Trump Dishonest Trump?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
In looking at Trump's W.V. rally the other night and his nearly daily statements, it seems to me that he blames "sore loser" Democrats for the various Russia investigations. But, the Congressional investigation is driven by Republicans and the Special Prosecutor Mueller is a Republican. So, why is he blaming Democrats? Is it because his fans will believe anything he says, even though most of what he says each day is a lie? In criticising those investigations, he is clearly blaming Republicans for his aches and pains. Or, am I missing something?
We're in the first season of Reality America. Nothing is real, nothing is fake, nothing is true, nothing is a lie; just make it up as you go along and what ever you choose to believe is real.
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In looking at Trump's W.V. rally the other night and his nearly daily statements, it seems to me that he blames "sore loser" Democrats for the various Russia investigations. But, the Congressional investigation is driven by Republicans and the Special Prosecutor Mueller is a Republican. So, why is he blaming Democrats? Is it because his fans will believe anything he says, even though most of what he says each day is a lie? In criticising those investigations, he is clearly blaming Republicans for his aches and pains. Or, am I missing something?
Trump and the GOP have no idea how to govern. They have to keep blaming Democrats because it's all they know.

They control the entire federal government, 35 Governorships, and most state governments. But when your base is low-skill, low-info, and low-education you can get away with blaming boogeyman as your only political platform.
In looking at Trump's W.V. rally the other night and his nearly daily statements, it seems to me that he blames "sore loser" Democrats for the various Russia investigations. But, the Congressional investigation is driven by Republicans and the Special Prosecutor Mueller is a Republican. So, why is he blaming Democrats? Is it because his fans will believe anything he says, even though most of what he says each day is a lie? In criticising those investigations, he is clearly blaming Republicans for his aches and pains. Or, am I missing something?
Trump and the GOP have no idea how to govern. They have to keep blaming Democrats because it's all they know.

They control the entire federal government, 35 Governorships, and most state governments. But when your base is low-skill, low-info, and low-education you can get away with blaming boogeyman as your only political platform.

It's just astounding that his minions buy into the crap he spews on a daily basis. They have drunk his Kool Aid and believe the lies he tells them. It's obvious they can't think for themselves, but letting Trump do their thinking is a fatal mistake, one that will cost them dearly. Sad, so sad.

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