Disguising Fighters Is Not A War Crime!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
A lot of criticism in the media has been directed toward the Israelis in regards to their commando raid inside a Palestinian hospital in Jenin in the West Bank where the commandos disguised themselves as doctors, nurses and patients entered the hospital and shot three Palestinian terrorists dead. Critics say it was immoral and against the law. It wasn't immoral and isn't against the law and what the Israelis did here is no worse than what the United States and other countries have done in the past and people haven't called them war crimes! It wasn't immoral the key Palestinian shot was Mohammad Jalamna, a Hamas commander responsible for distributing a lot of Hamas weapons to terrorist groups throughout the West Bank and was planning an October 7th like attack; the IDF is in a war with Hamas, a Hamas commander is a combatant and therefore a legitimate target! The fact that Jalamna was either visiting a terrorist friend in the hospital or sleeping in the friends hospital room doesn't shield him from being targeted there is no justification for making hospitals safe havens for healthy soldiers, if there was army would just build a lot of hospitals and just have their soldiers sleep in them. All three terrorist were sleeping in the same hospital room when shot, now the IDF commando is morally permitted to defend himself when he enters the hospital room and shoots the Hamas commander he does not have to take the risk that the other two terrorist fighters are not armed and would not return fire when awoken by the killing of the commander. The IDF commando is on legitimate moral grounds to kill all three terrorist in the room on the basis of self defense, he can assume the terrorist fighters possibly are armed and would shoot back if awakened. As for disguises there have been reports that U.S. Special Forces during the Vietnam war when infiltrating the Viet Cong lines sometimes would wear black outfits so they would appear as Viet Cong soldiers so they wouldn't be spotted, Britain disguised its soldiers as prisoners of war in fighting at the Battle of Tobruk during World War II and also in that war during the Battle of the Bulge in the counter offensive by the Germans the Germans had units that wore U.S. soldier uniforms and tried to pass themselves off as U.S. soldiers (MP's) to cause mischief behind the allies lines (it is not a war crime but if you get caught the enemy does not have to treat you as a combatant - and General Eisenhower didn't he had all captured imposters shot as spies).

The United States, Germany and the other seven countries that stopped funding for UNRWA, the United Nation Humanitarian Aid Agency for Palestinians, needs to reverse course and restore the funding immediately. The reason these countries stopped the funding that twelve UNRWA's employees in GAZA participated in the October 7th attacks that killed 1200 Israelis and maybe as high as ten percent of UNRWA's employees in GAZA aid and/or abet Hamas. Hamas is a barbaric, criminal, terroristic organization and these HAMAS operatives and Hamas Aiders and Abettors should be removed from UNRWA there should be no question about that. This is the thing the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza is experiencing a humanitarian crisis with lack of food and medicine and good living conditions. This humanitarian aid agency UNRWA is desperately needed it is a matter of life and death for this population. There is over fifteen thousand Palestinians in GAZA working for UNRWA in GAZA, the vast vast majority of these Palestinians don't want anything to do with Hamas they are decent people that should not be punished because of the wrongdoing of a small few and punishment the will experience because UNRWA would have to shut down without this needed funding. There should be an arrangement like this to get HAMAS allies out of UNRWA and restore its funding. Ongoing an entire list of UNRWA employees will be provided to the Israeli government if the Israeli government says a specific UNRWA employee is a Palestinian terrorist operative or aider or abettor and the employee has less than five years employment tenure the employee will be terminated immediately no questions asked of the Israelis, if the employee has over five years tenure than the Israeli government's intelligence services that claims the employee is a Palestinian terrorist agent would have persuade the intelligence service of one of the principal donor countries they have a reasonable basis, they don't have to disclose any sensitive intelligence information they just have to establish they have a reasonable basis for making the claim once the verifying donor country says the Israelis have a legitimate basis for the accusation the employee is then immediately terminated end of matter! This way donor countries don't have to deal with claims their hands are dirty they are funding an organization that knowingly helps terrorists. What happened to the Israeli people on October 7th is wrong beyond words but let us all be responsible good people! You know many of the Hamas terrorists on October 7th had detailed layouts, locations of security offices and generators, of the Israeli kibbutzes and gated communities they attacked, reasonable people would say it was a given that some Palestinian workers working in those communities in the past hired by the Israeli residents of such communities provided this vital intelligence to the Hamas organization. No one is talking about shutting off the income to these Israeli residents who indirectly helped Hamas because it would be unfair to do so. Likewise it is unfair to penalize the leaders of UNRWA who are good people just trying to help ordinary Palestinian civilians that don't want this Hamas organization and the war with Israel they wrought on the Palestinian people they just want to live like a normal people; these donor countries need to get on the ball just throwing your hands up proclaiming we don't want to be involved in this is not an option, what is happening to a million plus civilians in Gaza is nothing short of torture through starvation and deprivation of medical care and shelter, good countries should see it as an imperative that this wrong be stopped and having UNRWA operating normally in Gaza is vital to this goal!
A lot of criticism in the media has been directed toward the Israelis in regards to their commando raid inside a Palestinian hospital in Jenin in the West Bank where the commandos disguised themselves as doctors, nurses and patients entered the hospital and shot three Palestinian terrorists dead. Critics say it was immoral and against the law. It wasn't immoral and isn't against the law and what the Israelis did here is no worse than what the United States and other countries have done in the past and people haven't called them war crimes! It wasn't immoral the key Palestinian shot was Mohammad Jalamna, a Hamas commander responsible for distributing a lot of Hamas weapons to terrorist groups throughout the West Bank and was planning an October 7th like attack; the IDF is in a war with Hamas, a Hamas commander is a combatant and therefore a legitimate target! The fact that Jalamna was either visiting a terrorist friend in the hospital or sleeping in the friends hospital room doesn't shield him from being targeted there is no justification for making hospitals safe havens for healthy soldiers, if there was army would just build a lot of hospitals and just have their soldiers sleep in them. All three terrorist were sleeping in the same hospital room when shot, now the IDF commando is morally permitted to defend himself when he enters the hospital room and shoots the Hamas commander he does not have to take the risk that the other two terrorist fighters are not armed and would not return fire when awoken by the killing of the commander. The IDF commando is on legitimate moral grounds to kill all three terrorist in the room on the basis of self defense, he can assume the terrorist fighters possibly are armed and would shoot back if awakened. As for disguises there have been reports that U.S. Special Forces during the Vietnam war when infiltrating the Viet Cong lines sometimes would wear black outfits so they would appear as Viet Cong soldiers so they wouldn't be spotted, Britain disguised its soldiers as prisoners of war in fighting at the Battle of Tobruk during World War II and also in that war during the Battle of the Bulge in the counter offensive by the Germans the Germans had units that wore U.S. soldier uniforms and tried to pass themselves off as U.S. soldiers (MP's) to cause mischief behind the allies lines (it is not a war crime but if you get caught the enemy does not have to treat you as a combatant - and General Eisenhower didn't he had all captured imposters shot as spies).

The United States, Germany and the other seven countries that stopped funding for UNRWA, the United Nation Humanitarian Aid Agency for Palestinians, needs to reverse course and restore the funding immediately. The reason these countries stopped the funding that twelve UNRWA's employees in GAZA participated in the October 7th attacks that killed 1200 Israelis and maybe as high as ten percent of UNRWA's employees in GAZA aid and/or abet Hamas. Hamas is a barbaric, criminal, terroristic organization and these HAMAS operatives and Hamas Aiders and Abettors should be removed from UNRWA there should be no question about that. This is the thing the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza is experiencing a humanitarian crisis with lack of food and medicine and good living conditions. This humanitarian aid agency UNRWA is desperately needed it is a matter of life and death for this population. There is over fifteen thousand Palestinians in GAZA working for UNRWA in GAZA, the vast vast majority of these Palestinians don't want anything to do with Hamas they are decent people that should not be punished because of the wrongdoing of a small few and punishment the will experience because UNRWA would have to shut down without this needed funding. There should be an arrangement like this to get HAMAS allies out of UNRWA and restore its funding. Ongoing an entire list of UNRWA employees will be provided to the Israeli government if the Israeli government says a specific UNRWA employee is a Palestinian terrorist operative or aider or abettor and the employee has less than five years employment tenure the employee will be terminated immediately no questions asked of the Israelis, if the employee has over five years tenure than the Israeli government's intelligence services that claims the employee is a Palestinian terrorist agent would have persuade the intelligence service of one of the principal donor countries they have a reasonable basis, they don't have to disclose any sensitive intelligence information they just have to establish they have a reasonable basis for making the claim once the verifying donor country says the Israelis have a legitimate basis for the accusation the employee is then immediately terminated end of matter! This way donor countries don't have to deal with claims their hands are dirty they are funding an organization that knowingly helps terrorists. What happened to the Israeli people on October 7th is wrong beyond words but let us all be responsible good people! You know many of the Hamas terrorists on October 7th had detailed layouts, locations of security offices and generators, of the Israeli kibbutzes and gated communities they attacked, reasonable people would say it was a given that some Palestinian workers working in those communities in the past hired by the Israeli residents of such communities provided this vital intelligence to the Hamas organization. No one is talking about shutting off the income to these Israeli residents who indirectly helped Hamas because it would be unfair to do so. Likewise it is unfair to penalize the leaders of UNRWA who are good people just trying to help ordinary Palestinian civilians that don't want this Hamas organization and the war with Israel they wrought on the Palestinian people they just want to live like a normal people; these donor countries need to get on the ball just throwing your hands up proclaiming we don't want to be involved in this is not an option, what is happening to a million plus civilians in Gaza is nothing short of torture through starvation and deprivation of medical care and shelter, good countries should see it as an imperative that this wrong be stopped and having UNRWA operating normally in Gaza is vital to this goal!
You are wrong, UNRWA needs to be dissolved. It is a partisan front for the Muslim terrorists. It has allowed its schools and hospitals to be used as shelters and headquarters for terrorists. It has taught terrorism and hatred for the western world and Israel in its schools. It has allowed its employees to not only advocate and encourage terrorism, but to actively take part in terrorist activities. And has allowed relief supplies to be diverted from Gazan civilians to Hamas terrorists.
A lot of criticism in the media has been directed toward the Israelis in regards to their commando raid inside a Palestinian hospital in Jenin in the West Bank where the commandos disguised themselves as doctors, nurses and patients entered the hospital and shot three Palestinian terrorists dead. Critics say it was immoral and against the law. It wasn't immoral and isn't against the law
Actually it's a war crime. It's just not an immoral war crime.

War has no rules. That's the whole fucking point of war in the first place.
To the first section, I'd argue that disguising combatants as civilians in order to protect the combatants from combat or to sacrifice civilians for other purposes is absolutely a war crime. Hamas.

I'd also argue that, in order to avoid harm to civilians, disguising a precision Special Ops Unit to infiltrate a protected area in order to eliminate a legitimate military objective (or three), with NO harm to civilians, is morally and legally legitimate.
To the second point ... UNRWA absolutely needs to be dismantled and abandoned. This is NOT to say that aid and funding to people in need should stop. This is not my argument.

UNRWA is a corrupt organization which fuels terror that harms Israelis and Gazan peoples alike. It is an organization that is fundamentally in opposition to its supposed mandate and the apparent will of the people of Gaza to self-determination. Gaza is in need of a government which can support and sustain all of its people, without need for perpetual "humanitarian" aide. Turn all the true refugees over to the UNHCR, then provide economic development aide to the people of Gaza.
The Palestinians are engaging in asymmetrical warfare. The Palestinians are poorly equipped and much fewer in number than the Israel forces. Of course one if the chief components of asymmetrical warfare tactics is hiding from the larger force. And in a tiny area that means appearing like civilians.

Gaza is smaller than most American small cities as Israel itself is smaller than most American states. (But what a furor it makes in the entire world)

Palestinian fighters have to hide...any that show themselves are instantly killed. These soldiers hide behind women's skirts and children regularly.

And where many people die in war...the goal of war is not killing your opponents but stopping their ability to make war. And Israel is doing just that by flooding and destroying the Palestinians tunnel networks.
But against an enemy who refuses to comply with the Law of Armed Conflict, isn't it better to preserve civilian lives through special ops, rather than to make a hospital a combat zone?
Specifically why Israel did what it did, so they think twice before hiding in hospitals next time.
As if a racial dictatorship keeping the native people it displaced confined in a human corral under the threat of instant death was not morally depraved enough, you still have to put up with people calling the massacre of the indigenous people after each attempt to fight their jailors a "war".

I have seen road whores out there who had more sense of decency than 99% of the racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns of this Board.
A minor inconvenience as the Hammers steadily take back control in northern Gaza .
Those conscripts seem very second rate .
luiza said:

This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at https://t.co/RP773XzDEP.


— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



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