Discrimination is discrimination until it is against whites

I think there are way too many blacks on TV and in videos, given their percentage of the population. Where I live I see a few blacks when I go shopping, for instance. But, on TV there's a black in virtually every shot. It feels like you can't look at the freaking screen without seeing a black. So the impression is false, it just doesn't represent real life, imo.

So, I just mute all commercials. If a beautiful blonde woman is in the commercial I might watch it. But, unfortunately, there seem to be far fewer and fewer beautiful blonde women in commercials, these days. As soon as a black come onscreen I turn to do other things, simply because there are far too many of them in ALL the commercials, and I feel far less attraction to them. Same with movies.

Some people will call it racism. Who cares. I think everyone has preferences about whom he/she finds attractive and whom they would prefer to see in movies and commercials. And when you're going to give up two hours of your time to watch a video, you may as well look for actors you want to see.

Oh, you poor thing! Oh, the trauma! The pain! The indescribable heartache!!!!! What have they done to your precious commercials? Oh, the humanity!!!!!!!

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