Discuss the State of the Union Address here?

TRANSCRIPT: GOP Rebuttal to State of the Union

"The President did not cause the economic and fiscal crises that continue in America tonight. But he was elected on a promise to fix them, and he cannot claim that the last three years have made things anything but worse: the percentage of Americans with a job is at the lowest in decades.

"It's not fair and it's not true for the President to attack Republicans in Congress as obstacles on these questions. They and they alone have passed bills to reduce borrowing, reform entitlements, and encourage new job creation, only to be shot down time and time again by the President and his Democratic Senate allies."

"No feature of the Obama Presidency has been sadder than its constant efforts to divide us, to curry favor with some Americans by castigating others."

"In word and deed, the President and his allies tell us that we just cannot handle ourselves in this complex, perilous world without their benevolent protection. Left to ourselves, we might pick the wrong health insurance, the wrong mortgage, the wrong school for our kids; why, unless they stop us, we might pick the wrong light bulb!"

and my favorite part...
"Republicans will speak for those who believe in the dignity and capacity of the individual citizen; who believe that government is meant to serve the people rather than supervise them; who trust Americans enough to tell them the plain truth about the fix we are in, and to lay before them a specific, credible program of change big enough to meet the emergency we are facing."
The one thing that keeps sticking out about Obama is his insistence that wealthy people pay more taxes and that the system as it is now is not "fair". And that some Americans do not have as much as others so the higher end folks need to give more because they have more and that will be "fair". He believes he needs to even the field so to speak. He claims that everyone is not on the same footing and that we need to make sure everyone has the same ability to succeed and that is not what is happening now.
Well, ok, let us study on that.
Everyone SHOULD have an equal footing AT THE START of the race and not at the end of the race or half way through. Everyone has an equal oppurtunity to do well with the same set of guidelines at the gate, not at the finish line.
I have a question regarding Obama's SOTU.

Did he say to 'send me a bill to stop congress insider trading and I'll sign it'? I ask because it's 0345 here and I wondered if I dreamed that?

Pretty much a direct quote.

Think they'll send it?

I'd like to know why they need a fucking bill. Insider trading is illegal, is it not? Why are we not fucking pissed that congress are above the laws that apply to the rest of us?

So basically here is what the dilettante said:

Obama the Dilettante said:
I need to buy more votes because people aren't buying my bull after 3 years. I need your votes and I am willing to pay. Vote for me so that I can complete my mission of destroying this once great nation. Listen - I will give you free shit. I will take it from rich fuckers, like your boss and other 1% ers. and I will give it to you in exchange for your vote. So let me break this down for my base: Vote for me; get free shit. Do you understand? Vote for me- get FREEE SHIT !! It's really that simple.

Raise taxes, Bush, I INHERITED THIS MESS, Social justice, Iran, college, security, Blame Bush, Not my fault, Raise taxes, Colleges, mortgages , IT'S NOT MY FAULT!! Blame Bush, eat the rich, raise taxes, FAIR SHARE, blah..blah...blah,,,,,blahblahblah..I INHERITED THIS MESS!! blah blah blah......

Oh yeah, did I mention FREE SHIT? Get your treats, vote for me in November, I am the dumb skinny guy that reads the machine with the words that some other guy wrote for me..i cannot be held responsible for the words- they are not mine, I am just reading them like I was told to......God Bless America.
I have a question regarding Obama's SOTU.

Did he say to 'send me a bill to stop congress insider trading and I'll sign it'? I ask because it's 0345 here and I wondered if I dreamed that?

Pretty much a direct quote.

Think they'll send it?

not until this happens...
"We have subsidized oil companies for a century. That’s long enough. It’s time to end the taxpayer giveaways to an industry that’s rarely been more profitable..."

This is unmitigated bullshit.

I knew this was coming. He builds up natural gas, then knocks down oil.

What the stupid fuck doesn't say is that the natural gas industry utilizes the very same provisions of the tax code as the oil industry. And they aren't SUBSIDIES. They are allowances that are given to any other industry in this country.

What a stupid idiot. The only thing sadder are the folks that believe his shit.


Yes, really. And many companies that are exploring and producing oil are also doing the same for natural gas.

And if you choose to believe Obama over the truth then, yes that's sad.

He and the mass media are really schills for the Nuclear power industry. NBC is owned by GE, the same guy that owns CBS owns Westinghouse Nuclear. ABC is owned by Proctor and Gamble (uraniuum mining) through Disney( Berkshire Hathaway). On the board of Disney was Steve Jobs and on the board of Apple was AlGore. Get this now. Global warming is the counter attack against carbon fuels by the nuclear industry in the aftermath of the movie China Syndrome and sabotage of Three Mile Island.

You are living through a war over the money from your power bill.
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I have a question regarding Obama's SOTU.

Did he say to 'send me a bill to stop congress insider trading and I'll sign it'? I ask because it's 0345 here and I wondered if I dreamed that?

he did.

Id support that.

Problem is Im not convinced that i trust the people currently doing the insider trading to pass a bill that will actually stop it.
I have a question regarding Obama's SOTU.

Did he say to 'send me a bill to stop congress insider trading and I'll sign it'? I ask because it's 0345 here and I wondered if I dreamed that?

Good Lord girl.. where are you, London?

Technically, no. The country is called England.... could you all please learn a little bit of basic geography. London is the capital city of England. I do not live in London but I do live in England. :lol:

Did he say he'd sign a bill to stop congress from insider trading?

Wow, neat! How close are you to Big Ben?

I have a question regarding Obama's SOTU.

Did he say to 'send me a bill to stop congress insider trading and I'll sign it'? I ask because it's 0345 here and I wondered if I dreamed that?

Pretty much a direct quote.

Think they'll send it?

I'd like to know why they need a fucking bill. Insider trading is illegal, is it not? Why are we not fucking pissed that congress are above the laws that apply to the rest of us?


Honestly, I believe it's both legal and common for congresscritters to trade stock in the companies they hold tax breaks and regulations over.

:tongue: I told ya we looked stupid from space!
Good Lord girl.. where are you, London?

Technically, no. The country is called England.... could you all please learn a little bit of basic geography. London is the capital city of England. I do not live in London but I do live in England. :lol:

Did he say he'd sign a bill to stop congress from insider trading?

Wow, neat! How close are you to Big Ben?


I guess you didn't get the part where she said she as not in London......:lol:
I have a question regarding Obama's SOTU.

Did he say to 'send me a bill to stop congress insider trading and I'll sign it'? I ask because it's 0345 here and I wondered if I dreamed that?

he did.

Id support that.

Problem is Im not convinced that i trust the people currently doing the insider trading to pass a bill that will actually stop it.

Again... why do they need a bill? It's illegal. At least, it is for anyone who is American and does not work in congress. Why do they need a bill? Just fucking enforce the law.

Why are both sides not outraged by this?
Pretty much a direct quote.

Think they'll send it?

I'd like to know why they need a fucking bill. Insider trading is illegal, is it not? Why are we not fucking pissed that congress are above the laws that apply to the rest of us?


Honestly, I believe it's both legal and common for congresscritters to trade stock in the companies they hold tax breaks and regulations over.

:tongue: I told ya we looked stupid from space!

Thank you. That is my point. Why do we allow this? Surely both Democrats and Republicans (the rank and file - those not in congress) should be outraged about it?
"But he was elected on a promise to fix them, and he cannot claim that the last three years have made things anything but worse" There's the big lie that will hang the Pubs...
Good Lord girl.. where are you, London?

Technically, no. The country is called England.... could you all please learn a little bit of basic geography. London is the capital city of England. I do not live in London but I do live in England. :lol:

Did he say he'd sign a bill to stop congress from insider trading?

Wow, neat! How close are you to Big Ben?


Are you cruisin' for a bruisin', Cu? Hmmmm? Cuz it's past 4am, I'm tired and cranky and looking to knock the shit outta someone. :lol:
I have a question regarding Obama's SOTU.

Did he say to 'send me a bill to stop congress insider trading and I'll sign it'? I ask because it's 0345 here and I wondered if I dreamed that?

He was trying to deflect from the fact that 80% of his bundlers, that got him $500,000 or more, got key posts in his administration.
It's a typical Marxist tactic.
Technically, no. The country is called England.... could you all please learn a little bit of basic geography. London is the capital city of England. I do not live in London but I do live in England. :lol:

Did he say he'd sign a bill to stop congress from insider trading?

Wow, neat! How close are you to Big Ben?


I guess you didn't get the part where she said she as not in London......:lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBNXDXNOKlo]Thank You Ted. - YouTube[/ame]


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