Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?

They were formed because of his policies not him. But hey, if that helps you justify you irrational position be my guest.

You mean the policies that Bush had and Obama carried forward?
They were formed becuase he was a demoncrat AND because he was black.
Call it playing the race card if you want I do not give a rats ass. I just try my best to see and speak the truth.

If people like you could just get their partisan little brains out of their asses and see reality we would be much better off.
Reality is both party's suck horribly and neither one is correct in their approach of solving our problems.
And neither side has the balls to really tackle what needs doing for the betterment of my country.

Most conservatives KNOW Bush sucked.. Conservatives kicked Repubes out the door and we ended up with liberals controlling all 3 branches of government.. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE that has been.. Not only have libs refused to pass a budget, but they've SHOVED literal shit legislation down the throats of every American and all you can do is sit here and scream, "Booooooooooooosh." GET THE FUCK OVER IT and STFU already.. Dayem.. WTF???? he's gone.. HE SUCKED- he's partly responsible for the moron who sits in the WH now but to blame a collective group of TENS OF MILLIONS of Americans who have never spent a damn dime or passed any bill, for this country's out of control fucked up mess IS LOONEY.. You liberals are true ZOMBIES , brain-rotted sheeple... Seriously, seek help .. all of you.. and know this, 2012 is coming and you're going to witness a beating you can't even begin to fathom.. I can hardly wait.

This kind of rhetoric and talk is all the Teabasturds are capable of, you perfectly mirror their stupidity.
but I think these "Americans"are of a certain persuasion......I love the Guy,who said he knew how the RED INDIANS FELT.........it was a lesson in Cretinism,infact the whole video/s were pretty shameful and stupid...........that's the trouble with folk,that think they are the chosen few(do as they like to others but don't like it when they too get a slap in the face)...No, it made uncomfortable viewing because no one could elucidate what they were meaning and could not substanciate any of their musing.....as for the womam that answered that she knew all because her sister in Arizona said so...was cretinous..theliq...but remineded me of that dumb A...Sarah Palin...Wierd Lot to say the least:eusa_whistle:
They must be so proud. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8suVjclu8Zo]‪Can't Fix Stupid‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​
Teabasturds have done nothing good except and complain about the black president because he is black but use other things to hide their racism.
Opinions are not facts, idiot.

Teabasturds supported Bush and McCain, dumb arschloch and so did you.

That's odd because I remember the TP coming to power AFTER Bush was gone.

Yeah.......they did.........they formed because they were pissed McStupid lost, and all them redneck idiot supporters got duped by the Koch brothers and Dick Armey and became the astroturf movement known as the tea party.
Obamacare was the trigger. Were it not for that all the town halls and protests wouldn't have happened. Have either of you ever been to a TP rally? I have and there are plenty of blacks attending. Are they racists to or just Uncle Toms? It's time to get past your own guilt I think.

I personally now a few Tea Party activists.
6 of whom went to the DC Palin/Beck rally.
And they hate "*******" to use their favorite term.

yeah sure
3 dumb posters in a row. Where the hell is my back up? Oh yea, their all too busy burning crosses to be bothered. ughh
Anyhow the TP has had how many of their policies enacted upon and put into law? None that I know of. They're all sitting, collecting dust in the senate. How is it the TP is ruining our country when their contributions like the peoples voices have been pushed to the side? You literally cant blame them for any of this mess. NONE OF IT. They didn't spend it. They didn't vote for it. They didn't ask for it. They're here to try to fix it.

Grandpa- the Tea Party was right that the deficit needed to be addressed and that entitlements needed to be curbed. Pelosi and the left wing of the democratic party would never have allowed this to happen.

Unfortunately, the Tea Party handled the process the same way that Pelosi and the left handled health care reform. The took input just about as well and their refusal to add any revenue enhancements was just as bad as Pelosi's refusal to add much in the way of cost savings.

I have found very few things in life where one side is all correct and the other side is all wrong. But the approach of the tea party was an absolutist approach. Will they be punished the same way Pelosi's democratic house was remains to be seen. Unfortunately voters don't have many options.
The Tea Party of Today came into existence around three years ago out of control government spending has been going on considerably longer so my answer is no.
baggers who couldn't spell and didn't know what they were bitching about hated having a b-b-b-lack prez.

They were eaten alive by the wealthy kochs and became koch-suckers without every knowing it.

Boehner is owned and then some. He has no control and its probably best if he just drinks and golfs.

Whatever else you believe, the old GOP is long gone and no one knows if it will ever make a comeback.
baggers who couldn't spell and didn't know what they were bitching about hated having a b-b-b-lack prez.

They were eaten alive by the wealthy kochs and became koch-suckers without every knowing it.

Boehner is owned and then some. He has no control and its probably best if he just drinks and golfs.

Whatever else you believe, the old GOP is long gone and no one knows if it will ever make a comeback.

Let me put this as polite as I can....fuck you troll, neged
Interesting is that baggers and ows have almost the exact same message.

We've fallen into the R trap of hating each other so loudly that we can't hear what the other is screaming.

And, we both lose.

Never fear though -- The 1% is winning and really, isn't that why we came to this party?
baggers who couldn't spell and didn't know what they were bitching about hated having a b-b-b-lack prez.

They were eaten alive by the wealthy kochs and became koch-suckers without every knowing it.

Boehner is owned and then some. He has no control and its probably best if he just drinks and golfs.

Whatever else you believe, the old GOP is long gone and no one knows if it will ever make a comeback.

Let me put this as polite as I can....fuck you troll, neged

Oh don't be silly.

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