Did you just see the woman live who said Trump grabbed and and slipped her tongue?

I felt sorry for the woman who said Bill Clinton viciously raped her and that Hillary threatened her to keep quiet. They interviewed four women on Hannity last night all who claim Bill sexually assaulted them. Bill damn near bit through the rape victim's lip she was bleeding and Bill told her she should get some ice on it.
Funny how your kind doesn't care what Trump does. You just deflect. Oh, look over there. You're just as much a piece of scum as Trump is.

Do you know the difference between Bill viciously raping a woman and Trump allegedly kissing a woman, no need to answer I think we all know.
Trump has been accused of rape...maybe you think he did the "good kind" of rape?

You libs are a riot, Bill Clinton is accused of viciously raping a poor woman and the victim says Hillary threatened her to keep quiet about it and instead of demanding an investigation you people try to find someone to accuse Trump of rape, talk about deflection. And the MSM coverage of Bill's alleged rape...yeah complete crickets they have not even interviewed the rape victim.

This is why the left sicko's need to be destroyed. I hope they lose their job and their damn house burns down and they end up living in a cardboard box.
No threat was ever made and the so-called rape victim recanted her story when it came time to make the claim under penalty of perjury. She signed an affidavit admitting that a rape or assault never happened.
I think that rich men (well, at least some of them) feel as though they are entitled to have any woman they want, and if the woman DARES to put up a struggle or say no to them, then they get angry. It's kind of like the adult version of being a spoiled little brat!
its not just rich men.
I try to treat women right, but I am guilty of joining in on the off color banter with other guys from time to time. Sorry but its natural. Men do it. we are pigs.
I felt sorry for the woman who said Bill Clinton viciously raped her and that Hillary threatened her to keep quiet. They interviewed four women on Hannity last night all who claim Bill sexually assaulted them. Bill damn near bit through the rape victim's lip she was bleeding and Bill told her she should get some ice on it.

See that, kids?

"B-b-b-but Clinton" is Pedophile Don's supporters way of saying it is okay for their guy to be a sex criminal.
How much is Hillary paying you?
she lets him lick the cobwebs out of her.
I think that rich men (well, at least some of them) feel as though they are entitled to have any woman they want, and if the woman DARES to put up a struggle or say no to them, then they get angry. It's kind of like the adult version of being a spoiled little brat!
Trump has always been a spoiled little brat. It is well documented. Even he admits that he whines to get what he want if he has to. What kind of little man would admit to such a thing?
I felt sorry for the woman who said Bill Clinton viciously raped her and that Hillary threatened her to keep quiet. They interviewed four women on Hannity last night all who claim Bill sexually assaulted them. Bill damn near bit through the rape victim's lip she was bleeding and Bill told her she should get some ice on it.
Funny how your kind doesn't care what Trump does. You just deflect. Oh, look over there. You're just as much a piece of scum as Trump is.

Do you know the difference between Bill viciously raping a woman and Trump allegedly kissing a woman, no need to answer I think we all know.
Trump has been accused of rape...maybe you think he did the "good kind" of rape?

You libs are a riot, Bill Clinton is accused of viciously raping a poor woman and the victim says Hillary threatened her to keep quiet about it and instead of demanding an investigation you people try to find someone to accuse Trump of rape, talk about deflection. And the MSM coverage of Bill's alleged rape...yeah complete crickets they have not even interviewed the rape victim.

This is why the left sicko's need to be destroyed. I hope they lose their job and their damn house burns down and they end up living in a cardboard box.
No threat was ever made and the so-called rape victim recanted her story when it came time to make the claim under penalty of perjury. She signed an affidavit admitting that a rape or assault never happened.

How much did they pay her? :D You really believe that Billy Boy Clinton has done NOTHING nefarious with all of those women who have come forward?
I think that rich men (well, at least some of them) feel as though they are entitled to have any woman they want, and if the woman DARES to put up a struggle or say no to them, then they get angry. It's kind of like the adult version of being a spoiled little brat!
its not just rich men.
I try to treat women right, but I am guilty of joining in on the off color banter with other guys from time to time. Sorry but its natural. Men do it. we are pigs.
Banter is one thing, but have you ever bragged about committing sexual assaults?
Funny how your kind doesn't care what Trump does. You just deflect. Oh, look over there. You're just as much a piece of scum as Trump is.

Do you know the difference between Bill viciously raping a woman and Trump allegedly kissing a woman, no need to answer I think we all know.
Trump has been accused of rape...maybe you think he did the "good kind" of rape?

You libs are a riot, Bill Clinton is accused of viciously raping a poor woman and the victim says Hillary threatened her to keep quiet about it and instead of demanding an investigation you people try to find someone to accuse Trump of rape, talk about deflection. And the MSM coverage of Bill's alleged rape...yeah complete crickets they have not even interviewed the rape victim.

This is why the left sicko's need to be destroyed. I hope they lose their job and their damn house burns down and they end up living in a cardboard box.
No threat was ever made and the so-called rape victim recanted her story when it came time to make the claim under penalty of perjury. She signed an affidavit admitting that a rape or assault never happened.

How much did they pay her? :D You really believe that Billy Boy Clinton has done NOTHING nefarious with all of those women who have come forward?
personally I wait until its offered to me.
celibacy sucks.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

You feel sorry for her why? Plenty of men will try to kiss you and touch your boobies when you're a woman. It's not the end of the world. I couldn't believe how she was sobbing like a baby. She was REALLY taking advantage of her 15 minutes. Lol.
I think that rich men (well, at least some of them) feel as though they are entitled to have any woman they want, and if the woman DARES to put up a struggle or say no to them, then they get angry. It's kind of like the adult version of being a spoiled little brat!
its not just rich men.
I try to treat women right, but I am guilty of joining in on the off color banter with other guys from time to time. Sorry but its natural. Men do it. we are pigs.
Banter is one thing, but have you ever bragged about committing sexual assaults?
No, despite my evidently ignorant banter while around only guys, I am one of those that think sexual assault deserves the death penalty. I don't joke about destroying a womans life for 30 seconds of personal pleasure. Its not funny to me.
but, I'm also not sold on the fact that if its only banter and joking, that its something that justifies all the crap Trump is going through. And to be honest, if not for the character of the Clintons, I would not consider Trump if that's how he thinks. However since both the Clintons and Trump like this, I have to discount that on both sides and concentrate on the other issues.
is this the same woman who was on The Apprentice? The woman wants to be in a power position, and she cries if a guy tries to kiss her or touch her? She's an actress. That much was obvious to most women, I think.
Boo hoo. He tried to kiss me and touch my boob. My life is OVA! :cuckoo:
if she was a liberal, the boob would most likely be better described as her powdered milk sack. and kisses are an act of compassion, I betting that type of thing can cause mental stress and burns to the skin of a liberal.
Of course this makes it hard to explain the welfare queen that has 40 animate biological blobs following her around Walmart.
Do you know the difference between Bill viciously raping a woman and Trump allegedly kissing a woman, no need to answer I think we all know.
Trump has been accused of rape...maybe you think he did the "good kind" of rape?

You libs are a riot, Bill Clinton is accused of viciously raping a poor woman and the victim says Hillary threatened her to keep quiet about it and instead of demanding an investigation you people try to find someone to accuse Trump of rape, talk about deflection. And the MSM coverage of Bill's alleged rape...yeah complete crickets they have not even interviewed the rape victim.

This is why the left sicko's need to be destroyed. I hope they lose their job and their damn house burns down and they end up living in a cardboard box.
No threat was ever made and the so-called rape victim recanted her story when it came time to make the claim under penalty of perjury. She signed an affidavit admitting that a rape or assault never happened.

How much did they pay her? :D You really believe that Billy Boy Clinton has done NOTHING nefarious with all of those women who have come forward?
personally I wait until its offered to me.
celibacy sucks.
"Locker room banter" or just a bunch bullshitting about females in a sexual nature usually consist of gossip, rumors, physical attributes of particular females and some boasting or bragging about conquest and exploits. That has been my experience. The only locker room I can imagine talking the way Trump talked is a locker room full of sex offenders in a prison. I am not sure it even happens there since I have never been in that environment, but I can not imagine a bunch of guys talking that way unless they were indeed, sex offenders.

I hope he attacks away...Get that Hispanic turn out up and increase that % for HIllary. Trump has got to be the dumbest son of a bitch to ever run for the office.
No, the title of dumbest would have to go to either GW Bush, or obama.
Obama is brilliant. He is respected all over the world. Unlike Trump or Republicans. No one respects Republicans and the rest of the world still thinks Trump is an April Fool's joke the US is playing on an unsuspecting world.

President Trump fills world leaders with fear: 'It's gone from funny to really scary'

The World's Media Also Can't Believe Trump Will Be The GOP Nominee - USA Online Today

Why Donald Trump Can Lie and No One Seems to Care
You must like the taste of his dick.
Believe me, I would never, ever intrude on your fantasy. I've heard of guys like you. I think they are called cuckolds or something.
Trump has been accused of rape...maybe you think he did the "good kind" of rape?

You libs are a riot, Bill Clinton is accused of viciously raping a poor woman and the victim says Hillary threatened her to keep quiet about it and instead of demanding an investigation you people try to find someone to accuse Trump of rape, talk about deflection. And the MSM coverage of Bill's alleged rape...yeah complete crickets they have not even interviewed the rape victim.

This is why the left sicko's need to be destroyed. I hope they lose their job and their damn house burns down and they end up living in a cardboard box.
No threat was ever made and the so-called rape victim recanted her story when it came time to make the claim under penalty of perjury. She signed an affidavit admitting that a rape or assault never happened.

How much did they pay her? :D You really believe that Billy Boy Clinton has done NOTHING nefarious with all of those women who have come forward?
personally I wait until its offered to me.
celibacy sucks.
"Locker room banter" or just a bunch bullshitting about females in a sexual nature usually consist of gossip, rumors, physical attributes of particular females and some boasting or bragging about conquest and exploits. That has been my experience. The only locker room I can imagine talking the way Trump talked is a locker room full of sex offenders in a prison. I am not sure it even happens there since I have never been in that environment, but I can not imagine a bunch of guys talking that way unless they were indeed, sex offenders.

These types of rich guys think they are entitled, and that includes Billy Boy Clinton.
Trump has been accused of rape...maybe you think he did the "good kind" of rape?

You libs are a riot, Bill Clinton is accused of viciously raping a poor woman and the victim says Hillary threatened her to keep quiet about it and instead of demanding an investigation you people try to find someone to accuse Trump of rape, talk about deflection. And the MSM coverage of Bill's alleged rape...yeah complete crickets they have not even interviewed the rape victim.

This is why the left sicko's need to be destroyed. I hope they lose their job and their damn house burns down and they end up living in a cardboard box.
No threat was ever made and the so-called rape victim recanted her story when it came time to make the claim under penalty of perjury. She signed an affidavit admitting that a rape or assault never happened.

How much did they pay her? :D You really believe that Billy Boy Clinton has done NOTHING nefarious with all of those women who have come forward?
personally I wait until its offered to me.
celibacy sucks.
"Locker room banter" or just a bunch bullshitting about females in a sexual nature usually consist of gossip, rumors, physical attributes of particular females and some boasting or bragging about conquest and exploits. That has been my experience. The only locker room I can imagine talking the way Trump talked is a locker room full of sex offenders in a prison. I am not sure it even happens there since I have never been in that environment, but I can not imagine a bunch of guys talking that way unless they were indeed, sex offenders.
aren't you just the little saint.
Nothing worse than someone that wont admit that they have at least been around when this type of joking was going on.
I heard it in the navy, in high school, at bars. Its not uncommon.
It might be vile and uncalled for, but its not uncommon and if you are claiming you have never heard it, you are eithr lying or not allowed to leave your moms basement without supervision of a mentally able adult.
and no, I'm not condoning it.
Boo hoo. He tried to kiss me and touch my boob. My life is OVA! :cuckoo:
Are you talking about Trump or Bill Clinton. I know you would never treat them different.

They are like two peas in a pod to me. The point is, you liberals brushed it off when Billy was doing it, but now that it's Trump, it's all terrible and the poor women! Bill Clinton was a sitting president when he was doing it. What was the nickname that Monica had for him again?
Most women are onto the fact that men are very sexually aggressive. When they are rich and/or powerful men, it only becomes worse because they feel entitled.

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