China is making great strides in green energy.

The country spent $546 billion in 2022 on investments that included solar and wind energy, electric vehicles and batteries.

That is nearly four times the amount of U.S. investments, which totaled $141 billion. The European Union was second to China with $180 billion in clean energy investments.


China permitted more coal power plants last year than any time in the last seven years, according to a new report released this week. It's the equivalent of about two new coal power plants per week. The report by energy data organizations Global Energy Monitor and the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Airfinds the country quadrupled the amount of new coal power approvals in 2022 compared to 2021.

Um, you didn’t know that Yucca Mountain is not actually a functioning ‘nukular’ waste storage site?
China is making great strides in green energy.

The country spent $546 billion in 2022 on investments that included solar and wind energy, electric vehicles and batteries.

That is nearly four times the amount of U.S. investments, which totaled $141 billion. The European Union was second to China with $180 billion in clean energy investments.
China has twice as many coal fired power plants as any other nation on earth,
You white quilters quit pushing “equality” long ago….remember? You hate equality, you want equity, you want Father Government to force bottom feeders to the top whether they belong there or not.
Diversity inclusion and equity. Explain to me what that means.

Anytime you see the word "equity" just remember they are not talking about "equality".
"Equality" is treating everyone the same going forward. "Equity", is taking from one group and giving to another group, all in the name of the righteous belief that past practices have kept minority groups from succeeding.

"Equity" is evil, and if someone directs the practice of "equity" at you, and you are not in one of the minority groups of the past, you should immediately shoot that person.
Anytime you see the word "equity" just remember they are not talking about "equality".
"Equality" is treating everyone the same going forward. "Equity", is taking from one group and giving to another group, all in the name of the righteous belief that past practices have kept minority groups from succeeding.

"Equity" is evil, and if someone directs the practice of "equity" at you, and you are not in one the past minority groups, you should immediately shoot that person.
Another BIG problem with equity is that there is no motive to try to correct the poor behavior leading to the unequal outcomes in the first place. At the same time, it disincentives people with superior traits and choices that lead to better outcomes.

Analogy: Let’s say in a class of 30 kids, 10 are bright and studious, and give up some of their after-school playtime to study hard for their As. Then let’s say the bottom 10 smoke weed with their friends and goof off afternoon and barely get Cs. The middle 10 get Bs.

Now let’s say the teacher announces EVERYONE will get a B regardless. The studious high-achievers aren’t going to bust their butts to end uo with a B (eh), and likewise the bottom 10 aren’t going to have any motivation to correct their behavior since they are going to be awarded a B no matter what.

IOW, what the promise of “equity” does is discourage the most bright and capable among us while removing any motivation for those with poor behavior to improve.
Except we aren't talking about the smartest kids. Fuck, George W. had a Bachelor's from Yale and a Masters from Harvard, and THE GUY WAS A FUCKING MORON!
Harvard has a 98% graduation rate. Once you are in, you are in. So please don't tell me you are worried about the Po' Affirmative Action kid who is going to flunk out.
Meanwhile, my beloved UIC only has a graduation rate of 60%.

I've seen enough idiots who had degrees to know that wasn't true. Frankly, a College degree isn't that important anymore. I don't know how many resumes I've written for people with Bachelors or even Masters degrees who couldn't string a sentence together.

But the same could be said when you get passed over for a nepotism hire. As stated, I have lost one opportunity because someone hired a drinking buddy, and another because someone was trying to fill a quota. Never did I think I was working too hard. I simply moved on to the next thing.
I actually consider both of those people to be friends (although not close friends)
1. Dubya was no moron. Kamala is a moron. Maxine is a moron. Fetterman is a moron.
this is the model jet GWB flew. Flying jets is very complex.
The son of the 41st president, George H. W. Bush, Bush flew warplanes in the Texas Air National Guard while in his twenties. After graduating from Harvard Business School in 1975, he worked in the oil industry. He later co-owned the Texas Rangers of Major League Baseball before being elected governor of Texas in 1994. As governor, Bush successfully sponsored legislation for tort reform, increased education funding, set higher standards for schools, and reformed the criminal justice system. He also helped make Texas the United States' leading producer of wind-powered electricity. In the 2000 United States presidential election, Bush defeated Democratic incumbent vice president Al Gore, despite losing the popular vote after a narrow and contested win that involved a Supreme Court decision to stop a recount in Florida.

Harvard has a 98% graduation rate because they only accept the top students, merit based admissions. UIC probably has much lower standards for admissions, so the marginal admissions flunk out. Not hard to understand.

2. I worked in engineering, so the kids that can't do math flunked out. I'm sure some dummies made it thru Liberal Arts, or Art-History, or Poly-Sci, basket-weaving, etc.

3. Once I got passed over I worked slower and had a better work-life balance. My career goals changed and I retired early. Don't care about that company at all.
Last edited:
The rabid left is at the forefront of dumbing down America. At some point, the left decided that “individualism, perfectionism, a sense of urgency, and objectivity as representative of ‘white supremacy culture”. Yeah, a work ethic is a horrible attribute. That’s really just a basic component of their Stalinist / Leninist ideology.

What the DEI groupies press is a revulsion of meritocracy because integrity and accomplishment depicts clearly that leftist clowns are not qualified. One look at so many in the Biden administration, beginning with the “Commander in Ineptitude” shows that pretty clearly.
So… your plan is to just truck toxic waste to a desert, somewhere, and dump it.

Great plan.
It is. Dumping toxic waste into a desert wasteland sounds like a much better idea than continuing to pump catastrophic amounts of co2 into the air.
1. Dubya was no moron. Kamala is a moron. Maxine is a moron. Fetterman is a moron.
this is the model jet GWB flew. Flying jets is very complex.
The son of the 41st president, George H. W. Bush, Bush flew warplanes in the Texas Air National Guard while in his twenties. After graduating from Harvard Business School in 1975, he worked in the oil industry. He later co-owned the Texas Rangers of Major League Baseball before being elected governor of Texas in 1994. As governor, Bush successfully sponsored legislation for tort reform, increased education funding, set higher standards for schools, and reformed the criminal justice system. He also helped make Texas the United States' leading producer of wind-powered electricity. In the 2000 United States presidential election, Bush defeated Democratic incumbent vice president Al Gore, despite losing the popular vote after a narrow and contested win that involved a Supreme Court decision to stop a recount in Florida.
Harvard has a 98% graduation rate because they only accept the top students, merit based admissions. UIC probably has much lower standards for admissions, so the marginal admissions flunk out. Not hard to understand.

2. I worked in engineering, so the kids that can't do math flunked out. I'm sure some dummies made it thru Liberal Arts, or Art-History, or Poly-Sci, basket-weaving, etc.

3. Once I got passed over I worked slower and had a better work-life balance. My career goals changed and I retired early. Don't care about that company at all.

Obama was not a moron. Tactical statist.
Mazie Hirono is a MEGAMORON.
Schumer is not a moron. Tactical statist.
Diane Feinstein gots de Zeimers. Acquired moron.
Don Lemon is a moron
Rachel Maddow is not a moron. Statist propagandist for boat
loads of cash.
KJP is a moron.
Psaki is not a moron.
Buttigeig is a moron.
Kirby is not a moron.
Mayorkas I cant tell. I think he is a shill, but he looks moron.
Blinken is a moron.
Biden is a 9th degree black belt moron.
Jake Tapper is a moron.
Chuck Todd is not a moron, just a sellout.
Janet Yellen is a moron.
Fauci is not a moron. He is evil.
That minorities should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that white people enjoy.
That gay people should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that heterosexuals enjoy.
That transgendered people should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that cisgendered people enjoy.
That Jews, Muslims, Atheists and Buddhists should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that Christians enjoy.

It's actually... pretty simple.
They do.
The rabid left is at the forefront of dumbing down America. At some point, the left decided that “individualism, perfectionism, a sense of urgency, and objectivity as representative of ‘white supremacy culture”. Yeah, a work ethic is a horrible attribute. That’s really just a basic component of their Stalinist / Leninist ideology.

What the DEI groupies press is a revulsion of meritocracy because integrity and accomplishment depicts clearly that leftist clowns are not qualified. One look at so many in the Biden administration, beginning with the “Commander in Ineptitude” shows that pretty clearly.
Ooo buzzwords! That means something.... 😂
It is. Dumping toxic waste into a desert wasteland sounds like a much better idea than continuing to pump catastrophic amounts of co2 into the air.
What desert wasteland do you have in mind? Do you really think the environmental damage done by mining, processing, manufacturing and eventually dumping toxic chemicals from used batteries is less damaging than US natural gas production?

Shouldn’t you be screaming at the Chinese for the coal-fired plants they’re opening?
That minorities should have the same rights, privileges, protections and opportunities that white people enjoy.
You stupid Moon Bat.

Minorities and the third world scum that come there get special privileges like racial quotas, affirmative action, lax prosecution from Democrat Prosecutors and all the goddamn welfare the government can steal from White people.
What desert wasteland do you have in mind? Do you really think the environmental damage done by mining, processing, manufacturing and eventually dumping toxic chemicals from used batteries is less damaging than US natural gas production?
Well we have drill, process and manufacture oil and natural gas as so what do you think?
Shouldn’t you be screaming at the Chinese for the coal-fired plants they’re opening?
I don't have any control over what the Chinese do.
It does mean something. It means the rabid left is more interested in failure, mediocrity and incompetence.

The pre-fab “president” perfectly exemplifies your ideals of DEI.
Or maybe pretending that the economy is a natural system that produces natural outcomes based on merit is nonsensical. 😄

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