Dishonest Government Data A Threat To Our Civilization


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Skewed data to alter statistics on this scale means corruption throughout all government agencies. The media can no longer be counted on to act as watchdogs for the people. All we have now is two main sides who constantly point the finger at each other while ignoring the same corruption among their own ranks. We are in deep trouble.

Everything from employment data to our economy is manipulated. The one way to tell how things are going is to look at our own situations and see what's changed. Average income is down. Prices everywhere are up. We all see more "Foreclosed" signs in our neighborhoods. We dread going to the grocery store or gas station. We all know unemployed people who continue to desperately search or have given up on finding a job. Is what you are seeing and experiencing every day a reflection of what you are being told by government?

The only ones who don't notice are those on the doles, getting housing, food stamps and spending cash on their EBTs, free health care and free Obamaphones. They don't worry about unemployment or the fact that businesses are hurting. People who prefer to be self-sufficient know exactly how bad it is out there. Of course, those who count on tax payers might want to start paying attention because there is a growing number of people who can't survive without the workers.

When we are lied to about the state of our union and fail to stand up and oppose the current policies that are destroying us, the radicals will win. And the radicals are found on both sides of the aisle. The liberal media continues to carry the water for the Obama administration and they keep telling us we are better off now that we were a few years ago. I know different. Anyone paying their own bills from their own wages each month knows that things are worse.

Dishonest Government Data A Threat To Our Civilization

A Dishonest And Lying Government Will Doom Our Civilization -
The fact that this hasn't gotten a single reply yet, while "hurr durr chris christie hobby lobby drag show obongo" threads dominate the active portion of this forum's page, is very depressing.

Good post and good article, OP. This is something that I've been harping on for a few years now--intentionally inaccurate government statistics. They impact virtually every major issue--immigration, unemployment, Obamacare enrollments, etc.--yet the government's numbers are based on deliberately incorrect data. The statistics I've been focused on deal with crime and voter turnout. To summarize, criminals from all over the country have been habitually booked as belonging to another race, and the trend that quickly emerges and holds constant is that the crime an individual is charged with correlates very closely, and almost absolutely, with the race they are booked under. For example, one obviously white man was charged with marijuana possession; he was booked as Hispanic. A Hispanic man--even named "Jesus Castro"--was charged with a violent crime, and was booked as black. On voter turnout, old statistics seem to have been heavily fudged, with turnout for one state's primary reported as nearly double the actual percentage in one year.

Data integrity is something people need to pay more attention to. When people draw conclusions based on flawed information, their conclusions are always wrong, no matter how sound the reasoning.
Skewed data to alter statistics on this scale means corruption throughout all government agencies. The media can no longer be counted on to act as watchdogs for the people. All we have now is two main sides who constantly point the finger at each other while ignoring the same corruption among their own ranks. We are in deep trouble.

Everything from employment data to our economy is manipulated. The one way to tell how things are going is to look at our own situations and see what's changed. Average income is down. Prices everywhere are up. We all see more "Foreclosed" signs in our neighborhoods. We dread going to the grocery store or gas station. We all know unemployed people who continue to desperately search or have given up on finding a job. Is what you are seeing and experiencing every day a reflection of what you are being told by government?

The only ones who don't notice are those on the doles, getting housing, food stamps and spending cash on their EBTs, free health care and free Obamaphones. They don't worry about unemployment or the fact that businesses are hurting. People who prefer to be self-sufficient know exactly how bad it is out there. Of course, those who count on tax payers might want to start paying attention because there is a growing number of people who can't survive without the workers.

When we are lied to about the state of our union and fail to stand up and oppose the current policies that are destroying us, the radicals will win. And the radicals are found on both sides of the aisle. The liberal media continues to carry the water for the Obama administration and they keep telling us we are better off now that we were a few years ago. I know different. Anyone paying their own bills from their own wages each month knows that things are worse.

Dishonest Government Data A Threat To Our Civilization

A Dishonest And Lying Government Will Doom Our Civilization -
I agreed with you up to this point:
"The only ones who don't notice are those on the doles, getting housing, food stamps and spending cash on their EBTs, free health care and free Obamaphones. They don't worry about unemployment or the fact that businesses are hurting."

I'm sorry but you went in the entirely wrong direction there. The people struggling on EBT are well aware of the hypocrisy and lies of the US government and its corporate financiers. The people who don't notice it are the ones who are doing it. They are the ones who own the "liberal" corporate media that you are complaining about. They own the banks that nearly ruined the world for their own gain. They are the ones who finance the campaigns of both parties so that no matter who is elected, they will pass laws written by corporate lobbyists. Rich people are the problem, not some rubes with a free cellphone and an EBT card.
Dishonest Government Data A Threat To Our Civilization


Skewed data to alter statistics on this scale means corruption throughout all government agencies. The media can no longer be counted on to act as watchdogs for the people. All we have now is two main sides who constantly point the finger at each other while ignoring the same corruption among their own ranks. We are in deep trouble.

Everything from employment data to our economy is manipulated. The one way to tell how things are going is to look at our own situations and see what's changed. Average income is down. Prices everywhere are up. We all see more "Foreclosed" signs in our neighborhoods. We dread going to the grocery store or gas station. We all know unemployed people who continue to desperately search or have given up on finding a job. Is what you are seeing and experiencing every day a reflection of what you are being told by government?

The only ones who don't notice are those on the doles, getting housing, food stamps and spending cash on their EBTs, free health care and free Obamaphones. They don't worry about unemployment or the fact that businesses are hurting. People who prefer to be self-sufficient know exactly how bad it is out there. Of course, those who count on tax payers might want to start paying attention because there is a growing number of people who can't survive without the workers.

When we are lied to about the state of our union and fail to stand up and oppose the current policies that are destroying us, the radicals will win. And the radicals are found on both sides of the aisle. The liberal media continues to carry the water for the Obama administration and they keep telling us we are better off now that we were a few years ago. I know different. Anyone paying their own bills from their own wages each month knows that things are worse.

Dishonest Government Data A Threat To Our Civilization

A Dishonest And Lying Government Will Doom Our Civilization -
I agreed with you up to this point:
"The only ones who don't notice are those on the doles, getting housing, food stamps and spending cash on their EBTs, free health care and free Obamaphones. They don't worry about unemployment or the fact that businesses are hurting."

I'm sorry but you went in the entirely wrong direction there. The people struggling on EBT are well aware of the hypocrisy and lies of the US government and its corporate financiers. The people who don't notice it are the ones who are doing it. They are the ones who own the "liberal" corporate media that you are complaining about. They own the banks that nearly ruined the world for their own gain. They are the ones who finance the campaigns of both parties so that no matter who is elected, they will pass laws written by corporate lobbyists. Rich people are the problem, not some rubes with a free cellphone and an EBT card.

I should have been clearer. I know people who have always been on the doles, like their parents. Talking about any issues with them and I get back the deer in the headlight look.

Some people are on welfare through no choice of their own, but some have never known anything else and it was due to their own actions or lack thereof.

Bottom line is that we have policies and laws based on false information. The question is what do we do about it?

Wealthy people are not all evil. The real 1% is the Federal Reserve and both parties obey them. Big companies can only get away with whatever the government allows. When the regulations favor of some giants, of course it tilts the playing field. Politicians, namely congress, are to blame for all of this. They make the laws and they do so in a way that favors their campaign donors.
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Aside from a wholesale revolt what can we do about it. Politicians pay people in the form of benefits and cash to believe whatever they say. Faked reports bogus statistics. Lie after lie and a people who gobble it up like ice cream. We can try to vote them out which only increases the promised freebies. Democrats are looking at bribes of pot to turn the tide back to them this year.

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