Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

And you're still wrong.

The Buddha never told anyone that they should not ____________________.

What can you not do in Buddhism?

Specifically, all Buddhists live by five moral precepts, which prohibit:
  • Killing living things.
  • Taking what is not given.
  • Sexual misconduct.
  • Lying.
  • Using drugs or alcohol.
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And you're still wrong.

The Buddha never told anyone that they should not ____________________.

From this link:

The five precepts These are rules to live by. They are somewhat analogous to the second half of the Ten Commandments in Judaism and Christianity -- that part of the Decalogue which describes behaviors to avoid. However, they are recommendations, not commandments. Believers are expected to use their own intelligence in deciding exactly how to apply these rules:

1. Do not kill. This is sometimes translated as "not harming" or an absence of violence.​
2. Do not steal. This is generally interpreted as including the avoidance of fraud and economic exploitation.​
3. Do not lie. This is sometimes interpreted as including name-calling, gossip, etc.​
4. Do not misuse sex.​

For monks and nuns, this means any departure from complete celibacy. For the laity, adultery is forbidden, along with any sexual harassment or exploitation, including that within marriage. The Buddha did not discuss consensual premarital sex within a committed relationship, thus, Buddhist traditions differ on this. Most Buddhists, probably influenced by their local cultures, condemn same-sex sexual activity regardless of the nature of the relationship between the people involved.

5. Do not consume alcohol or other drugs. The main concern here is that intoxicants cloud the mind. Some have included as a drug other methods of divorcing ourselves from reality -- e.g. movies, television, and the Internet. Those preparing for monastic life or who are not within a family are expected to avoid an additional five activities:​
6. Taking untimely meals.​
7. Dancing, singing, music, watching grotesque mime.​
8. Use of garlands, perfumes and personal adornment.​
9. Use of high seats.​
10. Accepting gold or silver.​
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What can you not do in Buddhism?

Specifically, all Buddhists live by five moral precepts, which prohibit:
  • Killing living things.
  • Taking what is not given.
  • Sexual misconduct.
  • Lying.
  • Using drugs or alcohol.
And yet Buddhists eat meat, serve in the military and are not prohibited to kill in self defense. Buddhists drink. smoke and even do drugs and there are no penalties for doing any of these things and all these things do not necessarily add to the individual's own suffering nor do they prevent enlightenment.

And sexual misconduct is so vague a term that it is meaningless.

There are no punishments for any of these actions there is no divine retribution they are not sins because there is no concept of sin in Buddhism.

According to Buddhism, there is no such thing as sin as explained by other religions.

there are no commandments in Buddhism, since no one can command another for his spiritual upliftment. The Buddha has encouraged us to develop and use our understanding. He has shown us the path for our liberation from suffering. The precepts that we undertake to observe are not commandments: they are observed voluntarily. The Buddha's Teaching is thus: 'Please pay attention; take this advice and think it over. If you think it is suitable for you to practise my advice, then try to practise it. You can see the results through your own experience.' There is no religious value in blindly observing any commandment without proper conviction and understanding. However, we should not take advantage of the liberty given by the Buddha to do anything we like. It is our duty to behave as cultured, civilized and understanding human beings to lead a religious life. If we can understand this, commandments are not important. As an enlightened teacher, the Buddha advised us on how to lead a pure life without imposing commandments and using the fear of punishment.
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And yet Buddhists eat meat, serve in the military and are not prohibited to kill in self defense. Buddhists drink. smoke and even do drugs and there are no penalties for doing any of these things and all these things do not necessarily add to the individual's own suffering nor do they prevent enlightenment.

And sexual misconduct is so vague a term that it is meaningless.

There are no punishments for any of these actions there is no divine retribution they are not sins because there is no concept of sin in Buddhism.

According to Buddhism, there is no such thing as sin as explained by other religions.

there are no commandments in Buddhism, since no one can command another for his spiritual upliftment. The Buddha has encouraged us to develop and use our understanding. He has shown us the path for our liberation from suffering. The precepts that we undertake to observe are not commandments: they are observed voluntarily. The Buddha's Teaching is thus: 'Please pay attention; take this advice and think it over. If you think it is suitable for you to practise my advice, then try to practise it. You can see the results through your own experience.' There is no religious value in blindly observing any commandment without proper conviction and understanding. However, we should not take advantage of the liberty given by the Buddha to do anything we like. It is our duty to behave as cultured, civilized and understanding human beings to lead a religious life. If we can understand this, commandments are not important. As an enlightened teacher, the Buddha advised us on how to lead a pure life without imposing commandments and using the fear of punishment.
So you are saying because not all Buddhist follows the five precepts of Buddhism "the five precepts of Buddhism don't exist or were never taught?"

Have you ever googled "the five precepts of Buddhism?"

Seems like it's a thing. :lol:
Based on what verse or Biblical logic?
Did you read the verse I provided?!?!?
I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things. --(Isaiah 45:7)--
And that's just A One Verse as there are others. Or are you too cowardly to take it into consideration before you reply?!?!?
God created free will for humans. He created all that was good and only said to not do one thing.
did you Witness him do that yourself?!?!? you talk like you're A Prime Witness. And the FACT is you are NOT. The bible we know of has been copied off copies over at least 200 times. In other words the writers never seen the originals. NEVER!
Furthermore, back then they had copyists who did not necessarily know what they were copying. So they made lots of mistakes, 1000's of them. They'd skip an entire line, they'd change the sentences thinking they're correcting a mistake when they are actually making one, etc.

Do me a favor. Dont' Perrot to me crap that I've heard 100 times before. I am not interested in witnessing yet another hot turd laid down b4 me. Give me a bit of intelligent reaction and I will be glad to address it. Til then phak off as I hate stupid people who call themseves "James Bond".
BTW, there is no such thing as a free will. If there is why can't Priests keep their zipper up in the presence of little boys and girls, them being "christs on Earth"?! The leaders of the Church that Jesus The Christ Fonded himself?!?!? There are 1000's of more example to back that up.
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According to the bible, it'll have to be Yahweh:

He started it all....good or bad.
No, the context of your passage means that God will use Cyrus, the totalitarian ruler of Syria, to deliver the Jews. See Isaiah 45:1 and not just 45:7 -- The New King James Version

God created good, but gave humans free will to not choose good.
So you are saying because not all Buddhist follows the five precepts of Buddhism "the five precepts of Buddhism don't exist or were never taught?"

Have you ever googled "the five precepts of Buddhism?"

Seems like it's a thing. :lol:
I have been a practicing Buddhist for over 20 years not once in any temple I have ever visited did any monk tell anyone they can't eat meat drink smoke or have sexual relations

So you can try to tell me what Buddhists teach but as usual you have no clue.

The Buddha never told anyone what they can or can't do because he knew he had absolutely no authority to do so.
I have been a practicing Buddhist for over 20 years not once in any temple I have ever visited did any monk tell anyone they can't eat meat drink smoke or have sexual relations

So you can try to tell me what Buddhists teach but as usual you have no clue.

The Buddha never told anyone what they can or can't do because he knew he had absolutely no authority to do so.
So just to be clear... you have been a practicing Buddhist for over 20 years and this is the first time you have heard of the five precepts of Buddhism?
Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.


Didn't god make everything in the universe?
So just to be clear... you have been a practicing Buddhist for over 20 years and this is the first time you have heard of the five precepts of Buddhism?
I have heard of them I have read about them and I know that they are not commandments or requirements the behaviors are not sins ad there are no repercussions for not adhering to them.

What I said was that none of the Buddhist monks I have ever encountered say the precepts are some how laws of Buddhism because they aren't.

You're the one who can't seem to understand this.
I have heard of them I have read about them and I know that they are not commandments or requirements the behaviors are not sins ad there are no repercussions for not adhering to them.

What I said was that none of the Buddhist monks I have ever encountered say the precepts are some how laws of Buddhism because they aren't.

You're the one who can't seem to understand this.
You've been doing it wrong for 20 years.
I guess Buddhists can do anything they want :lol:
You might need some god to tell you how to live I don't.

Buddhists are encouraged to use their intelligence, insight and personal experiences to guide them not to blindly follow a set of rules.
You might need some god to tell you how to live I don't.

Buddhists are encouraged to use their intelligence, insight and personal experiences to guide them not to blindly follow a set of rules.
And to do anything that feels good.
And to do anything that feels good.
What's the problem with that?

I can do anything I want to my own body and mind. You seem to think that not following the precepts will result in some negative consequences and you're wrong.

You need to have a black or white set of rules so you think everyone else does too.

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