Did you hear about the Muslim immigrant who cut off the heads of two Christians in New Jersey?

Whatever you think of Islam, the simple fact remains that these murders were committed by an ILLEGAL MUSLIM IMMIGRANT! And the mainstream media did not report it. There are countless similar incidents that they have not reported. Can you stupid leftist morons really believe that this is not intentional, due to political ideological reasons?
It was not a terror attack.

if you know that for a fact, then you have knowledge that you are not sharing with the authorities, then you are just as bad as those terrorists.
Why exactly do you hate this country and its citizens so much? are you from a terrorist country?

By definition it was not a terror attack.

Which is why the authorities- and no one but right wing nut jobs have called it 'terrorism'- when a guy robs and murders two other guys and tries to conceal his crime.

And never once claims that the crime was done in the name of any ideology.

But you RWNJ puppets just dance when Trump pulls your strings.
Whatever you think of Islam, the simple fact remains that these murders were committed by an ILLEGAL MUSLIM IMMIGRANT! And the mainstream media did not report it. There are countless similar incidents that they have not reported. Can you stupid leftist morons really believe that this is not intentional, due to political ideological reasons?
It was not a terror attack.

if you know that for a fact, then you have knowledge that you are not sharing with the authorities, then you are just as bad as those terrorists.
Why exactly do you hate this country and its citizens so much? are you from a terrorist country?

By definition it was not a terror attack.

Which is why the authorities- and no one but right wing nut jobs have called it 'terrorism'- when a guy robs and murders two other guys and tries to conceal his crime.

And never once claims that the crime was done in the name of any ideology.

But you RWNJ puppets just dance when Trump pulls your strings.
Irrelevant. They are muslims. They didn't belong here. And you do not have to claim credit in order to commit an act of terror. Do you think the friends and family of these victims were not terrified? This is just one example of why muslims should not be allowed in our country. They do not abide by our laws. They all want Shariah law. They want to convert or kill me and those I love. F*ck 'em. And f*ck you, you muslim loving POS.
Whatever you think of Islam, the simple fact remains that these murders were committed by an ILLEGAL MUSLIM IMMIGRANT! And the mainstream media did not report it. There are countless similar incidents that they have not reported. Can you stupid leftist morons really believe that this is not intentional, due to political ideological reasons?
It was not a terror attack.

if you know that for a fact, then you have knowledge that you are not sharing with the authorities, then you are just as bad as those terrorists.
Why exactly do you hate this country and its citizens so much? are you from a terrorist country?

By definition it was not a terror attack.

Which is why the authorities- and no one but right wing nut jobs have called it 'terrorism'- when a guy robs and murders two other guys and tries to conceal his crime.

And never once claims that the crime was done in the name of any ideology.

But you RWNJ puppets just dance when Trump pulls your strings.
funny but the dance hasnt changed just because a real American, one with honor for a change has been elected President, and I will add that he was elected despite all of the cheating from the anti American left.
We dont dance when Trump pulls our strings, The conservative candidates are finally learning to dance when we the real citizens pull their strings. Trump is doing what we want, its not the other way around.
You on the left however have been dancing to the terrorists desires for some years now.
With Trump the terrorists are afraid that their easy access to our country could be restricted and they have all of you ignorant minions are dancing your asses off trying to maintain their free access to the country.
Tell me, whats next on your agenda? do you all plan to try and change the requirements for president so that non citizens can be elected to office? do you all ready have one of your terrorist leaders lined up and waiting to fill the position?
the more I talk to in real life and the more I read what the left writes, I am convinced that your anti American, anti Christian and anti Freedom party intends to overthrow this countries government, and you plan to do it from the white house.
Whatever you think of Islam, the simple fact remains that these murders were committed by an ILLEGAL MUSLIM IMMIGRANT! And the mainstream media did not report it. There are countless similar incidents that they have not reported. Can you stupid leftist morons really believe that this is not intentional, due to political ideological reasons?
It was not a terror attack.

if you know that for a fact, then you have knowledge that you are not sharing with the authorities, then you are just as bad as those terrorists.
Why exactly do you hate this country and its citizens so much? are you from a terrorist country?

By definition it was not a terror attack.

Which is why the authorities- and no one but right wing nut jobs have called it 'terrorism'- when a guy robs and murders two other guys and tries to conceal his crime.

And never once claims that the crime was done in the name of any ideology.

But you RWNJ puppets just dance when Trump pulls your strings.
funny but the dance hasnt changed just because a real American, one with honor for a change has been elected President, and I will add that he was elected despite all of the cheating from the anti American left.
We dont dance when Trump pulls our strings, The conservative candidates are finally learning to dance when we the real citizens pull their strings. Trump is doing what we want, its not the other way around.
You on the left however have been dancing to the terrorists desires for some years now.
With Trump the terrorists are afraid that their easy access to our country could be restricted and they have all of you ignorant minions are dancing your asses off trying to maintain their free access to the country.
Tell me, whats next on your agenda? do you all plan to try and change the requirements for president so that non citizens can be elected to office? do you all ready have one of your terrorist leaders lined up and waiting to fill the position?
the more I talk to in real life and the more I read what the left writes, I am convinced that your anti American, anti Christian and anti Freedom party intends to overthrow this countries government, and you plan to do it from the white house.
I wonder when the Left is going to wake up and realize that THEY gave us Trump. They did it by being themselves. Real Americans got sick and tired of it. If democrats could have governed with any sense of fairness, compassion, or even common decency, things might have turned out different. Now they have lost not only the Oval Office, Congress and the Supreme Court, they have lost hundreds of positions across the nation, including state legislatures, mayors, governors...you name it. They have suffered their worst defeat in a very long time. And it's all their fault. So all they can do now is tell lies, use scare tactics, and cry like little babies. It's what they do. Democrats are, quite simply, spoiled little children who have never grown up.
what would you report?

Umm murder and robbery?
so why wasn't it reported? muslim murders two new jersey men during robbery and dismembers them. Why? isn't that news? Isn't that what the MSM is there for?

There are 44 murders everyday in this country.

You want each one on the front page of national news, or only when someone that happens to be Muslim commits them against someone that happens to be a Christian?
dismembered ones I do.
Like this one?

Vigils Held for 10-Year-Old Girl Murdered and Dismembered in New Mexico

Or this one?

Police: Man murdered and dismembered parents, tried to dissolve body parts

Or this one?

Mom Charged in Daughter's Murder Was a Child Welfare Worker

Or this one?

Idaho City man who murdered and dismembered 2 gets life in prison

All of these people were dismembered for not submitting to a religion?
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.


Did I hear about the muslim who cut off the heads of two Christians?

Yes, I think I've heard this one. He said, "Two heads are better than one".

It's an oldie but a goodie.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.


Yes, it's been a deliberate tactic by fake news editors for a long time now to ignore or mis-report on stories dear to their ideological agendas, whether it be about homosexuals, Muslims, criminal illegal aliens, social engineering in the military, etc. Coloring the News, by William McGowan, is an excellent intro in all that. They also persecute and black list liberals who insist on reporting facts as well; Juan Williams is just the most well known example. NYT editors have openly bragged about it; they're proud of their lying. You ca add to that list of fake news purveyors all of the 'academic' journals and 'mental health' professional journals as well, beginning as far back as 1973.

Contrast this with the dishonest coverage of Zimmerman, the glorification of strong arm thief Michael Johnson and career street criiminal Freddie Grey, the Martyr status of Mathew Shepperd, and the like.
Last edited:
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.


Yes, it's been a deliberate tactic by fake news editors for a long time now to ignore or mis-report on stories dear to their ideological agendas, whether it be about homosexuals, Muslims, criminal illegal aliens, social engineering in the military, etc. Coloring the News, by William McGowan, is an excellent intro in all that. They also persecute and black list liberals who insist on reporting facts as well; Juan Williams is just the most well known example. NYT editors have openly bragged about it; they're proud of their lying. You ca add to that list of fake news purveyors all of the 'academic' journals and 'mental health' professional journals as well, beginning as far back as 1973.
An informed electorate is not in the best interest of the powers that be.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.


Yes, it's been a deliberate tactic by fake news editors for a long time now to ignore or mis-report on stories dear to their ideological agendas, whether it be about homosexuals, Muslims, criminal illegal aliens, social engineering in the military, etc. Coloring the News, by William McGowan, is an excellent intro in all that. They also persecute and black list liberals who insist on reporting facts as well; Juan Williams is just the most well known example. NYT editors have openly bragged about it; they're proud of their lying. You ca add to that list of fake news purveyors all of the 'academic' journals and 'mental health' professional journals as well, beginning as far back as 1973.
An informed electorate is not in the best interest of the powers that be.

Well, no need for them worry, as the Democratic Party's core of criminals, illiterates, deviants, violent racists, and pedos isn't going to run out and get informed; they're perfectly happy the way they are now.
Umm murder and robbery?
so why wasn't it reported? muslim murders two new jersey men during robbery and dismembers them. Why? isn't that news? Isn't that what the MSM is there for?

There are 44 murders everyday in this country.

You want each one on the front page of national news, or only when someone that happens to be Muslim commits them against someone that happens to be a Christian?
dismembered ones I do.
Like this one?

Vigils Held for 10-Year-Old Girl Murdered and Dismembered in New Mexico

Or this one?

Police: Man murdered and dismembered parents, tried to dissolve body parts

Or this one?

Mom Charged in Daughter's Murder Was a Child Welfare Worker

Or this one?

Idaho City man who murdered and dismembered 2 gets life in prison

All of these people were dismembered for not submitting to a religion?
that would be the religion of peace. Not to be confused with Christians who are pure barbarians.
so why wasn't it reported? muslim murders two new jersey men during robbery and dismembers them. Why? isn't that news? Isn't that what the MSM is there for?

There are 44 murders everyday in this country.

You want each one on the front page of national news, or only when someone that happens to be Muslim commits them against someone that happens to be a Christian?
dismembered ones I do.
Like this one?

Vigils Held for 10-Year-Old Girl Murdered and Dismembered in New Mexico

Or this one?

Police: Man murdered and dismembered parents, tried to dissolve body parts

Or this one?

Mom Charged in Daughter's Murder Was a Child Welfare Worker

Or this one?

Idaho City man who murdered and dismembered 2 gets life in prison

All of these people were dismembered for not submitting to a religion?
that would be the religion of peace. Not to be confused with Christians who are pure barbarians.
While there are many who claim to be Christians and act the way you say, they are not really Christians. The Bible tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Koran tells it's followers to convert or kill the entire world. Do yo see the difference?
There are 44 murders everyday in this country.

You want each one on the front page of national news, or only when someone that happens to be Muslim commits them against someone that happens to be a Christian?
dismembered ones I do.
Like this one?

Vigils Held for 10-Year-Old Girl Murdered and Dismembered in New Mexico

Or this one?

Police: Man murdered and dismembered parents, tried to dissolve body parts

Or this one?

Mom Charged in Daughter's Murder Was a Child Welfare Worker

Or this one?

Idaho City man who murdered and dismembered 2 gets life in prison

All of these people were dismembered for not submitting to a religion?
that would be the religion of peace. Not to be confused with Christians who are pure barbarians.
While there are many who claim to be Christians and act the way you say, they are not really Christians. The Bible tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Koran tells it's followers to convert or kill the entire world. Do yo see the difference?
With 1.5 billion Muslims ordered to kill non converts.......why are there not more dead Christians
There are 44 murders everyday in this country.

You want each one on the front page of national news, or only when someone that happens to be Muslim commits them against someone that happens to be a Christian?
dismembered ones I do.
Like this one?

Vigils Held for 10-Year-Old Girl Murdered and Dismembered in New Mexico

Or this one?

Police: Man murdered and dismembered parents, tried to dissolve body parts

Or this one?

Mom Charged in Daughter's Murder Was a Child Welfare Worker

Or this one?

Idaho City man who murdered and dismembered 2 gets life in prison

All of these people were dismembered for not submitting to a religion?
that would be the religion of peace. Not to be confused with Christians who are pure barbarians.
While there are many who claim to be Christians and act the way you say, they are not really Christians. The Bible tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Koran tells it's followers to convert or kill the entire world. Do yo see the difference?

Yes. The Bible is more loving and tolerant vs. the Koran.
that would be the religion of peace. Not to be confused with Christians who are pure barbarians.
While there are many who claim to be Christians and act the way you say, they are not really Christians. The Bible tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Koran tells it's followers to convert or kill the entire world. Do yo see the difference?
With 1.5 billion Muslims ordered to kill non converts.......why are there not more dead Christians

How many non-Christians have been killed by Christians in the last 50-100 years for not converting? The previous President reminded us that Christians did kill those who did not convert.....but that was last seen centuries ago. Christianity evolved.
While there are many who claim to be Christians and act the way you say, they are not really Christians. The Bible tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Koran tells it's followers to convert or kill the entire world. Do yo see the difference?
With 1.5 billion Muslims ordered to kill non converts.......why are there not more dead Christians

How many non-Christians have been killed by Christians in the last 50-100 years for not converting? The previous President reminded us that Christians did kill those who did not convert.....but that was last seen centuries ago. Christianity evolved.
Those murders were the result of the Catholic Church. A Pagan religion. Nowhere, in the Bible, does it command Christians to kill anyone. The Catholic Church was NOT doing Gods will when they tortured and murdered people. And you might want to do a little research on how many Christians are murdered every year by muslims. They have been all but wiped out in several muslim countries.
Those murders were the result of the Catholic Church. A Pagan religion.

Lol then the Bible is the product of a pagan religion?

Roflmao, you are a deranged moron.

Welcome to my ignore list.
The Bible was written centuries before the Catholic Church was a gleam in the eye of Emperor Constantine. Now, who's the deranged moron?
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.


Ok...trump is in office....he IS the prez....so, why isnt the story being shown? He is in charge...he siad he would stop the blackout...so, wheres the story? How come its not on TV....trumps in charge...whats the problem??
The problem is that you keep expecting a horse to quack like a duck. trump IS the 1%. trump IS the ruling elite. he IS a globalist. he IS a corporatist. he IS the new world order.
With 1.5 billion Muslims ordered to kill non converts.......why are there not more dead Christians[/QUOTE]

You wanna see dead christians? Search islam 7th century to 1925. Educate yourself. Ask Sweden and Europe how THEY like muzlaamz? Can you say "caliphate"?

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