Did Trump really ‘ruin the economy’ in 2020 or did blue state governors and mayors ruin it with lockdowns and mandates?

What about that pesky truth though TDS’er?
Didn’t the treasury take in record revenues on Trumps watch?
"Facts SucK".

Even obama new it was economic suicide to increase taxes in a struggling economy which is why the "Bush Tax Cuts" became the "Obama Tax Cuts".
I guess it's pretty handy to cut out what he said before your quotes begin.

People can carry food items out of bars and restaurants can't they?

You're the one lying, not me.

And that in no way is a call to close businesses nor did he make such an attempt at any time.

Yes, they could do take out. He called for people to not eat/drink IN restaurants, bars and food courts. That's a recommendation many states enacted, allowing for take out only.
Yes, Trump was the one who recommended it and then the states followed his recommendations...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

“I’d love to have the economy open up by
Easter” ( three weeks later)

His poor response to covid did.

Governors of all states followed CDC guidance to some degree. Some followed the guidance more closely than others. Had all followed it closely, Trump would have probably won a second term. Instead he constantly undermined his own CDC and we saw what happened.
It was a global pandemic. Name another country or countries whose response was better AND had a better economy? This was the same President that took unemployment from 14.7 percent in April 2020 to 6.9 percent in October 2020. Obama and Biden took almost six years to get unemployment from just under 10 percent to under 6 percent.
Yes, they could do take out. He called for people to not eat/drink IN restaurants, bars and food courts. That's a recommendation many states enacted, allowing for take out only.
You can keep trying to spin this all you want but he never called for the closure of any business.
It was a global pandemic. Name another country or countries whose response was better AND had a better economy? This was the same President that took unemployment from 14.7 percent in April 2020 to 6.9 percent in October 2020. Obama and Biden took almost six years to get unemployment from just under 10 percent to under 6 percent.
He took it to an all time low in fact but the democratic mayors and governors found a way to erase those gains and make even more Americans give up trying and get on public assistance.
Trump should have stomped him out like a bug as soon as he started conflicting with the Administration on Covid recommendations.
What? And get impeached a third time?

He's a disgrace and should be tarred, feathered and run out of science and medicine publicly.
I was thinking more along the lines of being infected with a terrible disease developed in one of the secret labs he quietly funds . . .
It was a global pandemic. Name another country or countries whose response was better AND had a better economy? This was the same President that took unemployment from 14.7 percent in April 2020 to 6.9 percent in October 2020. Obama and Biden took almost six years to get unemployment from just under 10 percent to under 6 percent.

Which countries had a better response?? Most. The U.S. comprises about 4% of the Earth's population, yet at some point, we accounted for some 25% of the planet's covid deaths.
It was a global pandemic. Name another country or countries whose response was better AND had a better economy? This was the same President that took unemployment from 14.7 percent in April 2020 to 6.9 percent in October 2020. Obama and Biden took almost six years to get unemployment from just under 10 percent to under 6 percent.
Unfortunately it's all they have left Lies and Half Truths are now part and parcel of democrat politics in the US today.
You can keep trying to spin this all you want but he never called for the closure of any business.


So states shutting down dine-in eating in the days following his recommendations are not connected, huh?

Rather odd how you blamed Fauci because many states followed his recommendations; yet you absolve Trump doing the exact same thing. :cuckoo:
What? And get impeached a third time?

I was thinking more along the lines of being infected with a terrible disease developed in one of the secret labs he quietly funds . . .
Trump was going to be impeached at least once a month for as long as they held both houses no matter what he did.

So states shutting down dine-in eating in the days following his recommendations are not connected, huh?

Rather odd how you blamed Fauci because many states followed his recommendations; yet you absolve Trump doing the exact same thing. :cuckoo:
Why do you feel such a need to lie? He never suggested shutting them down and we all know it. You're not even going to salvage a technicality point so just give it up already.
Why do you feel such a need to lie? He never suggested shutting them down and we all know it. You're not even going to salvage a technicality point so just give it up already.

He suggested people not dine in. That's exactly what many states enacted with legislation. My state even acknowledged they were doing so because he recommended it.
They are still trying to impeach him. Or at least get the conviction they failed to win in the senate.

Nah, we got that conviction in the 2020 election. The American people did what the Republican-led Senate wouldn't do... throw him out of office.

No, a whole lot of blue state governors took a deep dive off the left platform.

CDC gave us guidelines on how to keep businesses open, democrat mayors and governors decided to shut them down and keep them closed even after CDC told us it would be safe to reopen them.

Factually incorrect. Its telling that you didn't source the CDC guidelines to back up your opinion.

There were CDC guidelines that called for 3 phases of returning to normal ops. TTBOMK no state met even phase one.

We constantly hear Lefties say it…”Trump ruined the economy”……but did he?
Did he ever champion lockdowns, closures and the like?
Was he ever in favor of mandates and all the things that caused the “crash”?
No, of course not! But you know how these wastes of dirt think. They don't. They have to be lied to by one of their criminals like Pelosi the loon, Adam Shit the Shit, Waters or one of the other branch bait pile of crap So it's what ever they tell them to think. What did Reagan say ' It's not that they don't know nothing it's just everything they know is wrong. I can't sum it up better than that. I almost feel sorry for them. If you line them up and use a maximum powder charge you might get 5 at once almost make them worth a bullet. I know if we don't start playing cowboys and leftist pretty soon leaving that worthless Cheatin Joe in the White House we will be living in caves but we will have plenty to do cleaning out the cord wood. Here is their best and they wood shoot them self long before reaching a battle.
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