I just gave you a fucking list. Sweet evil Jesus, man, do you want to remain ignorant? Is the reality too much for you?
I expected a higher level of response from you .. lessons learned. .. just more high-level, no specific, regurgitated bullet points.

  • Job discrimination? Like what? Provide specifics. Seems you're in IT .. and the Indian minorities dominate this role, especially females in leadership positions. Blacks .. not so much, and when you see school systems, like those in left-run Chicago, producing results where zero children in 2 dozen schools are proficient in reading and writing .. that just may contribute to the result.
  • Law enforcement treatment .. Like what? The typical response to minorities that attempt to evade capture and arrest?
  • Redlining in real estate .. Like what? Provide some examples where qualified minorities seeking real estate are being nixxed by the system.
Well, not really, because the job that followed was far better.

Ironically, I got in the door on that one because a young woman of color I had mentored earlier in my career put my name in for consideration.

But here's the key thing. 30 years since I left the military, every person who ever made the decision to hire me was another white person, usually a white male.
Personalization dismissed .. you admittedly got Kamala'd out of a position because of her physical characteristics. Welcome to the 2020-ish job market.
Everyone is the hero of his own little drama.

All these millenials see people of my generation talking about the way things "used to be" and say, "Okay, Boomer!"
Yeah. Strange, that. Competence and a work ethic used to be the expectation.

Now we have the likes of Pete what's his name, Kamala Harris, "I'm not a biologist so I can't tell you what a woman is", Sam "freak show" Brinton and FJB.

This is a discussion as old as mankind.

Every older generation thinks it was the best and these young whippersnappers are … take your pick… lazy… stupid… undisciplined


The truth is that each generation is a product of the previous ones AND the culture around them

I am 67. I know many Gen Zs and I find them to be amazingly talented

I do notice that few are willing to take “get your hands dirty” jobs… but that’s largely because WE told them that white collar jobs were the only respectable jobs
Unfortunately for them, DEI is on the decline across organizations as funding is being removed. DEI produces the opposite effect where the "diversity is strength" motto typically acts as a distraction and it diminishes accomplishments and doesn't incentivize performance. The key component is its divisive nature of targeting individuals based on characteristics as opposed to qualifications, and you often see people filling roles they are not qualified to perform ... it's discriminatory.

The Biden administration is a perfect example of this where you have individuals not qualified for key roles filling those roles simply because they are in a minority status (e.g. Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg and several of the federal judge nominations who don't know basic constitutional law).

I don't think you know what a right is. Because every one of those groups have every single right as everyone else.

You're probably one of those people that has absolutely no idea what an American right actually is. You probably confuse them with privileges and privelges are not rights, they are something you earn. Or maybe you think things people expect to get for nothing are a right.
I don't think you know what a right is. Because every one of those groups have every single right as everyone else.

You're probably one of those people that has absolutely no idea what an American right actually is. You probably confuse them with privileges and privelges are not rights, they are something you earn. Or maybe you think things people expect to get for nothing are a right.
Huh .. imagine that .. I didn't even talk about rights. What makes you feel I don't know what a right is? All I'm hearing is a bunch of squishy "probably" and "think" ... Why don't you ask instead of making an ass out of yourself and assuming?
On the other hand, self-hating, mediocre leftists are fine with being surrounded by laziness and mediocrity. The problem with that, of course, is negative consequences. We see that with the DEI hires of the Biden gulag where the least qualified are hired because they meet a specific level of incompetence.

Yeah, you guys don't really get to say that after Trump put his idiot son in law in charge of Covid Response and a million people died.
I expected a higher level of response from you .. lessons learned. .. just more high-level, no specific, regurgitated bullet points.

  • Job discrimination? Like what? Provide specifics. Seems you're in IT .. and the Indian minorities dominate this role, especially females in leadership positions. Blacks .. not so much, and when you see school systems, like those in left-run Chicago, producing results where zero children in 2 dozen schools are proficient in reading and writing .. that just may contribute to the result.

I'm not in IT. I'm in supply chain. But do go on with your racism. Do you go down to the Rape Crisis Center and tell them they shouldn't have dressed like sluts?

Law enforcement treatment .. Like what? The typical response to minorities that attempt to evade capture and arrest?

Uh, Botham Jean and Breonna Taylor were shot in their own homes... even though they had committed no crimes. (Although the Taylor case is a bit more complex than that.) Oddly, you never hear of this happening to white people.

Redlining in real estate .. Like what? Provide some examples where qualified minorities seeking real estate are being nixxed by the system.

Personalization dismissed .. you admittedly got Kamala'd out of a position because of her physical characteristics. Welcome to the 2020-ish job market.
Not at all. Unlike the Drinking Buddy, she actually DID have experience in Supply Chain, just slightly less than I had. On the other hand, the white drinking buddy not only had no experience in production planning, he didn't even have the minimum educational requirements.

And if Covid hadn't hit, I'd probably still be at that company, probably getting brought on full time at some point.
Yeah. Strange, that. Competence and a work ethic used to be the expectation.

Now we have the likes of Pete what's his name, Kamala Harris, "I'm not a biologist so I can't tell you what a woman is", Sam "freak show" Brinton and FJB.

Um, okay, you see, when you whine about Kamala - who actually did have a pretty impressive resume prior to being tapped for VP - you guys sound a little shallow.

Let's review some of that Republican affirmative action, shall we?

Well, you have Dan Quayle. A guy who couldn't spell Potato.

You have Geo. W. Bush, whose only "qualification" is that his father once did the job badly.

You have Sarah Palin, whose only qualification was being the Mayor of Meth-ville Alaska.

Then you put the Reality TV Rodeo Clown in the White House, passing up 10 Senators and Governors who probably wouldn't have left the country in flaming ruins.
I'm not in IT. I'm in supply chain. But do go on with your racism. Do you go down to the Rape Crisis Center and tell them they shouldn't have dressed like sluts?
Yes .. yes .. a non-answer answer with demeaning remarks .. sigh. You realize this means you've already lost the debate. Roughly 8% of India's GDP is made up in the IT sector, it employs about 4.5 million resources and makes up a significant portion of the IT workforce in the United States with both onshore and offshore resources. Facts are racist now?

Uh, Botham Jean and Breonna Taylor were shot in their own homes... even though they had committed no crimes. (Although the Taylor case is a bit more complex than that.) Oddly, you never hear of this happening to white people.
It's widely known that blacks, while representing only 13-15% of the population, commit a majority (I believe 60%+) of all violent crimes. Why are you surprised with results like this? Are you suggesting that "innocent" whites are never shot by police?

Not at all. Unlike the Drinking Buddy, she actually DID have experience in Supply Chain, just slightly less than I had. On the other hand, the white drinking buddy not only had no experience in production planning, he didn't even have the minimum educational requirements.

And if Covid hadn't hit, I'd probably still be at that company, probably getting brought on full time at some point.
If only ... unfortunately .. your skillset was deemed lackluster to the competition.
Um, okay, you see, when you whine about Kamala - who actually did have a pretty impressive resume prior to being tapped for VP - you guys sound a little shallow.

Let's review some of that Republican affirmative action, shall we?

Well, you have Dan Quayle. A guy who couldn't spell Potato.

You have Geo. W. Bush, whose only "qualification" is that his father once did the job badly.

You have Sarah Palin, whose only qualification was being the Mayor of Meth-ville Alaska.

Then you put the Reality TV Rodeo Clown in the White House, passing up 10 Senators and Governors who probably wouldn't have left the country in flaming ruins.
Um, no. Harris was a mediocre prosecutor who achieved that position only because of the various positions she assumed for Willy Brown. It is actually comical to see her try and string three or more words into a sentence. Hey, "the passage of time", was a delight only the left could take seriously. You can hope to blow her skirt up with faint praise but she is widely called the worst ever VP and political figure. She typifies the incompetence and failure of the Biden disaster as president.

I'm not clear that Bush is still president. Living in the past are ya'?
Yeah, you guys don't really get to say that after Trump put his idiot son in law in charge of Covid Response and a million people died.
Are you still flailing your Pom Poms for the Harris, "Root Causes" tour?

The "Border Czar" thingy was a real success.
Yes .. yes .. a non-answer answer with demeaning remarks .. sigh. You realize this means you've already lost the debate. Roughly 8% of India's GDP is made up in the IT sector, it employs about 4.5 million resources and makes up a significant portion of the IT workforce in the United States with both onshore and offshore resources. Facts are racist now?

Um, yeah, and frankly, I find nothing more frustrating than calling tech support and getting some mutant who barely speaks English. Gee, it would be nice if we had invested the resources in this country to produce those workers.

It's widely known that blacks, while representing only 13-15% of the population, commit a majority (I believe 60%+) of all violent crimes. Why are you surprised with results like this? Are you suggesting that "innocent" whites are never shot by police?

Do you have a case where a white person was shot inside his home because the police falsified a warrant (Like Breonna Taylor) or because a cop got off on the wrong floor and shot a white man in his living room?

The police response to Botham Jean's shooting is telling. The investigating officers immediately tossed his apartment looking for something illegal to rationalize the shooting. They found a bag of weed and people were like, "Please!"

If only ... unfortunately .. your skillset was deemed lackluster to the competition.

Actually, no. Not in either case. In both cases I WAS ALREADY DOING THE JOB.

In the Drinking Buddy case, the only reason they decided they had to split those roles was because it was a SOx Violation. And frankly, I didn't really campaign for the scheduler role. (I much prefer being a buyer, doing all the vendor relations stuff that goes along with that.)

In the affirmative action case, I had actually come in, and brought all their written procedures up to ISO standards. I literally wrote the book on how to do the job. I'm sure AA was a consideration. So was the fact that if they converted a contractor to a full time employee, they would have lost a contractor position. So there was some serious office politics shyte going on there.

The main reason I didn't bail was that the contractor position also left me enough free time to do my part time business.

Funny sequel to the story... Ms. Affirmative Action reached out to me about an open position at the company I currently work at. I hinted that it was hard work and long hours. (It wasn't) Never heard from her again.

On the other hand, Drinking Buddy finally got fired, after his fourth DUI and the cops took his car.
Um, no. Harris was a mediocre prosecutor who achieved that position only because of the various positions she assumed for Willy Brown. It is actually comical to see her try and string three or more words into a sentence. Hey, "the passage of time", was a delight only the left could take seriously. You can hope to blow her skirt up with faint praise but she is widely called the worst ever VP and political figure. She typifies the incompetence and failure of the Biden disaster as president.

Wow, did you all forget Dan Quayle was a thing? How about Spiro Agnew? He was actually forced to resign.

Harris was nominated as a sop to the black vote.
Quayle and Pence were nominated as a sop to the Talking Snake Christians.

Now, we have had Veeps picked because of their extensive experience. Cheney was one. Biden was another.

But mostly, they are picked to shore up parts of the base that need something to get excited about.
Wow, did you all forget Dan Quayle was a thing? How about Spiro Agnew? He was actually forced to resign.

Harris was nominated as a sop to the black vote.
Quayle and Pence were nominated as a sop to the Talking Snake Christians.

Now, we have had Veeps picked because of their extensive experience. Cheney was one. Biden was another.

But mostly, they are picked to shore up parts of the base that need something to get excited about.
Wow. Did Dan Quayle fail as spectacularly as Harris? Um, no.

How about Bill Clinton?

Biden as VP was as much a pointless exercise as Biden now being the pretend President. At the time Biden was VP, he was a thirty year paper shuffler with nothing but mediocrity to his credit.

This is just your usual, ".... but, but, but., but what about" as your retreat to denial.

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