Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
Your point was that I didn't care about civilian casualties,

NO. My point is that you are a liar. I understand that you are lying in part to justify your continued support for the Republican/White Evangelical Christian invasion of Iraq that caused the deaths of half a million Iraqis. So you care, but only so much that you want to be excused , even praised for killing them. You made the lives of the survivors so wonderful.

I didn't start this thread. I have no desire to be excused or praised for anything in this thread.

THe point of your thread is to smear your ideological and partisan enemies.

"Bloodthirst" is a phrase you have used repeatedly.

YOu never asked me, about how I felt about the collateral damage. You just assumed and then built a house of cards on top of that self serving assumption.

Go ahead, ask me.
"Could have been manufactured"?


What is bullshit about that?

They were disarming Iraq Of any banned weapons that could have been manufactured after the unilateral destruction in 1991 of leftover munitions from the Iran Iraq war in the 1980s.

DIdnt you think ‘at the time’ just exactly as W’s warmongers did that SH had the capability to manufacture and stockpile new lethal WMD and give them to terrorists.

I don't recall giving it any thought. I probably just figured that he was in a waiting it out mode. It seems unlikely for him to try to manufacture significant weapons while inspectors are searching for shit.

Regardless, my point stands. The inspectors were not disarming him, they were going though the motions trying to use process to prevent a war.

You find that believable don't you? You would support that?
Your point was that I didn't care about civilian casualties,

NO. My point is that you are a liar. I understand that you are lying in part to justify your continued support for the Republican/White Evangelical Christian invasion of Iraq that caused the deaths of half a million Iraqis. So you care, but only so much that you want to be excused , even praised for killing them. You made the lives of the survivors so wonderful.

I didn't start this thread. I have no desire to be excused or praised for anything in this thread.

THe point of your thread is to smear your ideological and partisan enemies.

"Bloodthirst" is a phrase you have used repeatedly.

YOu never asked me, about how I felt about the collateral damage. You just assumed and then built a house of cards on top of that self serving assumption.

Go ahead, ask me.

You simply don't know anything about Iraq or the oil business or the track record of the inspectors. The invasion of Iraq was based on Bibi's Clean Break Strategy. The Brits began selling the war in 1997 with Operation Mass Appeal.

And, nobody gave a shit about the 50 Christian Churches in Baghdad.

The whole episode is stupid and utterly shameful.
Your point was that I didn't care about civilian casualties,

NO. My point is that you are a liar. I understand that you are lying in part to justify your continued support for the Republican/White Evangelical Christian invasion of Iraq that caused the deaths of half a million Iraqis. So you care, but only so much that you want to be excused , even praised for killing them. You made the lives of the survivors so wonderful.

I didn't start this thread. I have no desire to be excused or praised for anything in this thread.

THe point of your thread is to smear your ideological and partisan enemies.

"Bloodthirst" is a phrase you have used repeatedly.

YOu never asked me, about how I felt about the collateral damage. You just assumed and then built a house of cards on top of that self serving assumption.

Go ahead, ask me.

You simply don't know anything about Iraq or the oil business or the track record of the inspectors. The invasion of Iraq was based on Bibi's Clean Break Strategy. The Brits began selling the war in 1997 with Operation Mass Appeal.

And, nobody gave a shit about the 50 Christian Churches in Baghdad.

The whole episode is stupid and utterly shameful.

You say "jews" like it is supposed to have an impact on me. Hint: It doesn't.

The Brits? Again, I know other countries were involved. You say it, like that alone is enough to make a point.

It doesn't.
Your point was that I didn't care about civilian casualties,

NO. My point is that you are a liar. I understand that you are lying in part to justify your continued support for the Republican/White Evangelical Christian invasion of Iraq that caused the deaths of half a million Iraqis. So you care, but only so much that you want to be excused , even praised for killing them. You made the lives of the survivors so wonderful.

I didn't start this thread. I have no desire to be excused or praised for anything in this thread.

THe point of your thread is to smear your ideological and partisan enemies.

"Bloodthirst" is a phrase you have used repeatedly.

YOu never asked me, about how I felt about the collateral damage. You just assumed and then built a house of cards on top of that self serving assumption.

Go ahead, ask me.

You simply don't know anything about Iraq or the oil business or the track record of the inspectors. The invasion of Iraq was based on Bibi's Clean Break Strategy. The Brits began selling the war in 1997 with Operation Mass Appeal.

And, nobody gave a shit about the 50 Christian Churches in Baghdad.

The whole episode is stupid and utterly shameful.

You say "jews" like it is supposed to have an impact on me. Hint: It doesn't.

The Brits? Again, I know other countries were involved. You say it, like that alone is enough to make a point.

It doesn't.

You have some sort of mental block. I didn't say "jews" .. I said Bibi's Clean Break Strategy.

Operation Mass Appeal was British.. MI6 and Sir Dereck Plumbly.
Your point was that I didn't care about civilian casualties,

NO. My point is that you are a liar. I understand that you are lying in part to justify your continued support for the Republican/White Evangelical Christian invasion of Iraq that caused the deaths of half a million Iraqis. So you care, but only so much that you want to be excused , even praised for killing them. You made the lives of the survivors so wonderful.

I didn't start this thread. I have no desire to be excused or praised for anything in this thread.

THe point of your thread is to smear your ideological and partisan enemies.

"Bloodthirst" is a phrase you have used repeatedly.

YOu never asked me, about how I felt about the collateral damage. You just assumed and then built a house of cards on top of that self serving assumption.

Go ahead, ask me.

You simply don't know anything about Iraq or the oil business or the track record of the inspectors. The invasion of Iraq was based on Bibi's Clean Break Strategy. The Brits began selling the war in 1997 with Operation Mass Appeal.

And, nobody gave a shit about the 50 Christian Churches in Baghdad.

The whole episode is stupid and utterly shameful.

You say "jews" like it is supposed to have an impact on me. Hint: It doesn't.

The Brits? Again, I know other countries were involved. You say it, like that alone is enough to make a point.

It doesn't.

You have some sort of mental block. I didn't say "jews" .. I said Bibi's Clean Break Strategy.

Operation Mass Appeal was British.. MI6 and Sir Dereck Plumbly.

OMG, so other people didn't like Saddam too. What a shocker. HE was such a sweet guy.
The inspectors were not disarming him, they were going though the motions trying to use process to prevent a war.

Verification that Iraq was disarmed is what disarming means. So the inspectors were disarming Iraq and you are a liar when you say they were not.

The inspectors did not know ‘at the time’ that SH had none of what W and the Warmongers said he had.

And you are an idiot making that point because when W offered on March 8 the draft resolution to the UNSC that would leave SH in power and avoid war because if what you say were factual Dr Blix would have quit ‘going through the motions’ and advised the UNSC that he has confirmed that Iraq was disarmed on or before March 17. W’s new deadline.

But he did not do that as was explained because the inspectors had not thoroughly completed site inspections in the south. He said that would take a few more months.
The inspectors were not disarming him, they were going though the motions trying to use process to prevent a war.

Verification that Iraq was disarmed is what disarming means. So the inspectors were disarming Iraq and you are a liar when you say they were not.

The inspectors did not know ‘at the time’ that SH had none of what W and the Warmongers said he had.

You are playing silly word games. You can't disarm someone who is already disarmed. Your claims are absurd.

The inspectors would have said anything to avoid war, perhaps with the limitation of covering their asses.
The inspectors would have said anything to avoid war,

You are a liar which is why you have no response to the point about W’s draft resolution on March 8 leaving SH in power if verified disarmed by March 17

When you start spouting off nonsense, I often just stop reading. That is why I cut it, because I didn't get to your later bs.

If you really want a point responded to, don't bury it in crap, especially crap we have gone over before.
Correll - W’s offer to leave SH in powe

3. Decides that Iraq will have failed to take the final opportunity afforded by Resolution 1441 (2002)

(Blix could have stopped the invasion here:)

….. unless, on or before 17 March 2003, the council concludes that Iraq has demonstrated full, unconditional, immediate, and active cooperation in accordance with its disarmament obligations under Resolution 1441 (2002) and previous relevant resolutions, and is yielding possession to UNMOVIC and the IAEA of all weapons, weapon delivery and support systems and structures, prohibited by Resolution 687 (1991) and all subsequent resolutions, and all information regarding prior destruction of such items;
Correll - W’s offer to leave SH in powe

3. Decides that Iraq will have failed to take the final opportunity afforded by Resolution 1441 (2002)

(Blix could have stopped the invasion here:)

….. unless, on or before 17 March 2003, the council concludes that Iraq has demonstrated full, unconditional, immediate, and active cooperation in accordance with its disarmament obligations under Resolution 1441 (2002) and previous relevant resolutions, and is yielding possession to UNMOVIC and the IAEA of all weapons, weapon delivery and support systems and structures, prohibited by Resolution 687 (1991) and all subsequent resolutions, and all information regarding prior destruction of such items;

It is interesting that you consider it a chance for "BLIX" to take action to stop the invasion.

Are you implying that Blix could have or should have "concluded" something based solely on his desire to stop a war?
Are you implying that Blix could have or should have "concluded" something based solely on his desire to stop a war?

No. I’m providing you with important facts in order to debunk your bullshit assertion that Blix was going through the motions of disarming Iraq in order to stop the war.

if BLIX was not being professional and just wanted to stop the war he could’ve taken W up on the offer to the UNSC and declared that Iraq was disarmed by March 17th. He didn’t do that and that cost half a million Iraqis their lives. Blix is not responsible for W’s disastrous decision to stop the peaceful inspections in order to disarm Iraq by killing Iraqis as if their lives had no bearing on the decision.
It is interesting that you consider it a chance for "BLIX" to take action to stop the invasion.

I’m not considering it a chance. It was a Chance based on the draft resolution W was circulating at the time. But you have no use for facts. I don’t know what W would have done if Blix had reported that Iraq was disarmed before March 17 but it sure would have made Blair and Bush go back on their word that was clear and in writing if they went ahead with the invasion after saying they would not on that condition.
Are you implying that Blix could have or should have "concluded" something based solely on his desire to stop a war?

No. I’m providing you with important facts in order to debunk your bullshit assertion that Blix was going through the motions of disarming Iraq in order to stop the war.

if BLIX was not being professional and just wanted to stop the war he could’ve taken W up on the offer to the UNSC and declared that Iraq was disarmed by March 17th. He didn’t do that and that cost half a million Iraqis their lives. Blix is not responsible for W’s disastrous decision to stop the peaceful inspections in order to disarm Iraq by killing Iraqis as if their lives had no bearing on the decision.

If Blix is not responsible, then why did you state " he did not do that" and "that cost...lives"? If his not taking an action, caused the deaths, that would mean that he IS responsible, at least partially.

To be clear, that is not what I am saying. I am pointing out, that that is what YOU are saying. Your words contradict each other. Your arguments are generally a mess like that. Because your logic is a mess.

You just say so much shit, that doesn't make any sense. It looks like you are, while pretending to engage in debate, actually just spamming propaganda talking points, like a partisan spam bot.
It is interesting that you consider it a chance for "BLIX" to take action to stop the invasion.

I’m not considering it a chance. It was a Chance based on the draft resolution W was circulating at the time. But you have no use for facts. I don’t know what W would have done if Blix had reported that Iraq was disarmed before March 17 but it sure would have made Blair and Bush go back on their word that was clear and in writing if they went ahead with the invasion after saying they would not on that condition.

You not considering it a chance. But it was a chance? Then you say some shit about me and then Bush.

Wtf is your point? YOu have talked yourself into a corner. And with the way you cut everything, I can't even help you find where you were trying to go, because the context is gone.

I assume this was probably to distract from me making a point that you didn't like.
Sorry, I have no idea what we are talking about now. Since you cut everything.

ITs quite simple. You are a liar. I am not implying anything. I’m presenting FACTS. IF You would like to see the FACTS again click on what I quoted and it takes you to the exact post I’m citing. I understand that you are too stupid to do that but I’m not going to take up space copying your full lies every time that you pull your distraction from the truth stunts.



Click on the circle with the arrow inside IDIOT
You not considering it a chance. But it was a chance?

What specifically gave BLIX a chance to stop the war? Hint it was something that W put in writing that would leave SH in power as late as March 10, 2003?

Can you tell me what that was since I’ve been trying to teach you what it is. But you cannot bring yourself to actually talk about it.

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