Did Trump Have a Mini Stroke After Israel Speech?

I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

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Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online
pelosi can't make it 1 appearance w/o twitching, spasming or just getting lost in a fog but not jack nor shit from you.

typical winger.... insult the person whose politics you don't like.

want to talk about twitching, spasming or getting lost in a fog: watch every one of donnie boy's speeches.

Oh Gawd.........Aunt Hilda collapses down by the World Trade Center last year and needs to be carried into a waiting van with emergency room equipment inside and this one ^^ is in here telling us she tripped!!:bye1:
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

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Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online

I would love to see an independent physical exam of Fat Donnie

Starting with his real weight

The lame excuse of "Trump was thirsty" does not cut it
Trump also said he would release his taxes

I am highly skeptical of Trump releasing undoctored medical records

Healthiest man to be president...my ass
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

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Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online
How could any one tell?
If you call the last few years of his term being run by his wife because he had Alzheimer's and didn't know here he was most of the time great, I guess you could be right.

Last few years------ lessee------ that would be pretty much his SECOND TERM, right? So, according to you, he ran a second time for POTUS barely knowing what day of the week it was, ran the affairs of the world not able to wipe his ass. Nancy Reagan who always stayed in the background as a proper, demure First Lady was actually running the country's affairs? You seem to have a pretty revisionist memory far from how things actually went.

So when Ronny gave his farewell address, they basically had to prop him up as he sat there and drooled? HECK of a make up job, he looks pretty OK to me for a drooling vegetable.


And as him and Nancy got on the plane for the last time waving goodbye to the country as they left to go back to private life, he was nothing but a vegetable in a wheelchair right? Ron probably thought he was back at the ranch riding a horse in one of his Hollywood movies?


Never mind that Reagan spent years after his presidency conducting a normal to fairly normal life, writing books and other things, until he finally became ill enough that he was where you think he was, here is a guy who gave the last eight good years of his life almost into his 80's working selflessly both for the country and the world forever changing the face of the Earth for the better for all of history, and her comes a little POS ass like you who like all liberals, is too bitter that anyone else did great things with their life, all you want to do is tear them down because it reminds you that you haven't done shit with yours, much less when you are 79. And if he had only served one of his eight years with the other 7 very sick and ill, it is still 10X 10,000 more than you will ever do.
If you call the last few years of his term being run by his wife because he had Alzheimer's and didn't know here he was most of the time great, I guess you could be right.

Last few years------ lessee------ that would be pretty much his SECOND TERM, right? So, according to you, he ran a second time for POTUS barely knowing what day of the week it was, ran the affairs of the world not able to wipe his ass. Nancy Reagan who always stayed in the background as a proper, demure First Lady was actually running the country's affairs? You seem to have a pretty revisionist memory far from how things actually went.

So when Ronny gave his farewell address, they basically had to prop him up as he sat there and drooled? HECK of a make up job, he looks pretty OK to me for a drooling vegetable.

View attachment 164949

And as him and Nancy got on the plane for the last time waving goodbye to the country as they left to go back to private life, he was nothing but a vegetable in a wheelchair right? Ron probably thought he was back at the ranch riding a horse in one of his Hollywood movies?

View attachment 164948

Never mind that Reagan spent years after his presidency conducting a normal to fairly normal life, writing books and other things, until he finally became ill enough that he was where you think he was, here is a guy who gave the last eight good years of his life almost into his 80's working selflessly both for the country and the world forever changing the face of the Earth for the better for all of history, and her comes a little POS ass like you who like all liberals, is too bitter that anyone else did great things with their life, all you want to do is tear them down because it reminds you that you haven't done shit with yours, much less when you are 79. And if he had only served one of his eight years with the other 7 very sick and ill, it is still 10X 10,000 more than you will ever do.

Put your cheer leading pom poms down. There are lots of examples of Reagan's disorientation.
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

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Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online
Wonder if he will forge his fat content like last time
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

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Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online

I would love to see an independent physical exam of Fat Donnie

Starting with his real weight

The lame excuse of "Trump was thirsty" does not cut it

apparently he gained about 100 pounds since the election. his order from McDonald's is two Big Macs, two fish sandwiches and a shake. That's for real, btw.
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

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Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online

I would love to see an independent physical exam of Fat Donnie

Starting with his real weight

The lame excuse of "Trump was thirsty" does not cut it

apparently he gained about 100 pounds since the election. his order from McDonald's is two Big Macs, two fish sandwiches and a shake. That's for real, btw.

Fat boy gotta keep up his strength. He never knows when he might have to grab a pussy or two
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

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Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online

I would love to see an independent physical exam of Fat Donnie

Starting with his real weight

The lame excuse of "Trump was thirsty" does not cut it

apparently he gained about 100 pounds since the election. his order from McDonald's is two Big Macs, two fish sandwiches and a shake. That's for real, btw.

I never will understand liberals. You would think they'd be HAPPY if he was eating his way into a coronary, yet they complain even at that!!!
I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

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Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online

I would love to see an independent physical exam of Fat Donnie

Starting with his real weight

The lame excuse of "Trump was thirsty" does not cut it

apparently he gained about 100 pounds since the election. his order from McDonald's is two Big Macs, two fish sandwiches and a shake. That's for real, btw.

I never will understand liberals. You would think they'd be HAPPY if he was eating his way into a coronary, yet they complain even at that!!!

Eat up fat boy. No reason not to ridicule him.
We watched that speech.

It was perfectly obvious what happened: the microphone was too close.

You could hear every breath he took. And the last few words were muddled. His tech people need to position that mike a little further away.
He sounded weird the entire speech. He was kind of puckering his mouth, like it was completely dry. Does he wear dentures and they slipped? Maybe he had a dental prior to his speech.

We watched that speech.

It was perfectly obvious what happened: the microphone was too close.

You could hear every breath he took. And the last few words were muddled. His tech people need to position that mike a little further away.

We all can see that isn't what happened.
He does not smoke or drink, but he is overweight. It is something he needs to watch out for. He isn't horribly overweight, and he does seem to exercise regularly.

This would have been a more severe problem for Hillary. I voted for Johnson for partly this reason. Both of them have the grim reaper constantly at their elbow.

Hillary is a gread deal sicker, drinks, is morbidly obese and seemed to suffer alzheimer's because she was always saying she didn't remember important details. Trump slors his words a little. At his age he naturally would. If he did it constantly it would be cause for concern. At the level he does it, it isn't a problem

He slors his words?

I think it's interesting that the White House intends to "prove" that trump doesn't have dementia. the way he slurred his speech seemed more akin to a TIA, or transient iscemic attack (also known as a mini stroke). but then again, he's the oldest elected president we ever had and he refused to provide legitimate medical reports prior to the election.

'I will prove I haven't got dementia': White House says Trump will have a full physical exam next year AND release the results to prove he is in good health after slurring during Israel speech

*more at link*

Trump to get physical exam after Israel speech slur | Daily Mail Online
Stay classy

truth isn't "classy". framklie"? I thought it was just supposed to be "truth".

or does the health of the person in the White House only matter when it's Hillary Clinton?
Hillary was visibly ill, both physically and mentally. Did you see her weird, triggered episode when the balloons were released?

She looked like she was as high as those balloons!
He does not smoke or drink, but he is overweight. It is something he needs to watch out for. He isn't horribly overweight, and he does seem to exercise regularly.

This would have been a more severe problem for Hillary. I voted for Johnson for partly this reason. Both of them have the grim reaper constantly at their elbow.

Hillary is a gread deal sicker, drinks, is morbidly obese and seemed to suffer alzheimer's because she was always saying she didn't remember important details. Trump slors his words a little. At his age he naturally would. If he did it constantly it would be cause for concern. At the level he does it, it isn't a problem

What exercise does he do regularly? Golf only and he rides a golf cart around the course. He gets no substantial exercise. To do yourself any good, you have to exercise at minimum 20 minutes per day at enough aerobic intensity to get your heart really pumping. He doesn't do that. He does not exercise and he lives on fast food. He is under a great deal of stress as president, more than usual because of the investigation, all the national and world wide criticism, and because he has no experience in this job. He is a prime example of someone who is at risk for stroke or heart attack. We don't have a credible doctor's report on him. We don't know what kind of shape he is in.

So because you think that, he should resign and let Hillary take over? Is that what you want?

You libs are as dumb as a post, which is an insult to posts everywhere.

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