Did you hear about the Muslim immigrant who cut off the heads of two Christians in New Jersey?

All of these people were dismembered for not submitting to a religion?
that would be the religion of peace. Not to be confused with Christians who are pure barbarians.
While there are many who claim to be Christians and act the way you say, they are not really Christians. The Bible tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Koran tells it's followers to convert or kill the entire world. Do yo see the difference?
With 1.5 billion Muslims ordered to kill non converts.......why are there not more dead Christians

How many non-Christians have been killed by Christians in the last 50-100 years for not converting? The previous President reminded us that Christians did kill those who did not convert.....but that was last seen centuries ago. Christianity evolved.

1.5 billion Muslims out there

How many have been killed for not converting?

Point being is that Christians no longer kill non Christians for not converting. Ali Ali Akbar......regardless if there are 1.5 billion muslims or 3 billion muslims out there, muslims are killing non muslims for not converting <1.
that would be the religion of peace. Not to be confused with Christians who are pure barbarians.
While there are many who claim to be Christians and act the way you say, they are not really Christians. The Bible tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Koran tells it's followers to convert or kill the entire world. Do yo see the difference?
With 1.5 billion Muslims ordered to kill non converts.......why are there not more dead Christians

How many non-Christians have been killed by Christians in the last 50-100 years for not converting? The previous President reminded us that Christians did kill those who did not convert.....but that was last seen centuries ago. Christianity evolved.

1.5 billion Muslims out there

How many have been killed for not converting?

Point being is that Christians no longer kill non Christians for not converting. Ali Ali Akbar......regardless if there are 1.5 billion muslims or 3 billion muslims out there, muslims are killing non muslims for not converting <1.
Muslims will kill anyone who does not bend to the will of their perverted religion. Their goal is world domination under their religion.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.



It was in the mainstream media - google it. In fact, there were threads on it here when it happened. And of course barenakedislam, a known hate site, deliberately distorts the story.

It wasn't a terrorist attack.

Jersey City man accused of decapitating two men indicted

The bodies were dismembered in an attempt to hinder identification - he also bashed out their teeth and tried to burn them. He'd also robbed, pistol whipped and shot another man, attacked and stole a car from yet another. The guy was a violent thug who'll spend a long time in prison.

Total thread fail.
insert silly gibberish here.

Because armies made up of bandits and vermin usually fall apart due to the various gangs running off to loot, rape, and murder, for one, and then there is the fact they are also lousy and tend to run like cowards when faces with competent enemies, like Charles Martel in France, and the Byzantine emperors, those types. Given the disparities in populations under Muslim rule and that of western Europe, they certainly aren't impressive as 'warriors n stuff', in any case, and then , just like today, they inevitably turn to killing each other with abandon at the drop of a hat.

Any other stupid questions ? They did manage to kill a lot of Christians, as did some Jewish kings before them, and then they also managed to kill many millions of Indians and Africans.[/QUOTE]
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Those murders were the result of the Catholic Church. A Pagan religion.

Lol then the Bible is the product of a pagan religion?

Roflmao, you are a deranged moron.

Welcome to my ignore list.
The Bible was written centuries before the Catholic Church was a gleam in the eye of Emperor Constantine. Now, who's the deranged moron?

True, and the orthodoxy was firmly established by the end of the 1st Century, despite all the wishful efforts at creating fantasies and 'The New, Improved Hippie Jesus!!! by the followers of Walther Bauer and the current 'Gnostic Revival and Monkey Circus for Stoners' fads.

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