Did you know that DeSantis requested federal aid?

He also voted against aid for hurricane Sandy victims.

Don't you guys think it's pretty hypocritical to denigrare aid for others and then demand it for yourself?

But it's what republicans always do.

And he won't even meet with Joe Biden.

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every person in that state except the illegals paid into the fed system,, so its only right they get their money back in the form of aid,,

now if they didint pay into it and then asked for it you might have a valid complaint,,
every person in that state except the illegals paid into the fed system,, so its only right they get their money back in the form of aid,,

now if they didint pay into it and then asked for it you might have a valid complaint,,
Then why did he try to deny it to the taxpayers in NY?

According to an analysis by Ellis, the Sandy emergency spending package includes $150 million for fishery disaster areas in Mississippi and Alaska; $20,000 for a new car for the Inspector General of the Justice Department; $10.8 billion for the Federal Transportation Administration; and cancellation of loans related to Hurricane Katrina. It also contains $4 million for repairs at the Kennedy Space Center and $3.3 million for the Plum Island Animal Disease Center​
Define pork.

Because basically everything listed is responsive to a disaster.
He also voted against aid for hurricane Sandy victims.

Don't you guys think it's pretty hypocritical to denigrare aid for others and then demand it for yourself?

But it's what republicans always do.

And he won't even meet with Joe Biden.

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DeSantis's congressional voting record is a concern of mine. I support him atm. And I'll sort of give him a pass on it. He was new to politics. Was being lead by others. "Shown the ropes" sort of speak.
His record in FL is almost a polar opposite of his congressional record.

So what I'm doing now, to double check my support, is listening to what he's saying now and see how it lines up with those congressional votes that I object to. If he still supports things like FISA 702, the unconstitutional parts of the Patriot Act and NDAA, then I'll drop my support for him like a hot rock.

I'm not a political loyalist. I keep my support for politicians completely based on the issues. And will have no problem finding someone else to support.
How could a Florida governor vote against aid to hurricane Sandy victims? Do crazy lefties think it's hypocritical for a republican governor to request federal aid from a democrat administration?
The reason is, you aren't telling the truth.
As a member of Congress, DeSantis supported emergency disaster relief funding for Hurricane Sandy, but he did not support the additional pork spending that ended up in the final relief bill,”

Perhaps you should stop believing democrats.
That's your proof? Why didn't you post the entire sentence from your link? Let me do that for you, shall I?

“As a member of Congress, DeSantis supported emergency disaster relief funding for Hurricane Sandy, but he did not support the additional pork spending that ended up in the final relief bill,” Bryan Griffin, press secretary for DeSantis’ presidential campaign, added in a separate statement. (Republicans at the time complained that the Sandy package continued to fund a depleted National Flood Insurance Program with money the government didn’t have.)

So, you are going by what DeSantis's press secretary stated? The pork spending they were objecting to was funding the National Flood Insurance Program. The same program, incidentally, that will now be tapped to pay for Florida's flooding.

Don't believe me? Here ya go...

Now, your turn. Prove me wrong. Prove that what DeSantis opposed was frivolous pork spending. Go.

But, I'll bet you won't. Because you are a lying retard. And lying retards never back up their statement. Prove me wrong, retard. Go.
That's your proof? Why didn't you post the entire sentence from your link? Let me do that for you, shall I?

“As a member of Congress, DeSantis supported emergency disaster relief funding for Hurricane Sandy, but he did not support the additional pork spending that ended up in the final relief bill,” Bryan Griffin, press secretary for DeSantis’ presidential campaign, added in a separate statement. (Republicans at the time complained that the Sandy package continued to fund a depleted National Flood Insurance Program with money the government didn’t have.)

So, you are going by what DeSantis's press secretary stated? The pork spending they were objecting to was funding the National Flood Insurance Program. The same program, incidentally, that will now be tapped to pay for Florida's flooding.

Don't believe me? Here ya go...

Now, your turn. Prove me wrong. Prove that what DeSantis opposed was frivolous pork spending. Go.

But, I'll bet you won't. Because you are a lying retard. And lying retards never back up their statement. Prove me wrong, retard. Go.
I did. But like all lying democrats you come right back with the same lies just debunked.

What the hell is going on when lefties think it's hypocritical for a republican governor to do what's right and request federal aid for his state? Hypocrite lefties blamed George Bush for Katrina but Biden gets a pass.
He also voted against aid for hurricane Sandy victims.

Don't you guys think it's pretty hypocritical to denigrare aid for others and then demand it for yourself?

But it's what republicans always do.

And he won't even meet with Joe Biden.

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I thought he just rejected it?
I did. But like all lying democrats you come right back with the same lies just debunked.

No, retard. You posted DeSantis's press secretary's statement as proof. Now, that may fly in retard land but in the real world? Not so much. :itsok:

But that doesn't surprise me. You are a lying retard and lying retards never back up their statements. But, hey prove me wrong. Go.
I did. But like all lying democrats you come right back with the same lies just debunked.

Try again, retard. All debunked.

But these claims are hyperbolic and misleading.

Of 23 examples of extraneous spending that a spokesman for Mr. Cruz provided, all but one — $195 million in discretionary funds for the secretary of health and human services — were Sandy-related or sought to mitigate future storms, as the law required.

The spokesman also pointed to a Congressional Quarterly analysis that said that $17 billion in the bill went toward immediate aid for Sandy victims while $33.5 billion was for “near- and long-term assistance and mitigation” of damage from future disasters.

But providing nonemergency aid and preparing for future storms are not the same as spending on projects that are entirely unrelated to Sandy.

Mr. Cruz’s original claim — that just $16 billion to $17 billion was actually connected to disaster relief — is similarly not plausible, as is evident from even a cursory look at the CQ analysis and another breakdown of the aid from the Congressional Research Service.

More than $28 billion was allocated to programs for Sandy relief. They included money for the Federal Emergency Management disaster fund ($11.5 billion), repairs for damaged transit systems ($10.9 billion), repairs to damaged Army Corps of Engineers projects and dredging ($5.35 billion), disaster loans to small business ($520 million) and emergency farm, food and conservation assistance ($224 million).

The Washington Post’s Fact Checker awarded Mr. Cruz three Pinocchios out of four for his statement.

The Sandy package also provided substantial funding to ease the impact of future storms. It earmarked more than $200 million to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to improve and study weather forecasting, $86 million for Amtrak recovery and resiliency projects in the affected area and $50 million to the Corps of Engineers for storm damage reduction studies, for example.

Mr. Flores’s claim that areas not affected by Sandy also received funding is correct, but the money was nonetheless earmarked for emergencies. (The law’s title, after all, is Disaster Relief Appropriations.)

Try again, retard. But you won't because you are a lying retard. Prove me wrong. Go.
So angry. America needs an economic depression. Then we will all see where the money goes.
Wishing for America to suffer an economic depression? Spoken like a true traitor.

But then, what else can we expect from fascists who stormed the Capitol because their fuhrer lost the election? :itsok:
Wishing for America to suffer an economic depression? Spoken like a true traitor.

But then, what else can we expect from fascists who stormed the Capitol because their fuhrer lost the election? :itsok:
I am not wishing for it. Hardship will be real. We waste so much in resources. When it comes to Florida, I believe they need to up their game on infrastructure for potential Hurricanes. Most people love the ocean. Perhaps we across the nation build too much on barrier islands.
He also voted against aid for hurricane Sandy victims.

Don't you guys think it's pretty hypocritical to denigrare aid for others and then demand it for yourself?

But it's what republicans always do.

And he won't even meet with Joe Biden.

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So you are saying that the people of Florida that pay a tremendous amount in Federal Taxes shouldn't get a little back?

What, you think it all should go to Illegals and ghetto Democrat voting welfare queens?

Fact check: Ted Cruz wrong on Hurricane Sandy relief​

We consulted a detailed report on the funding in the legislation by the Congressional Research Service in February 2013. We found that at least $35 billion of the $50.5 billion provided by the bill was related to Sandy — that’s 69% of the bill.

We identified nearly another $10 billion that was for mitigation efforts to limit damage from future storms. That left nearly $6 billion uncategorized, because it was either unclear whether all of the funds were specifically directed to Sandy-affected areas, or the money indeed went to other disaster efforts.

There were many categories of spending, including funds for government relief and assistance programs, health and social services, and repair to damaged facilities. The largest line items among the $50.5 billion included, according to the CRS report: $11.5 billion to FEMA’s disaster relief fund; $16 billion to the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s community development fund; $10.9 billion to the Department of Transportation’s public transportation emergency relief program; $3.5 billion to the Army Corps of Engineers for construction, another $1 billion for flood control and coastal emergencies, and $821 million for operations and maintenance related to Sandy; and $779 million for the Small Business Administration’s disaster loan program.

All of that adds up to 88% of the bill, and we counted most of it as being Sandy-related.

About half of that $10.9 billion to DOT ($5.383 billion) could have been transferred by the transportation secretary to projects to “reduce the risk or damage from future disasters in the areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy,” CRS said. So, we put that in our “mitigation” category, leaving the rest in the Sandy-related category. (DOT said the program was for the 12 states that were declared disaster areas for Sandy.)

He also voted against aid for hurricane Sandy victims.

Don't you guys think it's pretty hypocritical to denigrare aid for others and then demand it for yourself?

But it's what republicans always do.

And he won't even meet with Joe Biden.

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This is the same behaviour we saw from Ted Cruz when he was running off to Mexico to avoid freezing in the cold when the power grid failed in Texas. Cruz voted against aid for Sandy victims as well.

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