Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

What do you mean by you sort of believe God created the universe? Either God did or God didn't. Which do you believe?

I don't believe in a worldwide flood or the Exodus or Adam and Eve.. The power of God doesn't need Azazzel or blood sacrifice.
So a person can ignore the direct intervention of your prick of a god.

Interesting to know that even Yahweh cannot breach the ability to deceive us all that he put into Satan.

You do not seem to believe in the attributes people see in the prick you follow.

Too bad you want to live in deception and promoting evil.

I don't worry about your false portrayal of God. Eventually you will bow the knee and confess that Jesus is the Christ. You should change your ways before you come to the realization that what you profess now is not what you wanted before coming to the earth.
If god did not create evil, then, given that in scriptures it is used as an antonym to good, you are saying that god also did not create good.

To your last, to me, lie, your god uses genocide quite often, even as he could cure instead of kill.

Tell us please, which of those, killing or curing, a god would use.

I think only an evil entity would kill instead of cure.


You mean all the epic tales that begin with the slaughter of children?

God breathed stories? I don't think they happened. I think they are grandiose Jewish stories.
All I need is to know that Buddhism teaches that there are things we should avoid. Things that are not beneficial. That's the rose you deny exists.

I've provided you with enough evidence already.
The concept of sin is not equivalent between your religion and the Buddhist philosophy.

Your god supposedly tells you what is prohibited and you risk divine retribution if you disobey
Nothing is prohibited in Buddhism, there are no divine proclamations of what is forbidden and no retribution.

And unlike your religion there is no all or nothing no one must follow all of the Buddhist teachings in order to find enlightenment.
Do you think it alters the laws of nature? I'm just not a Bronze Age girl.
God creating the universe from nothing seems pretty supernatural to me.

God existing eternally seems pretty supernatural to me.

Believing in the power of the Holy Spirit seems pretty supernatural to me.

So maybe you are a Bronze Age kinda gal after all.
The concept of sin is not equivalent between your religion and the Buddhist philosophy.

Your god supposedly tells you what is prohibited and you risk divine retribution if you disobey
Nothing is prohibited in Buddhism, there are no divine proclamations of what is forbidden and no retribution.

And unlike your religion there is no all or nothing no one must follow all of the Buddhist teachings in order to find enlightenment.
You are splitting hairs.
Analogical thinking might be useful here.

Buddhists do not believe in a god that will punish those who commit sins. Instead, the Buddhist belief in karma, or the notion that every action has a consequence, holds that punishment comes as a natural result of hurtful acts.

Karma, even as I see that as victim blaming, --- most see as punishment or reward.

In Buddhism the individual is responsible for his own suffering there is no punishment there are no rewards.

Western ideas of Karma are different than the Buddhist concept. Western thought tends to see Karma as fatalistic Buddhists don't.
It depends is God Republican or Democrat and who did you vote for because the opposition is always at fault…

Now that I got that out of the way the sin is Adam and Eve fault and why?

Free will, so Adam had a choice to make and he made the wrong choice and can not blame the Serpent or the Father that created the Golem named Adam.

See with free will we must accept that many times our failures is our fault even if something else may have caused it because of an action we took that set us on that path that day, so no it is not God not the Serpent fault but Adam is the only one to blame for sin being allowed into humanity World if you believe in the mythical stories…
See my first post to you on this subject.
I don't need to reread anything you said.

The concepts of sin and original sin have no place in Buddhism.

Not everyone experiences the same suffering as all suffering is unique to that individual. What causes suffering in one does not necessarily cause that same suffering in another so how can that thing be called a "sin"?

I chose to go vegan because the idea of contributing to the horrible treatment of animals caused me great discomfort.

There is no rule that Buddhists need to be vegetarian or that eating meat is a "sin"

While it is true that Buddhists believe desire leads to much of the suffering people experience, there is no prohibition of desire because not all desires lead to suffering. My desires cause me no suffering where your desires if I adopted them might.

Thus there is no concept of sin because all suffering is individually caused by that person's own set of beliefs
I don't need to reread anything you said.

The concepts of sin and original sin have no place in Buddhism.

Not everyone experiences the same suffering as all suffering is unique to that individual. What causes suffering in one does not necessarily cause that same suffering in another so how can that thing be called a "sin"?

I chose to go vegan because the idea of contributing to the horrible treatment of animals caused me great discomfort.

There is no rule that Buddhists need to be vegetarian or that eating meat is a "sin"

While it is true that Buddhists believe desire leads to much of the suffering people experience, there is no prohibition of desire because not all desires lead to suffering. My desires cause me no suffering where your desires if I adopted them might.

Thus there is no concept of sin because all suffering is individually caused by that person's own set of beliefs
I didn't say anything. Prominent Buddhists did. ;)
  • Sin easily develops.—Rock Inscriptions of Asoka. [Source: “The Essence of Buddhism” Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius, 1922, Project Gutenberg]
  • He sees danger in even the least of those things he should avoid.—Tevijja-sutta.
  • May I never do, nor cause to be done, nor contemplate the doing of, even the most trivial sin!—Attanagalu-vansa (conclusion).
  • Scrupulously avoiding all wicked actions; Reverently performing all virtuous ones; Purifying his intention from all selfish ends: This is the doctrine of all the Buddhas. —Siau-chi-kwan.
  • The sinner is never beautiful.—Lalita Vistara.
  • He who ... cannot feel joy to see merit in others is stained with the darkness of sin.—Story of Pratiharyya.
  • Those who have sin at heart, but are sweet of speech, are like a pitcher smeared with nectar, but full of poison.—Lalita Vistara.
  • Causing destruction to living beings, killing and mutilating, ... stealing and speaking falsely, fraud and deception, ... these are (what defile a man).—Amagandha-sutta.
  • You do not well enticing me to a sinful act. And what you say, that "nobody else will know of it"—will it be less sinful for this reason?—Jatakamala.
  • There is no such thing as secrecy in wrongdoing.—Jataka.
  • Therefore ... we would humble ourselves and repent us of our sins. Oh! that we may have strength to do so aright!—Liturgy of Kwan-yin.
  • If we know that we have done wrong, and yet refuse to acknowledge it, we are guilty of prevarication.—Chinese Pratimoksha.
  • From the very first, ... having no wish to benefit others, or to do good in the least degree, we have been adding sin unto sin; and even though our actual crimes have not been so great, yet a wicked heart has ruled us within. Day and night, without interval or hesitation, have we continually contrived how to do wrong.—Liturgy of Kwan-yin.
  • Accept the confession I make of my sin in its sinfulness, to the end that in future I may restrain myself therefrom.—Cullavagga.
  • May I never, even in a dream, be guilty of theft, adultery, drunkenness, life-slaughter, and untruthfulness.—Attanagalu-vansa.
I didn't say anything. Prominent Buddhists did. ;)
And they don't speak for all Buddhists.

Just as many others say the concept of sin has no place in Buddhism.

You call them prominent because their opinions jive with yours.

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