You know, I hear bleach is really good for cleaning those Klan robes.

That's not really relevant to the point, is it? We aren't talking about "Failing" the test. We are talking about taking a black kid with a 1450 SAT score over a white kid with a 1550 score because equity requires it to make up for generations of discrimination.

Meanwhile the white kid who didn't get into Harvard still ends up going to State and getting a degree that won't get him on the fast track to the corner office.

Yeah, actually, we kind of do, at least until blacks make up 13% of the key positions in this country.

Fallacious argument. Any successful black person will tell you that he's still had to endure more than a few "Driving While Black" traffic stops and more than a few resumes that got ghosted because he didn't have a nice white sounding name.

This isn't about me... it's about what is fair.
Aww. I hurt your feelings. You were hoping to play the race card and that failed, just like it did every other time you retreated to that craven leftist tactic.
It means that gays, trans and people that aint white and christain should have just as much right to live our lives and to get medical care as you do. Either accept this reality or be looked at as a similar creature as we fought for 20 years in the middle east.

Nobody is stopping you from living your life drama queen.
Naw, just getting bored with racists who try to disguise their hate as discourse.

If you really think that Harris is dumb, but Quayle and Palin are smart, then you are a racist. Deal with it.
Let’s be honest. Your belief that Harris is a “Rhoads” scholar is hilarious.
It’s too bad you’re forced to retreat the race card. That’s the danger you face when you have no defendable argument. Pretty typical for the rabid left.

Might I suggest you reread your copy of Mein Kampf? There are suggestions for how to deal with enemies of the State.
from my employer's diversity training...

We tend to cluster in groups of people who are similar to us unless a concerted effort is made to prioritize diversity. This tendency is called in-group preference, and there is evidence that it is a biological adaptation. However, some adaptations that may have helped our ancestors survive can be harmful within the context of modern society.
Prejudice and systematic biases are responsible for many entrenched social and structural inequalities in our society. Therefore, we need to take proactive steps to counteract the undesirable effects of these biases.

Something else i had there, which i had not dug into --> "Equal treatment isnt the same thing as equity."
That sounds like a load of PROJECTION from your employer.
"We tend to....."
That's the problem with you demented LEFT zombies, you all think everyone is as fucked in the head as YOU ARE!
Let’s be honest. Your belief that Harris is a “Rhoads” scholar is hilarious.
It’s too bad you’re forced to retreat the race card. That’s the danger you face when you have no defendable argument. Pretty typical for the rabid left.

Yes, because pointing out a typo makes your racist arguments okay, somehow.
Again, if you think that Harris is dumb but Trump is smart, you are a racist.
Yes, because pointing out a typo makes your racist arguments okay, somehow.
Again, if you think that Harris is dumb but Trump is smart, you are a racist.

Yes because your racist™ comments are worth pointing out.

You think Harris is smart but Trump is dumb, you are a racist
Yes, because pointing out a typo makes your racist arguments okay, somehow.
Again, if you think that Harris is dumb but Trump is smart, you are a racist.
If you believe that, you're a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist asshole.
You think, error, FEEL that Harris is brilliant and Trump is dumb?
There's that lack of self-awareness you leftist FREAKS are famous for.
Good show, Joe.
That sounds like a load of PROJECTION from your employer.
"We tend to....."
That's the problem with you demented LEFT zombies, you all think everyone is as fucked in the head as YOU ARE!

Or we recognize that we all come programmed with the bias that we tend to favor people like ourselves.

For instance, when I worked at a company 10 years ago, we had some major shakeups in our department.

We had farewell lunches for three people in our department during the course of the summer 2012.
A Chinese-American woman who had been with the company for 9 years.
A black woman who had been with the company for two years.
A white intern who had been with the company for three months.

Now, guess which one of these three people that the white, middle aged General Manager re-arranged his schedule for to attend?

If you guessed the white intern, you'd be correct! (In fact, the Chinese Lady had told me several time she didn't think the manager liked her, which is why she sought employment elsewhere.)

Now, in seven years, I never heard this man say anything I considered even REMOTELY racist. But in his decisions, he showed bias towards white employees, particularly younger white employees.
Yes because your racist™ comments are worth pointing out.
Well, yes, you are a racist. You should probably see someone about that.
If you believe that, you're a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist asshole.
You think, error, FEEL that Harris is brilliant and Trump is dumb?
There's that lack of self-awareness you leftist FREAKS are famous for.

I think Harris is an accomplished woman who got a JD, and won several offices by winning people over.
Trump is a guy who has failed at nearly every business venture he's run. He's very good at burning piles of other people's money in the street. And they keep letting him do it.
Or we recognize that we all come programmed with the bias that we tend to favor people like ourselves.

For instance, when I worked at a company 10 years ago, we had some major shakeups in our department.

We had farewell lunches for three people in our department during the course of the summer 2012.
A Chinese-American woman who had been with the company for 9 years.
A black woman who had been with the company for two years.
A white intern who had been with the company for three months.

Now, guess which one of these three people that the white, middle aged General Manager re-arranged his schedule for to attend?

If you guessed the white intern, you'd be correct! (In fact, the Chinese Lady had told me several time she didn't think the manager liked her, which is why she sought employment elsewhere.)

Now, in seven years, I never heard this man say anything I considered even REMOTELY racist. But in his decisions, he showed bias towards white employees, particularly younger white employees.
So you're excusing projection with MORE projection.
No, everyone is NOT as fucked in the head as YOU ARE!
Speak for YOURSELF!!!!
YOU tend to be a racist asshole, that much is clear!

What is this bizarre Right Wing obsession that pretending racism isn't a thing somehow solves it?

Then again, that seems to be the right wing position on most things... climate change, national debt, Covid.. Pretend it isn't there, and it'll go away.. no really.
What is this bizarre Right Wing obsession that pretending racism isn't a thing somehow solves it?

Then again, that seems to be the right wing position on most things... climate change, national debt, Covid.. Pretend it isn't there, and it'll go away.. no really.
All you have is you tired NARRATIVES!!!!!
The fucking internet, tee vee, and media ARE NOT REAL LIFE!
I live on Long Island NY which is very diverse in racial population.
And guess what......we all get along!!!!
We all work and shop and live WITHOUT much racial strife AT ALL!!!!
You rely on the media NARRATIVES, not REALITY!
Fuck YOU and your PROJECTION!!!! :eusa_hand:

Well, yes, you are a racist. You should probably see someone about that.

I think Harris is an accomplished woman who got a JD, and won several offices by winning people over.
Trump is a guy who has failed at nearly every business venture he's run. He's very good at burning piles of other people's money in the street. And they keep letting him do it.
You have this odd, leftist notion that retreating to the racist™ slogan is an excuse for your failure to present a rational argument.

That obviously makes you a racist
What is this bizarre Right Wing obsession that pretending racism isn't a thing somehow solves it?

Then again, that seems to be the right wing position on most things... climate change, national debt, Covid.. Pretend it isn't there, and it'll go away.. no really.
Predictably, the rabid left screeches about climate change while flying in private jets. The rabid left can't stop printing money because they can't stop spending money. The rabid left pushed their totalitarian covid restrictions while knowing those restrictions were useless.

Bending and scraping before Fauci and the CDC were just excuses for the left to project their inner Stalin.
All you have is you tired NARRATIVES!!!!!
The fucking internet, tee vee, and media ARE NOT REAL LIFE!
I live on Long Island NY which is very diverse in racial population.
And guess what......we all get along!!!!
We all work and shop and live WITHOUT much racial strife AT ALL!!!!
You rely on the media NARRATIVES, not REALITY!
Fuck YOU and your PROJECTION!!!!

Hey, everyone "gets along" most of the time that's really not an argument.
Facts and figures show that we have a long way to progress.

Predictably, the rabid left screeches about climate change while flying in private jets.
A couple of private jets aren't the problem, millions of gas guzzling cars are.

Could people set better examples? Sure.

Doesn't really address the problem, though.
Hey, everyone "gets along" most of the time that's really not an argument.
Facts and figures show that we have a long way to progress.

A couple of private jets aren't the problem, millions of gas guzzling cars are.

Could people set better examples? Sure.

Doesn't really address the problem, though.
Nope. Narratives and projection is all you demented zombies have.

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