Did Trump Have a Mini Stroke After Israel Speech?

Our President should get a medical exam just to be safe

We don't want him running around like a drooling retard. How could he tweet?
He had a case of dry mouth. Had he had a stroke it would have been obvious as he walked away from the podium. I am a medical professional, I am trained in stroke and many other ailments. He showed no other signs.
No argument there. After someone in the audience flashed a picture of Mueller Trump's mouth went dry with fear.

Ha ha, that only exists in your “mind”.
You leftists are comically pathetic. Thank God your kind is no longer in power.
He sounded weird the entire speech. He was kind of puckering his mouth, like it was completely dry. Does he wear dentures and they slipped? Maybe he had a dental prior to his speech.

When I saw the clip of the end I too thought for sure it was due to a dental problem. When I later watched the entire statement, I wasn't as sure and understood the concern. He was at a rally in Florida today and so all must be well, thankfully.

They said it sounded like slipping dentures

But why would a billionaire not have implants by now?

Not everyone can get implants, for one, if they wait too long after tooth loss. Second, he may have both implants in front and bridge pieces in the back of his mouth.
Trump had a rally in Pensacola last night. He spoke perfectly. There’s no story here.

I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

*more at link*

Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online
Most chatter on this is about alcohol consumption.

But you may be right -- all the stress may have given him a stroke.

a TIA isn't the same as a stroke because there is no brain tissue damage.

he's also gained 100 pounds since the election.

Lie much, Herr Goebbels.

That you have to slink into the gutter and fling shit proves you have nothing of substance to offer, nazi Jill.
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

*more at link*

Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online
Most chatter on this is about alcohol consumption.

But you may be right -- all the stress may have given him a stroke.

a TIA isn't the same as a stroke because there is no brain tissue damage.

he's also gained 100 pounds since the election.

Lie much, Herr Goebbels.

That you have to slink into the gutter and fling shit proves you have nothing of substance to offer, nazi Jill.

Gotta agree. Clearly he was a fatass before taking office.
Trump wears dentures. And he was having problems with them.

no one actually knows that. it's being surmised on twitter. but I know what a TIA looks like. I purposely looked to see if his teeth were moving. they weren't. feel free to look at the video I posted.
It looked to me as though his bottom teeth were moving. Upward.

not to me. and again, that is why people are questioning whether he wore dentures. but that isn't what sanders said at the press briefing. she said his mouth was dry and he'll be getting a full physical.

So I take it Mueller's "investigation" isn't coming along very well, so this is the latest way you people are trying to get him out of the White House?

Weak shit.

Did Mueller give you inside information making you think his investigation isn't going well? He didn't give us any inside information either.

it's what the trump dupes need top tell themselves since they're clearly the only ones in the world who don't get it
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

*more at link*

Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online

this thread should be in Satire room..Do they still have that here?....Trump makes an historic move to finally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and this is what you think about?:slap:

Thank G-d this bitch isn't in the White house

Our Presidents health is of concern to all of us

In this Holiday season we pray that his condition is not serious
Seemed fit as a fiddle when I saw his Pensacola speech.

transient ischemic attacks are temporary and there is no damage to the brain tissue. that's why they are "transient"

otherwise they'd be stokes.
I think he is more obese than some. Photos of the Japan trip revealed a bulging belly, and strained collar, he needs a complete examination NOW.
transient ischemic attacks are temporary and there is no damage to the brain tissue. that's why they are "transient"

otherwise they'd be stokes.
Trump had a "stoke". Say it ain't so!

did anyone say he had a stroke, moron? and do you always have to live up to your name. totally dead from the neck up.

again, look up TIA... his slurred speech was exactly representative of symptoms of one.

or are you really too stupid to understand that?

oh wait... never mind
otherwise they'd be stokes.
Trump had a "stoke". Say it ain't so!

did anyone say he had a stroke, moron? and do you always have to live up to your name. totally dead from the neck up.

again, look up TIA... his slurred speech was exactly representative of symptoms of one.

or are you really too stupid to understand that?

oh wait... never mind
It's just that I've never heard "stoke" used as a noun. But perhaps my English is not as good as yours.
his slurred speech was exactly representative of symptoms of one.

Not accurately stated. For one, not "symptoms", that's only one symptom. And the fact that he displayed no other symptoms would mean it is more accurate to say, "his presentation was NOT representative of symptoms of TIA."
He had a case of dry mouth. Had he had a stroke it would have been obvious as he walked away from the podium. I am a medical professional, I am trained in stroke and many other ailments. He showed no other signs.
No argument there. After someone in the audience flashed a picture of Mueller Trump's mouth went dry with fear.

Ha ha, that only exists in your “mind”.
Face the it, man. Trump never had slurred speech in all those previous televised appearances...so why now ...when Mueller is
tightening the noose...???
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

*more at link*

Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online
Dementia and slurred speech aren't the same.
BTW, Nancy Pelosi has been stuttering and slurring her comments for the last few years.
Al Franken talks like he's heavily sedated.
This is no problem. Because liberals are allowed to have character flaws and problems pronouncing words.
Not Republicans.

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