Did Trump really ‘ruin the economy’ in 2020 or did blue state governors and mayors ruin it with lockdowns and mandates?

Which countries had a better response?? Most. The U.S. comprises about 4% of the Earth's population, yet at some point, we accounted for some 25% of the planet's covid deaths.
You can’t even name one country whose economy did better nor can you provide any metrics to back up your bullshit “most” response. Further, you shift the conversation to deaths. According to the CDC, only 6 percent died from COVID. Medical facilities tied many death reports from co-morbidities to COVID.
No, of course not! But you know how these wastes of dirt think. They don't. They have to be lied to by one of their criminals like Pelosi the loon, Adam Shit the Shit, Waters or one of the other branch bait pile of crap So it's what ever they tell them to think. What did Reagan say ' It's not that they don't know nothing it's just everything they know is wrong. I can't sum it up better than that. I almost feel sorry for them. If you line them up and use a maximum powder charge you might get 5 at once almost make them worth a bullet. I know if we don't start playing cowboys and leftist pretty soon leaving that worthless Cheatin Joe in the White House we will be living in caves but we will have plenty to do cleaning out the cord wood.

Who needs to listen to the words of Pelosi, Schiff or Waters when we have Trump's own words...?

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
You can’t even name one country whose economy did better nor can you provide any metrics to back up your bullshit “most” response. Further, you shift the conversation to deaths. According to the CDC, only 6 percent died from COVID. Medical facilities tied many death reports from co-morbidities to COVID.

Yeah, imagine that, I judge a response to a pandemic by human life, not in dollars. That aside, we still accounted for 25% of the world's deaths. There's no denying that -- only excuse making.
It was a global pandemic. Name another country or countries whose response was better AND had a better economy? This was the same President that took unemployment from 14.7 percent in April 2020 to 6.9 percent in October 2020. Obama and Biden took almost six years to get unemployment from just under 10 percent to under 6 percent.
Other nations without our resources fared much better in curtailing infections.

Part of the blame is on the side of the elected officials on the left who acted stupidly (DeBlasio and Cuomo for example). Sylvester Turner--mayor of Houston--decided it was okay during a pandemic to have a massive funeral for George Floyd.

Of course when you see the blob ignoring his own CDC's guidance....
Yeah, imagine that, I judge a response to a pandemic by human life, not in dollars. That aside, we still accounted for 25% of the world's deaths. There's no denying that -- only excuse making.
The topic is the economy during the pandemic. Step aside.
Other nations without our resources fared much better in curtailing infections.

Part of the blame is on the side of the elected officials on the left who acted stupidly (DeBlasio and Cuomo for example). Sylvester Turner--mayor of Houston--decided it was okay during a pandemic to have a massive funeral for George Floyd.

Of course when you see the blob ignoring his own CDC's guidance....
You provided no metrics or measurements to show what or if other countries fared better economically due to a comparatively better response to the pandemic. I appreciate you acknowledge the faults or Cuomo and DeBlasio. And while Sylvester Turner decided it was okay for a mass funeral for Floyd, how many other mayors decided it was okay for mass protests for Floyd while bringing the hammer down on small businesses from opening and shutting down religious events?
You provided no metrics or measurements to show what or if other countries fared better economically due to a comparatively better response to the pandemic. I appreciate you acknowledge the faults or Cuomo and DeBlasio. And while Sylvester Turner decided it was okay for a mass funeral for Floyd, how many other mayors decided it was okay for mass protests for Floyd while bringing the hammer down on small businesses from opening and shutting down religious events?
Plenty of hypocrisy to go around. I provided just as many metrics as you did bub.
Of course you do. You're incapable of blaming Trump for anything bad.
President Trump didn't do anything bad. Fauci sure did. Masks are worthless. Fauci and Democrats didn't wear masks while demanding everyone else wear them.
Silly question really unless you were just born last year!
  • The onus to go to lockdowns and shutdowns was purely a demand made by many blue state governors the summer of 2020 who insisted THEY had final authority over their state, not the president! And it was that action which is almost entirely responsible for the ruined economy and other problems we have today, and all in response to a virus that in many ways wasn't nearly as bad as some other viruses which the world got through with no panic at all.
Of course we all know that if Uncle Bedpan ordered the states tomorrow that we all had to sleep on our heads facing East, every one of those same governors would say: "Yes Sir, you are the Boss! We follow the 'science'!"

Here's your evidence proving you are correct:
President Trump didn't do anything bad. Fauci sure did. Masks are worthless. Fauci and Democrats didn't wear masks while demanding everyone else wear them.

Masks did not shutdown America -- but Trump's recommendations to not eat out and home school led to that.
Other nations without our resources fared much better in curtailing infections.

Part of the blame is on the side of the elected officials on the left who acted stupidly (DeBlasio and Cuomo for example). Sylvester Turner--mayor of Houston--decided it was okay during a pandemic to have a massive funeral for George Floyd.

Of course when you see the blob ignoring his own CDC's guidance....
What nations would those be and what measures did they take that were more effective than ours which would hold up to constitutional scrutiny in the US and not force an instant rebellion?

List the nations and the measures please.
Plenty of hypocrisy to go around. I provided just as many metrics as you did bub.
You provided no metrics and cannot name one specific country that had a better response to the pandemic, a better economy, and metrics to back it up. I provided comparative metrics on the economic measurement of unemployment. Stop being hypocritical.
Masks did not shutdown America -- but Trump's recommendations to not eat out and home school led to that.
You know, this fabricated BS was shown for what it was quite a while ago, you should just stop while you're still way behind so nobody notices what a fool you're making of yourself.
You provided no metrics and cannot name one specific country that had a better response to the pandemic, a better economy, and metrics to back it up. I provided comparative metrics on the economic measurement of unemployment. Stop being hypocritical.
Well whatever he's going to fabricate the map here will certainly dispute.

You provided no metrics and cannot name one specific country that had a better response to the pandemic, a better economy, and metrics to back it up. I provided comparative metrics on the economic measurement of unemployment. Stop being hypocritical.

I like how rightards bitch that Democrats shut down the economy while at the same time, boast we had the best economy in the world.
You know, this fabricated BS was shown for what it was quite a while ago, you should just stop while you're still way behind so nobody notices what a fool you're making of yourself.

I am not bound by your delusions. Trump said what he said and many states followed suit. Some even acknowledging due to his recommendations.
Well whatever he's going to fabricate the map here will certainly dispute.

So we had the best economy in 2021?
I like how rightards bitch that Democrats shut down the economy while at the same time, boast we had the best economy in the world.
I bitch every time Democrats hinder the economy regardless. Take now for instance. Democrats’ massive spending is exacerbating inflation and their anti-domestic oil policies are causing unnecessary higher energy costs. But hey, go ahead and celebrate economic mediocrity simply because Democrats are in charge.

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