Did you just see the woman live who said Trump grabbed and and slipped her tongue?

It's happened to me, and it's happened to probably almost every woman at LEAST once.

She did suck it up, for years. But once it came out that Donald thought this kind of behaviour acceptable because he's a star, it was nice of her to prove he wasn't lying when he said it.

Now why should any woman just have to suck up a sexual assault. And we all do it, but we shouldn't have to.
They are like two peas in a pod to me. The point is, you liberals brushed it off when Billy was doing it, but now that it's Trump, it's all terrible and the poor women! Bill Clinton was a sitting president when he was doing it. What was the nickname that Monica had for him again?
Um, the population did not just sit around. The accusations were investigated by a special prosecutor, a congressional impeachment committee, and the media so much that it became boring. The accusers were routinely interviewed by the press and tv news and flown first class, stayed in luxury hotels and driven around in limo's from talk show to talk show with stops at fancy restaurants. At the same time, they were being offered book deals and speaking engagements. They were treated like celebrities as they enjoyed their 15 minutes of fame. Eventually, the public became weary, frustrated and finally angry to learn all the investigations led to dead ends. When one of the rape accusers changed her story and recanted when it came time to testify under oath admitted she had not been raped and the public saw the huge amounts of money and resources being used by the special prosecutor with no results, the gigs began to end for the accusers, and the special prosecutor Ken Star.

Oh, so we can brush off the Trump accusers in the same manner?
Of course not. The Clinton accusers were not brushed off. As I said in my post, their cases were investigated and they were given the opportunity to present their cases to the public. They deserve to be heard the same way the Clinton accusers were heard.

Sure they do, but I saw this particular woman on the news today, and she is an actress. Women put up with men's bullshit all the time. Don't tell me he was the first man who tried to "aggressively kiss" her and feel her up! She was sobbing like a baby on national television about how he tried to kiss and grope her. She is obviously an actress and being coached by ultra feminist Gloria Allred. It's happened to me, and it's happened to probably almost every woman at LEAST once.
I live for the day that some random woman comes up and gropes me.
Been looking forward to it for 50+ years now... come on ladies, time is running out.

Lol! That's hilarious! :lol:
It's happened to me, and it's happened to probably almost every woman at LEAST once.

She did suck it up, for years. But once it came out that Donald thought this kind of behaviour acceptable because he's a star, it was nice of her to prove he wasn't lying when he said it.

Now why should any woman just have to suck up a sexual assault. And we all do it, but we shouldn't have to.
we all do it? are you implying that its happened to you? you should go ahead and file charges against the person that did this to you.
or are you lying
I live for the day that some random woman comes up and gropes me.
Been looking forward to it for 50+ years now... come on ladies, time is running out.

My youngest daughter refuses to ride public transit during rush hour because every time she does, she is groped. Every. Single. Time.

This never used to happen to girls to this extent. Men feel entitled to do this.
It's happened to me, and it's happened to probably almost every woman at LEAST once.

She did suck it up, for years. But once it came out that Donald thought this kind of behaviour acceptable because he's a star, it was nice of her to prove he wasn't lying when he said it.

Now why should any woman just have to suck up a sexual assault. And we all do it, but we shouldn't have to.

Sure we don't, but to get on national television and "play it up" really makes it kind of hard to take her seriously. Like, OMG, he tried to touch me and now I'm suffering from PTSD. Give me a break. I'm sure Trump isn't the first man to try to kiss her and touch her breasts. It makes me suspicious.
Um, the population did not just sit around. The accusations were investigated by a special prosecutor, a congressional impeachment committee, and the media so much that it became boring. The accusers were routinely interviewed by the press and tv news and flown first class, stayed in luxury hotels and driven around in limo's from talk show to talk show with stops at fancy restaurants. At the same time, they were being offered book deals and speaking engagements. They were treated like celebrities as they enjoyed their 15 minutes of fame. Eventually, the public became weary, frustrated and finally angry to learn all the investigations led to dead ends. When one of the rape accusers changed her story and recanted when it came time to testify under oath admitted she had not been raped and the public saw the huge amounts of money and resources being used by the special prosecutor with no results, the gigs began to end for the accusers, and the special prosecutor Ken Star.

Oh, so we can brush off the Trump accusers in the same manner?
Of course not. The Clinton accusers were not brushed off. As I said in my post, their cases were investigated and they were given the opportunity to present their cases to the public. They deserve to be heard the same way the Clinton accusers were heard.

Sure they do, but I saw this particular woman on the news today, and she is an actress. Women put up with men's bullshit all the time. Don't tell me he was the first man who tried to "aggressively kiss" her and feel her up! She was sobbing like a baby on national television about how he tried to kiss and grope her. She is obviously an actress and being coached by ultra feminist Gloria Allred. It's happened to me, and it's happened to probably almost every woman at LEAST once.
I live for the day that some random woman comes up and gropes me.
Been looking forward to it for 50+ years now... come on ladies, time is running out.

Lol! That's hilarious! :lol:
actually kinda sad that it has never happened.
makes me feel like less of a man. Thinking about cross dressing just so SOMEBODY will give me the cheap thrill.
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

It would be like Lucifer sticking his tongue down your throat.
I live for the day that some random woman comes up and gropes me.
Been looking forward to it for 50+ years now... come on ladies, time is running out.

My youngest daughter refuses to ride public transit during rush hour because every time she does, she is groped. Every. Single. Time.

This never used to happen to girls to this extent. Men feel entitled to do this.
I call bullshit. Every time? EVERY TIME?
maybe she is the typical liberal picked on dyke, someone rubs against her walking past, she was groped, bus turns a corner or stops fast and some guy gets bumped into her, she was groped.
or maybe she should start wearing clothing before getting on the bus, or maybe move up the economic ladder and get out of the hood.
but again, bullshit.
It's happened to me, and it's happened to probably almost every woman at LEAST once.

She did suck it up, for years. But once it came out that Donald thought this kind of behaviour acceptable because he's a star, it was nice of her to prove he wasn't lying when he said it.

Now why should any woman just have to suck up a sexual assault. And we all do it, but we shouldn't have to.
we all do it? are you implying that its happened to you? you should go ahead and file charges against the person that did this to you.
or are you lying

Absolutely not every guy does this. Some men still know how to treat a lady.

I think she was referring to women, and saying that we will usually just suck it up and move on. There are definitely some guys who will take it to a whole other level too though.
No question that Bill fucked up but it is pretty fucking sad that these hollier then Thor assholes now have a double standard. Blaming the wife that got hurt is a very big mistake for these assholes to be doing right now...
Nice try but your argument falls flat. Nobody blames Hitlery for being a victim, she headed up the "bimbo squad" to destroy the reputations of these women. And she pretty much succeeded.
Not to mention that is perfectly ok to mention Trumps skin color, yet if you do the same for the illegal black guy that has infested the white house, its suddenly racist to mention the color of ones skin.
Hypocritical liberals strike again. and they dont even see it in themselves.
Trump's color??? You mean orange? You really think Trump is naturally orange.

That said, you post is extremely racist. I know your kind. You fit nicely in that basket.
Trump isn't orange. His hair is blonde and his skin is normal pink. The orange hue comes from the media playing with filters.
So this filter only makes Trump orange?
He's the guy with the lights on him.


Trump is orange because he uses a cheap brand of spray tan.
Ridiculous. Billionaires aren't cheap. When Trump isn't working he's golfing, and being out in the Sun gives you tan, Mkay?
The liberal false rape accusation squad is running rampant once more.

I just want to say, Bill and Hillary both raped me. It's true! It's no wonder Bill had to settle a case for 850.000$, it's because he is a rapist.
I felt sorry for the woman who said Bill Clinton viciously raped her and that Hillary threatened her to keep quiet. They interviewed four women on Hannity last night all who claim Bill sexually assaulted them. Bill damn near bit through the rape victim's lip she was bleeding and Bill told her she should get some ice on it.
Funny how your kind doesn't care what Trump does. You just deflect. Oh, look over there. You're just as much a piece of scum as Trump is.

Funny how your kind does not ask of these women accusing Trump have all now decided to come out 3 weeks before the election. Didn't any of the step forward when he announced his candidacy?
Oh wow, I felt so sorry for her. It was a very long statement.

Can you imagine this slipping you tongue?


And then the reporter said Trump, at his rally, said how come no one accuses Obama and it's a Mexican behind the whole thing.

It's all falling apart on Trump--it just gets more entertaining day by day. Here's the list of women so far, I imagine they're will be more.
Here Are All of the Accusations Women Have Made Against Donald Trump

Here's a partial list of women that have come out of the woodwork in the last 30 mins claiming Trump acted inappropriately.

  1. Bertha Butt
  2. Bashiba Butt
  3. Megyn Kelly
  4. Monica Lewinski
  5. Barbara Walters
  6. Rosie O'Donnell
  7. Hillary R. Clinton
  8. The Queen Of England
  9. J.K. Rowling
  10. Ronda P. McTitties
  11. Wonderwoman
  12. She Hulk
  13. Minnie Mouse
  14. Barbara Bush
  15. Ruth Bader Ginsberg
  16. Every nappy-headed Ho on the Rutgers Basketball Team
You libs are a riot, Bill Clinton is accused of viciously raping a poor woman and the victim says Hillary threatened her to keep quiet about it and instead of demanding an investigation you people try to find someone to accuse Trump of rape, talk about deflection. And the MSM coverage of Bill's alleged rape...yeah complete crickets they have not even interviewed the rape victim.

This is why the left sicko's need to be destroyed. I hope they lose their job and their damn house burns down and they end up living in a cardboard box.
No threat was ever made and the so-called rape victim recanted her story when it came time to make the claim under penalty of perjury. She signed an affidavit admitting that a rape or assault never happened.

How much did they pay her? :D You really believe that Billy Boy Clinton has done NOTHING nefarious with all of those women who have come forward?
personally I wait until its offered to me.
celibacy sucks.
"Locker room banter" or just a bunch bullshitting about females in a sexual nature usually consist of gossip, rumors, physical attributes of particular females and some boasting or bragging about conquest and exploits. That has been my experience. The only locker room I can imagine talking the way Trump talked is a locker room full of sex offenders in a prison. I am not sure it even happens there since I have never been in that environment, but I can not imagine a bunch of guys talking that way unless they were indeed, sex offenders.
aren't you just the little saint.
Nothing worse than someone that wont admit that they have at least been around when this type of joking was going on.
I heard it in the navy, in high school, at bars. Its not uncommon.
It might be vile and uncalled for, but its not uncommon and if you are claiming you have never heard it, you are eithr lying or not allowed to leave your moms basement without supervision of a mentally able adult.
and no, I'm not condoning it.

Women are just as much trash mouthed as men.
No threat was ever made and the so-called rape victim recanted her story when it came time to make the claim under penalty of perjury. She signed an affidavit admitting that a rape or assault never happened.

How much did they pay her? :D You really believe that Billy Boy Clinton has done NOTHING nefarious with all of those women who have come forward?
personally I wait until its offered to me.
celibacy sucks.
"Locker room banter" or just a bunch bullshitting about females in a sexual nature usually consist of gossip, rumors, physical attributes of particular females and some boasting or bragging about conquest and exploits. That has been my experience. The only locker room I can imagine talking the way Trump talked is a locker room full of sex offenders in a prison. I am not sure it even happens there since I have never been in that environment, but I can not imagine a bunch of guys talking that way unless they were indeed, sex offenders.
aren't you just the little saint.
Nothing worse than someone that wont admit that they have at least been around when this type of joking was going on.
I heard it in the navy, in high school, at bars. Its not uncommon.
It might be vile and uncalled for, but its not uncommon and if you are claiming you have never heard it, you are eithr lying or not allowed to leave your moms basement without supervision of a mentally able adult.
and no, I'm not condoning it.

Women are just as much trash mouthed as men.
this is true. Went to work last night, in the office was the woman that I was relieving. I sat at my desk, she was sitting at hers. We go over all the important stuff that I needed to know. Then,, out of the blue she says, "Do you want to see my pussy?"
I was taken a bit off guard by this and didnt respond for a second, then she starts laughing and hands me a kitten that she had found wandering around the outside.
Of course if I had said something like that, It could have been taken as sexual harrassment in the work place.
and this woman is a youth group counselor at her church.
Im still laughing about it.
Im thinking about asking her how her pussy is doing the next time I see her.

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