Difference between Rightwing and Jihadist Terrorists?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
GOP Rep: 'There's A Difference' Between White And Islamic Terrorists (VIDEO)

Now HERE'S a brave person to publicly state there is a DIFFERENCE
between the rightwing terrorists who shoot innocent people to protest
vs. the Jihadist terrorists who shoot, bomb and attack innocent civilians.

Some points I would make to this end:

1. Conservatives, Constitutionalist and Christians will REBUKE and DENOUNCE the terrorists who abuse and break THE VERY LAWS they claim to enforce.

When Muslims denounce Jihadist attacks, it doesn't get covered in the media.
It doesn't carry the same weight as when Christians and Constitutionalists speak out.
Enough people have knowledge and faith that the TRUE meaning and message in
Christianity and Constitutionalism is on the side of good vs. the corrupt version and abuse; while there is NOT as established public understanding of Islam where even FEWER people understand the true meaning (ie the ignorance of the true meaning is even more widespread and problematic with Islam than it is for Christianity). Most of the rhetoric established in public about Islam is anti. (And even though the rhetoric on Christianity has turned anti, there is still enough POSITIVE enforcement and education to counteract this negative slamming; but not so much in the case of slamming Islam vs. teaching and enforcing the REAL meaning and message in it.)

I asked this very question to a head spokesman for CAIR, and he said he HAS spoken out, over and over "denouncing the terrorist attacks" but people still believe the Muslims tolerate and support it. Generally the peaceful Muslims don't go around organizing publicly to either defend or impose their beliefs; so unlike Christians and Constitutionalists who are outspoken collectively as a group, the Muslims don't have a centralized spokesperson or system. So it appears they don't have an orchestrated way to rebuke those terrorists who abuse the name of their religion to violate laws in conflict with the true principles. The Christians and Constitutionalists are organized and will collectively and publicly rebuke abuses.

2. If problems were resolved by following Constitutional principles, both types of attacks would stop. These problems would not stop by enforcing Islamic principles because not everyone is bound by those. But Constitutional principles are based on natural laws that govern all people and society.

To be fair, the TRUE teachings of Islam also teach Natural laws similar to the Constitution. So yes, if these were enforced and followed, that is the same as enforcing Constitutional principles. In fact, I believe the Democrats and liberal side of the political spectrum won't be held to Constitutional principles UNLESS it's enforced by the Black Muslim and Black Christian leaders.

This unity depends on using the COMMON frame of reference of the CONSTITUTION to stop the oppression and abuse in BOTH cases of Jihadist and Rightwing terrorist attacks.

3. the CURE for the mental and criminal illness in both cases of terrorism,

Islam does teach to receive and respect ALL prophets and laws sent by God,
so this INCLUDES the Christian teachings spirit and law.

Islam alone is not enough to address and correct the root cause of EITHER type of act of terrorism.

But the combination of Christian and Constitutional principles is enough to stop, address and correct the cause of these abuses and attacks.

To the credit of Islam, since both Christian and Constitutional principles represent/reflect laws given by God, these ARE INCLUDED IN ISLAM.

And in fact, through the Muslim leadership in America, that's where there is hope to unite the LEFT with the Right on these principles.

The left REJECTS when the laws are given by the "white rightwing conservative" Christians and Constitutionalists.

But when these laws are enforced by the Progressive LEFT including Black Christian and Muslim leaders, then there is an opportunity and avenue to unite on these universal principles.

And this will stop the protests and attacks on all sides for whatever reasons.

Islam is NOT enough to stop and prevent attacks.
It will require unity among Christians and Constitutionalists.

But the key role Muslim leaders play in America is bringing together
left and right. The solution will come from some of the very people being blamed for the terrorism.
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But Constitutional principles are based on natural laws that govern all people and society.
Isn't this a little presumptious, em? To claim that the 17th-century yokels who assembled the Constitution could produce a timeless set of norms to be applied universally, forever, is just silly.
Even the word of God, as recorded in the Bible, is a product of its time.
Ten Commandments, 4 of which are specifically ordering that everyone should grovel before Him, and no mention of rape.
Because rape was not a crime, it was the norm back then.
And we don't still stone disobedient children to death.
Times change, and the rules we live by change as well.
But Constitutional principles are based on natural laws that govern all people and society.
Isn't this a little presumptious, em? To claim that the 17th-century yokels who assembled the Constitution could produce a timeless set of norms to be applied universally, forever, is just silly.
Even the word of God, as recorded in the Bible, is a product of its time.
Ten Commandments, 4 of which are specifically ordering that everyone should grovel before Him, and no mention of rape.
Because rape was not a crime, it was the norm back then.
And we don't still stone disobedient children to death.
Times change, and the rules we live by change as well.
I'll stick with life, liberty and the pursuit of property.....thanks....
When you commit an act of terrorism, by your actions you cease to be part of the right-wing and become part of the left. What you say you believe is irrelevant.
Based on the strange opening post, shouldn't this be reclassed to the religion forum?
Terrorists often see themselves as patriots, doesn't matter if they are Christian like McVeigh or the unabomber or a Muslim bomb carrier. Most are white males with head problems, and they defy liberal or conservative labels. Most think of themselves as revolutionaries of religion or nation. The conservatives in America blame everything are an imaginary left, it keeps them from having to think and allows simple answers to anything. Hitler a Christian got it right, "Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future."

Zero-Sum in Brussels: the Savage Vision Driving a Terror-Ridden World
Malcolm Nance on Washington Journal-Defeating ISIS – March 13, 2016 – TAPSTRI
An Intelligence Vet Explains ISIS, Yemen, and "the Dick Cheney of Iraq"
TAPSTRI – The Terror Asymmetrics Project on Strategy, Tactics & Radical Ideology

"Since suicide terrorism is mainly a response to foreign occupation and not Islamic fundamentalism, the use of heavy military force to transform Muslim societies over there, if you would, is only likely to increase the number of suicide terrorists coming at us." Robert Pape The American Conservative

Ayers "But the fact is that throughout its entire time of activities, Weathermen did not hurt a single citizen. The FBI may call Weathermen a terrorist group, but the FBI's definition of terrorism is rather broad, defining terrorism as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." Based on this definition, America's actions in both Iraq and Afghanistan as well as those in Nicaragua in the 1980s are terrorism. So is Israel's bombing of that mysterious military site in Syria in 2007. But how many Americans consider America or Israel "terrorists""? Calling Bill Ayers a "Terrorist" Doesn't Make Him So | The Huffington Post
Terrorists often see themselves as patriots, doesn't matter if they are Christian like McVeigh or the unabomber or a Muslim bomb carrier. Most are white males with head problems, and they defy liberal or conservative labels. Most think of themselves as revolutionaries of religion or nation. The conservatives in America blame everything are an imaginary left, it keeps them from having to think and allows simple answers to anything. Hitler a Christian got it right, "Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future."

Zero-Sum in Brussels: the Savage Vision Driving a Terror-Ridden World
Malcolm Nance on Washington Journal-Defeating ISIS – March 13, 2016 – TAPSTRI
An Intelligence Vet Explains ISIS, Yemen, and "the Dick Cheney of Iraq"
TAPSTRI – The Terror Asymmetrics Project on Strategy, Tactics & Radical Ideology
No one sees you as a patriot....:lol:
When you commit an act of terrorism, by your actions you cease to be part of the right-wing and become part of the left. What you say you believe is irrelevant.
What a load of shit! That's like a Catholic saying 'If you sin, you are no longer a Catholic'.
I suppose, if I break any of your 'rules', I will automatically be excommunicated from the exalted ranks of the Right?

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