Dishonesty made manifest


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
Poster Crusader Frank has started a thread here entitled "A Warmer Explains". The problem, of course, is that Frank is anything BUT a 'warmer'. His stated intention is to point out the flaws in the "warmer" position by explaining things using his understanding of that position. If you know Frank, the problems are obvious. If you don't, imagine having the advantages of a free and open democracy explained to you by Special Ed versions of Abubakar Shekau of Boko Haram or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of ISIS. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to even imply that Frank is evil and I won't try to tell you that he is in any sense a leader among deniers. It's just that he would have a very difficult time explaining his own position (if you can call it that) and accomplishing what he's attempting here given the biases and limitations under which he suffers is simply impossible.

I thought of titling this thread "A Denier Explains", but answering a falsehood with a falsehood is not the way to move forward, is it.

So, if anyone would care to hear my best estimation of mainstream science's position on global warming, I'm perfectly willing to give it a shot. I'm not a climate scientist. I have a bachelor's degree in ocean engineering and have spent the last few decades working on naval sensor systems. I consider myself to have an "environmentalist" stance and have had an interest in this issue for quite a few years. I'm 60 years old.

There are several posters here with just as much good, objective knowledge as I on this issue and significantly more on some, particularly where their specialties come into play. But there are more than a few here that consistently put out claims ranging from dubious to utter nonsense. I think making certain that such claims and contentions do not go uncorrected is a major motivation for many of us here.

Last edited: are always talking about "mainstream science" as if it were having some profound impact outside of the internet and academia. Its not........its having virtually zero affect in the real world. The agenda of the environmentalists is on nobody else's radar......the most recent election displayed that vividly. Having 4 masters degree's isn't going to change that....................shit, I have a BA in Political Science and a Masters in Health Administration and I dominate this forum!!! high profile climatologist is saying you are doing it wrong >>>

Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry warns of decades of possible global cooling Suggests the 8216 current cool phase will continue until the 2030s 8217 Climate Depot

Clearly.........the intellectual dishonesty is epic with the AGW crowd!! And t he public knows it too!!:up:
I guess working on my doctorate in Atmospheric Sciences with a Masters in Police Administration makes me a nobody because I dont believe the lies being told by political hacks.... And my recently finished bachelors in Meteorology means crap too...

Crick you treat people as stupid because they dont hold your religious beliefs. I say religious as they are not supported by facts of any kind. Some here live and die by modeling but refuse to see that their models produce crap. When the models fail the predictive stage (that all science hypotheses are required to do) they then claim that they are superior and that they could never be wrong...

126 models used by NOAA, NASA, IPCC, MET, CRU, among many others all fail the predictive stages. Not one has lasted more than 6 months before major divergence has shown them failed.

Failure is the track record of alarmists and AGW the hypothesis. The AWG hypothesis has always been about power and control, it is why it always fails.
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Billy, given how often you've been caught just making shit up, everyone now correctly assumes everything you say is a lie.

Also, I'm interested in how one gets into a science doctoral program when one has no science background. Which mail order diploma mill have you signed on with?
Billy, given how often you've been caught just making shit up, everyone now correctly assumes everything you say is a lie.

Also, I'm interested in how one gets into a science doctoral program when one has no science background. Which mail order diploma mill have you signed on with?

The irony, and hypocrisy literally drips hairball, it literally drips. Didn't you run to the vet site looking for comfort for precisely the same thing that you are now doing to Billy Bob?....of course he is believable, while you are a lying posing hairball.
Can you explain how he goes into a doctoral program in atmospheric sciences from a masters in police administration?

Billy, what's the topic of your thesis?
Don't be shy, Billy. What school are you going to for your doctorate in Atmospheric Sciences?

SSDD, do you vouch for Billy here? Pick one of 3 options.

1. Billy is just lying.
2. Billy is doing some crap work at a phony online school and pretending it's a real doctorate.
3. Billy is doing legitimate doctoral work at an accredited university.

So which do you think it is?

Yes, we enjoy making you squirm. You know Billy is full of shit, but cult dogma requires you to back the lies of any other cultists, no matter how stupid and obvious they are.

So again, do you claim Billy is part of a legitimate doctoral program, or is Billy lying?
Don't be shy, Billy. What school are you going to for your doctorate in Atmospheric Sciences?

SSDD, do you vouch for Billy here? Pick one of 3 options.

1. Billy is just lying.
2. Billy is doing some crap work at a phony online school and pretending it's a real doctorate.
3. Billy is doing legitimate doctoral work at an accredited university.

So which do you think it is?

Yes, we enjoy making you squirm. You know Billy is full of shit, but cult dogma requires you to back the lies of any other cultists, no matter how stupid and obvious they are.

So again, do you claim Billy is part of a legitimate doctoral program, or is Billy lying?

Hairball, if you had 25 more IQ points, maybe you could make me squirm..a little bit. Unfortunately for you, you don't. You just progressively become more juvenile as time passes...almost no original thought and what little bit you do exhibit is pissdrinker. How much more inane can you become.

Now you come up with "pick one" tests like we were supposed to have outgrown in the 5th grade? Very good. You are laughing stock hairball, and getting more laughable all the time.

And what do you want to bet that Billy doesn't run to some student's thread looking for comfort and support because you hurt his feelings like you ran to the vet thread whining because mean old SSDD said you were a poser...and now you ran back because mean old westwall also said that you were a really are a pastel pansy, aren't you....
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Pissdrinker, when you locate your balls (an extremely difficult task for you, as history shows), tell everyone which of these options is correct.

1. Billy is just lying.
2. Billy is doing some crap work at a phony online school and pretending it's a real doctorate.
3. Billy is doing legitimate doctoral work at an accredited university.

And Billy, come back and talk to us. Let everybody know what school you're attending to get that doctorate in atmospheric science. And how you got into a doctoral program without any previous science experience.
I guess working on my doctorate in Atmospheric Sciences with a Masters in Police Administration makes me a nobody because I dont believe the lies being told by political hacks.... And my recently finished bachelors in Meteorology means crap too...

Crick you treat people as stupid because they dont hold your religious beliefs. I say religious as they are not supported by facts of any kind. Some here live and die by modeling but refuse to see that their models produce crap. When the models fail the predictive stage (that all science hypotheses are required to do) they then claim that they are superior and that they could never be wrong...

126 models used by NOAA, NASA, IPCC, MET, CRU, among many others all fail the predictive stages. Not one has lasted more than 6 months before major divergence has shown them failed.

Failure is the track record of alarmists and AGW the hypothesis. The AWG hypothesis has always been about power and control, it is why it always fails.

What facts do you believe support your contentions Billy?

And, pray tell, what school let you in to a doctorate program in Physics with a MA in police administration?
Far left people think it is all about education........that's why we have such a supreme fuck up as a president. You see some of the statements from the AGW regulars on this forum and you realize that life experience in the real world isn't a strong suit. Leads to a slanted vision of the world.............a bubble vision. The level of naïve you get from Crick and Mamooth is profound..........they really think the world is sitting around the dinner table tonight all angst about global warming, planning on building their emergency arks and making plans to go to the beach to measure the sea level. To me its always been see educated people so lost in space when it comes to this stuff applying to the real world.:biggrin::biggrin::eusa_dance: But weve always heard this about the liberal "elitists" who truly believe they can run your life better than you...........when meanwhile, virtually all of their gay social engineering has been a total disaster in the last 50 years. And we are supposed to trust these people with allowing them to tax us back to the mid-1800's in terms of quality of life??!!!

I don't think fact, I bet my left maple nut, it wont happen.( AGW science mattering ). Interested parties should check out this thread >>> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ........the most epic far.........ever in this forum. It separates fantasy and reality..........which is why it is now at 3,500 posts and heading to 200,000 "views".
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Don't be shy, Billy. What school are you going to for your doctorate in Atmospheric Sciences?

SSDD, do you vouch for Billy here? Pick one of 3 options.

1. Billy is just lying.
2. Billy is doing some crap work at a phony online school and pretending it's a real doctorate.
3. Billy is doing legitimate doctoral work at an accredited university.

So which do you think it is?

Yes, we enjoy making you squirm. You know Billy is full of shit, but cult dogma requires you to back the lies of any other cultists, no matter how stupid and obvious they are.

So again, do you claim Billy is part of a legitimate doctoral program, or is Billy lying?

Proof positive you dont know shit about shit... you are a lying little libtard.. using Alynisky tactics tor try and discredit me.. I just laugh at you morons more and more each day and more when each of your predictions are shown lies..

Go find a dark place and be one with yourself... go f**k yourself you lying little libtard.:blahblah::fu:
Billy Boob, there are enough people here that have degrees, and some working toward getting a degree, to recognize that you have no degree at all, and, in fact, probably never finished high school. You are a kind of a pitiful soul, either an adolescent, or a slightly retarded adult.
Poster Crusader Frank has started a thread here entitled "A Warmer Explains". The problem, of course, is that Frank is anything BUT a 'warmer'. His stated intention is to point out the flaws in the "warmer" position by explaining things using his understanding of that position. If you know Frank, the problems are obvious. If you don't, imagine having the advantages of a free and open democracy explained to you by Special Ed versions of Abubakar Shekau of Boko Haram or Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of ISIS. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to even imply that Frank is evil and I won't try to tell you that he is in any sense a leader among deniers. It's just that he would have a very difficult time explaining his own position (if you can call it that) and accomplishing what he's attempting here given the biases and limitations under which he suffers is simply impossible.

I thought of titling this thread "A Denier Explains", but answering a falsehood with a falsehood is not the way to move forward, is it.

So, if anyone would care to hear my best estimation of mainstream science's position on global warming, I'm perfectly willing to give it a shot. I'm not a climate scientist. I have a bachelor's degree in ocean engineering and have spent the last few decades working on naval sensor systems. I consider myself to have an "environmentalist" stance and have had an interest in this issue for quite a few years. I'm 60 years old.

There are several posters here with just as much good, objective knowledge as I on this issue and significantly more on some, particularly where their specialties come into play. But there are more than a few here that consistently put out claims ranging from dubious to utter nonsense. I think making certain that such claims and contentions do not go uncorrected is a major motivation for many of us here.



I'm not a scientist, but I know a scam when I see one.

The AGWCult never shows any lab work, they just point to the Weather Channel and say, "Manmade Global Warming!"

Let's get to the bottom line, why can't the AGWCult produce a single lab experiment that controls for incremental and minute quantities of CO2?
Years from now, the deniers will still all be telling the exact same debunked lies on behalf of their shriveling cult. Nothing changes in that cult. At this point, the remaining deniers are bitter deadenders, pointlessly raging in frustration on message boards over the way the world has moved on without them.

That's your fate, deniers, a lifetime of irrelevance. You worked hard to earn it.
One day "Manmade Global Warming" will have it's own wing in the Museum of Scientific Frauds, Fakes and Hoaxes
why can't the AGWCult produce a single lab experiment that controls for incremental and minute quantities of CO2?

Are you asking for something new? Did you get tired of lying about the 120 ppm experiments you'd been shown?

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