Diversity inclusion and equity. Explain to me what that means.
from my employer's diversity training...

We tend to cluster in groups of people who are similar to us unless a concerted effort is made to prioritize diversity. This tendency is called in-group preference, and there is evidence that it is a biological adaptation. However, some adaptations that may have helped our ancestors survive can be harmful within the context of modern society.
Prejudice and systematic biases are responsible for many entrenched social and structural inequalities in our society. Therefore, we need to take proactive steps to counteract the undesirable effects of these biases.

Something else i had there, which i had not dug into --> "Equal treatment isnt the same thing as equity."
from my employer's diversity training...

We tend to cluster in groups of people who are similar to us unless a concerted effort is made to prioritize diversity. This tendency is called in-group preference, and there is evidence that it is a biological adaptation. However, some adaptations that may have helped our ancestors survive can be harmful within the context of modern society.
Prejudice and systematic biases are responsible for many entrenched social and structural inequalities in our society. Therefore, we need to take proactive steps to counteract the undesirable effects of these biases.

Something else i had there, which i had not dug into --> "Equal treatment isnt the same thing as equity."
So if the Low-IQ folks can't really do the job they're supposed to get promoted based on "quotas" and "diversity", like the Ivy League schools dinging Asians for being too smart?
So if the Low-IQ folks can't really do the job they're supposed to get promoted based on "quotas" and "diversity", like the Ivy League schools dinging Asians for being too smart?

A couple of points here.

First, no one is getting into a college who isn't qualified to be there. Asians are good at passing tests. Passing tests do not necessarily translate into success in college. (My niece, for instance, got a perfect 1600 on her SAT, but didn't have the work ethic to get though even her first year at university. She's trying to catch up at community college now.)

As far as "Can't really do the job." I've encountered far more nepotism and good old boy network hires who couldn't do the job than I have affirmative action hires who couldn't. The former are worse, because they'll never be put on a PIP or held to account.
A couple of points here.

First, no one is getting into a college who isn't qualified to be there. Asians are good at passing tests. Passing tests do not necessarily translate into success in college. (My niece, for instance, got a perfect 1600 on her SAT, but didn't have the work ethic to get though even her first year at university. She's trying to catch up at community college now.)

As far as "Can't really do the job." I've encountered far more nepotism and good old boy network hires who couldn't do the job than I have affirmative action hires who couldn't. The former are worse, because they'll never be put on a PIP or held to account.
1. Show me where passing tests don't translate into success in college, BULLSHIT.
Those "Tiger Moms" have their kids trained to work hard and succeed.
Even when I went to college there were smart kids who got into drugs or other stuff and didn't do well, like the song says, it doesn't fucking matter for them:

2. My sister was a degreed RN at at State Hospital who should have been promoted, but instead they brought in a minority who had no clue wtf she was doing, and then they told my sister that she was responsible to ensure that the minority didn't fuck up. So don't even try to defend "affirmative action" to me bucko. I've seen it in action.
Um, yeah, when your name is national punchline, you've failed.
Um, yeah. You desperately need to go back decades to find someone who doesn't come close to the disaster that is Kamala Harris. She has become a running joke for incompetence and failure.

Do a web search for "Kamala word salad". You will find an entire library of face palm moments as she stutters and mumbles through catalogs of nonsense.
1. Show me where passing tests don't translate into success in college, BULLSHIT.
Well, I just gave you an example of my niece.

Those "Tiger Moms" have their kids trained to work hard and succeed.
Yes, and a lot of those kids crack up.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, followed more than 250 Chinese-American immigrant families with first- to second-grade children in the San Francisco Bay Area for over two years.

"We found that children whose parents use more authoritarian-type parenting strategies tend to develop more aggression, depression, anxiety, and social problems and have poorer social skills," said Qing Zhou, an assistant professor of psychology who led the research.

2. My sister was a degreed RN at at State Hospital who should have been promoted, but instead they brought in a minority who had no clue wtf she was doing, and then they told my sister that she was responsible to ensure that the minority didn't fuck up. So don't even try to defend "affirmative action" to me bucko. I've seen it in action.

I'm sure the nurses at your sister's hospital would tell a different story if asked.

It seems to me that if they were both RN's, then it was a judgment call on who to promote.

Um, yeah. You desperately need to go back decades to find someone who doesn't come close to the disaster that is Kamala Harris. She has become a running joke for incompetence and failure.
Only on the racist right wing. But you can't even make those jokes out loud without getting a talk with HR.
Well, I just gave you an example of my niece.

Yes, and a lot of those kids crack up.
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, followed more than 250 Chinese-American immigrant families with first- to second-grade children in the San Francisco Bay Area for over two years.
"We found that children whose parents use more authoritarian-type parenting strategies tend to develop more aggression, depression, anxiety, and social problems and have poorer social skills," said Qing Zhou, an assistant professor of psychology who led the research.

I'm sure the nurses at your sister's hospital would tell a different story if asked.
It seems to me that if they were both RN's, then it was a judgment call on who to promote.
1. Do SAT scores and HS grades predict college performance? Yes they do.
"SAT scores were strongly predictive of college performance—students with higher SAT scores were more likely to have higher grades in college."

2. Yeah, okay, they get "A"s but have poor social skills. The object is to get the grades and learn the material, social skills can develop over time. Not "a lot" crack up, only in Berkeley articles, in the rest of the country they apparently don't "crack up".

3. The minority was not an RN, she was the color they wanted to promote, even though she wasn't qualified. That's "affirmative action".

1. Do SAT scores and HS grades predict college performance? Yes they do.

Not always. That was kind of my point.

2. Yeah, okay, they get "A"s but have poor social skills. The object is to get the grades and learn the material, social skills can develop over time. Not "a lot" crack up, only in Berkeley articles, in the rest of the country they apparently don't "crack up".

I just pointed out where they do, but never mind. Live in denial.

3. The minority was not an RN, she was the color they wanted to promote, even though she wasn't qualified. That's "affirmative action".

Was being an RN a qualification for the job? I'm pretty sure we aren't getting the whole story here.
Not saying that unqualified people don't get promoted through AA. They also get promoted through nepotism and the Old Boy Network.
Well, I just gave you an example of my niece.

Yes, and a lot of those kids crack up.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, followed more than 250 Chinese-American immigrant families with first- to second-grade children in the San Francisco Bay Area for over two years.

"We found that children whose parents use more authoritarian-type parenting strategies tend to develop more aggression, depression, anxiety, and social problems and have poorer social skills," said Qing Zhou, an assistant professor of psychology who led the research.

I'm sure the nurses at your sister's hospital would tell a different story if asked.

It seems to me that if they were both RN's, then it was a judgment call on who to promote.

Only on the racist right wing. But you can't even make those jokes out loud without getting a talk with HR.
Um, yeah. You needed to stereotypically introduce your racist ideology. Obviously, any criticism of the disaster that is cackling Kamala is "racist". Good gawd you're a laughable joke.
Kamala is a Rhoads scholar compared to Quayle, Trump or Sarah Palin... but probably has a bit too much melanin for you.
I'll bet Harris doesn't know what a Rhodes Scholar is. Come to think of it, you must have studied at the Kamala Harris School of career advancement by boinking Willy Brown.
Not always. That was kind of my point.

I just pointed out where they do, but never mind. Live in denial.

Was being an RN a qualification for the job? I'm pretty sure we aren't getting the whole story here.
Not saying that unqualified people don't get promoted through AA. They also get promoted through nepotism and the Old Boy Network.
1. Yeah, okay, if a few with bad grades/SAT scores do get thru college its probably in PolySci or liberal arts, not engineering, science, or medicine. Those Baltimore kids who can't do math will not do well in college calculus or physics.

2. Your article was for 1st and 2nd graders, not college level performance. We do know who does better in SATs and in college.

3. This is the line that set me off on the affirmative action rant. Some people are always looking for that "crutch" instead of working harder.
--> "Equal treatment isn't the same thing as equity." (post #61)
1. Yeah, okay, if a few with bad grades/SAT scores do get thru college its probably in PolySci or liberal arts, not engineering, science, or medicine. Those Baltimore kids who can't do math will not do well in college calculus or physics.

What do you classify as "bad" SAT's? Bad SAT's go to the state college. They still get degrees in engineering, Science, and Medicine. Good SAT's go to Ivy League. The Ivy League kids aren't any smarter than the State kids, but we give them an outsized influence in business and politics.

42% of admissions to Harvard fall in the category of Athletics, Family of Staff, Dean's Interest and Legacies... nothing to do with SAT's and Grades. Yet these advantage white people, mostly.

2. Your article was for 1st and 2nd graders, not college level performance. We do know who does better in SATs and in college.
Yes, we do. On the SAT's, anyway... a lot of them don't have the social skills for a four year degree.

3. This is the line that set me off on the affirmative action rant. Some people are always looking for that "crutch" instead of working harder.
--> "Equal treatment isn't the same thing as equity." (post #61)
Quite right... Because you can't make up for 400 years of unequal treatment, merely be making things equal going forward. You actually DO have to make up for 400 years of white privilege.

'll bet Harris doesn't know what a Rhodes Scholar is. Come to think of it, you must have studied at the Kamala Harris School of career advancement by boinking Willy Brown.
The cleaners called, they won't be able to get the soot our of your robes before the next meeting of the Klan's Ladies Auxiliary
What do you classify as "bad" SAT's? Bad SAT's go to the state college. They still get degrees in engineering, Science, and Medicine. Good SAT's go to Ivy League. The Ivy League kids aren't any smarter than the State kids, but we give them an outsized influence in business and politics.

42% of admissions to Harvard fall in the category of Athletics, Family of Staff, Dean's Interest and Legacies... nothing to do with SAT's and Grades. Yet these advantage white people, mostly.

Yes, we do. On the SAT's, anyway... a lot of them don't have the social skills for a four year degree.

Quite right... Because you can't make up for 400 years of unequal treatment, merely be making things equal going forward. You actually DO have to make up for 400 years of white privilege.

The cleaners called, they won't be able to get the soot our of your robes before the next meeting of the Klan's Ladies Auxiliary
Um, yeah. That was quite a sidestep. Did you find the clips of Harris making a complete fool of herself with those legendary word salads?

Um, don't be so quick to play the race card. Such leftist stereotypes are pretty pathetic.
What do you classify as "bad" SAT's? Bad SAT's go to the state college. They still get degrees in engineering, Science, and Medicine. Good SAT's go to Ivy League. The Ivy League kids aren't any smarter than the State kids, but we give them an outsized influence in business and politics. 42% of admissions to Harvard fall in the category of Athletics, Family of Staff, Dean's Interest and Legacies... nothing to do with SAT's and Grades. Yet these advantage white people, mostly.

Yes, we do. On the SAT's, anyway... a lot of them don't have the social skills for a four year degree.

Quite right... Because you can't make up for 400 years of unequal treatment, merely be making things equal going forward. You actually DO have to make up for 400 years of white privilege.
1. Going back to the 1st issue, you said: "Passing tests do not necessarily translate into success in college."
Not passing tests is a sure sign that they will flunk out of college.
Agreed that rich Ivy League folks who donate to the school's "endowments"

2. You have 400 year old minorities???? WOW! That's a lot of baggage to carry.
No we DON'T have to make up for white privilege. If you look around there are MANY successful minorities.
If there was rampant racism there wouldn't be any upper or middle class minorities.
So stop with that "I was born a po' black child" like "The Jerk".
Um, yeah. That was quite a sidestep.

You know, I hear bleach is really good for cleaning those Klan robes.

1. Going back to the 1st issue, you said: "Passing tests do not necessarily translate into success in college."
Not passing tests is a sure sign that they will flunk out of college.

That's not really relevant to the point, is it? We aren't talking about "Failing" the test. We are talking about taking a black kid with a 1450 SAT score over a white kid with a 1550 score because equity requires it to make up for generations of discrimination.

Meanwhile the white kid who didn't get into Harvard still ends up going to State and getting a degree that won't get him on the fast track to the corner office.

2. You have 400 year old minorities???? WOW! That's a lot of baggage to carry.
No we DON'T have to make up for white privilege. If you look around there are MANY successful minorities.

Yeah, actually, we kind of do, at least until blacks make up 13% of the key positions in this country.

If there was rampant racism there wouldn't be any upper or middle class minorities.
Fallacious argument. Any successful black person will tell you that he's still had to endure more than a few "Driving While Black" traffic stops and more than a few resumes that got ghosted because he didn't have a nice white sounding name.

So stop with that "I was born a po' black child" like "The Jerk".
This isn't about me... it's about what is fair.

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