:
No he didn't lie. The fucking media keeps editing Franken's whole question to Sessions. It zeroed in on the campaign. Just like Leahy's did. Try reading the whole question sparky. Then you would realize Sessions answered honestly.

As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives,
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits:
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
How many were there going to St. Ives?

Answer that question, and we'll talk.
It's not a meeting as you suggest as was Sessions with the amabassador, tete a tete.
Pelosi lied about her meetings with the Russian ambassador....Special prosecutor and impeachment are due don't you think Jake. I mean to be fair and all.
It's not a meeting as you suggest as was Sessions with the amabassador, tete a tete.
Pelosi lied about her meetings with the Russian ambassador....Special prosecutor and impeachment are due don't you think Jake. I mean to be fair and all.
Deflection and as silly as saying "it is the leakers' fault."

Comey has Trump and Sessions by the balls and is squeezing hard.
Pelosi said today she has never met with the Russian ambassador and less than 30 mins later a reporter showed her several pictures of her and the Russian ambassador at several different events. You've got to love that....What a lying buffoon she is. Shouldn't that old bitch retire?

If you look real close at the inauguration pictures you'll see me on the National Mall, at the same event as Donald Trump around noon on January 20th.
Deflection and as silly as saying "it is the leakers' fault."

Comey has Trump and Sessions by the balls and is squeezing hard
Come on Jake...a lie is a lie isn't it? Do you excuse Democrat lies? This is why you all had your asses handed to you in November. It's called Fake news and phony outrage and wait for it....Hypocrisy.
Deflection and as silly as saying "it is the leakers' fault."

Comey has Trump and Sessions by the balls and is squeezing hard
Come on Jake...a lie is a lie isn't it? Do you excuse Democrat lies? This is why you all had your asses handed to you in November. It's called Fake news and phony outrage and wait for it....Hypocrisy.
You are not Republican, just an Alt Right partisan ideologue, whereas I, the real GOP, voted for McMullin.

You are deflecting. You want Trump to be like Hillary, according to what you are writing.

Comey will bring them down if they are dirty. Fact.
You are not Republican, just an Alt Right partisan ideologue, whereas I, the real GOP, voted for McMullin.

You are deflecting. You want Trump to be like Hillary, according to what you are writing.

Comey will bring them down if they are dirty. Fact
Rambunctious has given up because he has lost the discussion, so he is on personal ignore for the rest of the thread.
Rambunctious has given up because he has lost the discussion, so he is on personal ignore for the rest of the thread
I never give up I'm a Marine and you are no match for Rambunctious....not even close. I toy with you sir.
It's blowing up so badly that Session has recused himself and by doing so he got the Dems 3/4 of the way to getting a special prosecutor
Keep dreaming...he said he would recuse himself from any investigation of the Trump campaign because he was part of the campaign. The righteous decent thing to do. I will bet any liberal on this board any amount of money that Sessions is going to be the AG for the next 8 years.

Sure, he said that after the shit hit the fan to buy himself a play. He played it. Now he's on the sidelines and the Dems have all of the leverage when calling for a special prosecutor. The hurdle of getting past the AG is gone.
Sure, he said that after the shit hit the fan to buy himself a play. He played it. Now he's on the sidelines and the Dems have all of the leverage when calling for a special prosecutor. The hurdle of getting past the AG is gone
You are going to be very disappointed by the end of the weekend.
Pelosi said today she has never met with the Russian ambassador and less than 30 mins later a reporter showed her several pictures of her and the Russian ambassador at several different events. You've got to love that....What a lying buffoon she is. Shouldn't that old bitch retire?

Do you not get the context that this is happening within?

Pelosi never ran for president.
The Russians never hacked the opposition in an effort to turn it her way.
Her staff never met with Russian officials and subsequently lied about it.
Her staff never had to resign as a result.

Do I need to keep going or do you get it?

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