Did you know that 'gyyped' is a racial slur?

Whoopi didn't know that word was a slur when she was a kid. She just thought it was the word used to describe being cheated. Only later did she learn where the word came from. Her using it now was a mistake that she acknowledged and appologized for. Issue closed.
Whoopie also farts a lot on The View
ABC and The View are on the cutting edge of low class Left Wing behavior.

Whoopi Goldberg loudly passed gas during Wednesday morning's show in the latest cringe-worthy moment for the co-host.

Video of the incident shows the veteran actor getting thrown off her talking points after experiencing the gassy interruption.

Goldberg even went on to acknowledge the incident, telling the audience: 'That was gas,' as her co-hosts and the audience laughed out loud.

She's disgusting.
Why did the Gypsies get a bad reputation for stealing?

Long ago, I worked for a doctor who had a family of gypsies as patients. Any time one of them had an appointment, the entire large family came. I asked the doctor why, when one of them had an appointment, he always called them back from the waiting room himself. He explained that if one of his assistants called them back and left the whole family waiting in the exam room until the doctor got to them, as we always did with patients, everything that wasn't nailed down would disappear.

I never again worked for another doctor who had gypsies as patients, so I never got to repeat this experiment.

Higher Education in Gypsy Culture.

Apparently Mortimer failed the entrance exam.

And, apparently they still kidnap children, or at least hold them prisoners.

Bosnian magistrate Diana Kajmakovic, who leads a French-Bosnian investigation on the Salcinovic clan, suspects that its child thieves are born in the gypsy camps of Milan and Rome. The clan lets the mother bond with her child for a short period. Then, they take the child away: it will be raised by a nurse. The young mother can see her child once a year. The remainder of the year, she will have to earn money for herself, her child, the nurse, and the clan. Police hearings recorded clan members telling a mother that her hungry baby would not get food if she did not make 300 euros that day.

They also prey on unaccompanied migrant children.
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Whoopi Goldberg has apologized after being criticized for using a derogatory term on "The View".
The actress shared a video message via the show's official Twitter profile after she faced backlash for using the word "gy***d" when discussing how some Donald Trump supporters felt after his loss in the 2020 election, Entertainment Weekly reported.
Goldberg then said in her apology video, "You know, when you’re a certain age, you use words that you know from when you were a kid or you remember saying.
"And that’s what I did today, and I shouldn’t have."

I did not know that 'gyyped' was a racial slur.
Cher should also apologize for defaming gypsies.

/----/ I'm no fan of Whoopie, but we are close in age. I remember it was a common term used when someone was cheated. BTW, I didn't know Gypsie was a race. The Romani people, AKA Gypsies, are a nomadic people.
She's disgusting.
Whoopie needs to invest in some Gas-X
Whoopi Goldberg has apologized after being criticized for using a derogatory term on "The View".
The actress shared a video message via the show's official Twitter profile after she faced backlash for using the word "gy***d" when discussing how some Donald Trump supporters felt after his loss in the 2020 election, Entertainment Weekly reported.
Goldberg then said in her apology video, "You know, when you’re a certain age, you use words that you know from when you were a kid or you remember saying.
"And that’s what I did today, and I shouldn’t have."

I did not know that 'gyyped' was a racial slur.
Cher should also apologize for defaming gypsies.

You can't say anything without offending someone. I like the fact that Trump just plain doesn't give a shit who he offends. It's actually a very admirable quality.
Why do you like that? Seriously.
Guess you didn't read what I said. You can't say anything without offending someone. Asking people to quit talking is just stupid ass shit. So, you say something and it offends someone, which it will always offend someone. Tough shit. The left says things every day that offend me. Act like men and ladies and brush it off without turning into a snowflake.
Whoopie also farts a lot on The View
ABC and The View are on the cutting edge of low class Left Wing behavior.

Whoopi Goldberg loudly passed gas during Wednesday morning's show in the latest cringe-worthy moment for the co-host.

Video of the incident shows the veteran actor getting thrown off her talking points after experiencing the gassy interruption.

Goldberg even went on to acknowledge the incident, telling the audience: 'That was gas,' as her co-hosts and the audience laughed out loud.

So cows are causing warming!
I don't understand the woke or anti-woke thing. I don't think it would be possible for me to care any less about what someone calls me, or what anyone else wants to be called. I simply dont care. what I find stupidest about the whole thing is people that get all worked up because they can't say the n word or other offensive terms. There are lots of words in English, find one that is not offensive.
I feel gypped.

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