Disagreement With Liberals Equals Sedition


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By LD Jackson

We all know how liberals hate it when we disagree with them. That's a give fact, well-documented in its truth. If you doubt that, try debating one of them. More often than not, that debate will descend into name calling and threats. Liberals simply hate it when they are proven to be wrong, or when someone has the audacity to disagree with their progressive point of view. We are finding that to be more true than ever after the government shutdown. I know many conservatives disagreed with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and how they went about trying to defund Obamacare. I have heard them called foolish and their efforts ill-advised. That question is being asked among conservatives, as it should be. The liberals, however, have taken their criticism of the two men, especially Senator Cruz, to an entirely new, and very low, level. Some liberals are even declaring he should be charged with sedition.

Read more:
Disagreement With Liberals Equals Sedition
Left demands: Charge Ted Cruz with sedition | WashingtonExaminer.com

The reactions coming from the Progressive Left is predictable. However, the truth really rest with the radical reforms imposed upon Americans by the intractable Left.
I once used a Liberal's talking point (like this week lol) and made it backfire on them.

They were lamenting that Social Security checks might be halted had the shutdown continued.

I said:
"Yeah, I know, that's terrible, it's your money, you paid into it."

She says:
"Seriously, it's outright theft if they don't return our own retirement!"

Then I said:
"If it wasn't mandatory, the government wouldn't dare steal your money; because even if they halt the checks for the seniors, they'll still continue to extract money from the taxes of those who are working."

She goes:
"Yeah, I wouldn't pay another dime into Social Security if they did that...


[light-bulb starts igniting]

[Liberal suffers brain hemorrhage from thinking, light-bulb extinguishes]

But wait... it has to be mandatory, otherwise people wouldn't be able to rely on it."

Then I said:
"I thought you just admitted that because it's mandatory, you can NOT rely on it."

"No, that's no what I said, you just want the money for yourself, your'e greedy and you hate seniors."

End of conversation.
By LD Jackson

We all know how liberals hate it when we disagree with them. That's a give fact, well-documented in its truth. If you doubt that, try debating one of them. More often than not, that debate will descend into name calling and threats. Liberals simply hate it when they are proven to be wrong, or when someone has the audacity to disagree with their progressive point of view. We are finding that to be more true than ever after the government shutdown. I know many conservatives disagreed with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and how they went about trying to defund Obamacare. I have heard them called foolish and their efforts ill-advised. That question is being asked among conservatives, as it should be. The liberals, however, have taken their criticism of the two men, especially Senator Cruz, to an entirely new, and very low, level. Some liberals are even declaring he should be charged with sedition.

Read more:
Disagreement With Liberals Equals Sedition
Left demands: Charge Ted Cruz with sedition | WashingtonExaminer.com

The reactions coming from the Progressive Left is predictable. However, the truth really rest with the radical reforms imposed upon Americans by the intractable Left.

I remember the good old days when the Libs thought it was fine to Question Authority.

What happened to them?
Ironic that Conservatives would bring this up. When they were trying to ram Fascism down our throats we were all told "If you're not with us, you're against us." Not much room for disagreement there, eh?

Both parties have been experimenting with fascism/socialism.

As a Libertarian I don't care who initiates it my responsibility is to oppose it.

By LD Jackson

We all know how liberals hate it when we disagree with them. That's a give fact, well-documented in its truth. If you doubt that, try debating one of them. More often than not, that debate will descend into name calling and threats. Liberals simply hate it when they are proven to be wrong, or when someone has the audacity to disagree with their progressive point of view. We are finding that to be more true than ever after the government shutdown. I know many conservatives disagreed with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and how they went about trying to defund Obamacare. I have heard them called foolish and their efforts ill-advised. That question is being asked among conservatives, as it should be. The liberals, however, have taken their criticism of the two men, especially Senator Cruz, to an entirely new, and very low, level. Some liberals are even declaring he should be charged with sedition.

Read more:
Disagreement With Liberals Equals Sedition
Left demands: Charge Ted Cruz with sedition | WashingtonExaminer.com

The reactions coming from the Progressive Left is predictable. However, the truth really rest with the radical reforms imposed upon Americans by the intractable Left.


Just as ironic by the fact that they have also threatened the life of Ted Cruz's family and in the same breath claim that the T-Party are terrorists.
Ironic that Conservatives would bring this up. When they were trying to ram Fascism down our throats we were all told "If you're not with us, you're against us." Not much room for disagreement there, eh?

Actually that was Bush on terrorism. Do you really think terrorism is OK? Or just if it's committed against the "right" people?
That is in fact an old right wing reactionary meme, Liberal disagreement With Reactionaries Equals Sedition.
Reactionaries simply hope folks won't notice.

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