Did Trump really ‘ruin the economy’ in 2020 or did blue state governors and mayors ruin it with lockdowns and mandates?

Did Trump really ‘ruin the economy’ in 2020 or did blue state governors and mayors ruin it with lockdowns and mandates?​


Trump rolled over and gave in to the faucists. He gave no alternative path for state and local governments to follow.

Fauci is not covered by civil service, Trump let him play in the spotlight rather than cutting him loose.
Trump did play far too diplomatically with the fascist filth they call Democrats…he did so on the wetback wall and he did with covid…he should have gone full authoritarian, that I agree with.
We constantly hear Lefties say it…”Trump ruined the economy”……but did he?
Did he ever champion lockdowns, closures and the like?
Was he ever in favor of mandates and all the things that caused the “crash”?

In 2020 covid caught almost every country with their pants down. It was still new, we didn't have much information, nothing was certain. A whole lot of countries did a lot worse than America did with how they reacted to it and with happened with the economy.

So when you look at the world as a whole I'd say America faired pretty well for 2020 being the start of a pandemic.
Then Fauci is the Problem, not President Trump.

False. The president gets advice from multiple sources and decides from which to choose. The buck stopped at Trump's desk, not Fauci's. It was Trump we hired to run the country, not Fauci. It was Trump who spoke to the American people to recommend federal guidelines.

It's beyond bizarre how Trump acolytes refuse to hold Trump accountable.
False. The president gets advice from multiple sources and decides from which to choose. The buck stopped at Trump's desk, not Fauci's. It was Trump we hired to run the country, not Fauci. It was Trump who spoke to the American people to recommend federal guidelines.

It's beyond bizarre how Trump acolytes refuse to hold Trump accountable.
You just admitted Fauci was advising President Trump on Covid. I agree President Trump is responsible for taking the advice of Dr. Fauci. President Biden is responsible now for listening to the damn liar.
You just admitted Fauci was advising President Trump on Covid. I agree President Trump is responsible for taking the advice of Dr. Fauci.

I never denied it. Still, Trump was responsible for whom he chose to listen to and for words that came of his own mouth.

Trump recommended it to the American people -- the American people, by proxy of state legislatures, followed his recommendations. That's on him.
Here's your evidence proving you are correct

I found it funny that the guideline for considering a state needing quarantined was if 0.01% or or 1/100th of 1% of the state tested positive, by a means known to issue many false positives but not being able to identify WHY.

Someone might test positive because they already HAD Covid, it is long gone, and they are now naturally immunized.

I never denied it. Still, Trump was responsible for whom he chose to listen to and for words that came of his own mouth.

Trump recommended it to the American people -- the American people, by proxy of state legislatures, followed his recommendations. That's on him.
Yep, and now it's on Biden.
We constantly hear Lefties say it…”Trump ruined the economy”……but did he?
Did he ever champion lockdowns, closures and the like?
Was he ever in favor of mandates and all the things that caused the “crash”?
The Chinese wanted Trump out of the White House. Dems wanted Trump out of the White House. How convenient they both got what the wanted when the Kung Flu was brought to America.

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