Disarmed rape victim helps start group...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
One Million United wants women to embrace self-defense (VIDEO)

While in its early stages, One Million United is still blossoming. It’s the mind child of three women – Vicki Kawelmacher, Alisha Ketter and Amanda Collins — who all have a story and now a mission.

During her fourth year at the University of Nevada Reno, Amanda Collins was raped at gunpoint in the parking garage of her school, less than 50 feet from the campus police station, which had closed four hours prior to her attack. With a gun to her temple, she knew that her life was hanging by the thread of a trigger pull. And her concealed carry permit and her handgun did nothing to protect her that night because the law prevented her from legally carrying her gun on campus – a law that her attacker simply ignored and later went on to rape another woman before raping and killing a third.

Viki Kawelmakers story...

In 2004, while vacationing in California and stopping off for one more glance of the great ocean view, she and her husband became the targets of a would-be robbery. As they were victimized, their handgun – which they had carried for protection – was locked “safely” away in a box in the trunk of their car, per California state law...

...Then, in October 2007, she was faced with a mother’s nightmare – her 10-year-old daughter was the target of a child abduction. Thankfully her young daughter was already wise beyond her years and knew something wasn’t right when she saw the two strange men in the unfamiliar van watching her and her friends. When the passenger got out of the van and began to come towards the young girl, she “screamed bloody murder” and ran away.

“That was the day that I really said, ‘That’s it. I’m done. I will be armed every day. I will protect my family. I will protect myself,’” Kawelmacher told Guns.com in an interview this week. “And my new mission in life is to encourage, educate and empower women.”

Alisha Ketter's story:

Alisha Ketter, the national coordinator for OMU, had become the victim of a robbery and assault on more than one occasion in her native state of California. But when she decided it was time to arm herself for her own protection, she learned how closely gun control hit home.

“This was the beginning of my struggle with gun control laws,” Ketter recalled. “California has some of the strictest laws in the nation and even after you manage to purchase a firearm, chances are you won’t have it available if you need it for self-defense. Concealed Carry Permits are rarely issued and gun storage laws in California effectively disarm the populace.”

More women need to learn how to use guns...that will keep more of them safe because the false beliefs of the gun control movement, "Background checks, magazine limits, registration and outright bans," only disarm the victims of violent criminals...
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Hmmm...interesting strategy...any thoughts on how to make the bad guys stop raping? I know of a tried and true method that comes in several different "formats," 9mm, .45, and .40...those are the most popular...it usually only takes one "session" with the violent, thug rapist and usually the problem is solved,or he is taken into long term care/custody....after a period of time recuperating in a hospital...or in the morgue...

your idea? Is it better than mine...?
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More women need to learn how to use guns...that will keep more of them safe because the false beliefs of the gun control movement, "Background checks, magazine limits, registration and outright bans," only disarm the victims of violent criminals...

You're clearly an ignorant idiot, liar, and fear-mongering demagogue.

Firearms for self-defense are available in every jurisdiction in the United States, in no jurisdiction are firearms 'banned,' as banning firearms is un-Constitutional (see: DC v. Heller (2008), McDonald v. Chicago (2010)).

Moreover, there is no evidence whatsoever that background checks, magazine limits, and registration requirements in any way interfere with the acquisition and use of a firearm for lawful self-defense.

Last, the 'stories' in the cited article are subjective, undocumented, and anecdotal, they in no way constitute 'evidence' or 'proof' that citizens are unable to obtain firearms or defend themselves with firearms, nor have any of the gun control statutes cited been invalidated by the courts as un-Constitutional.

As a consequence of your lies and ignorance, therefore, you and those of your ilk pose the greater threat to the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.
More women need to learn how to use guns...that will keep more of them safe because the false beliefs of the gun control movement, "Background checks, magazine limits, registration and outright bans," only disarm the victims of violent criminals...

You're clearly an ignorant idiot, liar, and fear-mongering demagogue.

Firearms for self-defense are available in every jurisdiction in the United States, in no jurisdiction are firearms 'banned,' as banning firearms is un-Constitutional (see: DC v. Heller (2008), McDonald v. Chicago (2010)).

Moreover, there is no evidence whatsoever that background checks, magazine limits, and registration requirements in any way interfere with the acquisition and use of a firearm for lawful self-defense.

Last, the 'stories' in the cited article are subjective, undocumented, and anecdotal, they in no way constitute 'evidence' or 'proof' that citizens are unable to obtain firearms or defend themselves with firearms, nor have any of the gun control statutes cited been invalidated by the courts as un-Constitutional.

As a consequence of your lies and ignorance, therefore, you and those of your ilk pose the greater threat to the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.

I see you are busy lying again. Even now the State of California restricts firearms. It is almost impossible in some Counties to get a concealed carry permit and you know it. In San Diego the local Sheriff refused to issue them at all until taken to Court and the Sheriff lost.
Moreover, there is no evidence whatsoever that background checks, magazine limits, and registration requirements in any way interfere with the acquisition and use of a firearm for lawful self-defense

Actually, there is absolutely no evidence that background checks, magazine limits, and registration stop gun crime or mass shootings...so the only people effected by these three silly rules are the people who don't use guns to commit crimes..explain how that makes any sense at all...

Last, the 'stories' in the cited article are subjective, undocumented, and anecdotal, they in no way constitute 'evidence' or 'proof' that citizens are unable to obtain firearms or defend themselves with firearms, nor have any of the gun control statutes cited been invalidated by the courts as un-Constitutional.

actually, the disarmed rape victim is a documented story and she testified about her inability to use her lawfully permitted gun to defend herself, and by proxy save the life of the last victim, and spare the other woman of the rape...the other two, yeah, they are relating their experiences...but call them liars if you want...that is pretty easy...

the law stated that the college campus could disarm that woman...the rapist had a gun, but not the victim...why...it was a "legally" mandated gun free zone...so yeah...she was disarmed by the government and was raped because of it...

and yes, the constitution says, "shall not be infringed" so any ruling by the court that infringes that right is unconstitutional regardless of what he 9 people out of 300 million say on the topic...
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You're clearly an ignorant idiot, liar, and fear-mongering demagogue.

wow, I like you too...we should have tea and crumpets sometime...
With regard to limits on magazine capacity, Federal Chief Judge Marcia Krieger ruled last June that the provision of Colorado's statute limiting magazines to 15 rounds does not violate the Second Amendment:

In her analysis of the case, Kreiger wrote a notable view on the high-capacity magazine limit. While the lawsuit argued the law violated the right to bear arms, the judge said "it does not directly regulate firearms at all."

"This statute does not ban any firearm nor does it render any firearm useless," she wrote.

Federal judge dismisses suit that aimed to overturn Colorado gun control laws - 7NEWS Denver TheDenverChannel.com

Whether one likes it or not, the fact remains that current Second Amendment jurisprudence does allow most regulatory measures save that of an outright ban, where background checks, registration requirements, and limits on magazine capacity are Constitutional.
With regard to limits on magazine capacity, Federal Chief Judge Marcia Krieger ruled last June that the provision of Colorado's statute limiting magazines to 15 rounds does not violate the Second Amendment:

Yeah...and he's wrong...that robe doesn't give him any special wisdom and in a lot of cases seems to drain it from their heads...

At one point judges upheld the fugitive slave act and separate but equal was Constitutional as well...sooooo, tell me again how wonderful this judge is....considering "infringing" magazine capacity is, in fact, "infringing"

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