Did you hear about the Muslim immigrant who cut off the heads of two Christians in New Jersey?

Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.


The media lies. They lie to protect a false agenda, their hides and their snowflakes. On one hand the NAZI party would be very proud of today's left. On the other they'd recognize their execution is poor and they lack any measure of brass outside dishonesty.
Trump lies, then the rubes do all the heavy lifting to bleev his lies.

No wonder he lies to them. They BEG to be lied to.

They get right back in line to be lied to again.


Hmmmm you dance about as well as I would expect.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.


The media lies. They lie to protect a false agenda, their hides and their snowflakes. On one hand the NAZI party would be very proud of today's left. On the other they'd recognize their execution is poor and they lack any measure of brass outside dishonesty.


Donald Trump lies to you everyday- and you whine about the press.

The Nazi propaganda machine would be proud of the audacity of Trump's lies, but embarressed by how badly he lies.
that's a local story eh?

Local story- local murder.

Also reported on CBS
Yusuf Ibrahim, N.J. man, accused of decapitating two men and burying them in the woods

State Police say Ibrahim shot and killed two men he knew during an argument in a car in Jersey City sometime after Feb. 3 and later dismembered them. Authorities say he wanted to make them harder to identify and buried their heads and feet separately from their bodies.

How many murder robberies do you see on national news?
what about zimmerman in florida? local murder - national news. hmmmmmmmmm called a hate crime if I recall. how do you figure?

That CBS was fking local.

So you think that every murder should be reported locally- just because Zimmerman shot a kid?
I hope every local news reports a murder, yes.
It was not a terrorist attack.

sure it was.

Well other than your right wing nut job cult leaders telling you it was a 'terrorist attack' - what makes this a 'terrorist attack'?

He hid the bodies- he didn't want anyone to know that they were murdered- or who they were.

Now if you want a terrorist attack- the attack by Dylan Roof on the African American church in Charleston was a terrorist attack- it was done publicly and intended to cause fear.
the fact that it was a muslim against two christians that's what.
there cannot be a serious or fruitful discussion with trumptard vegetables.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.

Did you hear about the Muslim who is too afraid to try to cut the head of two Christians in Virginia because of the Virginia concealed carry law there? Thought not, 2nd amendment works.

View attachment 111561

Did everybody else hear that? It was a loud, fart sound coming from here ^^^^^^^.
So funny that some idiots are so worried about Sharia Law.
You're going to have Martial Law under your Emperor very soon.
Must piss you off, that in the US there are still REAL men who would stand up and defend people from the liberal scum of Islam. But hey if you are around, identify yourself and I will gladly step aside and allow the Muslim to cut your fucking head off. Why would I want to waste 50 cents defending your sorry ass.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.

Did you hear about the Muslim who is too afraid to try to cut the head of two Christians in Virginia because of the Virginia concealed carry law there? Thought not, 2nd amendment works.

View attachment 111561

Did everybody else hear that? It was a loud, fart sound coming from here ^^^^^^^.
So funny that some idiots are so worried about Sharia Law.
You're going to have Martial Law under your Emperor very soon.
Must piss you off, that in the US there are still REAL men who would stand up and defend people from the liberal scum of Islam. But hey if you are around, identify yourself and I will gladly step aside and allow the Muslim to cut your fucking head off. Why would I want to waste 50 cents defending your sorry ass.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.

Really horrible :frown:
At least he got what he deserved (two life terms in prison). He's not going to arm any other people now :nono:
What is really horrible Esthermoon, is that the Muslim will get 3 meals a day, practice his religion and possibly convert others around him to the religion of peace, and plan on escaping when ever the opportunity arises. Now what he really deserves is to have both his knees blown off, his private parts removed by a chainsaw, and a pink pussy hat put on his head, with bacon in his mouth. The day is better when you eat bacon.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.

Did you hear about the Muslim who is too afraid to try to cut the head of two Christians in Virginia because of the Virginia concealed carry law there? Thought not, 2nd amendment works.

View attachment 111561

Did everybody else hear that? It was a loud, fart sound coming from here ^^^^^^^.
So funny that some idiots are so worried about Sharia Law.
You're going to have Martial Law under your Emperor very soon.
Must piss you off, that in the US there are still REAL men who would stand up and defend people from the liberal scum of Islam. But hey if you are around, identify yourself and I will gladly step aside and allow the Muslim to cut your fucking head off. Why would I want to waste 50 cents defending your sorry ass.

Listen, jc456, I know you like this GIF and all, but do you think you can cut down posting it in every other response? It stops being funny after 10th time and becomes sad.
So this topic failed. Poor bastards. Tried to pass off a murder as a terror attack in order to prove they are willing to bleev every lie Trump feeds them.

And they are already getting back in line to be lied to some more.

I knew there were a lot of willfully ignorant and stupid people in America, but I had no idea there were this many. I guess we can thank Trump for showing us.
Didn’t think so. The story didn’t make it past the local New York/New Jersey media, which is Donald Trump’s point about all the Muslim terrorist attacks that don’t get national media attention.

This is just one more example of how the Lamestream media has a love affair with the savage and intolerant religion known as Islam. It's time that we held the Press accountable for aiding and abetting the enemy. IMHO, it amounts to nothing less that treason.

Did you hear about the Muslim who is too afraid to try to cut the head of two Christians in Virginia because of the Virginia concealed carry law there? Thought not, 2nd amendment works.

View attachment 111561

Did everybody else hear that? It was a loud, fart sound coming from here ^^^^^^^.
So funny that some idiots are so worried about Sharia Law.
You're going to have Martial Law under your Emperor very soon.
Must piss you off, that in the US there are still REAL men who would stand up and defend people from the liberal scum of Islam. But hey if you are around, identify yourself and I will gladly step aside and allow the Muslim to cut your fucking head off. Why would I want to waste 50 cents defending your sorry ass.

Listen, jc456, I know you like this GIF and all, but do you think you can cut down posting it in every other response? It stops being funny after 10th time and becomes sad.
well stop with the comics on all of the leftist posts in here. you don't want to see the gif post better.
So this topic failed. Poor bastards. Tried to pass off a murder as a terror attack in order to prove they are willing to bleev every lie Trump feeds them.

And they are already getting back in line to be lied to some more.

I knew there were a lot of willfully ignorant and stupid people in America, but I had no idea there were this many. I guess we can thank Trump for showing us.
terror that was never reported nationally. shame
Did you hear about the Muslim who is too afraid to try to cut the head of two Christians in Virginia because of the Virginia concealed carry law there? Thought not, 2nd amendment works.

View attachment 111561

Did everybody else hear that? It was a loud, fart sound coming from here ^^^^^^^.
So funny that some idiots are so worried about Sharia Law.
You're going to have Martial Law under your Emperor very soon.
Must piss you off, that in the US there are still REAL men who would stand up and defend people from the liberal scum of Islam. But hey if you are around, identify yourself and I will gladly step aside and allow the Muslim to cut your fucking head off. Why would I want to waste 50 cents defending your sorry ass.

Listen, jc456, I know you like this GIF and all, but do you think you can cut down posting it in every other response? It stops being funny after 10th time and becomes sad.
well stop with the comics on all of the leftist posts in here. you don't want to see the gif post better.

But you ain't getting smarter to understand much.
So this topic failed. Poor bastards. Tried to pass off a murder as a terror attack in order to prove they are willing to bleev every lie Trump feeds them.

And they are already getting back in line to be lied to some more.

I knew there were a lot of willfully ignorant and stupid people in America, but I had no idea there were this many. I guess we can thank Trump for showing us.
terror that was never reported nationally. shame


It was a murder, fuckstick.

Wow. You are STILL working hard to fall for Trump's hoax. Holy shit.

This is pathological. You DESERVE to be lied to.
that just happened to fall into the category of a terrorist attack. we know.
Nope. It was not a terrorist attack, retard.

Jesus, you people! No wonder Trump lies to you.
sure it was, why else were they decapitated?

muslim vs christian.
Did you even read the news stories, idiot?

Wow. We have a retard who thinks "beheading" automatically means "terrorism".

Jesus Christ. You deserve to be lied to.

Hey, these people were beheaded, too. I guess they were all terrorist incidents, eh?

Vigils Held for 10-Year-Old Girl Murdered and Dismembered in New Mexico

Police: Man murdered and dismembered parents, tried to dissolve body parts

Mom Charged in Daughter's Murder Was a Child Welfare Worker

Idaho City man who murdered and dismembered 2 gets life in prison

And those were all reported locally.
all should have been reported nationally.
Did everybody else hear that? It was a loud, fart sound coming from here ^^^^^^^.
So funny that some idiots are so worried about Sharia Law.
You're going to have Martial Law under your Emperor very soon.
Must piss you off, that in the US there are still REAL men who would stand up and defend people from the liberal scum of Islam. But hey if you are around, identify yourself and I will gladly step aside and allow the Muslim to cut your fucking head off. Why would I want to waste 50 cents defending your sorry ass.

Listen, jc456, I know you like this GIF and all, but do you think you can cut down posting it in every other response? It stops being funny after 10th time and becomes sad.
well stop with the comics on all of the leftist posts in here. you don't want to see the gif post better.

But you ain't getting smarter to understand much.
So this topic failed. Poor bastards. Tried to pass off a murder as a terror attack in order to prove they are willing to bleev every lie Trump feeds them.

And they are already getting back in line to be lied to some more.

I knew there were a lot of willfully ignorant and stupid people in America, but I had no idea there were this many. I guess we can thank Trump for showing us.
terror that was never reported nationally. shame


well as I already stated, stop posting fking comical posts.
there cannot be a serious or fruitful discussion with trumptard vegetables.

Translated you don't have a reasonable response. You recognize the error in your ways, and those that you grasp. You have a weak spine, so you project your weakness on "trumptards".

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