Did you know that DeSantis requested federal aid?

AP FACT CHECK: Texas GOP misstates Sandy aid package​

Texas Republicans now clamoring for federal money to aid their flood-stricken state overwhelmingly opposed a disaster relief package after Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast in 2012. They insisted then — and have repeated in recent days — that the legislation was packed with wasteful spending.

While the $50.7 billion package had non-Sandy money, it wasn’t as stuffed with pork-barrel spending as Sen. Ted Cruz and other Republicans have maintained.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and other Northeast Republicans are calling out Cruz and his fellow Texans who are seeking aid for their hard-hit state.

Here’s a look at the competing claims, and the reality:

CRUZ, in an NBC interview Monday: “The problem with that particular bill is it became a $50 billion bill that was filled with unrelated pork. Two-thirds of that bill had nothing to do with Sandy.”

CHRISTIE, firing back Wednesday on CNN: “I see Senator Cruz and it’s disgusting to me that he stands in a recovery center with victims standing behind him ... still repeating the same reprehensible lies about what happened in Sandy, and it’s unacceptable to me. Absolutely unacceptable.”

REP. TOM COLE, R-Okla., in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday: “I think a lot of the people that voted against Sandy now have the shoe on the other foot, so they’re going to learn some lessons and I hope they do. We shouldn’t be trying to score political points out of natural disasters. And we have a lot of people trying to rewrite history. I mean, I’m sorry, there wasn’t a bunch of pork in the Sandy bill.”
In truth, the final Sandy aid package did not include money for fisheries in Alaska and other states after complaints from conservatives about spending unrelated to the storm. The final bill stripped $150 million from the earlier, Senate-approved bill for fisheries disasters stretching from Alaska to Mississippi and New England.

Instead, the bill included $5 million for “necessary expenses related to fishery disasters declared in 2012 that were the direct result of Hurricane Sandy,” according to a 2013 report by CRS.

That's your proof? Why didn't you post the entire sentence from your link? Let me do that for you, shall I?

“As a member of Congress, DeSantis supported emergency disaster relief funding for Hurricane Sandy, but he did not support the additional pork spending that ended up in the final relief bill,” Bryan Griffin, press secretary for DeSantis’ presidential campaign, added in a separate statement. (Republicans at the time complained that the Sandy package continued to fund a depleted National Flood Insurance Program with money the government didn’t have.)

So, you are going by what DeSantis's press secretary stated? The pork spending they were objecting to was funding the National Flood Insurance Program. The same program, incidentally, that will now be tapped to pay for Florida's flooding.

Don't believe me? Here ya go...

Now, your turn. Prove me wrong. Prove that what DeSantis opposed was frivolous pork spending. Go.

But, I'll bet you won't. Because you are a lying retard. And lying retards never back up their statement. Prove me wrong, retard. Go.

The pork spending they were objecting to was funding the National Flood Insurance Program.

That was the only pork? Link?
I am not wishing for it. Hardship will be real. We waste so much in resources. When it comes to Florida, I believe they need to up their game on infrastructure for potential Hurricanes. Most people love the ocean. Perhaps we across the nation build too much on barrier islands.
Sorry, retard. We have your traitorous statement.

You proved that you are part of a fascist party that had no problem storming the Capitol just because their fuhrer turned out to be a failure.

Live with it. :itsok:
So you are saying that the people of Florida that pay a tremendous amount in Federal Taxes shouldn't get a little back?

What, you think it all should go to Illegals and ghetto Democrat voting welfare queens?

No, we're saying that after voting against aid for other states, repeatedly, it's more than a bit hypocritical for DeSantis to be begging for money now.

And exactly what is his purpose in refusing to meet with Joe Biden? Why would you want to have a governor who uses the disaster to play politics to boost his chances to be elected President? What a selfish prick!!!
Retard. Learn to read. I posted several links. You do know how to read, right?

"The problem with the Sandy package was, if you look at it, only 30 percent of it was going to be spent in the first two years," DeSantis said in an interview recently at his St. Augustine office. "It actually appropriated money out to 2020 and 2021, things that could not in any way be said to be emergency spending. It just was so much extraneous stuff."

No, we're saying that after voting against aid for other states, repeatedly, it's more than a bit hypocritical for DeSantis to be begging for money now.

And exactly what is his purpose in refusing to meet with Joe Biden? Why would you want to have a governor who uses the disaster to play politics to boost his chances to be elected President? What a selfish prick!!!

If it was up to me we would do away with FEMA and then return the money that is used to fund it back to the taxpayers.

It is not the Federal government's responsibility to provide for hurricane relief. It is my responsibility and the responsibility of the State to do what is necessary because we live in a hurricane prone area. Why should somebody in Montana be taxed to provide relief when we chose to live in Florida?

However, I lost that argument. We do have Big Government and the people of Florida pay a lot of money in taxes to the Federal filth. So as long as we have that shit then why not get some of the tax money back?
It simply amazes me that Joe keeps telling the same stories over and over even though the media has ridiculed him for doing so.

Perhaps he honestly feels people will believe his false stories because people are simply stupid. He must believe people lack the brain power to remember the media fact checks on Joe’s stories. They will believe Joe because Joe acts like a nice guy.

I’ll bet Joe would have made one hell of a televangelist. He would have put Jim and Tammy Faye Baker and their PTL Club to shame.

He knows that Cult fact checkers don't fact check Democrats.
"The problem with the Sandy package was, if you look at it, only 30 percent of it was going to be spent in the first two years," DeSantis said in an interview recently at his St. Augustine office. "It actually appropriated money out to 2020 and 2021, things that could not in any way be said to be emergency spending. It just was so much extraneous stuff."

Yeah, that's what the asshole DeSantis said. Did you even read your own lin? But when asked this question, the asshole refused to answer:

Would he vote against disaster relief if a hurricane hit his district?

Asked if he would vote against hurricane relief that affected his own district, DeSantis was less specific, but said he would support the right plan.

I proved - with links - that DeSantis lied. Your turn. Prove me wrong. But you won't. Do you know why? Because you are a lying retard and lying retards never back up their statements.

Prove me wrong. Go.
He also voted against aid for hurricane Sandy victims.

Don't you guys think it's pretty hypocritical to denigrare aid for others and then demand it for yourself?

But it's what republicans always do.

And he won't even meet with Joe Biden.

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So you believe that only people who support government programs are entitled to the benefits?

How beautifully fascist.
Yeah, that's what the asshole DeSantis said. Did you even read your own lin? But when asked this question, the asshole refused to answer:

Would he vote against disaster relief if a hurricane hit his district?

Asked if he would vote against hurricane relief that affected his own district, DeSantis was less specific, but said he would support the right plan.

I proved - with links - that DeSantis lied. Your turn. Prove me wrong. But you won't. Do you know why? Because you are a lying retard and lying retards never back up their statements.

Prove me wrong. Go.

Asked if he would vote against hurricane relief that affected his own district, DeSantis was less specific, but said he would support the right plan.

Sounds reasonable.

I proved - with links - that DeSantis lied.

You didn't prove there was no pork. Not even close.
Yeah, that's what the asshole DeSantis said. Did you even read your own lin? But when asked this question, the asshole refused to answer:

His critics are the assholes. What could be more fascist than the claim that only people who support government programs are entitled to their benefits?
Asked if he would vote against hurricane relief that affected his own district, DeSantis was less specific, but said he would support the right plan.

Sounds reasonable.

I proved - with links - that DeSantis lied.

You didn't prove there was no pork. Not even close.
No, you didn't, retard. You quoted DeSantis. That was even worse than the other retard quoted DeSanttis's press secretary. What's with you retards, anyway?

Is that what they teach you at Trump U? No wonder you guys are blithering idiots. :itsok:

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