Disloyal by Michael Cohen: The Sleaze of Donald Trump: Golden Showers, corruption, lies and deceit.

Writes Michael Cohen:

'I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied

From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump's clandestine lovers, I wasn't just a witness to the president's rise—I was an active and eager participant,' he wrote.

The mention of him witnessing golden showers brings a reminder to the Steele Dossier, which claims Russian President Vladimir Putin has blackmail on Trump from the time he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 and allegedly watched prostitutes urinate on a bed because it had been slept in by the Obama. Trump has denied the claim repeatedly.

Cohen says: 'Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors.

'I also knew that the [Robert] Mueller investigation was not a witch-hunt. Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything -and I mean anything - to "win" has always been his business model and way of life.'

He says Trump tried to 'insinuate' himself into Putin's world and his 'coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs.'

'I know because I personally ran that deal and kept Trump and his children closely informed of all updates, even as the candidate blatantly lied to the American people saying, "there’s no Russian collusion, I have no dealings with Russia... there’s no Russia.'


Michael Cohen should know the truth. He was Trump’s right-hand henchman for years. Cohen just confirms what many of us have known all along. Trump is a sleaze, liar, compromised and disgrace to this nation.
There is no blatantly obvious bullshit you morons won't swallow without hesitation.

But, hey, Cohen and his publisher thank you for your gullibility.
You know the allegations are true. Just admit you don’t care about Trump’s sleaze. The truth will set you free.
They don’t care about the Constitution or the safety of our military either.
An excellent description of the democrats there to a tee.lol
Writes Michael Cohen:

'I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied

From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump's clandestine lovers, I wasn't just a witness to the president's rise—I was an active and eager participant,' he wrote.

The mention of him witnessing golden showers brings a reminder to the Steele Dossier, which claims Russian President Vladimir Putin has blackmail on Trump from the time he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 and allegedly watched prostitutes urinate on a bed because it had been slept in by the Obama. Trump has denied the claim repeatedly.

Cohen says: 'Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors.

'I also knew that the [Robert] Mueller investigation was not a witch-hunt. Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything -and I mean anything - to "win" has always been his business model and way of life.'

He says Trump tried to 'insinuate' himself into Putin's world and his 'coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs.'

'I know because I personally ran that deal and kept Trump and his children closely informed of all updates, even as the candidate blatantly lied to the American people saying, "there’s no Russian collusion, I have no dealings with Russia... there’s no Russia.'


Michael Cohen should know the truth. He was Trump’s right-hand henchman for years. Cohen just confirms what many of us have known all along. Trump is a sleaze, liar, compromised and disgrace to this nation.

He is also a convicted liar---a serial liar with a law license. He will say anything--such as the russian nonsense which has already been proven wrong by Mueller who also mentions who had to admit that there was never ever any evidence of trump doing anything with PUtin-----now followed up with the FBI admitting that they lied about such ties between russia and Trump------ergo again Cohen is lying and yet you claim you believe the serial liar who lacks any evidence? Boy, how gullible or dishonest do you have to be to post such drivel?
Thank you well said,the trump haters can now find a tissue to cry in after you took them to school.
Writes Michael Cohen:

'I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied

From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump's clandestine lovers, I wasn't just a witness to the president's rise—I was an active and eager participant,' he wrote.

The mention of him witnessing golden showers brings a reminder to the Steele Dossier, which claims Russian President Vladimir Putin has blackmail on Trump from the time he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 and allegedly watched prostitutes urinate on a bed because it had been slept in by the Obama. Trump has denied the claim repeatedly.

Cohen says: 'Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors.

'I also knew that the [Robert] Mueller investigation was not a witch-hunt. Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything -and I mean anything - to "win" has always been his business model and way of life.'

He says Trump tried to 'insinuate' himself into Putin's world and his 'coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs.'

'I know because I personally ran that deal and kept Trump and his children closely informed of all updates, even as the candidate blatantly lied to the American people saying, "there’s no Russian collusion, I have no dealings with Russia... there’s no Russia.'


Michael Cohen should know the truth. He was Trump’s right-hand henchman for years. Cohen just confirms what many of us have known all along. Trump is a sleaze, liar, compromised and disgrace to this nation.

He is also a convicted liar---a serial liar with a law license. He will say anything--such as the russian nonsense which has already been proven wrong by Mueller who also mentions who had to admit that there was never ever any evidence of trump doing anything with PUtin-----now followed up with the FBI admitting that they lied about such ties between russia and Trump------ergo again Cohen is lying and yet you claim you believe the serial liar who lacks any evidence? Boy, how gullible or dishonest do you have to be to post such drivel?
The problem with that reasoning is, Flynn and others were convicted liars as well who were pardoned by Trump for lying. Yet Barr tried to keep Cohen in jail for telling the truth and from writing this book.
Flynn wasn't a convicted liar- Flynn was a railroaded man who was abused by our corrupt FBI who lied about him, framed him, destroyed evidence, manufactured evidence, used a corrupt Hilliary judge to aid in their abuse of Flynn who had been completely innocent of any crime before the Hilliary FBI and Hilliary Judge broke our laws in order to destroy this innocent man and for him into saying that he had committed a crime that he hadn't committed via threatening to destroy his son and bankrupting him further if he did not submit to the abuse. Flynn also hasn't been pardoned-----------he is still be abused by the corrupt Hilliary judge Sullivan who refuses to allow the DOJ to drop charges against flynn even after the FBI had to admit that they lied and tried to frame him and thusly have no evidence against him at all. Not surprising given that Sullivan was taking part in the abuse of Flynn early on-------------not caring that the FBI was perjuring themselves from the git go in his court blatantly in order to try to frame Flynn.

Roger Stone may have been pardon and all he had done was what sarcastically lie to the liars in congress--------------who tried to destroy him over it while comey and hilliary repeatedly have lied to congress and nothing is done to them................

The Clinton Obama FBI were corrupt and abusive and all of them belong to be in prison and/or shot for treason and violating innocent people's rights.
Best damn post on this thread,gives standing ovation.
As with the other books, you can't shock anyone on Trump. He's in the gutter, and the entire planet knows it. Yawn.
Well that is a shame. That Trump is so base it is a given. That it is given that Trump is such a low and despicable human being there is nothing that can shock the conscience is a sad commentary.

This all raises the question:

What the fuck happened to this nation?

Democrats from Wilson to FDR to JFK to LBJ to Clinton.
That's what happened
Uh your looking like a biased non objective Republican fool same as the op being a fool enough to include jfk in there with those mass murderers You listed who took a crap on the constitution.jfk was not part of the establishment those criminals were the fact he tried to get rid of the evil cia and paid the deadly price for it Einstein and fir every democrat you can list as a traiter president I can list as many republicans from this century that were.
Writes Michael Cohen:

'I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied

From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump's clandestine lovers, I wasn't just a witness to the president's rise—I was an active and eager participant,' he wrote.

The mention of him witnessing golden showers brings a reminder to the Steele Dossier, which claims Russian President Vladimir Putin has blackmail on Trump from the time he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 and allegedly watched prostitutes urinate on a bed because it had been slept in by the Obama. Trump has denied the claim repeatedly.

Cohen says: 'Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors.

'I also knew that the [Robert] Mueller investigation was not a witch-hunt. Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything -and I mean anything - to "win" has always been his business model and way of life.'

He says Trump tried to 'insinuate' himself into Putin's world and his 'coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs.'

'I know because I personally ran that deal and kept Trump and his children closely informed of all updates, even as the candidate blatantly lied to the American people saying, "there’s no Russian collusion, I have no dealings with Russia... there’s no Russia.'


Michael Cohen should know the truth. He was Trump’s right-hand henchman for years. Cohen just confirms what many of us have known all along. Trump is a sleaze, liar, compromised and disgrace to this nation.

He is also a convicted liar---a serial liar with a law license. He will say anything--such as the russian nonsense which has already been proven wrong by Mueller who also mentions who had to admit that there was never ever any evidence of trump doing anything with PUtin-----now followed up with the FBI admitting that they lied about such ties between russia and Trump------ergo again Cohen is lying and yet you claim you believe the serial liar who lacks any evidence? Boy, how gullible or dishonest do you have to be to post such drivel?
The problem with that reasoning is, Flynn and others were convicted liars as well who were pardoned by Trump for lying. Yet Barr tried to keep Cohen in jail for telling the truth and from writing this book.

All of that is factually false

Oh don't look now---but looks like one of the clinton fbi conspirators---a former attorney is pleading guilty to perjury in his attacks on trump and flynn and the others.
Proof ?
None as usual. Yet, over 114 convictions and counting for felonious conduct for repug admins, to ONE for Dems.,

Republicans are criminals
And your saying dems Are not? If so,you are a clueless biased clown democrat.lol
I don't get the "disloyal" moniker. What does loyalty have to do with politics anyway? I like whistleblowers. They are truly the most patriotic people there are.
Writes Michael Cohen:

'I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied

From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump's clandestine lovers, I wasn't just a witness to the president's rise—I was an active and eager participant,' he wrote.

The mention of him witnessing golden showers brings a reminder to the Steele Dossier, which claims Russian President Vladimir Putin has blackmail on Trump from the time he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 and allegedly watched prostitutes urinate on a bed because it had been slept in by the Obama. Trump has denied the claim repeatedly.

Cohen says: 'Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors.

'I also knew that the [Robert] Mueller investigation was not a witch-hunt. Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything -and I mean anything - to "win" has always been his business model and way of life.'

He says Trump tried to 'insinuate' himself into Putin's world and his 'coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs.'

'I know because I personally ran that deal and kept Trump and his children closely informed of all updates, even as the candidate blatantly lied to the American people saying, "there’s no Russian collusion, I have no dealings with Russia... there’s no Russia.'


Michael Cohen should know the truth. He was Trump’s right-hand henchman for years. Cohen just confirms what many of us have known all along. Trump is a sleaze, liar, compromised and disgrace to this nation.

He is also a convicted liar---a serial liar with a law license. He will say anything--such as the russian nonsense which has already been proven wrong by Mueller who also mentions who had to admit that there was never ever any evidence of trump doing anything with PUtin-----now followed up with the FBI admitting that they lied about such ties between russia and Trump------ergo again Cohen is lying and yet you claim you believe the serial liar who lacks any evidence? Boy, how gullible or dishonest do you have to be to post such drivel?
The problem with that reasoning is, Flynn and others were convicted liars as well who were pardoned by Trump for lying. Yet Barr tried to keep Cohen in jail for telling the truth and from writing this book.

All of that is factually false

Oh don't look now---but looks like one of the clinton fbi conspirators---a former attorney is pleading guilty to perjury in his attacks on trump and flynn and the others.
View attachment 374948
All put out by a democrat site no doubt.its well known by everyone in the world Clinton ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time even worse than reagan who indeed at the time was the winner of the most corrupt administration till Clinton took the throne from him.lol
Writes Michael Cohen:

'I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied

From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump's clandestine lovers, I wasn't just a witness to the president's rise—I was an active and eager participant,' he wrote.

The mention of him witnessing golden showers brings a reminder to the Steele Dossier, which claims Russian President Vladimir Putin has blackmail on Trump from the time he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 and allegedly watched prostitutes urinate on a bed because it had been slept in by the Obama. Trump has denied the claim repeatedly.

Cohen says: 'Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors.

'I also knew that the [Robert] Mueller investigation was not a witch-hunt. Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything -and I mean anything - to "win" has always been his business model and way of life.'

He says Trump tried to 'insinuate' himself into Putin's world and his 'coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs.'

'I know because I personally ran that deal and kept Trump and his children closely informed of all updates, even as the candidate blatantly lied to the American people saying, "there’s no Russian collusion, I have no dealings with Russia... there’s no Russia.'


Michael Cohen should know the truth. He was Trump’s right-hand henchman for years. Cohen just confirms what many of us have known all along. Trump is a sleaze, liar, compromised and disgrace to this nation.

The first guilty plea from the obama spy ring was announced today...you dumb ass...

One of the FBI officials who spied on the Trump team during the campaign and during the early months of the administration plans to plead guilty to lying on a document used to get a FISA warrant extension to continue Operation Crossfire Hurricane — otherwise known as Russiagate.

U.S. Attorney John Durham charged former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith with altering an email about then-Trump volunteer adviser Carter Page to secure another 90-day extension of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in order to keep spying on the Trump campaign for fantastical ties to Russia. Clinesmith reportedly intends to plead guilty.

The investigation into ties with Russia with then-candidate Trump and his team was based on Hillary Clinton’s opposition research, which itself was found to be bogus and based on bar-room stories and jokes. The memos, full of drunk fake history, rumors, and fantasies embodied in the so-called “Steele dossier,” were taken up by the FBI and used to get warrants to continue an official investigation into Trump and his campaign to find out if Trump was somehow a Russian secret agent and a Putin poodle, or at least smear him as such.

Treacherous Switch

Clinesmith completely changed the document—from the CIA verifying that Page provided the agency with reliable updates from his travels in Russia on an ongoing basis to saying Page was not a source. His attorneys claimed it was an innocent mistake.

Writes Michael Cohen:

'I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied

From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump's clandestine lovers, I wasn't just a witness to the president's rise—I was an active and eager participant,' he wrote.

The mention of him witnessing golden showers brings a reminder to the Steele Dossier, which claims Russian President Vladimir Putin has blackmail on Trump from the time he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 and allegedly watched prostitutes urinate on a bed because it had been slept in by the Obama. Trump has denied the claim repeatedly.

Cohen says: 'Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors.

'I also knew that the [Robert] Mueller investigation was not a witch-hunt. Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything -and I mean anything - to "win" has always been his business model and way of life.'

He says Trump tried to 'insinuate' himself into Putin's world and his 'coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs.'

'I know because I personally ran that deal and kept Trump and his children closely informed of all updates, even as the candidate blatantly lied to the American people saying, "there’s no Russian collusion, I have no dealings with Russia... there’s no Russia.'


Michael Cohen should know the truth. He was Trump’s right-hand henchman for years. Cohen just confirms what many of us have known all along. Trump is a sleaze, liar, compromised and disgrace to this nation.

The first guilty plea from the obama spy ring was announced today...you dumb ass...

One of the FBI officials who spied on the Trump team during the campaign and during the early months of the administration plans to plead guilty to lying on a document used to get a FISA warrant extension to continue Operation Crossfire Hurricane — otherwise known as Russiagate.

U.S. Attorney John Durham charged former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith with altering an email about then-Trump volunteer adviser Carter Page to secure another 90-day extension of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in order to keep spying on the Trump campaign for fantastical ties to Russia. Clinesmith reportedly intends to plead guilty.

The investigation into ties with Russia with then-candidate Trump and his team was based on Hillary Clinton’s opposition research, which itself was found to be bogus and based on bar-room stories and jokes. The memos, full of drunk fake history, rumors, and fantasies embodied in the so-called “Steele dossier,” were taken up by the FBI and used to get warrants to continue an official investigation into Trump and his campaign to find out if Trump was somehow a Russian secret agent and a Putin poodle, or at least smear him as such.

Treacherous Switch

Clinesmith completely changed the document—from the CIA verifying that Page provided the agency with reliable updates from his travels in Russia on an ongoing basis to saying Page was not a source. His attorneys claimed it was an innocent mistake.

Obama spy ring???? :laughing0301: Get a life.
Writes Michael Cohen:

'I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied

From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump's clandestine lovers, I wasn't just a witness to the president's rise—I was an active and eager participant,' he wrote.

The mention of him witnessing golden showers brings a reminder to the Steele Dossier, which claims Russian President Vladimir Putin has blackmail on Trump from the time he was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 and allegedly watched prostitutes urinate on a bed because it had been slept in by the Obama. Trump has denied the claim repeatedly.

Cohen says: 'Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors.

'I also knew that the [Robert] Mueller investigation was not a witch-hunt. Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything -and I mean anything - to "win" has always been his business model and way of life.'

He says Trump tried to 'insinuate' himself into Putin's world and his 'coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs.'

'I know because I personally ran that deal and kept Trump and his children closely informed of all updates, even as the candidate blatantly lied to the American people saying, "there’s no Russian collusion, I have no dealings with Russia... there’s no Russia.'


Michael Cohen should know the truth. He was Trump’s right-hand henchman for years. Cohen just confirms what many of us have known all along. Trump is a sleaze, liar, compromised and disgrace to this nation.

The first guilty plea from the obama spy ring was announced today...you dumb ass...

One of the FBI officials who spied on the Trump team during the campaign and during the early months of the administration plans to plead guilty to lying on a document used to get a FISA warrant extension to continue Operation Crossfire Hurricane — otherwise known as Russiagate.

U.S. Attorney John Durham charged former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith with altering an email about then-Trump volunteer adviser Carter Page to secure another 90-day extension of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in order to keep spying on the Trump campaign for fantastical ties to Russia. Clinesmith reportedly intends to plead guilty.

The investigation into ties with Russia with then-candidate Trump and his team was based on Hillary Clinton’s opposition research, which itself was found to be bogus and based on bar-room stories and jokes. The memos, full of drunk fake history, rumors, and fantasies embodied in the so-called “Steele dossier,” were taken up by the FBI and used to get warrants to continue an official investigation into Trump and his campaign to find out if Trump was somehow a Russian secret agent and a Putin poodle, or at least smear him as such.

Treacherous Switch

Clinesmith completely changed the document—from the CIA verifying that Page provided the agency with reliable updates from his travels in Russia on an ongoing basis to saying Page was not a source. His attorneys claimed it was an innocent mistake.

Obama spy ring???? :laughing0301: Get a life.
Your unwillingness to accept reality doesn't change reality anywhere except inside your own head.
Everyone who has ever worked for Trump, says the same things. Cohens book won’t reveal anything new, but does back up the story of Trump as a traitor and despicable human being who hid for years behind a trust fund.
If you believe all that then it just proves how bad and out of touch the washington establishment is

trump beat them easily by adopting policies that voters were demanding but not getting from the swamp rats in DC
Policies ? He has none. Just sign everything the. Gop passes then go play golf while people die during the day and make up shit at night on Twitter.
Amazing the how much Trump sycophants hate the truth about him ... doubt is what is killing the Republicans all across the board and Trump continues to play them like a fiddle ... that is his skill: Being a super excellent con man. For example, he could sell peanut brittle to his grandmother after hiding her dentures.
Amazing the how much Trump sycophants hate the truth about him ... doubt is what is killing the Republicans all across the board and Trump continues to play them like a fiddle ... that is his skill: Being a super excellent con man. For example, he could sell peanut brittle to his grandmother after hiding her dentures.
I hear you . I think it’s also about something else other then Trump. It’s about the right preparing these uninformed losers for decades with Fix News and down grading the actual government they are take an oath to serve. The idea that private enterprise with few restrictions can serve the needs that Govt. provides is what Trump has been weaned on. Profit and self interest over service is what drives Trump and everyone of the lackies that listen to him.
I don't get the "disloyal" moniker. What does loyalty have to do with politics anyway? I like whistleblowers. They are truly the most patriotic people there are.

That's good to hear. You're going to LOVE Kevin Clinesmith.
Amazing the how much Trump sycophants hate the truth about him ... doubt is what is killing the Republicans all across the board and Trump continues to play them like a fiddle ... that is his skill: Being a super excellent con man. For example, he could sell peanut brittle to his grandmother after hiding her dentures.
I like how he got you to let him live rent-free in your head.

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