Dimocrats Embrace Lawless Policy at Their Peril


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Only if enough Americans are still red hot about this two years from now. Hopefully they will be, and they will punish the Dimocrat party even further !

The Obama administration is about to completely defy the will of the voters and ignore the U.S. Constitution on one of the most critical issues of our time. The president is doubling down on his threat to force a sweeping change to our immigration policy that provides amnesty to more than 4 million individuals who entered our country illegally. While this is bad politics, particularly in light of the election results, it is genuinely terrible policy.

Amnesty undermines our nation’s rule of law and encourages more illegal immigration in the future. The president’s position on this issue shows absolutely no respect for our current laws and is no way to "lead" a country. Rather than enforcing the laws on the books, he is signaling to future illegal immigrants that the United States will let them stay in the country without consequence.

This reckless policy threatens our nation’s security, economic stability and quality of life. It’s also a slap in the face to those who have stood in line and gone through the proper channels to enter our country legally. Sadly, the president’s unilateral action will force immigration officials to divert already-strained efforts away from processing lawful immigrants to processing illegal aliens.

[ Immigration Cartoons]

The president’s executive amnesty should also be opposed – even by those who support amnesty – because the way it’s being carried out clearly violates the Constitution.

Article 1 Section 8 clearly states that Congress is vested with the power to “establish an uniform rule of naturalization.” No president – Republican or Democrat – should have the power to circumvent Congress and write laws. But that is exactly what the president is seeking to do.

Obama’s actions are beyond the scope of the president’s authority and they set a dangerous precedent for future administrations. Executive amnesty is a serious threat to the system of checks and balances that protect our liberties.

more: Democrats Embrace Lawless Policy at Their Peril - US News
How many of these bogus amnesty "Help, I'm shitting in my pants" topics do we need?

Was eleventy not enough, you had to make another one?

I have bad news for you. Really bad news.

You've been lied to.

Yeah. Obama's EO won't be granting amnesty. Ain't that a fucking bitch? You shit your drawers for nuthin, rube.

And four out of five Americans want illegals to be given a path to citizenship or legal status. So put that in your Will of the American People pipe and smoke it, dumbass.
people in buffalo are being stranded in the outback and obama is going to be yucking it up tonight with the latino awards while people have 10 feet of snow in their front yards and 8 people have died already
people in buffalo are being stranded in the outback and obama is going to be yucking it up tonight with the latino awards while people have 10 feet of snow in their front yards and 8 people have died already
I guess he should be out there with a flamethrower melting the snow, eh?

Excuse me, ladies and gentleman, somewhere out there someone is having a bad day and I can't be seen in public.

Are you actually demanding the federal government get involved in local problems? Are you a left winger?
people in buffalo are being stranded in the outback and obama is going to be yucking it up tonight with the latino awards while people have 10 feet of snow in their front yards and 8 people have died already
I guess he should be out there with a flamethrower melting the snow, eh?

Excuse me, ladies and gentleman, somewhere out there someone is having a bad day and I can't be seen in public.

What in Hell kind of a Messiah did you libbies choose when He can't even call down a little Global Warming to save you from a little snow?
How many of these bogus amnesty "Help, I'm shitting in my pants" topics do we need?

Was eleventy not enough, you had to make another one?

I have bad news for you. Really bad news.

You've been lied to.

Yeah. Obama's EO won't be granting amnesty. Ain't that a fucking bitch? You shit your drawers for nuthin, rube.

And four out of five Americans want illegals to be given a path to citizenship or legal status. So put that in your Will of the American People pipe and smoke it, dumbass.

Yeah almost all Americans want this, that's why Obama waited until AFTER the election to make this announcement.
Damn, if only Obama would have just done this right before the election the Dims wouldn't have gotten their asses handed to them !
I mean since we're all for this and stuff.
How many of these bogus amnesty "Help, I'm shitting in my pants" topics do we need?

Was eleventy not enough, you had to make another one?

I have bad news for you. Really bad news.

You've been lied to.

Yeah. Obama's EO won't be granting amnesty. Ain't that a fucking bitch? You shit your drawers for nuthin, rube.

And four out of five Americans want illegals to be given a path to citizenship or legal status. So put that in your Will of the American People pipe and smoke it, dumbass.

Yeah almost all Americans want this, that's why Obama waited until AFTER the election to make this announcement.
Damn, if only Obama would have just done this right before the election the Dims wouldn't have gotten their asses handed to them !
I mean since we're all for this and stuff.
Why did the Republicans put off immigration reform until after the election? Because they knew the reform they are going to pass is going to piss off the bigot base they so heavily depend on.

This is a manufactured crisis by the Republicans. They could have easily passed immigration reform before the election and avoided all this. It was sitting on Boehner's desk.
What is the matter with current immigration Law? Just because the Obola REFUSES to prosecute illegals under the current law, doesn't mean it's NOT LAW!

Because if he followed the current law, he'd have to get back to some heavy handed deportations, and since he and the rest of the Dims of today don't believe in borders, they'd be pissing their pants at all times.

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