Did you just see the woman live who said Trump grabbed and and slipped her tongue?

I felt sorry for the woman who said Bill Clinton viciously raped her and that Hillary threatened her to keep quiet. They interviewed four women on Hannity last night all who claim Bill sexually assaulted them. Bill damn near bit through the rape victim's lip she was bleeding and Bill told her she should get some ice on it.
Funny how your kind doesn't care what Trump does. You just deflect. Oh, look over there. You're just as much a piece of scum as Trump is.

Do you know the difference between Bill viciously raping a woman and Trump allegedly kissing a woman, no need to answer I think we all know.
Getting tongued by Trump would be like getting tongued by a catheter bag.

It's the same exact color orange.

And you know Catheters.....
Not yet thank God. But who knows?
Back-peddling now, are we?
I felt sorry for the woman who said Bill Clinton viciously raped her and that Hillary threatened her to keep quiet. They interviewed four women on Hannity last night all who claim Bill sexually assaulted them. Bill damn near bit through the rape victim's lip she was bleeding and Bill told her she should get some ice on it.
Funny how your kind doesn't care what Trump does. You just deflect. Oh, look over there. You're just as much a piece of scum as Trump is.
and yet you seem to be ok with it when the left looks past hillary's crimes against the country, or bills history of rape and abuse of women.
Nothing wrong with obama having gay sex in a limo, or smoking crack, or being married to a transvestite or even backing the terrorists.
No, cant worry about any of that, I mean for Gods sake, Trump, in what might well have been joking banter between two guys, said he grabbed a womans cooter. Fuck national security, TRUMP LIKES WOMEN
I felt sorry for the woman who said Bill Clinton viciously raped her and that Hillary threatened her to keep quiet. They interviewed four women on Hannity last night all who claim Bill sexually assaulted them. Bill damn near bit through the rape victim's lip she was bleeding and Bill told her she should get some ice on it.
Funny how your kind doesn't care what Trump does. You just deflect. Oh, look over there. You're just as much a piece of scum as Trump is.

No question that Bill fucked up but it is pretty fucking sad that these hollier then Thor assholes now have a double standard. Blaming the wife that got hurt is a very big mistake for these assholes to be doing right now...

Raping a women viciously is "fucking up"??:wtf:
I felt sorry for the woman who said Bill Clinton viciously raped her and that Hillary threatened her to keep quiet. They interviewed four women on Hannity last night all who claim Bill sexually assaulted them. Bill damn near bit through the rape victim's lip she was bleeding and Bill told her she should get some ice on it.
Funny how your kind doesn't care what Trump does. You just deflect. Oh, look over there. You're just as much a piece of scum as Trump is.
and yet you seem to be ok with it when the left looks past hillary's crimes against the country, or bills history of rape and abuse of women.
Nothing wrong with obama having gay sex in a limo, or smoking crack, or being married to a transvestite or even backing the terrorists.
No, cant worry about any of that, I mean for Gods sake, Trump, in what might well have been joking banter between two guys, said he grabbed a womans cooter. Fuck national security, TRUMP LIKES WOMEN

Bitch slapping the left that hard may produce green house gas, take it easy on the planet okay. :eusa_clap:
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

Trump to blame Mexican billionaire for groping allegations: report

I hope he attacks away...Get that Hispanic turn out up and increase that % for HIllary. Trump has got to be the dumbest son of a bitch to ever run for the office.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

Trump to blame Mexican billionaire for groping allegations: report

I hope he attacks away...Get that Hispanic turn out up and increase that % for HIllary. Trump has got to be the dumbest son of a bitch to ever run for the office.
No, the title of dumbest would have to go to either GW Bush, or obama.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

Trump to blame Mexican billionaire for groping allegations: report

I hope he attacks away...Get that Hispanic turn out up and increase that % for HIllary. Trump has got to be the dumbest son of a bitch to ever run for the office.
Yep.....the way he mopped the floor with Hillary last Sunday.....yeah.....what a dummy potty-mouth poopy-pants.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

Trump to blame Mexican billionaire for groping allegations: report

I hope he attacks away...Get that Hispanic turn out up and increase that % for HIllary. Trump has got to be the dumbest son of a bitch to ever run for the office.
Yep.....the way he mopped the floor with Hillary last Sunday.....yeah.....what a dummy potty-mouth poopy-pants.
Are you talking about the debate she won?
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

Trump to blame Mexican billionaire for groping allegations: report

I hope he attacks away...Get that Hispanic turn out up and increase that % for HIllary. Trump has got to be the dumbest son of a bitch to ever run for the office.
No, the title of dumbest would have to go to either GW Bush, or obama.
Obama is brilliant. He is respected all over the world. Unlike Trump or Republicans. No one respects Republicans and the rest of the world still thinks Trump is an April Fool's joke the US is playing on an unsuspecting world.

President Trump fills world leaders with fear: 'It's gone from funny to really scary'

The World's Media Also Can't Believe Trump Will Be The GOP Nominee - USA Online Today

Why Donald Trump Can Lie and No One Seems to Care
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

Trump to blame Mexican billionaire for groping allegations: report

I hope he attacks away...Get that Hispanic turn out up and increase that % for HIllary. Trump has got to be the dumbest son of a bitch to ever run for the office.
No, the title of dumbest would have to go to either GW Bush, or obama.
Obama is brilliant. He is respected all over the world. Unlike Trump or Republicans. No one respects Republicans and the rest of the world still thinks Trump is an April Fool's joke the US is playing on an unsuspecting world.

President Trump fills world leaders with fear: 'It's gone from funny to really scary'
obama is not brilliant, he is seriously an idiot. Or, maybe he is brilliant and his objective is to destroy the U.S
Im sure the other countries in the world love him, whats bad for us is usually good for them. He sends them money, lets them dump their unwanted trash on us for us to cater to, He apologizes for everything under the sun, he has torn this country down. Of course they will love him. You know what? If I stole a million dollars from my next door neighbor and found a way to legally give it to you, you would love me too. And that is exactly what the idiot is doing, stealing the taxpayers money and giving it away to other countries.
Getting tongued by Trump would be like getting tongued by a catheter bag.

It's the same exact color orange.

And you know Catheters.....
Not yet thank God. But who knows?
Back-peddling now, are we?
Back peddling? Huh? Doesn't make sense.
You have all of this experience with Catheters.....and now you claim you don't use them.
No need to get pissy with him
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

Trump to blame Mexican billionaire for groping allegations: report

I hope he attacks away...Get that Hispanic turn out up and increase that % for HIllary. Trump has got to be the dumbest son of a bitch to ever run for the office.
Yep.....the way he mopped the floor with Hillary last Sunday.....yeah.....what a dummy potty-mouth poopy-pants.
Are you talking about the debate she won?
I don't think she won any debate. She got creamed in the last one, and you know it.
Trump is historically dumb

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls 26m26 minutes ago Raleigh, NC
One fact from our FL poll that helps explain why it will be so hard for Trump to come back: his favorability with undecideds is literally 0

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls 4m4 minutes ago Raleigh, NC
Trump's net favorability in Florida has declined 11 points in the last 2 weeks. From -11 (42/53) to -22 (37/59)

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls 1m1 minute ago Raleigh, NC
Undecideds in Florida would prefer 4 more years of Obama to Trump by 29 pts, not a lot of room for growth for him
Getting tongued by Trump would be like getting tongued by a catheter bag.

It's the same exact color orange.

And you know Catheters.....
Not yet thank God. But who knows?
Back-peddling now, are we?
Back peddling? Huh? Doesn't make sense.
You have all of this experience with Catheters.....and now you claim you don't use them.
All what experience? That they are the same color as Trump? That counts as experience?
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

Trump to blame Mexican billionaire for groping allegations: report

I hope he attacks away...Get that Hispanic turn out up and increase that % for HIllary. Trump has got to be the dumbest son of a bitch to ever run for the office.
No, the title of dumbest would have to go to either GW Bush, or obama.
Obama is brilliant. He is respected all over the world. Unlike Trump or Republicans. No one respects Republicans and the rest of the world still thinks Trump is an April Fool's joke the US is playing on an unsuspecting world.

President Trump fills world leaders with fear: 'It's gone from funny to really scary'

The World's Media Also Can't Believe Trump Will Be The GOP Nominee - USA Online Today

Why Donald Trump Can Lie and No One Seems to Care
You must like the taste of his dick.

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