Did you hear about the black man killed by police this month?


No, no..the OTHER one

Odds this guy was assaulting cops and resisting arrest? Anyone? ..... No the other one. ... .. no the other one ... ... .. no the other one.
I am beginning to learn that "resisting arrest" is a relative term....as is "Stop reaching for my gun!"...once having seen videos of cops yelling that while the one being arrested has his hands in plain sight away from any gun.

Which case?
These type of things are going to happen more often with blacks because blacks on average are a more violent people

But its the cops who are gunning them down but not gunning down whites.

And of course, your statement is just ignorant kkk shit.

Whites gunned down by cops don't get the glamor or play in the media largely because whites don't care when their thugs are shot. Blacks will defend one of their own no matter what the guilt. Mike Brown taught us that.

Cops aren't gunning down whites at the astounding rates they're murdering blacks. Since the beginning of "stop and frisk" in NYC, not one white person was gunned down by cops while many blacks were.

If you disagree, post a link. Prove it.

No, you made the claim that whites are being gunned down less than blacks by the police. It is incumbent on you to prove it.

Here we go again with the racist kkk RW who wants to be spoon fed. Try getting your news from other than Stormfront, Blaze, Fox, Limbaugh.

If you want an education, you're sitting in front of a computer.

No, no..the OTHER one

Odds this guy was assaulting cops and resisting arrest? Anyone? ..... No the other one. ... .. no the other one ... ... .. no the other one.
I am beginning to learn that "resisting arrest" is a relative term....as is "Stop reaching for my gun!"...once having seen videos of cops yelling that while the one being arrested has his hands in plain sight away from any gun.

Which case?
These type of things are going to happen more often with blacks because blacks on average are a more violent people

But its the cops who are gunning them down but not gunning down whites.

And of course, your statement is just ignorant kkk shit.

Whites gunned down by cops don't get the glamor or play in the media largely because whites don't care when their thugs are shot. Blacks will defend one of their own no matter what the guilt. Mike Brown taught us that.

Cops aren't gunning down whites at the astounding rates they're murdering blacks. Since the beginning of "stop and frisk" in NYC, not one white person was gunned down by cops while many blacks were.

If you disagree, post a link. Prove it.

No, you made the claim that whites are being gunned down less than blacks by the police. It is incumbent on you to prove it.

Here we go again with the racist kkk RW who wants to be spoon fed. Try getting your news from other than Stormfront, Blaze, Fox, Limbaugh.

If you want an education, you're sitting in front of a computer.

Aaaaaaaaand he comes back with nothing. I am so shocked. :rolleyes:
Wow 5!!!??

We had 6 black men murdered just in Charleston County this month alone. But....by other black men. Id guess most metro areas would say the same.

I know, someone needs to tell inner city black males to stop killing other black males !!

They need to be told that black lives matter !
Wow 5!!!??

We had 6 black men murdered just in Charleston County this month alone. But....by other black men. Id guess most metro areas would say the same.

I know, someone needs to tell inner city black males to stop killing other black males !!

They need to be told that black lives matter !

The odds of a black person being murdered by another black citizen from their own community is FAR FAR higher than by the white cop who responds to the scene.
Wow 5!!!??

We had 6 black men murdered just in Charleston County this month alone. But....by other black men. Id guess most metro areas would say the same.

I know, someone needs to tell inner city black males to stop killing other black males !!

They need to be told that black lives matter !

The odds of a black person being murdered by another black citizen from their own community is FAR FAR higher than by the white cop who responds to the scene.

Noooooooo, see you don't understand. The dolla dolla bills don't come in unless a white cop can be found guilty of killing a black thug. Be quite ... you're threatening their victim status.
There was a news story on TV that said cops kill more than 950 blacks every year - for no real reason other than their being black.

Then you would figure that the op could include one innocent black guy shot by the police.

I didn't see any who were not innocent.

Not one of them had been arrested, tried and found guilty.

This is still the United States. The kkk is not the law of the land. Therefore, ALL suspects have the right of presumed innocence and due process.

They were just innocent lambs who thought they could give the police some exercise by running away, fighting, and resisting arrest. God bless those innocent gentle little angels.

Yep. Finally, you get something right.

That is their right - innocent until proven guilty.

If you don't like it, go live where there is no constitutional right to due process.

My benefit of the doubt goes out the window as soon as they run away, assault cops, or resist arrest.

I should move to where there is no rule of law? You mean the "hood?" Detroit perhaps?

Good thing you don't have the power to change the US Constitution.

Why is it that its ALWAYS the rabid right that's so against the US Constitution? We never read where a liberal is. Its ALWAYS the RWs.
Then you would figure that the op could include one innocent black guy shot by the police.

I didn't see any who were not innocent.

Not one of them had been arrested, tried and found guilty.

This is still the United States. The kkk is not the law of the land. Therefore, ALL suspects have the right of presumed innocence and due process.

They were just innocent lambs who thought they could give the police some exercise by running away, fighting, and resisting arrest. God bless those innocent gentle little angels.

Yep. Finally, you get something right.

That is their right - innocent until proven guilty.

If you don't like it, go live where there is no constitutional right to due process.

My benefit of the doubt goes out the window as soon as they run away, assault cops, or resist arrest.

I should move to where there is no rule of law? You mean the "hood?" Detroit perhaps?

Good thing you don't have the power to change the US Constitution.

Never asked for it. Nor do I understand where you think your going with such a comment. But then again, logic and reason is foreign to you.
Maybe if blacks didn't commit half of the crimes in this country. Maybe far less of them would end up being shot by police? makes sense???

No it does not make sense.

Not even related to the fact that cops are getting away with murdering blacks.
Maybe if blacks didn't commit half of the crimes in this country. Maybe far less of them would end up being shot by police? makes sense???

No it does not make sense.

Not even related to the fact that cops are getting away with murdering blacks.

He is clearly wrong. Blacks do not commit half of the crimes in the country. Just half of the murders. Not bad for 12% of the US population.
I didn't see any who were not innocent.

Not one of them had been arrested, tried and found guilty.

This is still the United States. The kkk is not the law of the land. Therefore, ALL suspects have the right of presumed innocence and due process.

They were just innocent lambs who thought they could give the police some exercise by running away, fighting, and resisting arrest. God bless those innocent gentle little angels.

Yep. Finally, you get something right.

That is their right - innocent until proven guilty.

If you don't like it, go live where there is no constitutional right to due process.

My benefit of the doubt goes out the window as soon as they run away, assault cops, or resist arrest.

I should move to where there is no rule of law? You mean the "hood?" Detroit perhaps?

Good thing you don't have the power to change the US Constitution.

Never asked for it. Nor do I understand where you think your going with such a comment. But then again, logic and reason is foreign to you.

Probably because you conveniently left off the rest of my comment.

Why is it that its ALWAYS the rabid right that's so against the US Constitution? We never read where a liberal is. Its ALWAYS the RWs.

It is ALWAYS the rabid RWs who say garbage like "benefit of the doubt goes out the window".

Its ALWAYS the rabid RWs who hate the Constitution.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You might take their "victim status" away. Then what will they do? Earn an honest living whereas they admit that they are at fault for all of their shortcomings? Don't hold your breath.
Wow 5!!!??

We had 6 black men murdered just in Charleston County this month alone. But....by other black men. Id guess most metro areas would say the same.

I know, someone needs to tell inner city black males to stop killing other black males !!

They need to be told that black lives matter !

Instead of hiding behind derailing this thread, if you want to discuss that subject, start a thread.

They were just innocent lambs who thought they could give the police some exercise by running away, fighting, and resisting arrest. God bless those innocent gentle little angels.

Yep. Finally, you get something right.

That is their right - innocent until proven guilty.

If you don't like it, go live where there is no constitutional right to due process.

My benefit of the doubt goes out the window as soon as they run away, assault cops, or resist arrest.

I should move to where there is no rule of law? You mean the "hood?" Detroit perhaps?

Good thing you don't have the power to change the US Constitution.

Never asked for it. Nor do I understand where you think your going with such a comment. But then again, logic and reason is foreign to you.

Probably because you conveniently left off the rest of my comment.

Why is it that its ALWAYS the rabid right that's so against the US Constitution? We never read where a liberal is. Its ALWAYS the RWs.

It is ALWAYS the rabid RWs who say garbage like "benefit of the doubt goes out the window".

Its ALWAYS the rabid RWs who hate the Constitution.

Are you through ranting? Feel better? The last time I checked it wasn't the "Rabid Right" ranting and raving that the U.S. Constitution can magically change without so much as an amendment.

What rest of your comment?

Oh my. And it's a BLACK cop doing the punching. I guess all the blacks here spitting in everyone's faces during their rants about the poh-leese being so mean to blacks....what about black cops doing the same treatment to black "victims"? Oh. Wait. I know. Thems be Uncle Toms.
Wow 5!!!??

We had 6 black men murdered just in Charleston County this month alone. But....by other black men. Id guess most metro areas would say the same.

So they weren't police officers, trained to carry weapons, restrain suspects and obey the law? Imagine that. What a dufuss you are. Reading skills: 0

No they werent. They were just black members of the community. ...who by the way are FAR FAR FAR...astronomically far... more likely to kill a black person than a cop in that same community.

That's because there are FAR FAR FAR...astronomically far....more black members in a black community than cops.

I bet if I put a flashlight in your ear there would be a big glowing beam out the other side of your head.

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