Disaster capitalism killed Detroit


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
Home of the 2013 BCS National Champion
Republicans are thrilled that Detroit has filed for bankruptcy. Because - for the GOP - the fall of Detroit is a talking point goldmine. Over the past year , the American public has started to wake-up about the total failure of austerity both here in the United States, and across the Atlantic in Europe. So the chance to blame the decline of a great American city on Democrats, workers , African-Americans and big-government is an opportunity the Right doesn’t want to miss.

Conservatives like Neil Munro and Sean Higgins hope that maybe - just maybe - if they can convince the American people that big bad unions and Democrats are to blame for the death of Detroit, then they can get them to forget that conservatives have destroyed this country with 30-plus years of Reaganomics and voodoo economics. Union-bashing is bad enough - but there’s another, even uglier dimension to the GOP’s Detroit meme. The Motor City is eighty-five percent African-American. In fact, it has the highest black population - percentage wise - of any major city in the United States. So when Republican pundits and politicians talk about “mismanagement” and “bad governance”, what they are actually saying is that black-people aren’t capable of running a city.

Blaming minorities for social problems is a tried and true Republican tactic. Reagan had “welfare queens” and the air-traffic controllers. The modern GOP has Detroit. However, it wasn’t unions or black people that bankrupted Detroit - it was decades of pro-corporate and anti-middle class free-trade policies that gutted the city of its industrial core. Over the next few weeks, you’ll hear a lot of hand-wringing from conservatives in the media about how Detroit is a sign of things to come and how this is what happens when you give Democrats, workers and “disorganized people” (that’s right-wing doublespeak for African-Americans ) control of a big city. But remember, the Republican solution for Detroit is just more of the same: gutting social services.

This is disaster capitalism. It's an opportunity for wealthy white speculators to experiment with all of their austerity dreams. And if that comes with a chance to demonize poor people, black people, and unionized workers - well - that’s just the icing on the cake. - See more at: Disaster capitalism killed Detroit. | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

Disaster capitalism killed Detroit. | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

30+ years of Reaganomics has destroyed Detroit.
Republicans are thrilled that Detroit has filed for bankruptcy. Because - for the GOP - the fall of Detroit is a talking point goldmine. Over the past year , the American public has started to wake-up about the total failure of austerity both here in the United States, and across the Atlantic in Europe. So the chance to blame the decline of a great American city on Democrats, workers , African-Americans and big-government is an opportunity the Right doesn’t want to miss.

Conservatives like Neil Munro and Sean Higgins hope that maybe - just maybe - if they can convince the American people that big bad unions and Democrats are to blame for the death of Detroit, then they can get them to forget that conservatives have destroyed this country with 30-plus years of Reaganomics and voodoo economics. Union-bashing is bad enough - but there’s another, even uglier dimension to the GOP’s Detroit meme. The Motor City is eighty-five percent African-American. In fact, it has the highest black population - percentage wise - of any major city in the United States. So when Republican pundits and politicians talk about “mismanagement” and “bad governance”, what they are actually saying is that black-people aren’t capable of running a city.

Blaming minorities for social problems is a tried and true Republican tactic. Reagan had “welfare queens” and the air-traffic controllers. The modern GOP has Detroit. However, it wasn’t unions or black people that bankrupted Detroit - it was decades of pro-corporate and anti-middle class free-trade policies that gutted the city of its industrial core. Over the next few weeks, you’ll hear a lot of hand-wringing from conservatives in the media about how Detroit is a sign of things to come and how this is what happens when you give Democrats, workers and “disorganized people” (that’s right-wing doublespeak for African-Americans ) control of a big city. But remember, the Republican solution for Detroit is just more of the same: gutting social services.

This is disaster capitalism. It's an opportunity for wealthy white speculators to experiment with all of their austerity dreams. And if that comes with a chance to demonize poor people, black people, and unionized workers - well - that’s just the icing on the cake. - See more at: Disaster capitalism killed Detroit. | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

Disaster capitalism killed Detroit. | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

30+ years of Reaganomics has destroyed Detroit.

Keep trying to push progressive statism in Detroit on capitalism you socialist troll hack.

Desperate enough?
Detroit is an example of what happens in single industry towns when detrimental changes happen in those industries. The story isn't new, just the scope.
Republicans are thrilled that Detroit has filed for bankruptcy. Because - for the GOP - the fall of Detroit is a talking point goldmine. Over the past year , the American public has started to wake-up about the total failure of austerity both here in the United States, and across the Atlantic in Europe. So the chance to blame the decline of a great American city on Democrats, workers , African-Americans and big-government is an opportunity the Right doesn’t want to miss.

Conservatives like Neil Munro and Sean Higgins hope that maybe - just maybe - if they can convince the American people that big bad unions and Democrats are to blame for the death of Detroit, then they can get them to forget that conservatives have destroyed this country with 30-plus years of Reaganomics and voodoo economics. Union-bashing is bad enough - but there’s another, even uglier dimension to the GOP’s Detroit meme. The Motor City is eighty-five percent African-American. In fact, it has the highest black population - percentage wise - of any major city in the United States. So when Republican pundits and politicians talk about “mismanagement” and “bad governance”, what they are actually saying is that black-people aren’t capable of running a city.

Blaming minorities for social problems is a tried and true Republican tactic. Reagan had “welfare queens” and the air-traffic controllers. The modern GOP has Detroit. However, it wasn’t unions or black people that bankrupted Detroit - it was decades of pro-corporate and anti-middle class free-trade policies that gutted the city of its industrial core. Over the next few weeks, you’ll hear a lot of hand-wringing from conservatives in the media about how Detroit is a sign of things to come and how this is what happens when you give Democrats, workers and “disorganized people” (that’s right-wing doublespeak for African-Americans ) control of a big city. But remember, the Republican solution for Detroit is just more of the same: gutting social services.

This is disaster capitalism. It's an opportunity for wealthy white speculators to experiment with all of their austerity dreams. And if that comes with a chance to demonize poor people, black people, and unionized workers - well - that’s just the icing on the cake. - See more at: Disaster capitalism killed Detroit. | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

Disaster capitalism killed Detroit. | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

30+ years of Reaganomics has destroyed Detroit.

Keep trying to push progressive statism in Detroit on capitalism you socialist troll hack.

Desperate enough?

I don't mind using the state to protect American business and American workers.
30+ years of Reaganomics has destroyed Detroit.

No. Detroit died within a relatively short period of time, it just took the city much longer to realize it was dead.

In 1974 a man named Coleman Young became mayor and the first thing he did was tell "whitey" to get out of the city because he was the "HNIC" and if they didn't like it they could leave. They did start to leave and they took their money and some of their businesses with them.

Busing on a large scale started in 1976 although it was for relatively short distances and by mid-1977 students were being bussed across town in an attempt to desegregate the schools. Most neighborhoods were still segregated at that time and having their kids subject to being arbitrarily picked to be bussed across town led to many more families joining in the White Flight, my family was among them.

Detroit lost ~30% of its population between 1974-1984 and that 30% represented for the most part higher income taxpayers and small business owners. The city refused to accept their new reality and kept operating as if their income hadn't changed and the mayor, Coleman Young, made things even worse by continuing to publically call out the suburbs as racist which guaranteed that no well-off white person in their right mind would move back into the city.

Blight set in and then the blighted areas grew, now we have what we have today. Reaganomics had nothing to do with it, Coleman Young and Maryann Mahaffey killed Detroit and it was dead by 1984.

What capitalism? You mean democrat control? Yep, it usually does lead to disaster.

The economic crash was under Bush and the decline of American auto industry supremacy started under Reagan.

Bush and Reagan caused Detriot's bankruptcy?


Progressives are so predictable.

It's a complex situation but they promoted the destruction of American business and vulture capitalism. It's no coincidence that Romney and Bain Capital are tied to Michigan.

So now, as we discuss Reagan and Bush causing the Bankruptcy of a city, Romney and Bain Capital are now tied to the State of Michigan...by no coincidence. Is Michigan going Bankrupt?

The economic crash was under Bush and the decline of American auto industry supremacy started under Reagan.

Bush and Reagan caused Detriot's bankruptcy?


Progressives are so predictable.

It's a complex situation but they promoted the destruction of American business and vulture capitalism. It's no coincidence that Romney and Bain Capital are tied to Michigan.

:cuckoo: where do you people come from? obviously you don't live here and have no idea what your talking about
White democrats were the first to run from Detroit

So now, as we discuss Reagan and Bush causing the Bankruptcy of a city, Romney and Bain Capital are now tied to the State of Michigan...by no coincidence. Is Michigan going Bankrupt?


MI is run by Republicans Now, everything. We have right to work here, and we're doing a lot better, we will straighten out Detroit, but it'll take time to clean up the Democrat party's destruction. Look at ILL and you'll see a state going the opposite direction

So now, as we discuss Reagan and Bush causing the Bankruptcy of a city, Romney and Bain Capital are now tied to the State of Michigan...by no coincidence. Is Michigan going Bankrupt?


I hate to break it to you but Detroit is in Michigan. And the Republican controlled state of Michigan is withholding money from Detroit.

Yeah, no shit Detroit is in Michigan, fella. Or is it Baine Capital and Mitt Romney that are withholding the money?


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