Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
If Blix is not responsible, then why did you state " he did not do that" and "that cost...lives"? If his not taking an action, caused the deaths, that would mean that he IS responsible, at least partially.

BLIX is not responsible for what the President of the United States did. W is responsible for what W did. And what W did you still support to this day and it caused the deaths of half a million Iraqi innocent. Those are the facts. It proves BLIX was doing his job as a professional and was at least trying to be honest. His job was to disarm Iraq peacefully if SH cooperated. You are a liar because you said BLIX could not disarm Iraq peacefully. BLIX was not going through any kind of motions as you have said. You are a liar because when you say SH was not cooperating. That is a lie. It is a huge lie.
You not considering it a chance. But it was a chance?

What specifically gave BLIX a chance to stop the war? Hint it was something that W put in writing that would leave SH in power as late as March 10, 2003?

Can you tell me what that was since I’ve been trying to teach you what it is. But you cannot bring yourself to actually talk about it.

My point was to point to how incoherent your reasoning and posts are. I don't really give a damn about blix. Blix had a job to do. His job was NOT to prevent war. Your spin on it, sort of, that his action or lack there of was responsible, is wrong.
If Blix is not responsible, then why did you state " he did not do that" and "that cost...lives"? If his not taking an action, caused the deaths, that would mean that he IS responsible, at least partially.

BLIX is not responsible for what the President of the United States did. W is responsible for what W did. And what W did you still support to this day and it caused the deaths of half a million Iraqi innocent. Those are the facts. It proves BLIX was doing his job as a professional and was at least trying to be honest. His job was to disarm Iraq peacefully if SH cooperated. You are a liar because you said BLIX could not disarm Iraq peacefully. BLIX was not going through any kind of motions as you have said. You are a liar because when you say SH was not cooperating. That is a lie. It is a huge lie.

Are the Iranians and insurgents responsible for what they did?
Are the Iranians and insurgents responsible for what they did?

NO Blitzkrieg Shock and AWE - No insurgents and No Iranians in Iraq killing anybody.

It is not a difficult concept. I understand why you can’t get it.

When W tore down the government, police and army in order to disarm Iraq of WMD he made the USA responsible for keeping civil order and protecting Iraq from invasion by outsiders.

W’s failure to plan and prepare for the aftermath of regime change when he had no reason to invade in March when inspectors where in Iraq is exactly why W is the only man responsible for every single death that his decision to invade caused.

And you support it.
Are the Iranians and insurgents responsible for what they did?

NO Blitzkrieg Shock and AWE - No insurgents and No Iranians in Iraq killing anybody.

It is not a difficult concept. I understand why you can’t get it.

When W tore down the government, police and army in order to disarm Iraq of WMD he made the USA responsible for keeping civil order and protecting Iraq from invasion by outsiders.

W’s failure to plan and prepare for the aftermath of regime change when he had no reason to invade in March when inspectors where in Iraq is exactly why W is the only man responsible for every single death that his decision to invade caused.

And you support it.

Sorry, that was not clear to me. Are the Iranians and insurgents responsible for their actions?
Sorry, that was not clear to me. Are the Iranians and insurgents responsible for their actions?

What is not clear? if there was no US invasion of Iraq in March 2003 you would be in no need of such a question.

BUSH started the fucking war that caused an insurgency in Iraq that caused the death of half a million Iraqis. Bush is responsible for every death and you are a supporter of that intentional cause of death.
Sorry, that was not clear to me. Are the Iranians and insurgents responsible for their actions?

What is not clear? if there was no US invasion of Iraq in March 2003 you would be in no need of such a question.

BUSH started the fucking war that caused an insurgency in Iraq that caused the death of half a million Iraqis. Bush is responsible for every death and you are a supporter of that intentional cause of death.

Why are you afraid to answer the question?
Why are you afraid to answer the question?

First of all it’s very stupid question because it is redundant. Ultimately every single human alive and that has ever lived to a mature age that does not have serious mental issues or cognitive problems is responsible their own actions.

So the answer to your question should go without saying. But as I understand that you are just an idiot that doesn’t want to be held responsible for your own actions I guess I have to point that out to you.

Also I must point out there are systems of moral humanity when there is a conflict of some sort the responsibility for any destruction and loss of life because of that conflict goes to the one that started it.

There’s a thing called innocent by reason of self-defense. Now it is possible because you are a politically hard right Christian that you do not believe Muslims have the right to defend themselves in the nation of their birth when that nation has been invaded by a predominantly Christian nation basically by land air and sea. And since the Muslim nation basically has no military might or other means of defense specifically from bombing and cruise missile attacks on their cities their means of defense is insurgency. The obvious answer to your stupid question is that the Iraqis and Iranians are responsible for the insurgency that followed the US blitzkrieg shock and awe of March 19, 2003.

What does that do for you and your refusal 18 years after the fact to admit that W unilaterally with the UK of course and a few other bribed nations are the nations that started the invasion and war during peacetime, and they were not prepared for what to do after the invasion with respect to protecting the people in the nation that they were invading.

You won’t admit that the lack of military preparation and civic institutional preparation contributed highly to the creation of an insurgency against the occupation.

Contrary to that you support the absolute disaster as it is and continue to do so when even the man who became president the last time has explained to you that it was a disaster and you still voted for him and just nonchalantly say that you don’t agree.

So what does it get you that I answered that question?
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Your spin on it, sort of, that his action or lack there of was responsible, is wrong.

W is responsible for ‘causing’ half a million Iraqis to die. Not Blix, Not SH. Not Joe Biden, the Ayatollahs in Iran. Just W and the liars and phonies that urged him on.
This anti-American Christian nationalism bull crap had a big role bringing the disaster of W ‘s Iraq invasion into history:

Now they are trying to invade America from within under the Trump/Jesus/Confederate Flag.

A new Christian nationalism movement wants to take over the country for God to rule: report

Sarah K. Burris
July 11, 2021

A shocking Washington Post report revealed Sunday that a movement of Christian nationalists is pressing for a movement that puts their church at the heart of a Trumpist theocracy

The story begins with a shocking story of a church pastor displaying a map of Ft. Worth and diving it into sins like greed, competition, rebellion and lust. The story described a world in which demons are real, magical miracles can actually happen, there are only two genders, no abortion, Bible-based education, and the church rules everyone's life.

"It was an hour and a half into the 11 a.m. service of a church that represents a rapidly growing kind of Christianity in the United States, one whose goal includes bringing under the authority of a biblical God every facet of life from schools to city halls to Washington," said the report.

The pastor speaking out for the new world order was one of many people who traveled to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. He chanted quietly, "Father, we declare America is yours."

If it sounds familiar it's smilar to what many Trump-loving pastors have pushed for years.

Faith leaders like Trump's spiritual adviser Paula White were one of many who organized a nationwide prayer rally ahead of the Jan. 6 attack. They talk about an imminent "heavenly strike" and "a Christian populist uprising." It helped many of those who attacked the Capitol feel like they were taking over the country for God
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I don't trust any of your statements on who said what when.

You are referring to excepts I took from official Dr. Blix updates to the UNSC. You can check the links for verification if you think it’s fake.

If you don’t trust any of my statements what are you doing here. You are obviously not interested in honest debate or discussion.

You must be here to spew your racist rightwinger warmongering hate and not much else.
Why are you afraid to answer the question?

First of all it’s very stupid question because it is redundant. Ultimately every single human alive and that has ever lived to a mature age that does not have serious mental issues or cognitive problems is responsible their own actions.

So the answer to your question should go without saying. But as I understand that you are just an idiot that doesn’t want to be held responsible for your own actions I guess I have to point that out to you.

Also I must point out there are systems of moral humanity when there is a conflict of some sort the responsibility for any destruction and loss of life because of that conflict goes to the one that started it.

There’s a thing called innocent by reason of self-defense. Now it is possible because you are a politically hard right Christian that you do not believe Muslims have the right to defend themselves in the nation of their birth when that nation has been invaded by a predominantly Christian nation basically by land air and sea. And since the Muslim nation basically has no military might or other means of defense specifically from bombing and cruise missile attacks on their cities their means of defense is insurgency. The obvious answer to your stupid question is that the Iraqis and Iranians are responsible for the insurgency that followed the US blitzkrieg shock and awe of March 19, 2003.

What does that do for you and your refusal 18 years after the fact to admit that W unilaterally with the UK of course and a few other bribed nations are the nations that started the invasion and war during peacetime, and they were not prepared for what to do after the invasion with respect to protecting the people in the nation that they were invading.

You won’t admit that the lack of military preparation and civic institutional preparation contributed highly to the creation of an insurgency against the occupation.

Contrary to that you support the absolute disaster as it is and continue to do so when even the man who became president the last time has explained to you that it was a disaster and you still voted for him and just nonchalantly say that you don’t agree.

So what does it get you that I answered that question?

The Iranians and insurgents were not defending themselves, they disagreed with the idea of an Iraq that was a multiethnic parliamentary democracy and they choose to wage war against the Iraqi Government and it's American ally.

BUT, you keep putting ALL that loss of life onto Bush and his supporters, as though the Iranians and the insurgents are not responsible for their actions.

Thank you for actually explaining your reasoning on that. Self defense is a legitimate and coherent argument. Thank you for engaging in a serious response.
Why are you afraid to answer the question?


Contrary to that you support the absolute disaster as it is and continue to do so when even the man who became president the last time has explained to you that it was a disaster and you still voted for him and just nonchalantly say that you don’t agree.

So what does it get you that I answered that question?

The fact that Trump, after the fact, disagreed with the invasion is not relevant to anything.

Why do you think that I would care about Trump's opinion on the invasion?

The world situation in 2016 was very different than it was in 2001. I, and the nation was ready for a less interventionist President.

Yes, some of the people that supported the invasion in 2001, supported the less interventionist candidate in 2016.

Why do you find that to be wrong?
Your spin on it, sort of, that his action or lack there of was responsible, is wrong.

W is responsible for ‘causing’ half a million Iraqis to die. Not Blix, Not SH. Not Joe Biden, the Ayatollahs in Iran. Just W and the liars and phonies that urged him on.

I agree that it was not Blix's responsibility. Which was my point. YOu said it was. Were you just spouting crap talking points that you thought sounded good?

Saddam Hussein certainly gets a good share of credit for all the results of his policies of wars and confrontation with the US.

Joe Biden was in Congress and supported the overall policy of hostility with Iraq, he deserves a nice share.

The leadership of Iran certainly deserves full responsibility for their choice to get involved.

The Dems who supported Bill Clinton's policy of hostility and regime change, they deserve some of the credit too. Bill could have followed a policy of de-escalation, but he choose not to. His dem voters re-elected him and supported those choices.

You are not consistent in the way you assign blame to people. You are strangely quick to heap all the blame onto people who just happen to be your partisan and ideological enemies.

I don't trust any of your statements on who said what when.

You are referring to excepts I took from official Dr. Blix updates to the UNSC. You can check the links for verification if you think it’s fake.

If you don’t trust any of my statements what are you doing here. You are obviously not interested in honest debate or discussion.

You must be here to spew your racist rightwinger warmongering hate and not much else.

Blah, blah, blah, wacist.

When you admit that you cannot defend your argument, without calling someone a wacist,

you are admitting that you cannot defend your argument, at all.
Iraq fully deserved what it got. It was held responsible for it's actions and rightly so. It staged a brutal invasion of a peaceful neighboring nation in order to take it for themselves. Simple greed and a desire to conquer. The invasions freed the Iraqi people from a murderous dictator who brutalized his own people as quickly as others and they should thank us for doing so. Some of them paid a price for allowing themselves to be ruled by an evil government.
The Iranians and insurgents were not defending themselves, ….

Says who? Iraq is a Muslim Nation that was invaded, bombed, and its people were shot at by an army and bombed by its air forces that was sent in during peacetime from a predominantly Christian nation that became an occupying army when the dictatorship fell.

Now I realize as a cultural non-religious Christian you see no justification for Muslims to resist being invaded by a Christian Army that killed many Iraqis on the way in.

they disagreed with the idea of an Iraq that was a multiethnic parliamentary democracy and they choose to wage war against the Iraqi Government and it's American ally.

They had the right to disagree with an invading army no matter what that invasion army intended and wanted them to do.

They did not start it - W did.
The Iranians and insurgents were not defending themselves, ….

Says who? Iraq is a Muslim Nation that was invaded, bombed, and its people were shot at by an army and bombed by its air forces that was sent in during peacetime from a predominantly Christian nation that became an occupying army when the dictatorship fell.

Now I realize as a cultural non-religious Christian you see no justification for Muslims to resist being invaded by a Christian Army that killed many Iraqis on the way in.

they disagreed with the idea of an Iraq that was a multiethnic parliamentary democracy and they choose to wage war against the Iraqi Government and it's American ally.

They had the right to disagree with an invading army no matter what that invasion army intended and wanted them to do.

They did not start it - W did.

Says me. Choosing to involve yourself in a war next door, is a choice. As much of a choice as it was for America.

BUT, you are not blaming Iran's leaders with the same fervor that you are attacking Bush with.

Why is that? Is it because the Iranians have never done anything to make them your enemy?

I mean they have only waged war on your country, they have not been a problem for your partisan and ideological agenda.
BUT, you are not blaming Iran's leaders with the same fervor that you are attacking Bush with.

Iran did not invade Iraq. The USA invaded Iraq. Iran responded to defend themselves and Iraq from unnecessary US aggression on their border. That is a fact. Iran was listed as the one of the three Axis if Evil nations by the same ban who ordered the invasion of Iraq for no reason whatsoever except that it could.
Choosing to involve yourself in a war next door, is a choice. As much of a choice as it was for America.

Of course it was a choice for Iranians and Iraqis to fight against the US invasion and the unprepared occupation of Iraq that they saw as a Christian war of aggression against Muslims and also as an attempt to seize land for military bases and gain control of Iraq’s major resource -oil .

As you say it was a war of choice for America So that means America was not responding to aggression or violence or any threat of any kind when its President quit the peaceful process of disarming Iraq and chose to get the cl invasion started on March 19 2003.

So which side had the moral weight on the choice they made? The side that chose to bomb, invade and occupy Iraq or the side that chose to fight those that attacked and invaded and occupied Iraq.

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