Did They Get Their Stupidity From Us or Did We Get It From Them?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
America isnā€™t the only Western country where expressing opposition to gay marriage will unleash serious backlash from progressives. At Sheffield University in the UK, one student has been expelled after he voiced his opposition to gay marriage on his personal Facebook page.

Felix Ngole, 38, was expelled from Sheffield University after faculty staff decided he ā€˜may have caused offence to some individualsā€™.

The postgraduate father of four, who was studying to become a social worker, has been told his actions affect his fitness to practise and was ordered to hand back his student ID and library card.

Mr Ngole was reported after using his private Facebook account to express support for Kim Davis, a county clerk from Kentucky, who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licences after the introduction of same-sex unions there last September.

Mr Ngole argued that homosexual activity is against the teaching of the Bible, quoting a verse from Leviticus describing it as an ā€˜abominationā€™.

Yesterday, he said he was appealing the universityā€™s decision because the case had wider consequences for the ā€˜freedom of religion and freedom of expressionā€™.

Ngole says he was censored.

ā€œThe university claims my views are discriminatory, but I am the one being discriminated against because of my expression of Christian beliefs,ā€ Ngole said, the Daily Mail reports. ā€œI wonder whether the university would have taken any action if a Muslim student who believes in Sharia law, with its teaching about women and homosexuality, had made moderate comments on his Facebook page. I donā€™t think so.ā€™

Following a disciplinary hearing, the student was told he had brought his profession ā€˜into disreputeā€™ and breached ā€˜personal conductā€™ guidelines. A separate ā€˜fitness to practiseā€™ panel later concluded that he was entitled to his opinion about gay marriage but may have ā€˜caused offence to some individualsā€™.

They said his comment would affect his ability to operate in the social work profession even though he was not yet qualified.

If his appeal is unsuccessful, Ngole said he plans to take legal action against the university.

ā€œMy beliefs about marriage and sexual ethics reflect mainstream, biblical understanding, shared by millions around the world,ā€ Ngole added. ā€œSimply expressing that understanding, in a personal capacity, on my Facebook page, cannot be allowed to become a bar to serving and helping others in a professional capacity as a social worker.ā€
Aye carumba!

he's studying to be a social worker! He'd be best forgetting that right away! They will be a WALL against him in that vocation. From sea to shining sea.
I wouldn't be surprised to find he got his stupid from some born again US mission. They make an awful lot of mischief by spreading their ancient prejudices.
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I wouldn't be surprised to find he got his stupid from some born again US mission. They make an awful lot of mischief spreading their ancient prejudices.
I got affected by white power once. It was socially crippling to me.

I still believe a lot of it because some things you can't unlearn, but I just don't need it in my life.
America isnā€™t the only Western country where expressing opposition to gay marriage will unleash serious backlash from progressives. At Sheffield University in the UK, one student has been expelled after he voiced his opposition to gay marriage on his personal Facebook page.

Felix Ngole, 38, was expelled from Sheffield University after faculty staff decided he ā€˜may have caused offence to some individualsā€™.

The postgraduate father of four, who was studying to become a social worker, has been told his actions affect his fitness to practise and was ordered to hand back his student ID and library card.

Mr Ngole was reported after using his private Facebook account to express support for Kim Davis, a county clerk from Kentucky, who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licences after the introduction of same-sex unions there last September.

Mr Ngole argued that homosexual activity is against the teaching of the Bible, quoting a verse from Leviticus describing it as an ā€˜abominationā€™.

Yesterday, he said he was appealing the universityā€™s decision because the case had wider consequences for the ā€˜freedom of religion and freedom of expressionā€™.

Ngole says he was censored.

ā€œThe university claims my views are discriminatory, but I am the one being discriminated against because of my expression of Christian beliefs,ā€ Ngole said, the Daily Mail reports. ā€œI wonder whether the university would have taken any action if a Muslim student who believes in Sharia law, with its teaching about women and homosexuality, had made moderate comments on his Facebook page. I donā€™t think so.ā€™

Following a disciplinary hearing, the student was told he had brought his profession ā€˜into disreputeā€™ and breached ā€˜personal conductā€™ guidelines. A separate ā€˜fitness to practiseā€™ panel later concluded that he was entitled to his opinion about gay marriage but may have ā€˜caused offence to some individualsā€™.

They said his comment would affect his ability to operate in the social work profession even though he was not yet qualified.

If his appeal is unsuccessful, Ngole said he plans to take legal action against the university.

ā€œMy beliefs about marriage and sexual ethics reflect mainstream, biblical understanding, shared by millions around the world,ā€ Ngole added. ā€œSimply expressing that understanding, in a personal capacity, on my Facebook page, cannot be allowed to become a bar to serving and helping others in a professional capacity as a social worker.ā€

I have no dog in this hunt, but any country that permits 2% of the population to dominate the political attention of the nation and alter a reality that not only works, but dates back thousands of year is headed for a serious crash.
The irony here is if a Muslim student were preaching Sharia, the same people would be up in arms. Religion should be - and stay personal, if you want to follow the Great Pumpkin, good for you, but in the public domain respect and law must come first. Weird how discrimination crosses all boundaries of sense, always someone to hate when your ideology controls you.

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