Did you hear about the Muslim immigrant who cut off the heads of two Christians in New Jersey?

Don't bother. We both know it was reported nationally. But they're not satisfied unless there's widespread hysteria.

I posted the link.
did you read it?

Yeah, a bunch of RW crybabies denying that it was reported.
it wasn't. We dare you to post a link to a MSM paper. go for it. How about a broadcast station? go for it.

I double dog and triple dog dare you.
I Egyptian guy who happens to be Muslim, shoots two Egyptian guys who happen to be Christian, robs them and then disembodies their corpses as he tries to hide the evidence of the crime

Nutters report: Muslim terrorist cuts heads off!
So if this was terrorism committed by an EGYPTIAN, why isn't Egypt on Trump's list of countries?

Oh look. Like magic, an answer appears:

Donald Trump is President of companies in Egypt and Turkey

I was just going to ask the same question. Oooops. Egypt not on list.

Here's the problem with this O/P and the story: It would have been irresponsible and unethical of the media to ascribe the motives of the murderer and how he selected his victims since the murderer did not provide that information himself, as did Dylann Roof when he was interviewed after the Charleston church killings.

So the fake news sites carrying the story are editorializing when they sprinkle in the Muslim/Christian connection. Very dishonest and unfounded.

Sorry, massive thread fail on an intergalactic scale.
I guy who happens to be Muslim, shoots two guys who happen to be Christian, robs them and then disembodies their corpses as he tries to hide the evidence of the crime

Nutters report: Muslim terrorist cuts heads off!
what would you report?
So if this was terrorism committed by an EGYPTIAN, why isn't Egypt on Trump's list of countries?

Oh look. Like magic, an answer appears:

Donald Trump is President of companies in Egypt and Turkey

I was just going to ask the same question. Oooops. Egypt not on list.

Here's the problem with this O/P and the story: It would have been irresponsible and unethical of the media to ascribe the motives of the murderer and how he selected his victims since the murderer did not provide that information himself, as did Dylann Roof when he was interviewed after the Charleston church killings.

So the fake news sites carrying the story are editorializing when they sprinkle in the Muslim/Christian connection. Very dishonest and unfounded.

Sorry, massive thread fail on an intergalactic scale.
why do you think? Did you listen to why the seven?
I guy who happens to be Muslim, shoots two guys who happen to be Christian, robs them and then disembodies their corpses as he tries to hide the evidence of the crime

Nutters report: Muslim terrorist cuts heads off!
what would you report?

Umm murder and robbery?
so why wasn't it reported? muslim murders two new jersey men during robbery and dismembers them. Why? isn't that news? Isn't that what the MSM is there for?
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.

Did you hear about the Muslim who is too afraid to try to cut the head of two Christians in Virginia because of the Virginia concealed carry law there? Thought not, 2nd amendment works.

I guy who happens to be Muslim, shoots two guys who happen to be Christian, robs them and then disembodies their corpses as he tries to hide the evidence of the crime

Nutters report: Muslim terrorist cuts heads off!
what would you report?

Um,....hmmmm...I know this sounds terrifying to you but.....the FACTS, which the story did.
The title on the YouTube video was added by the person/fearmonger who posted it.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.

That was not a terror attack, idiot.

If this is the best you can do, you are doing a bang-up job of proving Trump a liar.
I guy who happens to be Muslim, shoots two guys who happen to be Christian, robs them and then disembodies their corpses as he tries to hide the evidence of the crime

Nutters report: Muslim terrorist cuts heads off!
what would you report?

Umm murder and robbery?
so why wasn't it reported? muslim murders two new jersey men during robbery and dismembers them. Why? isn't that news? Isn't that what the MSM is there for?

There are 44 murders everyday in this country.

You want each one on the front page of national news, or only when someone that happens to be Muslim commits them against someone that happens to be a Christian?
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.

Did you hear about the Muslim who is too afraid to try to cut the head of two Christians in Virginia because of the Virginia concealed carry law there? Thought not, 2nd amendment works.

View attachment 111561

Did everybody else hear that? It was a loud, fart sound coming from here ^^^^^^^.
So funny that some idiots are so worried about Sharia Law.
You're going to have Martial Law under your Emperor very soon.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.

Really horrible :frown:
At least he got what he deserved (two life terms in prison). He's not going to arm any other people now :nono:
According to last year's statistics there should have been over 1,000 murders in the U.S. last month. Why has this story recieved so much more coverage than all of thise???? What is the MSM hiding?????!!!!!

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