Disarming Citizens. Never Here.

Gun culture and the very efficient gun lobby have carefully crafted their position on gun violence control efforts. And that position is "No!".

This is the hill they will die on. No.

So, as there is to be one response to any suggestion, inclination and idea will be rejected out of hand, no response will be proffered.

When positions are not merely 'baked in' but 'kiln dried' democracy dies.
Gun culture and the very efficient gun lobby have carefully crafted their position on gun violence control efforts. And that position is "No!".

This is the hill they will die on. No.

So, as there is to be one response to any suggestion, inclination and idea will be rejected out of hand, no response will be proffered.

Yes, this IS the hill we will die on, probably quite literally for many of us eventually. My RTKBA is not negotiable. My guns cannot be bought at any price and they will not be given up without a fight. Make what laws you will, we will not bow to them.

We have offered many solutions to the problems related to guns in our culture. You folks just don’t want to listen to them, never mind enact any of them.
There is never compromise from the gun grabbers. It's always take, take, take.

That is why there will be no compromise from the other side, nor should there be.

The answer is NO to ANY new gun laws.

There is never compromise from the gun grabbers. It's always take, take, take.

That is why there will be no compromise from the other side, by?nor should there be.

The answer is NO to ANY new gun laws.

When have your guns been taken? What laws have been passed that take away guns? Do you have means of payment? Are you of age? Do you have any legal impediment to gun ownership, e.g. previous felony arrest? Is there a fun shop nearby? What law is taking your gun away?
There is never compromise from the gun grabbers. It's always take, take, take.

That is why there will be no compromise from the other side, by?nor should there be.

The answer is NO to ANY new gun laws.

When have your guns been taken? What laws have been passed that take away guns? Do you have means of payment? Are you of age? Do you have any legal impediment to gun ownership, e.g. previous felony arrest? Is there a fun shop nearby? What law is taking your gun away?

Various infringements including wholesale confiscation have often been proposed by Democrats. Some nutcase presidential candidates have even threatened to use if elected Executive Orders to infringe upon the right. This of course would result in many people becoming quite cross and thinking very bad thoughts about Democrats.
When have your guns been taken? What laws have been passed that take away guns? Do you have means of payment? Are you of age? Do you have any legal impediment to gun ownership, e.g. previous felony arrest? Is there a fun shop nearby? What law is taking your gun away?
Is there a Hughes Amendment? Did a ban go into place in 1993? Are the gun grabbers trying to do the 1993 ban again?

What compromise have the gun grabbers proposed in exchange for their "common sense" regulations?

Gun culture and the very efficient gun lobby have carefully crafted their position on gun violence control efforts. And that position is "No!".

This is the hill they will die on. No.

So, as there is to be one response to any suggestion, inclination and idea will be rejected out of hand, no response will be proffered.

When positions are not merely 'baked in' but 'kiln dried' democracy dies.
Very efficient gun lobby? Lol
What do you mean by that
There is never compromise from the gun grabbers. It's always take, take, take.

That is why there will be no compromise from the other side, nor should there be.

The answer is NO to ANY new gun laws.

the phrase "gun law" is bullshit from the start. So you damn right!
Read the constitution bitches
There is never compromise from the gun grabbers. It's always take, take, take.

That is why there will be no compromise from the other side, nor should there be.

The answer is NO to ANY new gun laws.

the phrase "gun law" is bullshit from the start. So you damn right!
Read the constitution bitches

Shall not be infringed written in granite in our Constitution. The left have category 10 butthurt over the 2nd its hilarious.
Gun culture and the very efficient gun lobby have carefully crafted their position on gun violence control efforts. And that position is "No!".

This is the hill they will die on. No.

So, as there is to be one response to any suggestion, inclination and idea will be rejected out of hand, no response will be proffered.

When positions are not merely 'baked in' but 'kiln dried' democracy dies.
Very efficient gun lobby? Lol
What do you mean by that
He has no idea.
Gun culture and the very efficient gun lobby have carefully crafted their position on gun violence control efforts. And that position is "No!".

This is the hill they will die on. No.

So, as there is to be one response to any suggestion, inclination and idea will be rejected out of hand, no response will be proffered.

When positions are not merely 'baked in' but 'kiln dried' democracy dies.
Very efficient gun lobby? Lol
What do you mean by that
He has no idea.
Yep. Partisan drone comment.
If we had an efficient gun lobby, we wouldn't have tens of thousands of gun laws.
Gun culture and the very efficient gun lobby have carefully crafted their position on gun violence control efforts. And that position is "No!".

This is the hill they will die on. No.

So, as there is to be one response to any suggestion, inclination and idea will be rejected out of hand, no response will be proffered.

When positions are not merely 'baked in' but 'kiln dried' democracy dies.

Yes....your position is baked in and kiln dried.....every chance, every opportunity you will demand one gun, or one bullet, or impose a new fee, or new tax, or new piece of paperwork ......... and you will not stop until those measures equal complete banning of guns in this country...

We know, we understand, and we are going to fight you....
There is never compromise from the gun grabbers. It's always take, take, take.

That is why there will be no compromise from the other side, by?nor should there be.

The answer is NO to ANY new gun laws.

When have your guns been taken? What laws have been passed that take away guns? Do you have means of payment? Are you of age? Do you have any legal impediment to gun ownership, e.g. previous felony arrest? Is there a fun shop nearby? What law is taking your gun away?

Bans on the most popular rifles have gone into effect in states and towns......the federal ban didn't get the job done so now they are going town by town, getting the 2nd, 4th, 9th and other lower courts to declare their bans Constitutional, ignoring the rulings in Heller, MacDonald, Murdock, .........hoping that they will get enough justices on the Supreme Court to make those lower court violations of the previous rulings Constitutional....

Requiring hundreds of dollars to exercise the Right to own or carry a gun is no different from requiring money to vote....requiring citizens to pass an arbitrary test to own or carry a gun is no different from the Literacy tests used to block voting......

And the democrats did both the Poll Tax and Literacy test to keep the poor and Blacks from voting, and now they are using the same tactics to keep them from owning and carrying guns...
Gun culture and the very efficient gun lobby have carefully crafted their position on gun violence control efforts. And that position is "No!".

This is the hill they will die on. No.

So, as there is to be one response to any suggestion, inclination and idea will be rejected out of hand, no response will be proffered.

When positions are not merely 'baked in' but 'kiln dried' democracy dies.
I find no reason to even entertain you people and your bullshit. You want to stop gun violence? Let more people be armed. You want more gun violence? Disarm more people.

I can guarantee one thing if you and I ever met. I will be armed. And because of that you WILL be the most respectful and non-confrontational person in the conversation.
This is the hill they will die on. No.
Yes, it is. Literally. We are resolved. We will fight and get 100% repeal (aka machine guns) or we will fight, feast, and fuck in Odin's meade hall, Valhalla.

Believe me when I say that our resolve amounts to ---machine guns, or Valhalla.

But, make no mistake. This IS the hill on which many of you will die. Are YOU sure that is what you want?

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