That minorities should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that white people enjoy.
That gay people should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that heterosexuals enjoy.
That transgendered people should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that cisgendered people enjoy.
That Jews, Muslims, Atheists and Buddhists should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that Christians enjoy.

It's actually... pretty simple.
What rights don't these groups have that you've mentioned?
At least you agree with the assessment on the Biden administration's hiring process and candidate selection. Finally some common ground.

No, I don't, but you are too stupid to understand the fucking point.
There are more unqualified people hired through white privilege than there are through DEI programs.

As far as DEI, it is quite the opposite outcome, as organizations are gutting their DEI funding and programs and it's dying on the vine.

Or they've learned how to incorporate best practices into HR. Company I currently work for has a robust DEI program, but we don't have a specific DEI officer. That's probably the same with most companies.

Exactly the outcome of a DEI program .. it diminishes the talent pool and selects candidates based on physical qualities instead of being qualified.

Works on the racist assumption that a person of color only got the job because of DEI.

Again, I have worked with enough "idiot nephews" to realize that the hiring process is anything but merit-based.

The problem here is that the whole system of hiring is broken, with or without DEI.

We start with the selection process. We go through a bunch of resumes, but the good ones were written by someone else. They are sorted by machines called ATS software before a human even sees them. And yes, there was a study that showed that resumes with ethnic names are less likely to get callbacks than ones with "white" names.

Then you based the hiring decision on all of two interviews, often done by committee. Would you marry someone after two dates? Of course not. But we make job selections on the basis of two interviews.

All DEI requires that you consider race, gender, disability, etc. in hiring. That's probably just as valid a factor as "who hired the best resume writer" or "How good a game they talked in the one interview we did."

What rights don't these groups have that you've mentioned?
You're kidding, right? No, wait, you probably aren't.
Um, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity just means: Unfairness, homogeneity and exclusion. Stalinist propaganda meant to divide us.

It means that gays, trans and people that aint white and christain should have just as much right to live our lives and to get medical care as you do. Either accept this reality or be looked at as a similar creature as we fought for 20 years in the middle east.
you don’t? who’s denying you medical care?
Exactly correct .. it's more about filling quotas and including all races (except whites), lifestyles and identities instead of selecting qualified individuals in the workplace. The Biden administration is a perfect example of DEI with under qualified individuals in key roles.
Standing applause!
No, I don't, but you are too stupid to understand the fucking point.
There are more unqualified people hired through white privilege than there are through DEI programs.
White privilege is a myth and just a tool for fueling the racial divide that white liberals continue exacerbate.

Or they've learned how to incorporate best practices into HR. Company I currently work for has a robust DEI program, but we don't have a specific DEI officer. That's probably the same with most companies.

Works on the racist assumption that a person of color only got the job because of DEI.

Again, I have worked with enough "idiot nephews" to realize that the hiring process is anything but merit-based.

The problem here is that the whole system of hiring is broken, with or without DEI.
The problem with DEI is .. people are hired because of their physical characteristics: race, identity, sex, etc .. regardless of their qualifications. Just like you got declined for a lesser / unqualified black female.

We start with the selection process. We go through a bunch of resumes, but the good ones were written by someone else. They are sorted by machines called ATS software before a human even sees them. And yes, there was a study that showed that resumes with ethnic names are less likely to get callbacks than ones with "white" names.
Oh .. so a "study" shows that .. huh? I'm very familar with
Then you based the hiring decision on all of two interviews, often done by committee. Would you marry someone after two dates? Of course not. But we make job selections on the basis of two interviews.
People from India marry through arranged marriages .. and it may be one or two meetings before a lifelong commitment. This is evident with other cultures as well.
All DEI requires that you consider race, gender, disability, etc. in hiring. That's probably just as valid a factor as "who hired the best resume writer" or "How good a game they talked in the one interview we did."
What value does DEI provide that Affirmative Action does not?
You're kidding, right? No, wait, you probably aren't.
Should be easy to list them then ..
White privilege is a myth and just a tool for fueling the racial divide that white liberals continue exacerbate.

The problem with DEI is .. people are hired because of their physical characteristics: race, identity, sex, etc .. regardless of their qualifications. Just like you got declined for a lesser / unqualified black female.

Oh .. so a "study" shows that .. huh? I'm very familar with

People from India marry through arranged marriages .. and it may be one or two meetings before a lifelong commitment. This is evident with other cultures as well.

What value does DEI provide that Affirmative Action does not?

Should be easy to list them then ..

They always try to blame white privilege. Its like some fantasy in their head that they conjure up the white privilege to explain away their missed opportunities. Its a joke and laughable. I feel sorry for people who are this gullible.
They always try to blame white privilege. Its like some fantasy in their head that they conjure up the white privilege to explain away their missed opportunities. Its a joke and laughable. I feel sorry for people who are this gullible.
100% agree .. and when individuals use this as a response .. it only deteriorates their credibility.
White privilege is a myth and just a tool for fueling the racial divide that white liberals continue exacerbate.

Wow, you do have the Hate Radio indoctrination down pat. Who needs critical thinking skills when you have hate radio to warm the cockles of your hate.

Here's the reality- When the managers are overwhelming white, white people are going to have an advantage in getting jobs.

When the judges and lawyers are overwhelming white, white people are going to get an advantage in criminal and civil law.

When the police are overwhelmingly white, black people can't expect fair treatment during police interactions.

Do I really need to show you the video of how cops handled a white guy walking around with an AR-15 and how they handled a black guy walking around with an AR-15?

The problem with DEI is .. people are hired because of their physical characteristics: race, identity, sex, etc .. regardless of their qualifications. Just like you got declined for a lesser / unqualified black female.

And I've had to deal with far more "idiot nephews" and "drinking buddies".

For instance, in a previous company, I was doing the roles of both a production scheduler and buyer. Except in the company I worked for that was a Sarbanes-Oxley problem (I could potentially create a fake purchase order and use the parts up in a fake production order.)

So they could have and probably should have promoted me to scheduler with a pay bump. Not only was I doing the job, but I had formal APICS training.

Instead, they kept me as a buyer, and hired the boss' drinking buddy who had no background at all. To create a slot for him in payroll, they fired an African-American woman who was a contractor.

This same boss the previous year couldn't be bothered to attend events for an Asian woman and a black woman leaving our department, but he could arrange his schedule for a pretty young white intern.

Oh .. so a "study" shows that .. huh? I'm very familar with
Actually, several studies. I'm sure you had a point here, but your brain froze up.
People from India marry through arranged marriages .. and it may be one or two meetings before a lifelong commitment. This is evident with other cultures as well.
That's....um... stupid. The point went right over your head.
Arranged marriages usually mean the inferiority of the female. It's not something we want to emulate... particularly in the workplace.

What value does DEI provide that Affirmative Action does not?

Well, for starters, it goes beyond just hiring and expands to workplace culture.

Should be easy to list them then ..
Short list.
Job discrimination... still exists despite DEI and AA.
How they are treated by police.
Redlining is still a thing in real estate.
They always try to blame white privilege. Its like some fantasy in their head that they conjure up the white privilege to explain away their missed opportunities. Its a joke and laughable. I feel sorry for people who are this gullible.
My Dad laughs at the white privilege screeching leftists. He spent most of his 30's and 40's putting in long hours and taking on responsibility to advance his career. He didn't feel so privileged being last out the door at night and working weekends.

He sees the DEI'ers coming in, hired for their skin color or nationality and more often than not, they're utterly useless, believing they are exempt from hard work and taking responsibility for anything.
My Dad laughs at the white privilege screeching leftists. He spent most of his 30's and 40's putting in long hours and taking on responsibility to advance his career. He didn't feel so privileged being last out the door at night and working weekends.

He sees the DEI'ers coming in, hired for their skin color or nationality and more often than not, they're utterly useless, believing they are exempt from hard work and taking responsibility for anything.

Everyone is the hero of his own little drama.

All these millenials see people of my generation talking about the way things "used to be" and say, "Okay, Boomer!"
Wow, you do have the Hate Radio indoctrination down pat. Who needs critical thinking skills when you have hate radio to warm the cockles of your hate.

Here's the reality- When the managers are overwhelming white, white people are going to have an advantage in getting jobs.

When the judges and lawyers are overwhelming white, white people are going to get an advantage in criminal and civil law.

When the police are overwhelmingly white, black people can't expect fair treatment during police interactions.

Do I really need to show you the video of how cops handled a white guy walking around with an AR-15 and how they handled a black guy walking around with an AR-15?

And I've had to deal with far more "idiot nephews" and "drinking buddies".

For instance, in a previous company, I was doing the roles of both a production scheduler and buyer. Except in the company I worked for that was a Sarbanes-Oxley problem (I could potentially create a fake purchase order and use the parts up in a fake production order.)

So they could have and probably should have promoted me to scheduler with a pay bump. Not only was I doing the job, but I had formal APICS training.

Instead, they kept me as a buyer, and hired the boss' drinking buddy who had no background at all. To create a slot for him in payroll, they fired an African-American woman who was a contractor.

This same boss the previous year couldn't be bothered to attend events for an Asian woman and a black woman leaving our department, but he could arrange his schedule for a pretty young white intern.
Lol .. so sorry to break this to you, but minority females and leadership roles are growing across organizations,nd they will replace white males. So sorry about your sob story .. perhaps you should identify as a black female and then you'll get into a more lucrative role.

Actually, several studies. I'm sure you had a point here, but your brain froze up.

That's....um... stupid. The point went right over your head.
Arranged marriages usually mean the inferiority of the female. It's not something we want to emulate... particularly in the workplace.
Females in the technical market are dominating roles, especially with minority females. Did you retire like 20 years ago or something?

Well, for starters, it goes beyond just hiring and expands to workplace culture.

Short list.
Job discrimination... still exists despite DEI and AA.
How they are treated by police.
Redlining is still a thing in real estate.
What discrimination specifically? I'm still waiting for you to list the rights being stripped from minorities and special interest groups that aren't equal to whites.
Everyone is the hero of his own little drama.

All these millenials see people of my generation talking about the way things "used to be" and say, "Okay, Boomer!"
Yes . their own drama .. like you getting fucked out of a position from an unqualified, black female. Yeah! Go Boomer!
Lol .. so sorry to break this to you, but minority females and leadership roles are growing across organizations,nd they will replace white males. So sorry about your sob story .. perhaps you should identify as a black female and then you'll get into a more lucrative role.

Hardly a sob story... Today I make twice what I made in that role... with some trial and error.

The big problem was that particular boss had his own bias - against older workers. He was a fifty-something who had dumped his wife of 20 years, and spent all his time hanging out with younger people.

Females in the technical market are dominating roles, especially with minority females. Did you retire like 20 years ago or something?

Um, not really. Most of the IT and engineering and quality people I work with are overwhelming male and most of them are white.

What discrimination specifically? I'm still waiting for you to list the rights being stripped from minorities and special interest groups that aren't equal to whites.
I just gave you a fucking list. Sweet evil Jesus, man, do you want to remain ignorant? Is the reality too much for you?
Yes . their own drama .. like you getting fucked out of a position from an unqualified, black female. Yeah! Go Boomer!

Well, not really, because the job that followed was far better.

Ironically, I got in the door on that one because a young woman of color I had mentored earlier in my career put my name in for consideration.

But here's the key thing. 30 years since I left the military, every person who ever made the decision to hire me was another white person, usually a white male.
Everyone is the hero of his own little drama.

All these millenials see people of my generation talking about the way things "used to be" and say, "Okay, Boomer!"
On the other hand, self-hating, mediocre leftists are fine with being surrounded by laziness and mediocrity. The problem with that, of course, is negative consequences. We see that with the DEI hires of the Biden gulag where the least qualified are hired because they meet a specific level of incompetence.

It is shocking to see the DEI nominations by the Biden groupies for the federal bench. These are literally morons who can't offer a coherent description for Constitutional amendments. These are morons whose only qualifications are an earlier history of a DEI hire and have demonstrated no competence whatsoever.

OK lefty. See what happens if the current, DEI enabled military has to actually perform in combat. Learning the importance of pronouns instead of learning to shoot a rifle is going to result in a humiliating defeat for this country and a battlefield littered with US bodies.
On the other hand, self-hating, mediocre leftists are fine with being surrounded by laziness and mediocrity. The problem with that, of course, is negative consequences. We see that with the DEI hires of the Biden gulag where the least qualified are hired because they meet a specific level of incompetence.

It is shocking to see the DEI nominations by the Biden groupies for the federal bench. These are literally morons who can't offer a coherent description for Constitutional amendments. These are morons whose only qualifications are an earlier history of a DEI hire and have demonstrated no competence whatsoever.

OK lefty. See what happens if the current, DEI enabled military has to actually perform in combat. Learning the importance of pronouns instead of learning to shoot a rifle is going to result in a humiliating defeat for this country and a battlefield littered with US bodies.

As long as they have their pumps and high heels on and call each other by their adverbs.................

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