That's not really relevant to the point, is it? We aren't talking about "Failing" the test. We are talking about taking a black kid with a 1450 SAT score over a white kid with a 1550 score because equity requires it to make up for generations of discrimination. Meanwhile the white kid who didn't get into Harvard still ends up going to State and getting a degree that won't get him on the fast track to the corner office.

Yeah, actually, we kind of do, at least until blacks make up 13% of the key positions in this country.

Fallacious argument. Any successful black person will tell you that he's still had to endure more than a few "Driving While Black" traffic stops and more than a few resumes that got ghosted because he didn't have a nice white sounding name.
1. Agreed, the discussion is more about academic fairness vs "equity". "Equity" is the latest term for reverse discrimination. Equity does NOT require any make-up calls because neither kid has been around for generations. Chicago kids can't read at grade, Baltimore kids can't do math at grade, and in general minorities have 15-point lower IQs, but its 400 years of "racism" that needs to be made up for?
Actually, if minority parents did a better job, or should I say "parent" because of so many are one-parent families.
Kids who work hard and meet the academic minimums should be given a shot at college, not necessarily Ivy, but somewhere. Kids who don't qualify for college can still get a good job with training. All the kid needs is a little ambition to get off the porch.

2. It's about ABILITY, not COLOR. Maybe we should have 19% Hispanics since they are smarter? Businesses make decisions based on ability, there are no "second place" trophies, if you fail in business you go bankrupt. If you want tokens go into politics. Low IQ Maxine seems to be doing well.

3. Fallacious argument. Minorities can succeed if they work hard. It is a proven fact. Actually, more than a few "less than the top candidate" has been promoted in the name of racial diversity. We both know that happens.
Hey, everyone "gets along" most of the time that's really not an argument.
Facts and figures show that we have a long way to progress.

A couple of private jets aren't the problem, millions of gas guzzling cars are.

Could people set better examples? Sure.

Doesn't really address the problem, though.
A couple of excuses for thousands upon thousands of private jets used by the "more important" people are a problem.

I'm sure you want to screech the leftist propaganda that electric cars, banning of gas stoves, etc., are an effective means for your Stalinist / Leninist ideology to exert control. What a joke tbat you attempt to sidestep the damage done by the mining and processing of rare metals required to produce batteries and eventual need to abandon those batteries.

Are you flailing your recyclable Pom Poms?
Nope. Narratives and projection is all you demented zombies have.
Get back to me when you have substance to add.
1. Agreed, the discussion is more about academic fairness vs "equity". "Equity" is the latest term for reverse discrimination. Equity does NOT require any make-up calls because neither kid has been around for generations. Chicago kids can't read at grade, Baltimore kids can't do math at grade, and in general minorities have 15-point lower IQs, but its 400 years of "racism" that needs to be made up for?
Actually, if minority parents did a better job, or should I say "parent" because of so many are one-parent families.

Uh, that you can't see the connection between low academic scores AND a 400 year record of racism is kind of the problem. These things are connected.

So when a black kid beats the odds, and get decent scores, he should be advanced to the front of the line, don't you think?

Kids who work hard and meet the academic minimums should be given a shot at college, not necessarily Ivy, but somewhere. Kids who don't qualify for college can still get a good job with training. All the kid needs is a little ambition to get off the porch.

Yeah, whatever dude. The problem with the Ivy Schools is they have an outsized role in business and government. This is another case of the nepotism/White privilege I was on about. The only way you break a cycle of privilege is through equity. That means advancing some people of color ahead of some white legacy students, I'm kind of fine with that.

It amazes me how many people here whose children would have NO CHANCE of getting into an Ivy League school are so worried about who does.

2. It's about ABILITY, not COLOR. Maybe we should have 19% Hispanics since they are smarter? Businesses make decisions based on ability, there are no "second place" trophies, if you fail in business you go bankrupt. If you want tokens go into politics. Low IQ Maxine seems to be doing well.

Maybe we should.

Wow, really, you think businesses make decisions based on ability?


As I've stated, I've worked with far more idiot nephews and broads sucking off the boss than I've worked with affirmative action hires.

3. Fallacious argument. Minorities can succeed if they work hard. It is a proven fact. Actually, more than a few "less than the top candidate" has been promoted in the name of racial diversity. We both know that happens.

Sure, a lot of people have been promoted because they are related to the boss, sleeping with the boss, or drinking buddies with the boss.

But that doesn't bother you.

but they hire a slightly less qualified minority to keep the government off their back, and you are up in arms.
A couple of excuses for thousands upon thousands of private jets used by the "more important" people are a problem.

I'm sure you want to screech the leftist propaganda that electric cars, banning of gas stoves, etc., are an effective means for your Stalinist / Leninist ideology to exert control. What a joke tbat you attempt to sidestep the damage done by the mining and processing of rare metals required to produce batteries and eventual need to abandon those batteries.

No, I just see the bigger priority. Batteries suck for the place they have to be disposed at. Rising temperatures is a problem for the whole planet. We can dump those batteries out the middle of the desert, no problem.

The whole planet turning into a desert because it's too hot. Big problem.
It means that gays, trans and people that aint white and christain should have just as much right to live our lives and to get medical care as you do. Either accept this reality or be looked at as a similar creature as we fought for 20 years in the middle east.

We lost to those people.
No, I just see the bigger priority. Batteries suck for the place they have to be disposed at. Rising temperatures is a problem for the whole planet. We can dump those batteries out the middle of the desert, no problem.

The whole planet turning into a desert because it's too hot. Big problem.
Great plan. Dump toxic waste in the desert.

Leftists are a waking nightmare.
It means that gays, trans and people that aint white and christain should have just as much right to live our lives and to get medical care as you do. Either accept this reality or be looked at as a similar creature as we fought for 20 years in the middle east.
They already have that right.
That minorities should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that white people enjoy.
That gay people should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that heterosexuals enjoy.
That transgendered people should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that cisgendered people enjoy.
That Jews, Muslims, Atheists and Buddhists should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that Christians enjoy.

It's actually... pretty simple.
They already do, numskull.
It's a desert... that's what they already plan to do with nuclear waste.

Not really.
Um, the various toxic chemicals that are a part of discarded EV batteries is not nuclear (or, so you understand it, nukular) waste.

Who is “they” and what desert is planned to be used as a toxic waste dump?

I guess you SJW’s don’t see the hilarity in screeching about CO2 emissions while at the same time insisting that creating deserts of toxic waste dumps is fine and dandy.

This proposal of yours, to dump toxic waste in the desert is, you know, racist™…. or something.
It means you hire based upon checking boxes rather than competence....Kameltoe and Pete Buttplug are two poster children for it.

No it doesn't. Why do you consistently parrot right wing lies and talking points which have no basis in fact or reality? Why don't you try to be the independent thinker you claim to be???

It means you expand the pool of potential candidates to include everyone who is qualified and select from a bigger group.

Every one of the black female candidates for the Supreme Court that Biden had to choose from was far more qualified and experienced than any the white judges that Trump appointed. Biden's pick - from a previously excluded group, was far more qualified than any judge appointed in the past 20 years.
No it doesn't. Why do you consistently parrot right wing lies and talking points which have no basis in fact or reality? Why don't you try to be the independent thinker you claim to be???

It means you expand the pool of potential candidates to include everyone who is qualified and select from a bigger group.

Every one of the black female candidates for the Supreme Court that Biden had to choose from was far more qualified and experienced than any the white judges that Trump appointed. Biden's pick - from a previously excluded group, was far more qualified than any judge appointed in the past 20 years.

You neglected to add, “… because I say so”, to the end of that silly, screeching rant.
Um, the various toxic chemicals that are a part of discarded EV batteries is not nuclear (or, so you understand it, nukular) waste.

Who is “they” and what desert is planned to be used as a toxic waste dump?
The Yucca Flats Waste depository... As soon as they start filling it in.

I guess you SJW’s don’t see the hilarity in screeching about CO2 emissions while at the same time insisting that creating deserts of toxic waste dumps is fine and dandy.

No, we recoginize what problems are containable, and what parts aren't.

Global Warming will effect the entire planet eventually. If fact, part of the reason why so many people are fleeing the third world to come here is that GW is already affecting the parts of the world they live in.

A toxic waste dump for batteries that can't be recycled is containable. Just like all the dump sights for our garbage is containable.
The Yucca Flats Waste depository... As soon as they start filling it in.

No, we recoginize what problems are containable, and what parts aren't.

Global Warming will effect the entire planet eventually. If fact, part of the reason why so many people are fleeing the third world to come here is that GW is already affecting the parts of the world they live in.

A toxic waste dump for batteries that can't be recycled is containable. Just like all the dump sights for our garbage is containable.
What’s funny is you SJW’s should be marching in the streets of China, India, etc., which are the biggest polluters.

I guess it’s more convenient to sip your Starbucks while pounding away at a computer keyboard, saving the planet from your basement.
The problem with the Ivy Schools is they have an outsized role in business and government. This is another case of the nepotism/White privilege I was on about. The only way you break a cycle of privilege is through equity. That means advancing some people of color ahead of some white legacy students, I'm kind of fine with that. It amazes me how many people here whose children would have NO CHANCE of getting into an Ivy League school are so worried about who does.

Maybe we should. Wow, really, you think businesses make decisions based on ability? As I've stated, I've worked with far more idiot nephews and broads sucking off the boss than I've worked with affirmative action hires.

Sure, a lot of people have been promoted because they are related to the boss, sleeping with the boss, or drinking buddies with the boss. But that doesn't bother you, but they hire a slightly less qualified minority to keep the government off their back, and you are up in arms.
1. You are not apparently getting the fact that getting into an Ivy college and then flunking out is not the fast track to success. It isn't the Ivy degree that gives them an outsized role in business and government, its the quality of the student that graduates. Typically super-smart and very hard working, like Elon Musk graduated Penn with a degree in physics. Competing with the smartest kids in the country in class is like a white belt fighting a black belt. Not a fair fight, just a wasted seat in a class.
I saw a legacy admission student get a perfect 0.00 GPA his 1st year. He flunked out with honors.
"No chance?" I couldn't afford to send my kids to an Ivy school. So who is supposed to pay tuition for that marginal entry minority kid, who will probably flunk out?

2. True. I've worked with minorities who worked hard and learned the job, but they were all college graduates, so the less able were already weeded out.

3. No one likes working hard and then being passed over for a token promotion. That just proves you were working too hard for no reason.
What’s funny is you SJW’s should be marching in the streets of China, India, etc., which are the biggest polluters.

China is making great strides in green energy.

The country spent $546 billion in 2022 on investments that included solar and wind energy, electric vehicles and batteries.

That is nearly four times the amount of U.S. investments, which totaled $141 billion. The European Union was second to China with $180 billion in clean energy investments.
1. You are not apparently getting the fact that getting into an Ivy college and then flunking out is not the fast track to success. It isn't the Ivy degree that gives them an outsized role in business and government, its the quality of the student that graduates. Typically super-smart and very hard working, like Elon Musk graduated Penn with a degree in physics. Competing with the smartest kids in the country in class is like a white belt fighting a black belt. Not a fair fight, just a wasted seat in a class.
I saw a legacy admission student get a perfect 0.00 GPA his 1st year. He flunked out with honors.
"No chance?" I couldn't afford to send my kids to an Ivy school. So who is supposed to pay tuition for that marginal entry minority kid, who will probably flunk out?

Except we aren't talking about the smartest kids. Fuck, George W. had a Bachelor's from Yale and a Masters from Harvard, and THE GUY WAS A FUCKING MORON!


Harvard has a 98% graduation rate. Once you are in, you are in. So please don't tell me you are worried about the Po' Affirmative Action kid who is going to flunk out.

Meanwhile, my beloved UIC only has a graduation rate of 60%.

2. True. I've worked with minorities who worked hard and learned the job, but they were all college graduates, so the less able were already weeded out.

I've seen enough idiots who had degrees to know that wasn't true. Frankly, a College degree isn't that important anymore. I don't know how many resumes I've written for people with Bachelors or even Masters degrees who couldn't string a sentence together.

3. No one likes working hard and then being passed over for a token promotion. That just proves you were working too hard for no reason.
But the same could be said when you get passed over for a nepotism hire.

As stated, I have lost one opportunity because someone hired a drinking buddy, and another because someone was trying to fill a quota.
Never did I think I was working too hard. I simply moved on to the next thing.
I actually consider both of those people to be friends (although not close friends)

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