Did Sessions unthinkingly perjure: IOW, did he delibrately lie or not?

He never met with the Russians in any capacity other than as a Senator.
He was asked if he'd had contact with the Russians regarding the election,sessions said no. Which is entirely truthful.

You pukes need to get a life.

Again, not sure how many times I have to say this... he is a lawyer and a former judge. He should know better than any of us how important it is to give an exact and straight answer, especially while under oath. He should have said "Yes, but when I met with Russian officials it had nothing to do with the campaign." When a person is coy with their answers while under oath, if it isn't out right untruthful, it borders on untruthful enough to make a normal person question whether they can trust that person in the future, and that is not something you want in the Attorney General of the United States.

I think it is pretty obvious that all of Trump's cabinet members were told to distance themselves from Russia as much as possible during their confirmation hearings, and it is coming back to bite them in the ass now.

He was being questioned about talking to Russia about the election.
You never offer up added info while being questioned by a hostile.
Sessions swore an oath to tell the whole truth.

And he did. They asked him if he'd discussed the election,he didnt.
They asked if he had talked to the Russians.

The whole line of questioning was based on whether he talked to the Russians about the elections.
Again, not sure how many times I have to say this... he is a lawyer and a former judge. He should know better than any of us how important it is to give an exact and straight answer, especially while under oath. He should have said "Yes, but when I met with Russian officials it had nothing to do with the campaign." When a person is coy with their answers while under oath, if it isn't out right untruthful, it borders on untruthful enough to make a normal person question whether they can trust that person in the future, and that is not something you want in the Attorney General of the United States.

I think it is pretty obvious that all of Trump's cabinet members were told to distance themselves from Russia as much as possible during their confirmation hearings, and it is coming back to bite them in the ass now.

He was being questioned about talking to Russia about the election.
You never offer up added info while being questioned by a hostile.
Sessions swore an oath to tell the whole truth.

And he did. They asked him if he'd discussed the election,he didnt.
They asked if he had talked to the Russians.

The whole line of questioning was based on whether he talked to the Russians about the elections.
He said he had not talked to the Russians period.
He was being questioned about talking to Russia about the election.
You never offer up added info while being questioned by a hostile.
Sessions swore an oath to tell the whole truth.

And he did. They asked him if he'd discussed the election,he didnt.
They asked if he had talked to the Russians.

The whole line of questioning was based on whether he talked to the Russians about the elections.
He said he had not talked to the Russians period.

About the elections.
What did Sessions and the Russian guy talk about when they met?

Nothing wrong I assure you. Just ask Sessions!

He couldn't remember but it seems like his memory has returned. HALLELUAH!
So you don't know.

I'm shocked, I say. Shocked.

I told you to ask the guy who just reused himself what he spoke about. Surely his word is good enough for you and he says they spoke about other stuff, not Trump tho.
Okay, I'll have to ask him, since you don't know but still say he was lying.


He did lie about ever meeting with Russians. But that's OK with you because ....America first!
Granny says, "Dat's right - much ado `bout nuthin, an' w-a-y overblown...

‘What We Are Seeing Is a Lot of Political Theater’
March 2, 2017 – The controversy surrounding Jeff Sessions' contact with the Russian ambassador is a “nothing-burger,” Sen. Ted Cruz said on Thursday.
“What we are seeing is a lot of political theater,” Cruz told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Could Jeff have been more clear in what he said? Yes. I think that was unfortunate. Context matters a lot. Jeff was being asked about the Trump campaign communicating with the Russians. I think he understood that he was answering in that capacity and that is perfectly understandable.” Cruz also said meeting with foreign ambassadors is part of a senator’s job. “And so I think everyone is getting worked up because it's a chance to beat up the attorney general and a chance to beat up the president.”

Cruz served with Sessions on the Armed Services Committee, and Cruz says he personally met with six different ambassadors in January and February – but not the Russian ambassador. “You know, I'm willing to bet Al Franken has met with a great number of ambassadors,” even while he was supporting Hillary Clinton. “But when he's doing his job as senator, he's not a representative of the campaign. I think the same was exactly true for Jeff Sessions when he was doing his job as a senator.”

Cruz said typically, ambassadors call senators to request meetings. “Jeff Sessions is a man of integrity, hes a man of candor. I don't know any senator who served with Jeff Sessions, Democrat or Republican, who would say that Jeff has been anything less than totally honest. Now, they don't like that he's a conservative… but he is very open and honest about his views. “By the way, Jeff has been a serious critic of Russia. He's not been shy calling out Putin. So, the notion that there was something somehow wrong with a senior senator on the Armed Services Committee meeting with a foreign ambassador, I think that's a nothing-burger. “And the testimony -- Jeff should have been more clear. I think he said he wished he was more clear. But, at the end of the day, I don't think there's any there there.”

If the ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the U.S. election extends to Sessions, “recusal would be appropriate,” Cruz said. “I don't have any indication that there would be an investigation because I don't think there's any credible allegation that Jeff did anything wrong in meeting with the Russian ambassador. He was -- he didn't speak as clearly as he should. “Although, I will note, Jeff had an all-day marathon hearing where he was getting hammered and Jeff was answering as candidly and directly as possible. And I think, in context, he was answering, no, as part of the Trump campaign he wasn't meeting with the Russians.

And my understanding, he wasn't thinking about his role as a senator. But I don't see anything for there to be an investigation, but Of course if there was into him directly, any official would recuse themselves from an investigation into their own conduct.”

Cruz: ‘What We Are Seeing Is a Lot of Political Theater’

See also:

‘Democrats Are Lighting Their Hair on Fire to Get You to Cover This Story’
March 2, 2017 – The Democrats are trying desperately to get media coverage of Russian meddling in the U.S. election, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Thursday.
“I think part of what is happening, I think Democrats are lighting their hair on fire to get you to cover this story… which keeps repeating the same story,” Ryan said. “I think they’re trying to get this coverage going. There’s nothing new that we have seen here. “This is stuff we’re going over, and by the way, we’re going to make sure we leave no stone unturned, and that is why our intelligence committees are conducting the investigations the way they should be conducted, because you have to protect your sources and methods of intelligence gathering, which is why we have intelligence committees in the first place,” he said.

As CNSNews.com reported, the Washington Post reported that Sessions – then a U.S. senator who was serving as an adviser to the Trump campaign – spoke twice last year with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. At his confirmation hearing, however, Sessions said he “did not have communications with Russia.” Democrats are calling for Sessions’ resignation and for an Obama appointee to choose a special prosecutor to investigate. Sessions told reporters Thursday morning, “Well, I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign." He also said he would recuse himself “whenever it’s appropriate” from an investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election. When asked whether Sessions should recuse himself from any investigation into Russian meddling, Ryan said, “I think he answered that question this morning, which is if he himself is the subject of an investigation, of course he would, but if he’s not, I don’t see any purpose or reason to do any of this.”

Ryan said Congress already knows that Russia tried to meddle in the election. “Why do we know this? Because we in Congress and the intelligence committee did an investigation after the election, which discovered Russia was trying to meddle in the election. This is something we all well know,” he said. “Here’s another thing: we have seen no evidence from any of these ongoing investigations that anybody in the Trump campaign or the Trump team was involved in any of this. We have been presented with no evidence that an American was colluding with the Russians to meddle in the election. This is something we also know. We’re still doing investigations,” he said.

“You’ve got to remember in the House and the Senate, the intelligence committees have been investigating this. The intelligence communities itself – not the committees, but the communities – did an investigation after the election and gave us the results of that investigation before the inauguration,” Ryan said. “The House Intelligence Committee just finished coming up with its oversight plan to continue investigations. We will always make sure that we are protecting our sources and methods and getting to the bottom of any of these things, but we have seen no evidence, been presented with no evidence that anybody on the Trump campaign or an American was involved in colluding with the Russians,” he added.

Ryan: ‘Democrats Are Lighting Their Hair on Fire to Get You to Cover This Story’
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He said the same thing, only not in your words. He even used the same word - surrogate - that Franken used.

This is political.

No he didn't... he said he never met with the Russians. At what point did he say he had met with the Russians but didn't talk about the campaign?

He never met with the Russians in any capacity other than as a Senator.
He was asked if he'd had contact with the Russians regarding the election,sessions said no. Which is entirely truthful.

You pukes need to get a life.

Again, not sure how many times I have to say this... he is a lawyer and a former judge. He should know better than any of us how important it is to give an exact and straight answer, especially while under oath. He should have said "Yes, but when I met with Russian officials it had nothing to do with the campaign." When a person is coy with their answers while under oath, if it isn't out right untruthful, it borders on untruthful enough to make a normal person question whether they can trust that person in the future, and that is not something you want in the Attorney General of the United States.

I think it is pretty obvious that all of Trump's cabinet members were told to distance themselves from Russia as much as possible during their confirmation hearings, and it is coming back to bite them in the ass now.

He was being questioned about talking to Russia about the election.
You never offer up added info while being questioned by a hostile.
Sessions swore an oath to tell the whole truth.

Which he did. But thanks for playing
Sessions swore an oath to tell the whole truth.

And he did. They asked him if he'd discussed the election,he didnt.
They asked if he had talked to the Russians.

The whole line of questioning was based on whether he talked to the Russians about the elections.
He said he had not talked to the Russians period.

About the elections.
No, he said first he had not talked at all to the Russians. He later said he had not talked about the election. Those who are two different statements, and that is tough for the Alt Right.
And he did. They asked him if he'd discussed the election,he didnt.
They asked if he had talked to the Russians.

The whole line of questioning was based on whether he talked to the Russians about the elections.
He said he had not talked to the Russians period.

About the elections.
No, he said first he had not talked at all to the Russians. He later said he had not talked about the election. Those who are two different statements, and that is tough for the Alt Right.

How exactly do you know the context of the questions?
They asked if he had talked to the Russians.

The whole line of questioning was based on whether he talked to the Russians about the elections.
He said he had not talked to the Russians period.

About the elections.
No, he said first he had not talked at all to the Russians. He later said he had not talked about the election. Those who are two different statements, and that is tough for the Alt Right.

How exactly do you know the context of the questions?
Wrong question, bub. We will wait for the investigation to develop the context, not you.
The whole line of questioning was based on whether he talked to the Russians about the elections.
He said he had not talked to the Russians period.

About the elections.
No, he said first he had not talked at all to the Russians. He later said he had not talked about the election. Those who are two different statements, and that is tough for the Alt Right.

How exactly do you know the context of the questions?
Wrong question, bub. We will wait for the investigation to develop the context, not you.

Thats not what you said in the above post.
He said he had not talked to the Russians period.

About the elections.
No, he said first he had not talked at all to the Russians. He later said he had not talked about the election. Those who are two different statements, and that is tough for the Alt Right.

How exactly do you know the context of the questions?
Wrong question, bub. We will wait for the investigation to develop the context, not you.

Thats not what you said in the above post.
Go back and read what I wrote. You have the context wrong. :lol:
One of the big problems out there is that the Washington Post edited Franken's question. On purpose of course to make it appear that Sessions lied.
The whole thing is left wing and media bullshit. He should have never recused himself, never said he made a mistake. Trump and his team need to stop trying to appease these assholes. Tell them to fuck off and prove something if they can and then keep working on the dismantle of everything the left stands for.
Nope, it is not, Missouri Mike. It is of Session's making, and that's that.

He got himself into it, and he will have to get himself out.

HWGA is demonstrating incorrigible immorality in refusing to honestly discuss the issue, so he is on personal ignore for the remainder of the thread.

About the elections.
No, he said first he had not talked at all to the Russians. He later said he had not talked about the election. Those who are two different statements, and that is tough for the Alt Right.

How exactly do you know the context of the questions?
Wrong question, bub. We will wait for the investigation to develop the context, not you.

Thats not what you said in the above post.
Go back and read what I wrote. You have the context wrong. :lol:

I think it's the other way around.
No he didn't... he said he never met with the Russians. At what point did he say he had met with the Russians but didn't talk about the campaign?

He never met with the Russians in any capacity other than as a Senator.
He was asked if he'd had contact with the Russians regarding the election,sessions said no. Which is entirely truthful.

You pukes need to get a life.

Again, not sure how many times I have to say this... he is a lawyer and a former judge. He should know better than any of us how important it is to give an exact and straight answer, especially while under oath. He should have said "Yes, but when I met with Russian officials it had nothing to do with the campaign." When a person is coy with their answers while under oath, if it isn't out right untruthful, it borders on untruthful enough to make a normal person question whether they can trust that person in the future, and that is not something you want in the Attorney General of the United States.

I think it is pretty obvious that all of Trump's cabinet members were told to distance themselves from Russia as much as possible during their confirmation hearings, and it is coming back to bite them in the ass now.

He was being questioned about talking to Russia about the election.
You never offer up added info while being questioned by a hostile.
Sessions swore an oath to tell the whole truth.

Which he did. But thanks for playing
Believing that Sessions told the whole truth at his confirmation hearing is akin to believing the moon is made of cheese.
Here is the transcript between Franken and Sessions:

"Franken: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’"

""Now, again, I'm telling you this as it's coming out, so you know. But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?""

"Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it.""

The context of the question clearly relates to discussions with the Russians regarding the Trump campaign.

The question in writing to Sessions followed along the same line:

"Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., asked: "Several of the President-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?""

"Sessions responded, in total: "No.""

What Jeff Sessions told Al Franken about his Russia contacts

Democrats are so painfully desperate to prove anything in the hopes that it will make them relevant.

Too funny.

He never met with the Russians in any capacity other than as a Senator.
He was asked if he'd had contact with the Russians regarding the election,sessions said no. Which is entirely truthful.

You pukes need to get a life.

Again, not sure how many times I have to say this... he is a lawyer and a former judge. He should know better than any of us how important it is to give an exact and straight answer, especially while under oath. He should have said "Yes, but when I met with Russian officials it had nothing to do with the campaign." When a person is coy with their answers while under oath, if it isn't out right untruthful, it borders on untruthful enough to make a normal person question whether they can trust that person in the future, and that is not something you want in the Attorney General of the United States.

I think it is pretty obvious that all of Trump's cabinet members were told to distance themselves from Russia as much as possible during their confirmation hearings, and it is coming back to bite them in the ass now.

He was being questioned about talking to Russia about the election.
You never offer up added info while being questioned by a hostile.
Sessions swore an oath to tell the whole truth.

Which he did. But thanks for playing
Believing that Sessions told the whole truth at his confirmation hearing is akin to believing the moon is made of cheese.
So, you don't like his truthful answer...huh.....
What did Sessions and the Russian guy talk about when they met?

Nothing wrong I assure you. Just ask Sessions!

He couldn't remember but it seems like his memory has returned. HALLELUAH!
So you don't know.

I'm shocked, I say. Shocked.

I told you to ask the guy who just reused himself what he spoke about. Surely his word is good enough for you and he says they spoke about other stuff, not Trump tho.
Okay, I'll have to ask him, since you don't know but still say he was lying.


He did lie about ever meeting with Russians. But that's OK with you because ....America first!
What was the lie?

And in your answer, please include Franken's full question and Sessions' full answer, because that will provide proper context.

Or is proper context not important to you because.... never Trump!
Here is the transcript between Franken and Sessions:

"Franken: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’"

""Now, again, I'm telling you this as it's coming out, so you know. But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?""

"Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it.""

The context of the question clearly relates to discussions with the Russians regarding the Trump campaign.

The question in writing to Sessions followed along the same line:

"Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., asked: "Several of the President-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?""

"Sessions responded, in total: "No.""

What Jeff Sessions told Al Franken about his Russia contacts

Democrats are so painfully desperate to prove anything in the hopes that it will make them relevant.

Too funny.


Congrats! You copied and pasted then said people were dumb. Great non point!
Nothing wrong I assure you. Just ask Sessions!

He couldn't remember but it seems like his memory has returned. HALLELUAH!
So you don't know.

I'm shocked, I say. Shocked.

I told you to ask the guy who just reused himself what he spoke about. Surely his word is good enough for you and he says they spoke about other stuff, not Trump tho.
Okay, I'll have to ask him, since you don't know but still say he was lying.


He did lie about ever meeting with Russians. But that's OK with you because ....America first!
What was the lie?

And in your answer, please include Franken's full question and Sessions' full answer, because that will provide proper context.

Or is proper context not important to you because.... never Trump!

I just told you he lied about meeting with the Russians and you think if you keep repeating "what was the lie?" then what you quoted disappears.

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