Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
BUT, you are not blaming Iran's leaders with the same fervor that you are attacking Bush with.

Iran did not invade Iraq. The USA invaded Iraq. Iran responded to defend themselves and Iraq from unnecessary US aggression on their border. That is a fact. Iran was listed as the one of the three Axis if Evil nations by the same ban who ordered the invasion of Iraq for no reason whatsoever except that it could.

So, Iran gets a pass for it's war making, while America is slammed.

Thus, we see all your pretense of being so concerned about the human cost of the war, was just that, pretense.

When the war is one you can't use to smear your enemies, you don't care about those who suffer or die.

You have been USING the dead, desecrating them, verbally, so that you can smear and attack your enemies, not because you have any real concern for them, or any real anti-war principles.
Choosing to involve yourself in a war next door, is a choice. As much of a choice as it was for America.

Of course it was a choice for Iranians and Iraqis to fight against the US invasion and the unprepared occupation of Iraq that they saw as a Christian war of aggression against Muslims and also as an attempt to seize land for military bases and gain control of Iraq’s major resource -oil .

As you say it was a war of choice for America So that means America was not responding to aggression or violence or any threat of any kind when its President quit the peaceful process of disarming Iraq and chose to get the cl invasion started on March 19 2003.

So which side had the moral weight on the choice they made? The side that chose to bomb, invade and occupy Iraq or the side that chose to fight those that attacked and invaded and occupied Iraq.

Both bear full responsibility for their actions. Yes, America choose to wage war on Iraq.

But Iran choose to wage war on Iraq, and the US.

You are the one that wants to put the responsibility for one's actions, onto someone else, not me.

You are quick to cite their "perceptions" to justify their reasons. Because you are sympathetic to them.

Your treatment of America is far harsher. Because you are NOT sympathetic to them.
I mean they have only waged war on your country, they have not been a problem for your partisan and ideological agenda.

There was only one leader of a nation on March 19 2003 who decided to start a war by bombing and invading a nation that at the time was being peacefully disarmed by the UNSC at the time for several months. Keyword = PEACEFUL.

No nation was waging war against the United States except The Taliban In Afghanistan and they were driven out of power with partial Iran’s help.

But this reflects how Iran saw the US invasion of its western neighbor.

*** In March 2003, the United States did for Iran what Iran itself tried but failed to achieve after eight long years of bloody war with Iraq, namely to overthrow Saddam Husayn.

*** https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/event/MohsenMilaniFinal.pdf

*** As a result of this momentous event, the strategic cards in the Persian Gulf were shuffled, creating new opportunities as well as existential threats for Iran. On the one hand, Iraq, Iran’s archenemy, was defeated and its historically oppressed Shi’i majority—a potential ally for Iran—was liberated and energized, and Iran solidified its position as the most powerful indigenous force in the region. On the other hand, the United States virtually encircled Iran with its more than 150,000 troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, elevating Iran’s threat perception to an
So, Iran gets a pass for it's war making, while America is slammed.

Iran was responding to US aggression in Iraq on their eastern border. . Iran was not waging war against the UNITED States in March 2003. There is a difference between being an enemy and being a nation that invades another nation during peacetime in a full blown massive military air and ground assault.
I mean they have only waged war on your country, they have not been a problem for your partisan and ideological agenda.

There was only one leader of a nation on March 19 2003 who decided to start a war by bombing and invading a nation that at the time was being peacefully disarmed by the UNSC at the time for several months. Keyword = PEACEFUL.

You should drop the emotional bullshit. You only get upset about people choosing to wage war, when it is your enemies that choose to do so.

Anyone else, and you are very understanding of their reasons and seem fine with their choices.

Thus, all your talk about the human cost and all your drama, is shown to be just bullshit, to justify your attacks on your enemies.

It is telling that you reserve more ire for your fellow Americans than you do for people and nations that actually kill your fellow Americans.
So, Iran gets a pass for it's war making, while America is slammed.

Iran was responding to US aggression in Iraq on their eastern border. . Iran was not waging war against the UNITED States in March 2003. There is a difference between being an enemy and being a nation that invades another nation during peacetime in a full blown massive military air and ground assault.

Sure, there's a difference. Not to the civilian dead there isn't. You spent a lot of time pretending to be upset over the human cost of war.

Now we see that was all bullshit.

You are just pretending to be upset over the civilian dead, when it gives you ammo to attack your true enemies with.

Which to be clear, are NOT the people who wages war on your nation, killing your fellow Americans.

No, your true enemy are the Republicans, especially the white and/or Christian ones.
But Iran choose to wage war on Iraq,

Iran did not wage war on Iraq you moron. They are Shiite. IRAQ is majority Shiite. The US did what Iran couldn’t do when the US backed SH somewhat when he waged war against IRAN.

Sure they did. THey sent arms and soldiers into Iraq to wage war on the Iraqi Government and their American allies.

Your making excuses for them, reveals that ALL YOUR DRAMA over how bad war is, was all bullshit.
Your bias is clear in the way you accept their justifications for war,

You are confused. I’m not making justification for war from any side. I’m reminding you that with regard to the invasion of Iraq that started on March 19 2003 there was one person in the entire world that started it when there was peace in Iraq and no aggression from Iraq. What people and nations did in response to the invasion was a response to the unnecessary choice that W made. You don’t get to support in this case the US president’s choice to kill people in order to disarm Iraq when there was a functional choice to disarm Iraq based on SH’s obvious cooperation with the 1441 inspectors that were open and ongoing for several peaceful months and then you expect the Iraqis and neighboring nations to submit and prostrate themselves to a Foreign invader and occupation without a fight.

Human nature is to fight or run when attacked. Its what happens when the powerful nations invade weaker ones.

Do you Correll support killing innocent people by the US military in an invasion into a foreign nation when there is no threat to peace and stability in the region and the world when the invasion is commenced?
Your bias is clear in the way you accept their justifications for war,

You are confused. I’m not making justification for war from any side. I’m reminding you that with regard to the invasion of Iraq that started on March 19 2003 there was one person in the entire world that started it when there was peace in Iraq and no aggression from Iraq. What people and nations did in response to the invasion was a response to the unnecessary choice that W made. ....

And now you are shifting responsibility for their actions from them, to "W".

You jump all over the place, you say all kinds of contradictory shit, but the one constant is, you find excuses to blame US and excuse THEM.

And it shit cans any pretense you have of being anti-war. You are only anti-American.
nd now you are shifting responsibility for their actions from them, to "W".

I’m not shifting responsibility. Who chose to invade Iraq in the midst of ongoing peaceful inspections. That is who is responsible for all the violence mayhem disaster and death that followed? The one that started the chain of events is the one that is responsible.

W does not get a mulligan for causing half a million Iraqis to die for no reason.
nd now you are shifting responsibility for their actions from them, to "W".

I’m not shifting responsibility. Who chose to invade Iraq in the midst of ongoing peaceful inspections. That is who is responsible for all the violence mayhem disaster and death that followed? The one that started the chain of events is the one that is responsible.

W does not get a mulligan for causing half a million Iraqis to die for no reason.

Hilarious. You deny that you are shifting responsibility to "W", and then you immediately restate your position that the one responsible for all the "death and violence" is "W".

And all your talk about the deaths? You can drop your pretense. You've clearly demonstrated that you only care about people dying in war, when you can use it to smear the people you hate, ie Republicans, especially when they are white and/or Christian.
You deny that you are shifting responsibility to "W", and then you immediately restate your position that the one responsible for all the "death and violence" is "W".

You are an idiot. I am not SHIFTING responsibly to W. W’s bad decision is responsible for causing every decision that followed. W always was and will be responsible. There is no shifting responsibility to him..He made a choice to start killing people to disarm Iraq. No one else chose to do it. He made a lot of mistakes. He is responsible for those mistakes.
You deny that you are shifting responsibility to "W", and then you immediately restate your position that the one responsible for all the "death and violence" is "W".

You are an idiot. I am not SHIFTING responsibly to W. W’s bad decision is responsible for causing every decision that followed. W always was and will be responsible. There is no shifting responsibility to him..He made a choice to start killing people to disarm Iraq. No one else chose to do it. He made a lot of mistakes. He is responsible for those mistakes.

Got it. W is responsible for his actions and choices. He is also responsible for other people's actions and choices. Because, of reasons.

Those people, the Iranians and the insurgents, who choose to wage war, even though they knew that innocent civilians and children would be caught in the crossfire,

they are NOT responsible for the people they killed. W is.

BUT, you are not shifting responsibility.

Dude. You are being ridiculous. I have stone cold busted you as just talking shit. Your anti-Americanism is now clear. Your lack of real concern for the civilian deaths is now revealed.

You should be thinking how to avoid such humiliations in the future. If you ask me, I could help you.
You've clearly demonstrated that you only care about people dying in war, when you can use it to smear the people you hate, ie Republicans, especially when they are white and/or Christian.

You are a lying white Christian Republican when you say I demonstrated that.,

The Iranians and insurgents were not defending themselves, ….

Says who? Iraq is a Muslim Nation that was invaded, bombed, and its people were shot at by an army and bombed by its air forces that was sent in during peacetime from a predominantly Christian nation that became an occupying army when the dictatorship fell.

Now I realize as a cultural non-religious Christian you see no justification for Muslims to resist being invaded by a Christian Army that killed many Iraqis on the way in.

they disagreed with the idea of an Iraq that was a multiethnic parliamentary democracy and they choose to wage war against the Iraqi Government and it's American ally.

They had the right to disagree with an invading army no matter what that invasion army intended and wanted them to do.

They did not start it - W did.
Iraq invaded Kuwait. Killed pillaged and raped. Then refused to give back what it stole. It fully deserved the retribution it received.
You've clearly demonstrated that you only care about people dying in war, when you can use it to smear the people you hate, ie Republicans, especially when they are white and/or Christian.

You are a lying white Christian Republican when you say I demonstrated that.,


Before your time. Back then, dems actually wanted to fight communism.

Today? You slam W for all the civilian deaths in the Iraq War, but you are fine with the Iranians, and the insurgents who made choices that led to the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians.

That shows that your pretense of caring, was bullshit. You just used those poor dead civilians, for political ammo.
The Iranians and insurgents were not defending themselves, ….

Says who? Iraq is a Muslim Nation that was invaded, bombed, and its people were shot at by an army and bombed by its air forces that was sent in during peacetime from a predominantly Christian nation that became an occupying army when the dictatorship fell.

Now I realize as a cultural non-religious Christian you see no justification for Muslims to resist being invaded by a Christian Army that killed many Iraqis on the way in.

they disagreed with the idea of an Iraq that was a multiethnic parliamentary democracy and they choose to wage war against the Iraqi Government and it's American ally.

They had the right to disagree with an invading army no matter what that invasion army intended and wanted them to do.

They did not start it - W did.
Iraq invaded Kuwait. Killed pillaged and raped. Then refused to give back what it stole. It fully deserved the retribution it received.

He only cares, if he can use the dead to smear his enemies.

Hint: His enemies aren't foreigners.

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