Difference between Both camps!!!

I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.

Also you’re observations aren’t up to par with what’s actually happening on the ground when democrat voter turnout is certainly going to be lower than 2008 and 2012. Any idiot knows that.
Most of the states Biden won tonight had a higher than expected turn out, exceeding 2016 primary vote.
I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.
Foreigners hate Trump because he calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Just like the famous movie quote, they can't handle the truth. American Never-Trumpers are those easily manipulated by Media.
I'm an immigrant like many friends I know, most are in the top 15% or 25% how so?
I wish I can beleive you. We are more educated than most, we speak at least 3 languages on average, most of us have business or decent jobs and live in upper middle class area...but you still hate me and my friends why?
Impressive way to attract you to his side of the political divide, eh? Welcome to America in the 21st century. Keep your independence. Treasure it.
I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.
Foreigners hate Trump because he calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Just like the famous movie quote, they can't handle the truth. American Never-Trumpers are those easily manipulated by Media.

You do know that when Trump's grandfather came over here from Germany, if he had to comply with the restrictions and regulations that Trump wants to impose, he would have never been admitted to this country?

Different time, different priorities.

I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.

“I went to the polls today in an area of Mexifornia full of nothing but disgusting faggots, wetbacks, weirdos, chicks with dicks, feminazis, degenerate lowlifes, criminals, white guilt whackos and foreigners and low and behold...they were all voting in a Mexicrat primary for their favorite Mexicrat.”
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I’m a libertarian and y’all who are republicans or proclaim that you are republicans are the problem of the party! You know you are right that trump is the obnoxious candidate but he doesn’t let the media Control him

That was the first attribute I found appealing about Trump, his ability to piss off the left and the media.

I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.
Foreigners hate Trump because he calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Just like the famous movie quote, they can't handle the truth. American Never-Trumpers are those easily manipulated by Media.

You do know that when Trump's grandfather came over here from Germany, if he had to comply with the restrictions and regulations that Trump wants to impose, he would have never been admitted to this country?
Not too many Germans and Europeans in general coming to America anymore. Time to close the door on third world trash. Only professionals that can work and pay taxes while not taking jobs from Americans should be allowed to immigrate here.
I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.
Foreigners hate Trump because he calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Just like the famous movie quote, they can't handle the truth. American Never-Trumpers are those easily manipulated by Media.

You do know that when Trump's grandfather came over here from Germany, if he had to comply with the restrictions and regulations that Trump wants to impose, he would have never been admitted to this country?
Not too many Germans and Europeans in general coming to America anymore. Time to close the door on third world trash. Only professionals that can work and pay taxes while not taking jobs from Americans should be allowed to immigrate here.
You mean the Nazis or the ones that slaughtered the real americans of this land ?
I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.

“I went to the polls today in an area of Mexifornia full of nothing but disgusting faggots, wetbacks, weirdos, chicks with dicks, feminazis, degenerate lowlifes, criminals, white guilt whackos and foreigners and low and behold...they were all voting in a Mexicrat primary for their favorite Mexicrat.”
Why you still live in the greatest state in america ? Right after that I went to the park and enjoyed a nice sandwich under 75 degrees and almost no humidity. Love this place not one single racist **** in sight :).
no stupid shirts and t shirts

What's stupid about t-shirts?

I’m a libertarian and y’all who are republicans or proclaim that you are republicans are the problem of the party! You know you are right that trump is the obnoxious candidate but he doesn’t let the media Control him

My premise has always been that we on the Right vote for policies, not persons.

That's why we never call our candidate god, Jesus or the messiah, as Democrats do.

The proof of the excellence of Trump's policies and achievements is that Democrats now claim that they are Obama's.
I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.
Foreigners hate Trump because he calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Just like the famous movie quote, they can't handle the truth. American Never-Trumpers are those easily manipulated by Media.

You do know that when Trump's grandfather came over here from Germany, if he had to comply with the restrictions and regulations that Trump wants to impose, he would have never been admitted to this country?
Not too many Germans and Europeans in general coming to America anymore. Time to close the door on third world trash. Only professionals that can work and pay taxes while not taking jobs from Americans should be allowed to immigrate here.
I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.
Foreigners hate Trump because he calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Just like the famous movie quote, they can't handle the truth. American Never-Trumpers are those easily manipulated by Media.

You do know that when Trump's grandfather came over here from Germany, if he had to comply with the restrictions and regulations that Trump wants to impose, he would have never been admitted to this country?
Not too many Germans and Europeans in general coming to America anymore. Time to close the door on third world trash. Only professionals that can work and pay taxes while not taking jobs from Americans should be allowed to immigrate here.
You mean the Nazis or the ones that slaughtered the real americans of this land ?
The fuck are you taking about? Moron.
I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.
Foreigners hate Trump because he calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Just like the famous movie quote, they can't handle the truth. American Never-Trumpers are those easily manipulated by Media.

You do know that when Trump's grandfather came over here from Germany, if he had to comply with the restrictions and regulations that Trump wants to impose, he would have never been admitted to this country?
Not too many Germans and Europeans in general coming to America anymore. Time to close the door on third world trash. Only professionals that can work and pay taxes while not taking jobs from Americans should be allowed to immigrate here.
I just came from outside and in of all the 20 years I have been in this country I have never seen this amount of people and especially young folks going to the polls.
I was left speechless, not even the presidential elections I have seen this much enthusiasm.
I have seen some footage of trump supporters in rallies and voting days and here is what I noticed:

Mind you i live in an ultra blue city....almost everyone looks healthy, dressed well and walks with purpose, no chairs, no sloppiness, no stupid shirts and t shirts. And you can tell they have places, work or school to go back to after they vote

The republican camp from what I have seen, have too much on their hand, most are poorly dressed and look unhealthy.

I might live in an upper middle class area....but I'm yet to meet a well dressed healthy looking republican.

That been said I didnt decide on a candidate yet....and I'm definitely not a Democrat. But I'm part of the majority of the world that thinks that trump and his cult are the worst thing that happened to America.
Foreigners hate Trump because he calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Just like the famous movie quote, they can't handle the truth. American Never-Trumpers are those easily manipulated by Media.

You do know that when Trump's grandfather came over here from Germany, if he had to comply with the restrictions and regulations that Trump wants to impose, he would have never been admitted to this country?
Not too many Germans and Europeans in general coming to America anymore. Time to close the door on third world trash. Only professionals that can work and pay taxes while not taking jobs from Americans should be allowed to immigrate here.
You mean the Nazis or the ones that slaughtered the real americans of this land ?
The fuck are you taking about? Moron.
Your statement is full of stupidity, bigotry, racism and idiocy. A typical white trash.

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