It means that gays, trans and people that aint white and christain should have just as much right to live our lives and to get medical care as you do. Either accept this reality or be looked at as a similar creature as we fought for 20 years in the middle east.
Your problem is that you conveniently gloss over what is defined as "medical treatment" by which to establish your political argument. That is the precise pathology that we can see here.
Well we have drill, process and manufacture oil and natural gas as well so what do you think?

I don't have any control over what the Chinese do.
Now you’re getting it. The US is efficient at natural production and delivery.

Actually, you do have some measure of control over what the Chinese do. You can decide not to enable Chinese destruction of the environment by purchasing products, such as minerals mined for batteries and the toxins thus created, which are produced in China.

You’re not as helpless as you want to be.
Or maybe pretending that the economy is a natural system that produces natural outcomes based on merit is nonsensical. 😄
Don’t pretend that’s the case. You may want to flail your Pom Poms for Pete “what’s his name” and cackling Kamala, but those examples of diversity hires are a painful reminder of how poorly your choices are made.
Diversity explained...

Trannys currently hide behind this diversity term to mask the details of their particular case. They exploit the gap of the particular to be counted within the ranks of diversity. Intelligent people should not buy this modus operandi.

An example of slipping in under the radar:

Nashville killer-tranny: was it a theologian or a professional shrink who was treating it before it went out and killed?
Now you’re getting it. The US is efficient at natural production and delivery.
Efficiency is not an answer for which one is better for our environment. If we have to drill, mine, process, manufacture and transport both but only one ends up spewing co2 in the air and the other gets buried in the desert, I know which one on paper sounds cleaner.
Actually, you do have some measure of control over what the Chinese do. You can decide not to enable Chinese destruction of the environment by purchasing products, such as minerals mined for batteries and the toxins thus created, which are produced in China.

You’re not as helpless as you want to be.
Sure. That'll do it. Individual action. 😄
Now you’re getting it. The US is efficient at natural production and delivery.

Actually, you do have some measure of control over what the Chinese do. You can decide not to enable Chinese destruction of the environment by purchasing products, such as minerals mined for batteries and the toxins thus created, which are produced in China.

You’re not as helpless as you want to be.
All Chinese products should be boycotted until they do something about their anal retention concerning viruses. Lithium should not be given back to the dipshit Chinese. US recycling is gathering momentum. Keep all lithium until it can be proven that that particular lithium will never again be a Chinese (pedophiliac) possession.
The devolution of America's culture and demographics is the goal of the Left. They know that the more ignorant, uneducated, government-dependent people there are, the better off their party will be. Eventually they and their children will all be voting Democrats.

The stark proof of the matter is the "one-eighty" that Democrats took on illegal immigration. All Democrats prior to about 2004 decried illegal immigration. They spoke out about the cost of it, the problems it creates in schools, etc., etc., etc. (Parenthetically, one of the REAL problems is the Supreme Court declaring that government benefits CANNOT BE DENIED to people, just because they are in the country illegally. This is a travesty that harms all taxpayers).

Anyway, the Democrats made an about-face on illegal immigration in the mid-2000's, changing from deploring it, to whining about how difficult life is for those "living in the shadows." The DACA fiasco, which President Soetoro first acknowledged was illegal and unconstitutional (unless implement by Congress - which STILL HAS NOT HAPPENED), THEN he tried to do it anyway! And Biden continues, even though it remains illegal and Unconstitutional!
Efficiency is not an answer for which one is better for our environment. If we have to drill, mine, process, manufacture and transport both but only one ends up spewing co2 in the air and the other gets buried in the desert, I know which one on paper sounds cleaner.

Sure. That'll do it. Individual action. 😄
Actually, efficiency is critical. Features such as BTU / unit of measure / resource is a pretty basic equation you should understand.

What desert are you going to bury toxic waste in?

Odd you can’t address that.
The devolution of America's culture and demographics is the goal of the Left. They know that the more ignorant, uneducated, government-dependent people there are, the better off their party will be. Eventually they and their children will all be voting Democrats.

The stark proof of the matter is the "one-eighty" that Democrats took on illegal immigration. All Democrats prior to about 2004 decried illegal immigration. They spoke out about the cost of it, the problems it creates in schools, etc., etc., etc. (Parenthetically, one of the REAL problems is the Supreme Court declaring that government benefits CANNOT BE DENIED to people, just because they are in the country illegally. This is a travesty that harms all taxpayers).

Anyway, the Democrats made an about-face on illegal immigration in the mid-2000's, changing from deploring it, to whining about how difficult life is for those "living in the shadows." The DACA fiasco, which President Soetoro first acknowledged was illegal and unconstitutional (unless implement by Congress - which STILL HAS NOT HAPPENED), THEN he tried to do it anyway! And Biden continues, even though it remains illegal and Unconstitutional!
Well said.

Biden has decided we, as taxpayers, owe him a bundle of cash.
American devolution will increase due to 50% of the world voting for de-dollarization. American violence will likewise increase.
Don’t pretend that’s the case. You may want to flail your Pom Poms for Pete “what’s his name” and cackling Kamala, but those examples of diversity hires are a painful reminder of how poorly your choices are made.
That's a lot of loud noises with very little substance. I'm not even a fan of Pete or Kamala.

The economy is not a natural system that rewards merit. That's a logical and reasonable statement. We didn't stumble on to it miraculously in the wilderness. It is a machine, manufactured with intent and purpose. Originally it rewarded lazy ass white people who owned a lot of land but for farmers curiously had a lot of free time to prance around in wigs writing philosophy. We have a capitalist system. It rewards people who have capital. Who have wealth, who own property. They can leverage those assets to obtain more wealth. Everyone else has to survive off their labor, usually on someone else's land and how did some people come to own land and others didn't.....?

Another competely logical and rational observation is that more resources provides more chance for favorable outcomes. Say your daddy gives you millions of dollars to start a business and it fails. Well daddy can just give you more money and bail you out. And if you fail again, as long as he has more money you can keep failing 3, 4 maybe 9 more times and still be incredibly wealthy. Someone with fewer resources has fewer opportunities to get it right. This has compounding affects because the more resources you have the better you are at weathering setbacks along the way. Take a wealthy white kid and poor black kid arrested for weed. The white kid is going to have a greater chance of being let go. (Blacks and whites use drugs at the same rate but are twice as likely to be arrested for it.) If they're both arrested for it the wealthy kids parents have more resources to get a good lawyer which makes a big difference in the likelihood of a favorable outcome. If if does lead to conviction for both the black kids is more likely to receive a harsher sentence. With more resources the wealthy kids parents will be able to get the conviction expunged. All along the way having more resources and being part of the prefered group gives rise for better chances at better outcomes at each and every step. And now let's talk about the 10 to 1 wealth gap between Black and White families. Wealth is the best predictor of positive outcomes and white families have a lot more of it. This economic wealth gap is a lot more responsible for the socioeconomic disparities between white and black famlies than overt racism but overt racism is partly to blame for why people pretend we live in a meritocracy as an excuse for not doing anything about this disparity and instead talking about Black culture as if it's a seperate entity from American culture. Black American culture for whatever differences, real or imagined that is has from White American culture certainly had its growth influenced by it.
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Actually, efficiency is critical. Features such as BTU / unit of measure / resource is a pretty basic equation you should understand.

What desert are you going to bury toxic waste in?

Odd you can’t address that.
Why should that be odd? I don't actually know what the plan is to deal with these batteries and I never pretended to. I was simply responding to comment about whether burying toxic waste in the desert is better than spewing co2 in the air and on the face of it burying batteries in the desert rather than spewing co2 in the air seems better. You haven't even been able to argue otherwise, you're just asking question to which you yourself never give answers to.
Now you’re getting it. The US is efficient at natural production and delivery.
Actually, you do have some measure of control over what the Chinese do. You can decide not to enable Chinese destruction of the environment by purchasing products, such as minerals mined for batteries and the toxins thus created, which are produced in China.
You’re not as helpless as you want to be.
Exactly. We're stopping production of plentiful fossil energy production to pay China to make batteries, wind turbines, and solar panels using coal fired powerplants.

The moronic Biden admin is trying to convert US military vehicles to batteries. WTF?
If we go to war with China, I hope they still make our batteries and other stuff?! I hope there are lots of charging stations on the battlefield too.
Why should that be odd? I don't actually know what the plan is to deal with these batteries and I never pretended to. I was simply responding to comment about whether burying toxic waste in the desert is better than spewing co2 in the air and on the face of it burying batteries in the desert rather than spewing co2 in the air seems better. You haven't even been able to argue otherwise, you're just asking question to which you yourself never give answers to.
I have argued otherwise. The facts show that US production of natural gas is very efficient.

Key Points

  • In 2020, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totaled 5,981 million metric tons (13.2 trillion pounds) of carbon dioxide equivalents. This total represents a 7 percent decrease since 1990 and a 20 percent decrease since 2005 (see Figure 1).
On the other hand, you’re proposing dumping toxic waste in a desert somewhere but you can’t identify that ‘somewhere’.

How much toxic waste are you proposing to be dumped?

How much will it cost to dump the waste?
That's a lot of loud noises with very little substance. I'm not even a fan of Pete or Kamala.

The economy is not a natural system that rewards merit. That's a logical and reasonable statement. We didn't stumble on to it miraculously in the wilderness. It is a machine, manufactured with intent and purpose. Originally it rewarded lazy ass white people who owned a lot of land but for farmers curiously had a lot of free time to prance around in wigs writing philosophy. We have a capitalist system. It rewards people who have capital. Who have wealth, who own property. They can leverage those assets to obtain more wealth. Everyone else has to survive off their labor, usually on someone else's land and how did some people come to own land and others didn't.....?

Another competely logical and rational observation is that more resources provides more chance for favorable outcomes. Say your daddy gives you millions of dollars to start a business and it fails. Well daddy can just give you more money and bail you out. And if you fail again, as long as he has more money you can keep failing 3, 4 maybe 9 more times and still be incredibly wealthy. Someone with fewer resources has fewer opportunities to get it right. This has compounding affects because the more resources you have the better you are at weathering setbacks along the way. Take a wealthy white kid and poor black kid arrested for weed. The white kid is going to have a greater chance of being let go. (Blacks and whites use drugs at the same rate but are twice as likely to be arrested for it.) If they're both arrested for it the wealthy kids parents have more resources to get a good lawyer which makes a big difference in the likelihood of a favorable outcome. If if does lead to conviction for both the black kids is more likely to receive a harsher sentence. With more resources the wealthy kids parents will be able to get the conviction expunged. All along the way having more resources and being part of the prefered group gives rise for better chances at better outcomes at each and every step. And now let's talk about the 10 to 1 wealth gap between Black and White families. Wealth is the best predictor of positive outcomes and white families have a lot more of it. This economic wealth gap is a lot more responsible for the socioeconomic disparities between white and black famlies than overt racism but overt racism is partly to blame for why people pretend we live in a meritocracy as an excuse for not doing anything about this disparity and instead talking about Black culture as if it's a seperate entity from American culture. Black American culture for whatever differences, real or imagined that is has from White American culture certainly had its growth influenced by it.
No. An economy is not a natural system. That seems pretty obvious.

A competitive workplace that rewards effort and achievement is a system that has powered the US economy.

You appear to envision a leftist / socialist paradise where 1% of the population controls 99% of the population. The leftists illusory idea of an all-powerful ruling class that imposes “equity” on the population has typically managed only grinding poverty, starvation and mass murder of the populations.

limitations of the left cause you such angst because the source of enormous wealth brought to free market economies is the ability to think and innovate. The ability to imagine and innovate is a property of the individual and is not shared equally. Far more often than not, innovations in the fields of science, medicine and technology come from free market economies, not from your Stalinist / Leninist hell holes.

In typical Stalinist / Leninist fashion, you see an all-powerful government which controls wealth for the privileged few as an obligatory advantage to capitalism. However, it is capitalism which produced surpluses, promoted commerce, and subsequently built up wealth. Capitalism has been the greatest impetus for innovation while being the greatest wealth generator and distributor during the last 250 years than all your Stalinist / Leninist paradises, ever.
Which is not the same as proving its better for our environment than burying batteries in the desert.
I’d be delighted to see your data showing the relative costs and benefits of burying toxic waste in the desert.

Wait. Is there any data available identifying the means, methods and costs of burying toxic waste in the desert?

I’d be delighted if you identified what desert.

Those requests seem reasonable as with no data available as to the means, methods and costs of burying toxic waste in a desert you can’t identify, it’s a bit of a stretch to suggest that your alternative is better.
No. An economy is not a natural system. That seems pretty obvious.

A competitive workplace that rewards effort and achievement is a system that has powered the US economy.
You simply saying that does not make it true.
You appear to envision a leftist / socialist paradise where 1% of the population controls 99% of the population. The leftists illusory idea of an all-powerful ruling class that imposes “equity” on the population has typically managed only grinding poverty, starvation and mass murder of the populations.
Are you describing anything I've advocated for that you can quote or are you describing the Founding of this country where a small minority controlled the labor and the wealth created by the labor of millions of slaves through subjugation and violence?
limitations of the left cause you such angst because the source of enormous wealth brought to free market economies is the ability to think and innovate. The ability to imagine and innovate is a property of the individual and is not shared equally. Far more often than not, innovations in the fields of science, medicine and technology come from free market economies, not from your Stalinist / Leninist hell holes.
Your obvious confusion between the fairytales you have constructed for your political opponents vs the reality you deny of our economic start is not something that cause me angst. I rather enjoy the theatrical show you clowns put on. 😄
In typical Stalinist / Leninist fashion, you see an all-powerful government which controls wealth for the privileged few as an obligatory advantage to capitalism.
I'm simply pointing out how history actually unfolded. You're the Snowflake that's trying to deny what every grade school child now learns thanks to CRT.
However, it is capitalism which produced surpluses, promoted commerce, and subsequently built up wealth. Capitalism has been the greatest impetus for innovation while being the greatest wealth generator and distributor during the last 250 years than all your Stalinist / Leninist paradises, ever.
Slave labor is economical, there's no denying that. 😄
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Exactly. We're stopping production of plentiful fossil energy production to pay China to make batteries, wind turbines, and solar panels using coal fired powerplants.

The moronic Biden admin is trying to convert US military vehicles to batteries. WTF?
If we go to war with China, I hope they still make our batteries and other stuff?! I hope there are lots of charging stations on the battlefield too.
You fixate at the extremist end of a reasoning spectrum. We individuals who own our electricity generating systems are boycotting the Chinese and getting paid to do it. Within reason, it now costs us nothing to move from Point A to Point B. We can spend money that would normally go to the Pimp, on other things.
I’d be delighted to see your data showing the relative costs and benefits of burying toxic waste in the desert.
I don't have any. I'm simply saying you've done nothing to convince me one is environmentally worse than than other.
Wait. Is there any data available identifying the means, methods and costs of burying toxic waste in the desert?

I’d be delighted if you identified what desert.

Those requests seem reasonable as with no data available as to the means, methods and costs of burying toxic waste in a desert you can’t identify, it’s a bit of a stretch to suggest that your alternative is better.
You're the only one making a positive claim. I only said one seemed cleaner on it's face. It frankly still seems that way.

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